Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Programming Guide  —

Statements for Internet and XML Access

This document gives a functional overview of the Natural statements for internet and XML access, specifies the general prerequisites for using these statements in a mainframe environment, informs about restrictions that apply and contains a list of further references. To take full advantage of these statements, a thorough knowledge of the underlying communication standards is required.

The following topics are covered:

Statements Available

The following Natural statements are available for access to the internet and to XML documents:



This statement enables you to use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and - under z/OS only - the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) in order to access documents on the web with a given Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) or Uniform Resource Locator (URL), that is, the internet or intranet address of a web site.

REQUEST DOCUMENT implements an HTTP client at Natural statement level, which allows applications to access any HTTP server on either the intranet or the internet. The statement has a set of operands, which allows it to formulate HTTP requests according to the needs of the user application. For example, using outbound operands it is possible to send user-defined HTTP headers, form data, or entire documents to a HTTP server. The inbound operands can be used to retrieve a document from the server, to view the entire HTTP header block returned from the server, or to return the values of dedicated headers, etc. Via binary format operands, binary objects such as gif files can be exchanged with the http server as well. For basic authorization purposes, user ID and password operands can be specified. The content of this operand is sent with base64 encoding over the line, according to HTTP standards.

Natural supports the following request methods:

The request method is normally evaluated automatically, based on the operands coded for the executed REQUEST DOCUMENT statement. However, the predetermined request method can be overwritten by an explicit user specification of a request method header.

Data transfer with the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement normally does not involve any code page conversion. If you want to have the outgoing and/or incoming data encoded in a specific code page, you can use the DATA ALL clause and/or the RETURN PAGE clause of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement to specify this.

In order to simplify data exchange from EBCDIC-based mainframes with HTTP servers, which in most cases work with UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 encoded data, the statement provides ENCODED clauses to allow implicit or automatic conversion of outbound and inbound document data.

Technical Implementation

The implementation of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement mainly consists of two layers:

Natural for Mainframes supports the HTTP protocol version 1.0 only, meaning that no persistent connection to the server is maintained. Since virtually every corporate network processes access to the internet via a proxy server from the client, Natural can be configured with the adequate settings for the proxy server and the port on which the proxy server runs. Moreover, it is possible to specify local domain name suffixes (intranet sites), which shall be accessed directly instead via the proxy server. See also Overview of Applicable Natural Parameters.

The proxy server, which is located between client (user) and internet, serves the following purposes: It receives the request from the clients, forwards it to the target server, caches the returned document and forwards it to the client. A proxy server is advantageous because of its improved performance, which is due to the caching, and because it helps to avoid security issues (most proxy servers are working as firewall as well).

The following is an example of how the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement can be used to access an externally-located document:

USER #User PASSWORD #Password
NAME 'XMLData' VALUE #Queryxml
NAME 'repServerName' VALUE 'NT2'
PAGE #Resultxml


The syntax of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement and detailed application hints are to be found in the Statements documentation.

Platform Support for REQUEST DOCUMENT

The REQUEST DOCUMENT statement is supported on the following mainframe platforms:

* See also Preconditions for the Support of XML-Related Statements under openUTM below.

Moreover this statement is available on all OpenSystems platforms that are supported by Natural.


The contingent of Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) addresses (approximately 4 billion) is almost used up. New internet addresses are supplied with the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) providing an address space for about 3.4 x 1038 of IPv6 addresses (a single IPv6 address is 128 bits).

Natural supports both internet protocols to retain the functionality of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement in an internet with a growing number of IPv6-based HTTP servers. Since IPv6 is not compatible with IPv4, Natural provides additional logic and configuration parameters to support the new protocol version.

Prerequisites for IPv6 Support

For the prerequisites required to support REQUEST DOCUMENT statements with IPv6, refer to Prerequisites in Installation for REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML Statements in the Natural Installation documentation for z/OS, z/VSE and BS2000/OSD.

