Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

RCA - Resolve Addresses of Statically Linked Modules

This Natural profile parameter controls the dynamic loading of modules that have been defined as statically linked to the Natural nucleus during initialization of the Natural session.

Possible settings ON At Natural startup, the list of all modules that have been defined as statically linked to the Natural nucleus is inspected and a load request is issued for all modules whose addresses are unresolved. If a load request fails, no error message is issued.

The use of RCA=ON is not recommended, as it causes significant processing overhead at Natural startup.

OFF No dynamic loading of static non-Natural programs is performed.
module name or list of module names (see Examples below) If a single module name or a list of module names is specified, the list of modules that have been defined as statically linked to the Natural nucleus is extended by the specified module(s). A load request is issued for the modules even if they are already linked to the Natural nucleus. This makes it possible to replace modules that have already been linked statically to the Natural nucleus. If a load request fails, an error message is issued.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. Use the profile parameter CSTATIC to define modules as being statically linked to the Natural nucleus.
  2. If the external name of the module to be loaded is different from the internal one that is used by the CALL statement, you can use either the profile parameter RCALIAS or the macro NTALIAS to define which external name is to be used for the load request.
  3. Under CICS: A PPT entry has to be defined to allow the load request for module that is to be dynamically loaded. Statically linked modules are called using standard linkage conventions rather than EXEC CICS LINK requests.


For a single module name, you may specify:


In a list of module names, each module name must be separated from the next by a comma and the list must be enclosed within parentheses:


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