Version 8.2.7
 —  Installation  —

System Requirements

This document covers the following topics:

Supported Operating System Platforms

NaturalONE supports the following operating system platforms:

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (x86)
Microsoft Windows Vista (x86)
Microsoft Windows 7 (x86)
Microsoft Windows 7 (x86-64) *
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (x86)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (x86)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R1 (x86)
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R1 (x86-64) *
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (x86-64) *
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (x86-64)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5 (x86)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5 (x86-64)

* For Windows, the runtime components of NaturalONE are always 32-bit applications, even on 64-bit platforms.

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Supported Browsers

NaturalONE supports the following browsers:

Internet Explorer 7 through 9
Mozilla Firefox 3.6 through 10 (1)
Safari 5.1 on Windows
Google Chrome (2)


(1) Mozilla Firefox 10 (Extended Support Release) is supported. In future versions, only the Extended Support Releases of Mozilla Firefox will be explicitly supported.

(2) The Google Chrome support is based on Google Chrome Version 19. Due to frequent version upgrades of Google Chrome, compatibility of NaturalONE with future versions of Google Chrome cannot be fully guaranteed. Possible incompatibilities will be removed during the regular maintenance process of NaturalONE.

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Supported Natural Servers

To get full functionality of NaturalONE, specific Natural versions are required. For further information, see Using an Existing Natural Development Server Environment.

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Eclipse Prerequisites

Eclipse Version 3.6 is automatically installed with NaturalONE.

If you prefer to use NaturalONE in your existing Eclipse environment, Eclipse Version 3.6 is required. For further information, see Using Your Own Eclipse.

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Java Prerequisites

On Windows, Java is automatically installed with NaturalONE when you start the Software AG Installer wizard using the .exe file. No further steps are required. However, when you want to start the installer using the .jar file instead of the .exe file, Oracle Java Version 1.6 must already be installed. This is required to run the installer.

On Linux, Java is not installed with NaturalONE. Oracle Java Version 1.6 is required in this case. You can download this from

IBM Java or the GCJ Java should not be used with our products for Linux x86 and x86-64 platforms. Use only Oracle Java for our products on Linux x86 and x86-64.

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Hardware Requirements

The table below lists the minimum hardware requirements for NaturalONE.

The hardware requirements below are for NaturalONE only. They do not include 200MB of hard drive space for Software AG infrastructure shared libraries required by most products and installed once per installation directory. They do not include requirements for supporting software such as RDBMSs. You must determine the overall hardware requirements for each of your machines based on the overall requirements of your operating system and software.

Product Hard Drive Space
Eclipse development installation without runtimes 970 MB
Eclipse development installation with NaturalONE runtime 1 GB
Eclipse development installation with service enabling and NaturalONE and EntireX runtimes 1.8 GB

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Recommendation for Huge Natural Applications Developed with NaturalONE

If you handle huge applications with NaturalONE (for example, if you have more than 20,000 Natural objects or huge Natural sources), is recommended that you install NaturalONE on a 64-bit operating system. This ensures that NaturalONE can get more required memory than on a 32-bit operating system.

To make use of a larger amount of memory on a 64-bit operating system, you have to adapt the Eclipse.ini file in the NaturalONE installation directory (<NaturalONE-installation-directory>\eclipse\v36\Eclipse.ini). Because the required amount of memory is application-dependant, it is not possible to give definite recommendations on how the parameters in this file should be set. Getting the appropriate values is an iterative process.

A good starting point for your own configuration tests are the following parameter values in the Eclipse.ini file:


XXMaxPermSize is used for static data. A value of 512 MB should be a sufficient setting.

You may change the Xmx parameter which specifies the maximum amount of memory that the Java runtime is able to get. With the value in the above example, you allocate 2048 MB.

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