IPv6 Verification at Natural Session Start

IPv6 support is enabled with the RDIPV6 keyword subparameter of the XML profile parameter (see the Parameter Reference documentation). Natural checks whether an IPv6 TCP/IP stack is available on the local host at session start. If no IPv6 stack is available on the local host, Natural issues a corresponding warning message and disables IPv6 for the execution of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement.

IPv4 and IPv6 Address Notations

The most common way to address an HTTP server is specifying the symbolic name substituted for the IP address like However, you can also directly address an HTTP server by using the IP address.

The common notation for an IPv4 address is a group of four decimal encoded octets, separated by periods like

The following rules apply to the notation of IPv6 addresses (according to RFC 4291, IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture):

  1. Write an IPv6 address as eight groups of hexadecimal digits and separate them by colons. Each group consists of four hexadecimal digits. Example:

  2. You can omit leading zeros within a group.

  3. You can omit a single group or multiple (consecutive) groups that consist of zeros only (0000) by entering double colons (::).

  4. You cannot apply Rule 3 more than once.

  5. For embedded IPv4 addresses, you can use the old decimal notation for the last 4 bytes. Example:


    Embedded IPv4 addresses are not supported by Natural.

If you want to specify an IPv6 address in a REQUEST DOCUMENT statement, enclose the address in square brackets ([ ]). Example:


If you want an IPv6 address to be recognized as a local address, the notation must exactly map to an IPv6 no-proxy specification, that is, the address in the example above would not map to the following no-proxy specification: 2BFC:5022:4081:0::C:41. You can, however, use the following prefix notation for a local site: 2BFC:5022:4081:0000::.



The PARSE XML statement allows you to parse XML documents from within a Natural program.

The PARSE XML statement integrates a full XML parser into Natural, thus allowing Natural applications to parse XML documents in order to easily process their content. The PARSE XML statement opens a processing loop and returns, whenever one of a list of events occurs during the parse process, the respective path through the document, name and value of parsed elements together with some parser status system variables.

Technical Implementation

For parsing XML documents the following parsing strategies or models are most common:

The implementation of the PARSE XML statement in Natural for Mainframes is based on the SAX method, using a mainframe port of the SAX parser Expat.

Parsing is processed internally on a UTF-16 encoded image of the document to parse, that is, if the document is not delivered in this encoding, an internal conversion to UTF-16 is performed before the parsing starts. This has to be considered at Natural installation time, for example, when the thread size for the TP environment is evaluated.

The encoding of the document to parse is checked automatically.

  1. A check for a BOM (Byte Order Mark), which marks the document's encoding, is done.

  2. If no BOM is found, a check for ASCII, EBCDIC, or UTF-16 (BE or LE: big endian or little endian) is done.

  3. If an EBCDIC or ASCII encoding is identified, a search for an encoding processing instruction is performed.

    If no encoding can be identified, an adequate error message is issued and the parse process is terminated. Internally, the parser works with UTF-16BE, so the document to parse is always converted to this encoding before it is passed to the Expat parser.

  4. If an encoding PI (Processing Instruction) is found, the following defaults apply:

The parse process itself consists of two phases.

For technical reasons, nested parse loops are not supported in Natural for Mainframes.


The syntax of the PARSE XML statement and detailed application hints are to be found in the Statements documentation.

Platform Support for PARSE XML

The PARSE XML statement is supported on the following mainframe platforms:

* See Restriction Concerning IMS TM below.

* * See also Preconditions for the Support of XML-Related Statements under openUTM below.

Moreover this statement is available on all Open Systems platforms that are supported by Natural.

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General Prerequisites

This section describes the general prerequisites that apply if you wish to use the Natural statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML.

Installation Prerequisites

To enable the use of the Natural statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML, the installation steps described in the Installation documentation must be performed; see:

Since REQUEST DOCUMENT as well as PARSE XML, at least internally, always have to convert data from one encoding to another, Natural has to be driven with active ICU support. Therefore, the ICU library must be installed.

