Comparing DDMs

This document covers the following topics:


See also General Prerequisites for Comparison Functions.

If Natural Security is installed and the file (DDM) has been defined to the Security system, only administrators may compare the file. Also, if the file object in Natural Security has an Owner list, the DDM may be compared only by one of its owners. No countersignatures are necessary.


Parameters for DDM

Check options
If check options are not set, compare functions will not reset the Modified after generation flag. See Resetting the Modified after generation Flag for more information.
File attributes
Y Attributes of the file are to be compared with the implementation of the file in the DDM and any differences in file number, database ID and file type-specific attributes are to be displayed.
Y The field list of the file object is to be compared with the DDM.
Y The verifications of the fields are to be compared with the DDM to find any that
  • have incompatible formats,

  • are not activated, or

  • have been modified, disconnected or resequenced since the DDM was generated.

Adabas version The version of Adabas for which the DDM was generated. This determines the representation of integers and floating point numbers, hyperdescriptors and the size of the DBnr and Fnr in the DDM.
List options
How fields linked to the Predict file object are to be displayed.
Y All fields.
N No fields.
D Different: only fields whose Predict definitions differ from the DDM.
How verifications of the fields are to be displayed.
Y All verifications.
N No verifications.
D Different: only verifications that are not activated or have been modified, disconnected or resequenced since the DDM was generated.
Members using differences
Determines the amount of information to be displayed on members using external objects that differ from the corresponding Predict objects. The following differences are possible:
  • A verification has been modified, disconnected or resequenced since the DDM was generated.

  • A Predict field definition differs from the DDM.

  • The file number of a Predict file object differs from the DDM or a userview of such a file.

Valid values:
Y Display types and names of all members using objects that differ in any of the above ways.
N Do not display members.
C Count the number of members per library.