SMA Menus and Commands

This section describes the functions provided when using the online SMA menus and commands.

In this section, the term "tape" represents any installation media (e.g. tape and CD-ROM) supported by Software AG. The information provided here applies to the use of any of these media.

User Environment Definition and Maintenance:
Accessing and Modifying Information for Datasets on Tapes
Library Corrections


This section describes the types of menus provided by SMA, and also how to select and sort objects within object menus.

Menu Types

SMA provides two types of menus:

  • Function Menus. These present a selection list of possible functions. You can select a function by entering the appropriate letter in the command line at the bottom of the screen.

  • Object Menus. These present a list of objects. You can select one of these objects and the function to be performed for this object by entering a command next to the selected object.

Selecting and Sorting Objects within Object Menus

Each object menu provides an input line directly underneath the column headers. You can use this line to position the object list to a specific value, and also to limit the number of objects to be displayed.

 07:31:52           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG               - Environment Maintenance -                  ENMENM11
 Page: 1                                                              Rec: 0007
 Code Environment    Description
      *_______       *_________________________________________________
  __  PROD1          PRODUCTION 1
  __  PROD2          PRODUCTION 2
  __  SMA            SMA INSTALLATION
  __  TDEV           DEVELOPMENT
  __  TEST1          TEST INSTALLATION 1
  __  TEST2          TEST INSTALLATION 2

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++                Canc

Selecting Objects

Using the above screen as an example, the following input could be provided in the input line for the column Environment:

Value Result
PROD1 Environment with the name PROD1 will be displayed.
PR* Environments with a name which begins with PR will be displayed.
PR> Environments with a name which is equal or greater than PR will be displayed.
PR< Environments with a name which is equal or less than PR will be displayed.
*TEST Environments with a name which ends with TEST will be displayed.
PR*1 Environments with a name which begins with PR and ends with 1 will be displayed.
*PR*1 Environments with a name which contains PR and ends with 1 will be displayed.

Selecting Objects using Multiple Selection Criteria

You can also use the input line to enter multiple criteria for the selection of objects. For example, as shown in the screen below, if the value PROD* is entered for Environment and the value *1 is entered for Description, only those environments which have a name which begins with PROD and which have a description which contains the value 1 will be displayed.

 07:33:42           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG               - Environment Maintenance -                  ENMENM11
 Page: 1                                                              Rec: 0007

 Code Environment    Description
      PROD*___       *1________________________________________________
  __  PROD1          PRODUCTION 1

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++                Canc

Sorting Objects

You can use PF4 to sort the object list.

A pop-up window will appear so that you can specify the desired sort field and sort order.

 15:57:22              ***  SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID  ***              2005-09-27
 User:  SAG               - Environment Maintenance -                  ENMENM11
 Page: 1   sorted by +-----------Sort Options-----------+             Rec: 0007
      ---->          !                                  !
 Code Environment    !                                  !
      *_______       ! Mark the sort field:             ! _____________
  __  OS/MVS         !    X  Environment Name           !
  __  PROD1          !    _  Description                !
  __  PROD2          !                                  !
  __  SMA            ! Mark to sort in order:           !
  __  TDEV           !    X  Ascending                  !
  __  TEST1          !    _  Descending                 !
  __  TEST2          !                                  !
                     !                                  !
                     !                                  !
                     !                                  !
                     !                                  !
                     !                                  !
                     !                                  !
                     !                                  !
 Command ===>        +----------------------------------+
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++                Canc

SMA Main Menu

The SMA Main Menu provides the following functions:

 07:40:17           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG                     - Main Menu -                          SMMENM11

                            Code     Function
                              A      Administration
                              E      Environments
                              L      Load SMA Table
                              R      Reports
                              T      Datasets on Tapes
                              Z      Library Corrections
                              .      Exit
                         Code _