If REQUEST DOCUMENT or PARSE XML is to be executed, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:

Profile Settings

Overview of Applicable Natural Parameters

The following is an overview of Natural profile and/or session parameters that enable/disable or influence the support of the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and/or PARSE XML:

Parameter Purpose
XML This Natural profile parameter and/or the corresponding parameter macro NTXML in conjunction with their keyword subparameters are used to activate/deactivate the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML.

In addition, there are various options that can be set with the keyword subparameters of NTXML and XML, such as separate enabling/disabling of support of the REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML statements, name of the default code page, URL of the (intranet) proxy server, port number of the proxy, URL and port number of the (intranet) SSL proxy server, and name(s) local domain(s) which are to be addressed directly.

As a prerequisite for using the XML profile parameter, the profile parameter CFICU must be set to ON.

CFICU This Natural profile parameter and/or the corresponding parameter macro NTCFICU in conjunction with their keyword subparameters are used to enable Unicode and code page support.
CP This Natural profile parameter defines the default code page for Natural data and Natural sources.
CPCVERR This Natural profile and session parameter specifies whether a conversion error that occurs when converting results in a Natural error or not.


Start of instruction setTo activate the support of the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML for the current session

  1. To activate both statements together, set the Natural profile parameter XML (or the corresponding parameter macro NTXML) and also its keyword subparameters RDOC and PARSE to ON.

    To activate the support individually, set only the corresponding XML/NTXML keyword subparameter to ON:

    RDOC to enable support of REQUEST DOCUMENT

    PARSE to enable support of PARSE XML

  2. If the installation platform operates behind an internet firewall or if the internet traffic is routed via a proxy server, the XML/NTXML keyword subparameters for proxy and proxyport have to be specified accordingly.

Start of instruction setTo activate the support of the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML for all sessions

Start of instruction setTo deactivate the support of the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML

For information, see XML - Activate PARSE XML and REQUEST DOCUMENT Statements in the Parameter Reference documentation

Unicode Support

Start of instruction setTo enable Unicode support

For information on the various options that can be set with the keyword subparameters of profile parameter CFICU, see CFICU - Unicode Support in the Parameter Reference documentation.

See also the paragraphs relating to the statements PARSE XML and REQUEST DOCUMENT in the section Statements, which is part of the section Unicode and Code Page Support in the Natural Programming Language in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.

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HTTPS Support for the REQUEST DOCUMENT Statement under z/OS

Short Introduction to HTTPS

HTTPS, short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is an additional security layer between HTTP and the TCP/IP protocol stack:

Layer Protocol
Application layer HTTP(S)
Security layer TLS/SSL
Transport layer TCP
Network layer IP

It was introduced to enable encryption and communication partner authentication for a secure data communication over the internet.

The HTTPS URI scheme is used to indicate, that the HTTP communication is secured. For the encryption of the data the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol or its successor TLS (Transport Layer Security) is used. Authentication is hereby provided by the exchange of certificates, which guarantee the identity of the communication partners.

In most cases of HTTPS communication, however, only the server identifies itself with a certificate against the client. Client authentication with a client certificate occurs quite seldom.

SSL communication is established in several steps:

The HTTPS protocol uses port numbers which differ from the standard HTTP port numbers. While HTTP normally uses port 80, the default port number for HTTPS is 443.

HTTP access to the internet from a client, which is connected to a LAN (Local Area Network), is normally processed via special HTTP servers, so called proxies. Proxies are gateways to the internet from the LAN, which perform security policies, provide caches and validation routines or filter functions and act as firewalls. HTTPS secured internet access is most often performed over a proxy server of its own, which maintains the connections to the remote servers. This proxy is also known as "SSL proxy".

