This section describes the changes to the Code Generation component in version 8.2.6. The following topics are covered:
This section describes the changes in this release of the Code Generation component. The following topics are covered:
The Construct Preferences window now allows you to specify whether code will be formatted using Struct functionality after generating (or regenerating) using Construct. For information, see Set Construct Preferences.
This section describes the changes to the Construct runtime project in this version. The following topics are covered:
You can now build the Construct runtime project in server environment that does not have Natural Construct installed. For information, see Build the Construct Runtime Project in a non-Construct Server Environment.
The context menu for the Construct runtime project was enhanced. It is now easier to add, update, replace or build the project. You can also exclude resources from the update or replace processing, which will protect any changes you've made to these modules from being overwritten. For information, see Construct Runtime Project.