 Command ===>
      Help        Exit                                                  Canc
Command Description
A Administration. Administrative functions are available to specify global parameters, and to remove unused tapes and/or products from an SMA system file.
E Environments. You can use this function to describe the environments where Software AG products are installed or are to be installed. This description consists of the products to be installed, various install parameters (SVC number, data set names, etc.) and possibly locally-adapted and generated JCL. The JCL generation for a specified environment is also started within this function.
L Load SMA Table. This function is used to load SMA tables into the SMA system file.
R Reports. This function can be used to create various reports.
T Datasets on Tapes. After receiving an installation tape from Software AG, you should load the control data from the tape into SMA using a batch mode job. The T function can then be used to display information for the tape as well as the products and data sets contained on the tape. This function can also be used to control the copying of data sets from tape to disk.
Z Library Corrections. Zaps and other corrections which were delivered on an installation tape can be applied or removed using SMA. This provides the required control of Zap application as well as documentation about where and when corrections have been applied.


If function A is entered in the SMA Main Menu, the following screen will be displayed:

 07:46:19           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG                   - Administration -                       ADMENM11

   Administration Task    Description
   ---------------------  ---------------------------------------------------
 _ SMA Profile            Maintain SMA Profile
 _ Global Parameters      Maintain Global Parameters
 _ Maintain Generate Job  Maintain Job to generate installation Jobs
 _ Maintain Tabload Job   Maintain Job to load SMA table
 _ Submit Tabload Job     Submit Job to load SMA table
 _ Saved Jobs             Access saved Jobs
 _ Unused Prd/Sol-Id      Delete Products/Solutions not installed anywhere
 _ Unused Tapes           Delete Tapes containing only deleted Products
 _ Unused Lib-groups      Delete unused Library Groups

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The following administrative functions are available:

Function Description
SMA Profile SMA profile parameters are used to control various SMA operations.
Global Parameters Global parameters are used to describe the physical characteristics of the user site. Global parameters are valid for all environments.
Maintain Generate Job Maintain JCL skeleton SMA-GENERATE-JCL which is used to generate JCL in batch mode.
Maintain Tabload Job Maintain job to load SMA table data.
Submit Tabload Job Submit job to load SMA table data.
Saved Jobs Maintain, modify, and submit jobs contained in the saved jobs area. These jobs were created with the line command CO from generated jobs or the line command CJ in the Environment Maintenance function.
Unused Prd/Sol-Id Delete products and solutions which are not installed in any SMA environment from SMA system file.
Unused Tapes Delete unused installation tapes from SMA system file.
Unused Lib-groups Delete unused library groups from SMA system file.

SMA Profile

This function is used to maintain the SMA profile parameters which are used to control various SMA operations.

The following screen will be displayed:

 07:50:41           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG                     - SMA Profile -                        ADPRFM11

 Printing Defaults - Page Size .....................  60
                     Printer ID ....................
 Language Code .....................................  1  (1=English, 2=German)
 Confirm Save ......................................  N  (Y,N)
 Display SMA LOGO menu .............................  Y  (Y,N)
 Enable lower case typing
 for editors and parameter values ..................  N  (Y,N)

 Changes are to be valid during this session only ..  Y  (Y/N)

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The following can be entered or changed:

  • Page Size for print functions

  • Printer ID for reports and print functions

  • Language code: 1=English, 2=German

  • Confirm SAVE in the editors and in the modify parameter screens

  • Display SMA logo when starting

  • Enable lower case in editor and parameter values

The values entered are either valid for this session only (this is the default), or are stored in the SMA system file permanently.

Global Parameters

This function is used to maintain the global parameters which are used to describe the physical characteristics of the user site. Global parameters are valid for all environments.