Certificates are binary documents, which contain, among other information items, information about the owner and the issuer of the certificate, the public key for the encryption of the session key data, an expiration date and a digital signature. The certificates, which are presented by HTTPS servers, are normally the lowest link of an entire chain of certificates. Such a certificate chain is called a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). The certificate on top of such a chain is called a root certificate. Root certificates are generally issued by special organizations, named Certificate Authorities (CA). Root certificates, which are issued and signed by a CA are also called CA (root) certificates. For further information, see HTTP Developers Manual and other sources in the internet.


HTTPS support for the Natural REQUEST DOCUMENT statement is based on the z/OS Communication Server component AT-TLS (Application Transparent-Transport Layer Security).

AT-TLS provides TLS/SSL encryption as a configurable service for sockets applications. It is realized as an additional layer on top of the TCP/IP protocol stack, which exploits the SSL functionality in nearly or even fully transparent mode to sockets applications. AT-TLS offers three modes of operation. See z/OS Communications Server, IP Programmer’s Guide and Reference. Version 1, Release 9, Chapter 15, IBM manual SC31-8787-09).

These modes are:

Natural for Mainframes uses Controlling mode to switch on secured mode for HTTPS requests only, while HTTP requests remain unencrypted.

Maintenance of Certificates under z/OS

Certificates, which are to be used with AT-TLS, can be maintained in two ways under z/OS. They are stored in RACF key rings or in key databases, which are located in the z/OS UNIX file system. Which of these proceedings actually applies is defined in the AT-TLS Policy Agent Configuration file for the z/OS TCP/IP stack, which is used by the Natural HTTPS client.

IBM delivers a set of commonly used CA root certificates with each z/OS system delivery. If key rings are going to be used to hold server certificates, those root certificates must be manually imported into the key rings by the system administrator. If IBM delivers newer replacements for expired root certificates, all affected key rings have to be updated accordingly.

Unlike key rings, key databases contain the current set of root certificates automatically after they have been newly created. However, the need for maintaining always the latest set of root certificates applies to the key database alternative as well.

Certificates to be used by the Natural HTTPS client, must be flagged as trusted. If they are part of a Public Key Infrastructure, the corresponding CA root certificate has to be flagged as trusted.

Using RACF Key Rings

In RACF, digital certificates are stored in so called key rings. The RACF command RACDCERT is used to create and maintain key rings and certificates, which are contained in those key rings.

See z/OS Security Server RACF Security Administrator’s Guide, IBM manual SA22-7683-11, and z/OS Security Server RACF Command Language Reference, IBM manual SA22-7687-11.

Using Key Databases

Alternatively to RACF, certificates can be kept in key databases, which reside in the z/OS UNIX services file system. For the creation and maintenance of key databases, the GSKKYMAN utility has to be used.

See z/OS Cryptographic Services PKI Services Guide and Reference, IBM manual SA22-7693-10.

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Restriction Concerning IMS TM

The following restriction applies if you wish to use the Natural statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML in an IMS TM environment:

For further restrictions, see the corresponding notes in the statement descriptions.

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Preconditions for the Support of XML-Related Statements under openUTM

During an active parse loop with I/Os, the openUTM function call PGWT must be used. This means:

  1. The openUTM application must be started with not less than 2 tasks, otherwise an openUTM error K319 with subsequent dump will occur.

  2. PGWT conditions must be defined for the KDCDEF.

    1. Define the maximum wait time (in seconds) for input messages during a PGWT call.


    2. Define the maximum number of openUTM tasks for PGWT calls.


    3. PGWT can be controlled using either the TAC-PRIORITIES instruction or the TACCLASS concept:

      • Control of PGWT using the TAC-PRIORITIES instruction:


      • Control of PGWT using the TACCLASS concept:


        TACCLASS 1,TASKS=2
  3. The keyword subparameter ILCS of parameter macro NURENT must be set to ILCS=CRTE.

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Sample Program

The following sample program shows the usage of the REQUEST DOCUMENT and the PARSE XML statement.

