What's New in Version 9.1.1

This document covers the following topics:

Using NaturalONE in Your Own Eclipse Environment

The easiest and recommended way to install NaturalONE is to make use of the Software AG Installer. However, you may prefer to make use of your already existing Eclipse environment. A short description how to achieve this can be found in the section Using Your Own Eclipse in the Installation documentation.


The Software AG Designer 10.3, which includes NaturalONE, uses Eclipse Version 4.7.3a. If you prefer to use NaturalONE in your existing Eclipse environment, Eclipse Version 4.7.3a is required. In addition, Java 1.8 is required. See also Using Your Own Eclipse in the Installation documentation.

Support of Windows 7 Professional Edition - x86-64

NaturalONE Version 9.1.1 under Windows 7 Professional Edition - x86-64 will be supported until January 31st, 2020.

Basic Functionality for Natural Application Development

This section describes new features and enhancements in NaturalONE's basic functionality for Natural application development. It covers the following topics:

Renamed and Modified Option in the Runtime Execution Preferences

The option Expand Natural server view on reconnect has been enhanced and renamed to Restore Natural Server View.

For further details please refer to Runtime Execution in Setting the Preferences.

Clean Project on Update from Repository

When a Natural project in the workspace is updated from a repository location the .natural file of the project may also be modified.

Depending on the setting of the preference Update project properties automatically on .natural file modification in the Natural Project preferences, the new properties coming with the updated .natural file are propagated to the project and will immediately come into effect.

On changes of the runtime properties, the project's server environment may possibly no longer be in synch with the project's builder information, e.g. Natural objects existing in the project in the workspace may be missing in the new server environment. This may lead to Natural errors on the project's build, update or upload functions. Executing the function Clean function in a project ensures that the project in the workspace will be in synch with the server environment.

The Clean function is now executed automatically for a project when one of the following properties is changed in the .natural file:

  • Host Name

  • Port Number

  • Session Parameters



The preference Update project properties automatically on .natural file modification must be checked in the Natural Project preferences.

Properties Dialog

The automatic Clean of a project is not performed when the projects server environment is modified using the Properties dialog. Here the user must take care on his own and issue the Clean function for the project manually when the modifications have been done.

For further details on the Clean function see also Understanding the Behavior of the Natural Builder, Builder in the Natural preferences and Modifying Objects in the Natural Environment or in the Repository.

File Transfer

NaturalONE now supports File Transfer. This functionality is currently only available when executing applications on mainframe-based NDV (Natural Development) servers.

Refer to File Transfer in section Setting the Preferences for details.

Deploying Natural Applications

This section describes new features and enhancements in the NaturalONE deployment area. It covers the following topics:

Switching the Security Mode

The security mode used in the NaturalONE deployment wizard can now be switched independently from the mode set in the Natural server environment. Refer to the description given under Steplibs in the section Using the Deployment Wizard for Natural Applications for details.

Using Project References

References between NaturalONE projects can now be handled also in the NaturalONE deployment scripts. See section Project References in the section Using the Deployment Wizard for Natural Applications and Project References Handling for detailed information.

Scratching Objects on the Server

The NaturalONE deployment scripts can now record the deletion of objects in the workspace and scratch the corresponding objects on the server during the next deployment run. See the description for the option Scratch server objects description under General Settings in the section Using the Deployment Wizard for Natural Applications.

Writing a History Log File

The NaturalONE deployment scripts can be enabled to write history log files during processing. For more information refer to Logging in the section Using the Deployment Wizard for Natural Applications.

Creation of SYSOBJH Workplans

The NaturalONE deployment scripts can be enabled to generate SYSOBJH workplans which can be used to replay the actions performed by the NaturalONE deployment scripts in pure server environments. For more information refer to Logging in the section Using the Deployment Wizard for Natural Applications.

Recognition of the FNAT SYSTEM Library

The NaturalONE deployment scripts can now handle the special file number "-2" which can be used to refer to the SYSTEM library in FNAT. See Steplibs in the section Using the Deployment Wizard for Natural Applications for details.

Handling of Upload Errors

Upload errors that occur during the NaturalONE deployment run are now handled similar to catalog or stow errors so that the corresponding object is marked for a retry during the next deployment run.

Performance of the NaturalONE Deployment Run

During NaturalONE deployment runs with incremental mode enabled the objects that need to be processed have to be calculated depending on the scope level that has been selected (see Controlling the Scope of Files to be Processed for details). The performance of these calculations has been enhanced, especially for large applications with many objects and especially for the initial (first) deployment run.