The following screen will be displayed (under z/OS):

 16:02:11           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG           - Modify Global Parameter Values -               ADPARM11
Reposition to Parameter: ____________________
 Code Name of Parameter     Value
  __  MVS-DB-DEVICE         3390_______________________________________________
  __  MVS-DSN-ADA-LOAD      SAG.ADABAS.LOAD____________________________________
  __  MVS-DSN-USER-LOAD     SAG.USER.LOAD______________________________________
  __  MVS-JOB-CLASS         1__________________________________________________
  __  MVS-JOB-CLASS2        G__________________________________________________
  __  MVS-JOB-PREFIX        SMA________________________________________________
  __  MVS-LIB-ALLOC-TYPE    TRK________________________________________________
  __  MVS-LIB-GROUP         SAGLIB_____________________________________________
  __  MVS-LIB-GROUP-UNIT    3390_______________________________________________
  __  MVS-LIB-GROUP-VOL     VVVVVV_____________________________________________
  __  MVS-NAT-BATCH         NATBATCH___________________________________________
  __  MVS-OUTPUT-CLASS      X__________________________________________________
  __  MVS-SVC               249________________________________________________
  __  MVS-TAPE-DEVICE       3490_______________________________________________

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  --    ++          -     +     Print             Canc

You may enter a new value for any value in the Value column, or enter one of the line commands described below.

Command Description
DI Display/Modify. A description of the selected parameter is displayed. You can use this screen to modify the parameter values.

For a better overview of the complete set of parameters, use report P of the SMA Reports function.

LO Long Value. This command can be used if the new value for a parameter does not fit into the corresponding column. A maximum of 72 characters is permitted.

For more information on the use of global parameters for each user environment, see the following sections:

Maintain Generate Job

This function is used to maintain the JCL skeleton SMA-GENERATE-JCL which is used to generate JCL in batch mode.

The following screen will be displayed (under z/OS):

Command ===>                                                              > +
Top    Environment: OS/MVS               Skeleton: SMA-GENERATE-JCL     ....7..

  0020 //* ---------------------------------------------------------------
  0030 //* GENERATE JCL
  0040 //* ---------------------------------------------------------------
  0060 //     PARM=('EJ=OFF,IM=D,MADIO=0,MT=0,MAXCL=0,INTENS=1,',
  0090 //          DD DSN=#G-MVS-DSN-ADA-LOAD#,DISP=SHR
  0160 //DDCARD    DD *
  0180 /*
  0190 //CMSYNIN  DD *
     ....+....1....+....2. Press PF11 to edit conditions  No.of.Lines:   27

Use PF11 to perform all desired editing. Usage of the editor for modification is explained in Editor Commands.

Maintain Tabload Job

This function is used to maintain the job which loads the SMA table data.

The following screen will be displayed (under z/OS):

 Command ===>                                                              > +
 Top    Environment: #INTERNAL            Skeleton: TABLOAD2             ....7..
   0020 //* ---------------------------------------------------------------
   0040 //* ---------------------------------------------------------------
   0080 //         DD DSN=#G-MVS-DSN-ADA-LOAD#,DISP=SHR
   0090 //*
   0100 //CMWKF01  DD DSN=&NAME&,LABEL=(1,SL),VOL=SER=&VOL&,
   0130 //*
   0190 //DDCARD   DD *
      ....+....1....+....2. Press PF11 to edit conditions  No.of.Lines:   28

Submit Tabload Job

This function is used to submit the job which loads the SMA table data.

The following screen will be displayed (under z/OS):

 16:09:29           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG                   - Administration -                       ADMENM11

   Administration Task    Description
   ---------------------  ---------------------------------------------------
 _ SMA Profile            Maintain SMA Profile
 _ Global Parameters      Maintain Global Parameters
 _ Maintain Generate Job  +---------------------------------------------------+
 _ Maintain Tabload Job   !                                                   !
 x Submit Tabload Job     !  Submit SMA Table Loader                          !
                          !                                                   !
 _ Saved Jobs             !  Load SMA Tables from                             !
                          !                                                   !
 _ Unused Products        !  Dataset name . SMT111.TABS_____________________  !
 _ Unused Tapes           !  Device ....... T      (Disk / Tape)              !
 _ Unused Solutions       !  Tape name .... ______ (Volser)                   !
 _ Unused Lib-groups      !                                                   !
 Command ===>

You can load the SMA tables directly from tape or from disk. Enter the data set name and/or the volser and press Enter to submit the Tabload job. The data set name will be determined by the variable &NAME& and the volser by the variable &VOL& within the Tabload job.