Further sample programs are provided at the end of the description of each statement and in the Natural library SYSEXV.

DEFINE DATA                                            
1 #FROM   (A) DYNAMIC                                  
1 #HEADER (A) DYNAMIC                                  
1 #PAGE   (A) DYNAMIC                                  
1 #RC     (I4)                                         
1 #COL    (N8)                                         
1 #COL1   (I4)                                         
1 #COL2   (I4)                                         
1 #COL3   (I4)                                         
1 #LOC    (A30)                                        
1 #CP     (A) DYNAMIC                                  
1 #PATH   (A) DYNAMIC                                  
1 #NAME   (A) DYNAMIC                                  
1 #VALUE  (A) DYNAMIC                                  
1 #RTERR  (I4)                                         
ASSIGN #FROM = 'HTTP://SI15.HQ.SAG/autos6.xml'         
REQUEST DOCUMENT FROM #FROM                               
HEADER ALL #HEADER                                        
 CODEPAGE ' '                                             
RESPONSE #RC                                              
GIVING #RTERR                                             
IF #RC NE 200 /* TEST FOR HTTP RESPONSE 200 = 'OK'        
WRITE 'HTTP RESPONSE' #RC 'RECEIVED'                      
ESCAPE ROUTINE                                            
PRINT #HEADER                                             
/ '_'(79)                                                 
PRINT #PAGE                                               
/ '_'(79)                                                 
/ '_'(79)                                                 
ASSIGN #CP = *CODEPAGE                                    
 IF #COL1 GT 0                                               
   IF #COL3 GT #COL1                                         
   IF #COL2 GT #COL1 AND #COL2 LT  #COL3                     
     EXAMINE #PAGE FOR 'ISO-8859-1' REPLACE #CP              
PRINT #PAGE                                                  
/ '_'(79)                                                    
 PRINT #PATH / 'NAME=' #NAME / 'VALUE=' #VALUE / '_'(79)      

The URL accessed in the above program addresses an intranet site and cannot be accessed from the internet.

Output of the sample program:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK?Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 16:26:22 GMT?Server: Apache/1.3.19 (
BS2000)?Last-Modified: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 16:44:42 GMT?ETag: "2602c-111-44c8ed7a"
?Accept-Ranges: bytes?Content-Length: 273?Connection: close?Content-Type: text/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><autos>?<make></make>?<make>Ford</
make>BWM</make><model version="latest">330I</model>?<make><label><company>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="IBM01140" ?><autos>?<make></make>?<make>Ford</
make>BWM</make><model version="latest">330I</model>?<make><label><company>


Name= autos
Value= ?
Name= make
Name= make
Value= ?
Name= make
Name= autos
Value= ?
Name= make

Top of page

Frequently Asked Questions

Why needs code page support to be enabled?

Documentation for Natural on mainframe states that "The Natural ICU handler must be linked to the Natural nucleus".

PARSE XML statement

The codepage support is needed, as on mainframe platforms, the document to be parsed is always internally converted to UTF-16 (if the document is not already encoded in UTF-16). In most cases the document is not in UTF-16 and a conversion will take place. For more detailed information, see the PARSE XML statement documentation and PARSE XML in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.


The ICU library is needed to interpret incoming HTTP headers and convert outgoing HTTP headers. Typically the incoming headers are ISO 8859-1 encoded and on mainframe always have to be converted to the Natural default codepage (see also system variable *CODEPAGE) - on PC a conversion is not always necessary.

How to use the XML keyword subparameters (e.g. RDP and RDNOP)

On the PC, the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement executes the Internet Explorer and uses the settings as defined there.

On the mainframe, the URL of the (intranet) proxy server through which all requests have to be routed has to be specified with the NTXML/XML keyword subparameter RDP. With the keyword subparameter RDNOP, local domain(s) which are to be addressed directly, not via the proxy server can be defined.

