Version 8.2.2 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

ETIO - Issue END TRANSACTION upon Terminal I/O

This Natural profile parameter determines whether or not implicit END TRANSACTION statements are to be issued upon terminal I/Os.

Possible settings ON Natural will issue an implicit END TRANSACTION statement whenever a terminal I/O occurs.


  1. Whenever a transaction monitor commits the associated databases because of a terminal I/O, all related databases are also committed. This is useful for the synchronization of database transactions.
  2. Natural add-on products (except for Natural Security) may not function correctly with ETIO=ON.
OFF Natural will issue no implicit END TRANSACTION statements upon terminal I/Os.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  

Other transaction processing related parameters: ADAMODE | DBCLOSE | DBOPEN | ENDBT | ET | ETDB | ETEOP | ETSYNC

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