Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

RDC - Configure the Natural Data Collector

This Natural profile parameter can be used to configure the Natural Data Collector and its trace recording function, which is used by the SYSRDC Utility and the PROFILER Utility. It corresponds to the NTRDC macro in the parameter module NATPARM.

Possible settings See RDC Parameter Syntax.
Default setting OFF See RDC Parameter Syntax and Keyword Subparameters.
Dynamic specification yes The parameter RDC can be specified dynamically only. In NATPARM, use the macro NTRDC.
Specification within session yes See Calling the CMRDC Interface to start or stop the trace recording and to select the events (see also subparameter EVENT).

The following topics are covered below:

RDC Parameter Syntax

The RDC parameter is specified as follows:





Value Explanation
ON The trace recording is started automatically during Natural session start.
OFF The user must start trace recording by one of the means described in Activating the Natural Data Collector in the SYSRDC Utility documentation or in the PROFILER Utility documentation.

This is the default value.

keyword-subparameter See Keyword Subparameters.

If specified, ON or OFF must be the first value.

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NTRDC Macro Syntax

The NTRDC macro is specified as follows:

         NTRDC ON,                                                     *
               EVENT=value,                                            *
               EXIT=value,                                             *
               FNAT=value,                                             *


         NTRDC OFF

See Keyword Subparameters.

For a description of the values ON and OFF, see RDC Parameter Syntax.

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Keyword Subparameters


EVENT - Data Collector Events to be Recorded

EVENT=(value) determines the Data Collector events to be recorded in the Natural Data Collector buffer.

Value Explanation
(event,event,...) Each event can be one or two characters long. Only the specified events are recorded.


  1. For information on the event codes, see Data-Collecting Events in the SYSRDC Utility documentation.
  2. When only one value is specified, the enclosing brackets can be omitted.
  3. If only one character is specified but there are more events beginning with this character, then all these events are recorded. For example, EVENT=P means that the events PL, PS and PT are recorded; that is, the definition is equivalent to EVENT=(PL,PS,PT).
ALL All events are recorded, provided that the Natural Data Collector Buffer was defined properly.

This is the default value.


  1. This definition can be replaced within the PROFILER Utility or by using CALL 'CMRDC' 'T' in any Natural program.
  2. For further information, see Functions of the PROFILER Utility or Calling the CMRDC Interface in the SYSRDC Utility documentation.

EXIT - Define Natural Data Collector User Exits

EXIT=(value) is used to define user exits for the Natural Data Collector of the SYSRDC utility and, optionally, a work area size for each user exit.

Value Explanation



name is the name of the user exit.

There is no default.

Optionally, the size of the exit work area can be specified after the exit name.

Possible size values: 400 - 32760.

The default size value is 400.


  1. If linked, the exit gets control from the Natural Data Collector at certain points within Natural. Specific session information is passed to the exits.
  2. If the subparameter EXIT is specified dynamically, the exits must be defined in the profile parameter CSTATIC or RCA (RCA can also be specified dynamically).
  3. As an alternative to this keyword subparameter, you can use the equivalent Natural profile parameter RDCEXIT.
  4. For details, refer to User Exits for External Monitoring/Accounting in the SYSRDC Utility documentation.



FNAT - Trace Recording in the Natural System File

FNAT=value controls the trace recording while Natural system file programs are executing.

Value Explanation
ON Trace recording when running in the Natural system file.
OFF No trace recording in the Natural system file.

This is the default value.

SIZE - Size of the Natural Data Collector Buffer

SIZE=value specifies the size of the Natural Data Collector buffer, which is used by the SYSRDC utility and the PROFILER utility, and it controls the trace recording function of the data collector.

Value Explanation
0 or 2 - 128 Buffer size (in KB).
  • To activate the Natural Data Collector (without trace recording), you specify SIZE=2.

  • To also activate the trace recording, set SIZE to a value greater than 2.

  • The PROFILER utility needs a buffer size greater than 2 to activate the trace recording.

  • If the requested space is not available, the Natural Data Collector cannot be used.

0 Deactivates the Natural Data Collector.

This is the default value.

As an alternative to this keyword subparameter, you can use the equivalent Natural profile parameter RDCSIZE.

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Example of RDC Parameter


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Example of NTRDC Macro

         NTRDC ON,                                                     *
               EVENT=(D,P,U),                                          *
               SIZE=80,                                                *

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