Starting the Deployment from the Command Line

In addition to the already required JAR files for running the deployment script, another new JAR file is required now. For more information refer to Prerequisites in the section Starting the Deployment from the Command Line.

Natural for Ajax / Ajax Developer

This section describes new features and enhancements in Natural for Ajax and Ajax Developer. It covers the following topics:

Responsive Tab Controls

A set of responsive tab controls has been added:

BMOBILE:ALERT with new Property duration

For the BMOBILE:ALERT control, you can now define the duration after which the alert box will disappear.

BMOBILE:PANEL with new Property foldedprop

For the BMOBILE:PANEL container, you can now control the folded state dynamically from your Natural program.

BMOBILE:FORMAREA with new Properties legendprop, visibleprop and invisiblemode

For the BMOBILE:FORMAREA container, you can now control the visible state and the name of the legend dynamically from your Natural program.

BMOBILE:FORMAREA with new Properties textid and nameprop

For the BMOBILE:FORMAREA container, you can now dynamically define the name from your Natural program and from multilanguage files.

BMOBILE:FORMGROUP with new Properties visibleprop and invisiblemode

For the BMOBILE:FORMGROUP container, you can now control the visible state and the name of the legend dynamically from your Natural program.

BMOBILE:CHECKBOX with new properties

Some advanced properties have been added to the BMOBILE:CHECKBOX control.

New Responsive Control BMOBILE:RADIOBUTTON

A responsive radio button control BMOBILE:RADIOBUTTON is now available.

New Responsive MEDIA Controls

The responsive controls BMOBILE:VIDEO, BMOBILE:MEDIAUPLOAD, and corresponding subcontrols have been added to integrate and upload media objects.

New Responsive Side Navigation Controls

The controls BMOBILE:SIDENAV, BMOBILE:NAVTREE and BMOBILE:SIDENAVCONTENT support the implementation of responsive side navigation using a responsive navigation tree.

BMOBILE:NAVBAR with new Property brandstraighttext

For the BMOBILE:NAVBAR control, you can now set text and images as value of the brandprop property. Via the new property brandstraighttext you can distinguish between the representation.

BMOBILE:SIMPLEGRID with Editable Columns

The BMOBILE:SIMPLEGRID control now supports editable columns. See the corresponding sample in the Natural Ajax Demos for details.

DATEINPUT2: Custom Holiday Rendering

Support to render custom holidays in different style has been added to the DATEINPUT2 control. For details, please refer to he new properties HOLIDAYS* and the corresponding sample in the Natural Ajax Demos.

DATEINPUT2 with new Property popuponF4F7

For the DATEINPUT2 control, you can now customize whether or not the calendar should open on using the F4 or F7 key.

DATEINPUT and DATEINPUT2 support Property testtoolid

The DATEINPUT and DATEINPUT2 controls now support the property testtoolid.

NaturalAjax Samples

The samples now contain an additional user interface component with performance hints for non-responsive layouts and containers.

PDF Reports - Upgrade to Version FOP 2.2

FOP 2.2. is now used for the PDF report generation in Natural for Ajax. This version requires more Java memory. When using this feature you might have to increase the configuration settings for Java memory in your web application server.

For details concerning Java memory settings, please refer to the documentation of your web application server.

CSVCOLUMN supports Properties njx:natname and njx:natstringtype

The CVSCOLUMN control now supports the properties njx:natname and njx:natstringtype.

Responsive Style Guide

For responsive pages a style guide is now available. You find the latest version in the NaturalAjaxDemos NaturalONE project.

Natural Tools and Utilities

The new SYSUTIL utility enables you to start selected Natural tools and utilities from NaturalONE. In general, it starts character based tools on the server side. Additionally, it offers new rich GUI interfaces to the SYSEXT and SYSEXV utilities and a rich GUI tool to retrieve error messages.

The list of tools provided in SYSUTIL can be extended so that it also shows your own tools and applications.

For detailed information see Using Natural Tools and Utilities in the Using NaturalONE documentation.

NaturalONE in a Citrix Environment

NaturalONE can be installed and is supported running under Windows Remote Desktop Services on all from Software AG supported Windows Server Platforms allowing parallel user access via Windows remote desktop connections. NaturalONE is also intended to be installed and to run on Citrix Xenapp environments. However issues caused by NaturalONE that are related to the Citrix Xenapp environment or its configuration need to be reproduced under Windows Remote Desktop Services on a currently supported Windows Server platform first before further analysis can take place.