Comparing DB2 Databases

This document covers the following topics:


DB2 must be installed. See the section DB2 and SQL/DS in the Predict and Other Systems documentation.

See also General Prerequisites for Comparison Functions.


Parameters for DB2 database

List options
Database attributes
How attributes of the Predict database object are to be displayed.
Y All database attributes
N No database attributes
D Different: only database attributes whose Predict values differ from the implementation.
Dataspace list
How Predict dataspace objects linked to the Predict database object via association "Contains DC" are to be displayed.
Y All dataspaces.
N No dataspaces.
D Different: only dataspaces that are not implemented as DB2 tablespaces and DB2 tablespaces that are not documented with Predict dataspaces are contained in the list.
File list
How files linked to the Predict database object are to be displayed.
Y All files.
N No files.
D Different: only files that are either not implemented in the DB2 database or not defined in Predict.
Update options
Database attributes
Y The attributes of the Predict database object are to be updated.
Unlink dataspaces
Y Dataspaces not implemented as DB2 tablespaces are to be removed from the dataspace list of the Predict database object.
Unlink files
Y Files that are not implemented in the DB2 database are to be removed form the file list of the Predict database object.

Unlink files can only be set to Y if Unlink dataspaces is also set to Y.