Maintain Saved Jobs

This function is used to maintain, modify, and submit jobs contained in the saved jobs area. These jobs were created with the line command CO from generated jobs or the line command CJ in the Environment Maintenance function.

The following screen will be displayed:

 08:27:39              ***  SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID  ***              2005-09-27
 User:  SAG                     - Saved Jobs -                         ADSAVM31
 Page: 1                                                              Rec: 0008
Code Job Group             Job       Description                  Status
      *___________________  *_______  *__________________________  *__________
  __  PROD1                 I005-1    CREATE TABLES FOR TP MONITO  Open
  __  PROD1                 I056-1    AUXILIARY ASSEMBLIES         Open
  __  PROD1                 I070-1    PREPARATIONS ONLINE NATURAL  Submitted
  __  PROD1                 I088-1    LINK EXITS IN ADA-INTER      Open
  __  PROD1                 I999-1    SMA COMMIT AND ENV.REPORT    Open
  __  PROD1                 P060-1    READ ME; DO NOT SUBMIT       Open
  __  PROD1                 REPORT-1  Installation Guide           Open
  __  PROD1                 T650-1    COPY DATASETS FROM TAPE      Open

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++    Refr  >     Canc

You can enter one of the commands described below.

Command Description
CO Copy. The selected job will be copied.
DE Delete. The selected job will be deleted.
DI Display. The selected job will be displayed.
EX Export. The selected job will be exported to a PC file. Work file 7 must be defined for the PC file.
MO Display/Modify. The saved jobs will be displayed. You can browse through the jobs using PF7 and PF8 to scroll backwards and forwards, print the job, or modify it before submitting it to the operating system for execution. Usage of the editor for modification is explained in Editor Commands.
PR Print. The selected job will be printed.
SU Submit. The saved job will be submitted to the operating system for execution. Within SMA, a job can have the status:
  • Open: the job has been saved and has not yet been submitted

  • Submitted: the job has been submitted. It is possible to submit a job, change it and re-submit it.

The successful execution of a submitted job is not checked by SMA.

RN Rename. The selected job will be renamed.
TE Modify Text. The text description of the selected job will be modified.

Delete Unused Products and Solutions

This function is used to delete products and solutions which are not installed in any SMA environment from the SMA system file.

The list of products and solutions which are not installed will be displayed.

 15:59:48           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG              - Unused Product/Solutions -                  ADUPRM21
 Page: 1   sorted by                                                  Rec: 0015
    Prd/Sol-Id  Description                              last installed in
    *_________  *_______________________________________  *____________________
 _  ADA743      ADABAS                                    2005-09-14 / PROD1
 _  ADA743S002  ADA743 Corrective Tape SOL-ID-ADA743S002  Was never installed
 _  APS271      SMARTS APPLICATION SERVER                 Was never installed
 _  BTE421      SMARTS LIBBR. (NO INSTALL STEPS)          Was never installed
 _  NAT414      NATURAL                                   2005-09-14 / PROD1
 _  NCF414      NATURAL COMPLETE INTERFACE                Was never installed
 _  NCI414      NATURAL CICS INTERFACE                    Was never installed
 _  NTI414      NATURAL TSO INTERFACE                     Was never installed
 _  PRD441      PREDICT                                   2005-09-14 / PROD1
 _  PRD441I003  PRD441 Corrective Tape SOL-ID-PRD441I003  Was never installed
 _  SMA211      SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID                    Was never installed
 _  WAL743      LIMITED ADABAS LIBRARY                    Was never installed
 _  WAL743L001  WAL743 Corrective Tape SOL-ID-WAL743L001  Was never installed
 _  WAL743S002  WAL743 Corrective Tape SOL-ID-WAL743S002  Was never installed
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++    Refr        Canc

You can mark the products or solutions to be deleted by SMA.

