Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

CP - Default Code Page Name

This Natural profile parameter defines the default code page for Natural data and Natural sources.

Possible settings 1 - 64 characters

The name of the desired code page.


  1. Any character string is possible, but must be predefined by one of the code page parameters CCSID, CCSN, IANA or ALIAS of the macro NTCPAGE in the source module NATCONFG.
  2. UTF-32 is not allowed.
  3. For information on multi-byte code page support, see Support of Multi-Byte Code Pages in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.
ON Set the default code page for the mainframe as follows:

For BS2000/OSD, the code page is EDF03IRV.

For z/OS ands z/VSE, it depends on the setting of Natural profile parameter ULANG:

ULANG Setting: Code Page Used:
ULANG=1 (English) IBM01140
ULANG=2 (German) IBM01141
ULANG=3 (French) IBM01147
ULANG=4 (Spanish) IBM01145
For other languages, IBM01140 is used as default code page.


  1. The language code related adaptation of the profile parameter CP applies only to the ULANG profile parameter active at session time.
  2. Any subsequent language code modification(s) in Natural Security or by terminal command %L= do not influence the initial definition of the default code page.
OFF Disable code page support.
' '
Same as ON.
AUTO The code page name from the user terminal is taken, if available. This applies to the following online environments only: TSO, CICS, Com-plete.


  1. For information on multi-byte code page support, see Support of Multi-Byte Code Pages in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.
  2. CP=AUTO is not supported in a Natural Single Point of Development environment.
Default setting OFF Disable code page support.
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. If no code page is specified for a code page sensitive operation such as data conversions to and from Unicode (for example, by means of a statement specific ENCODED option or by another profile parameter), the default code page applies.
  2. For the current Natural session, it is assumed that all code page data, for example, Natural sources, contents of A-format fields, etc., are stored in this code page format.
  3. See also Profile Parameters and Macros in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.
  4. If the CP profile parameter is set to a value other than OFF, the value of the CFICU profile parameter will change to ON.
  5. If the CP profile parameter is set to a value other than OFF, values specified with the profile parameters TAB, UTAB1, UTAB2 and SCTAB during the start of a Natural session are ignored. See also Translation Tables in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.
  6. If the profile parameter CP is set to a multi-byte code page (MBCS), the logical shift-in and shift-out characters will be supplied with the code page and therefore SOSI will be ignored.


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