How to determine proxy server, port number and HTTP server at a site?

Information about proxy server, port number and HTTP server at a site has to be provided by the network administrator.

You can also look into your browser which proxy server is defined for your site.

For example, in the Internet Explorer under: Tools > Internet Options > Lan Settings > Advanced

You can also search the web for tools which provide such information. For example (untested):

How to decide if a problem is a TCP/IP or HTTP issue or if it is a Natural issue?

HTTP response codes

HTTP response is returned via the RESPONSE clause in operand16. An Overview of Response Numbers for HTTP/HTTPs Requests is available in the Statements documentation.

TCP/IP errors

The range for these errors is 8300 ff.

Especially error NAT8304 gives more detailed information about a failing HTTP request.

As the TCP/IP error number may be different depending on the installed environment, the text returned by NAT8304 is the best reference.

Additional information:

How can I check if I can reach a website from my mainframe without using Natural?

To determine if a problem is related to the Natural installation or if there is a more general problem, you can do a PING from within TSO.

For example, in the TSO command shell enter:


This returns:

CS V1R9: Pinging host WWW.GOOGLE.COM (
Ping #1 response took 0.018 seconds.

From within the Natural session you then can test the access to this website with the following small program.

For example, start Natural with:


where vr represents the relevant product version.

These values from an internal environment and a profile were used to store it. You have to get your settings for the keyword subparameters RDP, RDPPORT and RDNOP from your network administrator, or try the values as defined in your browser (Internet Explorer).


1 #RC (I4) 

I get a message "unsupported coding"

This is a frequent user error: An XML document is converted implicitly or explicitly from one code page to another, for example, from ISO-8859-1 to the code page found in system variable *CODEPAGE. The document's encoding PI encoding="ISO-8859-1", however, has not been not adapted to the changed encoding. In this case, the parser terminates with an error already on the first character of the document to parse.

How to avoid Natural error NAT3411 with REQUEST DOCUMENT?

Set session parameter CPCVERR to OFF.

Can I use self-signed certificates?

Self-signed certificates can be used on an intranet server for test purposes, using the open ssl sdk. After these certificates have been imported into a key database or a RACF key ring, they must be flagged as trusted.

Which is the preferable method for maintaining certificates?

The necessary effort for the RACF key ring approach seems to be much higher than for using key databases. Key rings must be created for every user who wants to access a HTTPS server, whereas key databases can be shared by multiple users.

How to configure TCP/IP for AT-TLS?

Proceed as follows:

  1. In the TCP/IP configuration file, set the option TTLS in the TCPCONFIG statement.

  2. Configure and start the AT-TLS Policy Agent. This agent is called by TCP/IP on each new TCP connection to check if the connection is SSL.

  3. Create the Policy Agent file containing the AT-TLS rules. The Policy Agent file contains the rules to stipulate which connection is SSL.

See also z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Guide, Chapter 18 Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) data protection.

The Sample Policy Agent file defines all outgoing connections as application controlled TLS. This should not affect any other TCP/IP application except the Natural REQUEST DOCUMENT support, because the rule is defined as application controlled. That means the application is allowed to set the connection status as SSL. As long as the application does not set this status, it is not affected. However, the Policy Agent file allows also to restrict the application controlled SSL connections to particular ports, users or address spaces. The sample expects the certificate database on the HFS file / u/admin/CERT.kdb.