Delete Unused Tapes

This function is used to delete unused installation tapes from SMA system file.

The list of unused tapes will be displayed. An unused tape appears, if all products and solutions on that tape have been deleted with the function Unused Products and Solutions.

 11:15:55           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG                    - Unused Tapes -                        ADUBAM11
 Page: 1                                                              Rec: 0001
      Volume  Description                                         Add Date
      *_____  *_________________________________________________  *_________
  _   T77967  Software AG Customer                                2005-09-27

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prnt  --    -     +     ++    Refr        Canc

You can mark one or more tapes for deletion. Since only the tapes are shown for which all product data sets have already been deleted, the only information remaining for deletion is the tape record and the Readme texts for these tapes.

Delete Unused Library Groups

This function is used to delete unused library groups from the SMA system file.

The list of unused library groups will be displayed.

 12:23:21           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG               - Unused Library Groups -                    ADULIM11
 Page: 1                                                              Rec: 0001
      OP-Sys    Library Group name    Status
      *_______  *___________________  -----------
  _   OS/MVS    LIBPROD2

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++    Refr        Canc

You can mark one or more library group for deletion.

Environment Maintenance

This function is used to define and maintain SMA user environments.

 07:31:52           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-27
 User:  SAG              - Environment Maintenance -                   ENMENM11
 Page: 1                                                              Rec: 0007
 Code Environment    Description
      *_______       *_________________________________________________
  __  PROD1          PRODUCTION 1
  __  PROD2          PRODUCTION 2
  __  SMA            SMA INSTALLATION
  __  DEV            DEVELOPMENT
  __  TEST1          TEST INSTALLATION 1
  __  TEST2          TEST INSTALLATION 2

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++                Canc

The following commands are available:

Command Description
CH Check Environment. SMA will execute a number of checks to detect incorrect specifications. For example, an error will be detected if a product which has Natural as a prerequisite is marked to be installed, but Natural is neither installed nor marked to be installed. Although many checks are performed, it is not possible to detect every inconsistency of parameter values.
CJ Copy Environment Jobs. All jobs in this environment will be copied. You can specify a new name for the job group and assign a common prefix for the job names.
CL Clone Environment. A new environment will be created by copying an existing environment. You are prompted for a short descriptive text for the new environment. The first line of this description will be used in the display list of all environments. The following parts of the environment are copied:
  • old and new values of all parameters

  • JCL skeletons, if the existing environment is not a default environment

  • list of all available products with the same status

CO Copy Environment. A new environment will be created by copying an existing environment. You will be prompted for a short descriptive text for the environment. The first line of this description will be used in the display list of all environments.

The following parts of the environment are copied:

  • old and new values of all parameters

  • JCL skeletons, if the existing environment is not a default environment

  • list of all available products, with the status of the products set to not installed

DE Delete Environment. The environment will be deleted.

Only SMA-internal data is deleted; no other files are effected, i.e., there is no de-install feature in SMA.

A default environment cannot be deleted.

IP Install Products. See section Install Products.
JB JCL Generation in batch mode. The environment will be checked and if no errors are detected, the job for generating JCL in batch mode will be submitted. See section JCL Generation for a description of this process. If an error is detected, it can be corrected using the MO command.

This function is not available on BS2000/OSD. On BS2000/OSD, the SMA JCL generation is always executed in Natural batch mode. If the JCL generation is started online (under TIAM or UTM) SMA submits a batch job which performs the generation.

