Version 8.2.2 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

ETSYNC - Issue Syncpoint upon End of Transaction/Backout Transaction

This Natural profile parameter determines whether or not an implicit syncpoint is issued whenever an END TRANSACTION or BACKOUT TRANSACTION statement is to be issued.

Possible settings ON

Natural issues an implicit syncpoint COMMIT whenever an END TRANSACTION statement is to be issued.

Natural issues an implicit syncpoint ROLLBACK whenever a BACKOUT TRANSACTION statement is to be issued.

This is useful for the synchronization of database transactions that are performed from within 3GL programs.

OFF Natural does not issue an implicit syncpoint when an END TRANSACTION or BACKOUT TRANSACTION statement is to be issued.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


To issue syncpoints, Natural uses

The processing sequence is as follows:

Restrictions and Limitations:

Other transaction processing related parameters: ADAMODE | DBCLOSE | DBOPEN | ENDBT | ET | ETDB | ETEOP | ETIO

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