TTLSRule                          ConnRule01~1
  LocalAddrSetRef                 addr1
  RemoteAddrSetRef                addr1
  LocalPortRangeRef               portR1
  Direction                       Outbound
  Priority                        255
  TTLSGroupActionRef              gAct1~AllUsersAsClient
  TTLSEnvironmentActionRef        eAct1~AllUsersAsClient
  TTLSConnectionActionRef         cAct1~AllUsersAsClient
TTLSGroupAction                   gAct1~AllUsersAsClient
  TTLSEnabled                     On
  Trace                           6
TTLSEnvironmentAction             eAct1~AllUsersAsClient
  HandshakeRole                   Client
  EnvironmentUserInstance         0
  TTLSKeyringParmsRef             keyR1
TTLSConnectionAction              cAct1~AllUsersAsClient
  HandshakeRole                   Client
  TTLSCipherParmsRef              cipher1~AT-TLS__Silver
  TTLSConnectionAdvancedParmsRef  cAdv1~AllUsersAsClient
  Trace                           0
TTLSConnectionAdvancedParms       cAdv1~AllUsersAsClient
  ApplicationControlled           On
TTLSKeyringParms                  keyR1
  Keyring                         /u/admin/CERT.kdb
  KeyringStashFile                /u/admin/CERT.sth
TTLSCipherParms                   cipher1~AT-TLS__Silver
  V3CipherSuites                  TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA
  V3CipherSuites                  TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
  V3CipherSuites                  TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA
IpAddrSet                         addr1
PortRange                         portR1
  Port                            1024-65535

How to verify AT-TLS configuration?

Check Policy-Agent job output JESMSGLG for:


This message indicates a successful initialization.

Check Policy-Agent job output JESMSGLG for:


This message indicates errors in the configuration file. Check the syslog.log file for further information.

Does the configuration rule cover the client?

Check syslog.log for:

EZD1281I TTLS Map   CONNID: 00002909 LOCAL: REMOTE: 
JOBNAME: KSP USERID: KSP TYPE: OutBound STATUS: Appl Control RULE: ConnRule01 
ACTIONS: gAct1 eAct1 AllUsersAsClient

The above entry indicates that the connection to Port 443 by user KSP is application controlled.

Is there more information about problem determination?

See also z/OS V1R8.0 Comm Svr: IP Diagnosis Guide: 3.23, Chapter 29 Diagnosing Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS)

How to switch on P-agent trace?

See Comm Svr: IP Configuration Reference, Chapter 20 Syslog deamon and Comm Svr: IP Configuration Guide, Chapter 1.5.1 Configuring the syslog daemon (syslogd)

Error at connection establishment

Find return code RC and corresponding GSK_ function name in P-agent trace.

See System SSL Programming and locate the RC in Chapter 12.1 SSL Function Return Codes.

Sample trace with trace=255:

EZD1283I TTLS Event GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000000 CONNID: 00002909  RC:    0 Connection Init 
EZD1282I TTLS Start GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909 Initial Handshake ACTIONS: gAct1 eAct1 AllUsersAsClient HS-Client   
EZD1284I TTLS Flow  GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:    0 Call GSK_SECURE_SOCKET_OPEN - 7EE4F718 
EZD1284I TTLS Flow  GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:    0 Set GSK_SESSION_TYPE -  CLIENT 
EZD1284I TTLS Flow  GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:    0 Set GSK_V3_CIPHER_SPECS -  090A2F 
EZD1284I TTLS Flow  GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:    0 Set GSK_FD - 00002909 
EZD1284I TTLS Flow  GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:    0 Set GSK_USER_DATA - 7EEE9B50 
EZD1284I TTLS Flow  GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:  435 Call GSK_SECURE_SOCKET_INIT - 7EE4F718 
EZD1283I TTLS Event GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:  435 Initial Handshake 00000000 7EEE8118  
EZD1286I TTLS Error GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909 JOBNAME: KSP USERID: KSP RULE: ConnRule01  RC:  435 Initial Handshake
EZD1283I TTLS Event GRPID: 00000003 ENVID: 00000002 CONNID: 00002909  RC:    0 Connection Close 00000000 7EEE8118 

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Below is a list of resources that you may find useful.

Training Courses

Software AG's Corporate University offers special training courses on this subject. See the Corporate University offerings on Empower at

Or, ask your local Software AG representative for the availability of special on-site training courses at your location.

Useful Links

Below is a collection of links that may be of interest.

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