JC JCL Generation. The online-mode JCL Generator will be started. See section JCL Generation for a description of this process. If an error is detected, it can be corrected using the MO command.
JO Generated Jobs. The Generated Jobs screen for the current environment will be displayed. See section Working with Generated Jobs.
MG Modify Parameter by Group. See section Modify Parameters.
MO Modify Environment. See section Modifying an Environment.
MP Modify Parameter by Name. See section Modify Parameters.
MS Modify JCL Skeleton. See section Modify JCL Skeletons.
RN Rename Environment. A new name will be given to the environment.
RP Report Environment. A report will be created for the environment. The report will contain the following information:
  • description of this environment

  • list of products which have been installed or are to be installed in this environment

  • list of JCL skeleton which has been modified for this environment

  • list of install parameters and parameter values for this environment

SA Saved Environment Jobs. The Saved Jobs for Environment menu will be displayed in order to process the saved jobs whose group name is an environment name.
SE Set Installed. The following status information will be reset:
  • all products which have the status to be installed are marked as installed

  • old parameter values are replaced by new values, if specified

  • the status of linked modules which have been changed by the SMA Library Correction function is reset from to be relinked to ok

This function is useful in two situations:

  • after describing an existing environment, you can use this function to document that the products in this environment are already installed

  • the last job generated during JCL generation executes this function in batch mode. Instead of using this job, you may execute this function in dialog mode after successful execution of all generated jobs (except the last one).

TE Text Description. The descriptive text for this environment is to be modified. A window will appear with four input lines. These lines can be used to provide a brief textual description of the environment. These lines will then appear in the SMA environment reports. The first line of text will also be displayed in the Environment Maintenance screen.
ZA Apply Zap. A list of corrections for products with status installed or to be installed will be displayed.

JCL Generation

The JCL Generator is activated using the line command JC from the Environment Maintenance screen. JCL generation in dialog mode consists of the following steps:

  1. The JCL Generator first evaluates which parameter values are new and what products are marked as to be installed, and produces a list of all installation steps required.

    This step can require a large amount of control data to be evaluated, and therefore may require a considerable amount of time for completion.

  2. The Installation Guide for the generated jobs and steps is displayed. This list can be printed by pressing PF9. The printout will be useful as a checklist when submitting the generated jobs for execution.

    By pressing Enter, the next page of this report can be displayed. PF6 can be used to skip the display and continue with JCL generation.

  3. JCL generation starts. The job and step number currently being generated are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

If Enter or a PF key is pressed during this process, an error may occur, and JCL generation will be interrupted.

After JCL generation has been completed, the number of errors detected during the generation is displayed. If this number is not equal to 0, you should check whether or not a user modification of a JCL skeleton caused an error. If not, Software AG support personnel should be contacted.

Working with Generated Jobs

If the function JO is entered in the Environment Maintenance screen after JCL generation has been performed, the list of all generated jobs will be displayed.

 07:51:23           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG             - Generated Environment Jobs -                 ENJOBM11
 Page: 1                     Environment: PROD1                       Rec: 0021
 Code     Job           Description                            Status
          *_________    *_______________________________       *__________
  __      Report        Installation Guide                     Open
  __      T955          COPY DATASETS FROM TAPE                Open
  __      P060          READ ME; DO NOT SUBMIT                 Open
  __      I005          CREATE TABLES FOR TP MONITOR           Open
  __      I008          ALLOCATE DATASETS                      Open
  __      I009          COPY DATASETS                          Open
  __      I010          INSTALL PERMANENT ADASVC               Open
  __      I011          INSTALL TEMPORARY ADASVC               Open
  __      I030          DEFINE AND FORMAT DATABASE             Open
  __      I040          ADABAS NUCLEUS                         Open
  __      I050          CREATE ADABAS FILES                    Open
  __      I055          ASSEMBLIES OF BATCH NATURAL            Open
  __      I056          AUXILIARY ASSEMBLIES                   Open
  __      I060          PARM + LINK BATCH NATURAL              Open
 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit        Prnt  --    -     +     ++    Refr        Canc

The following commands are available:

Command Description
CO Copy Job. Jobs for an environment must be deleted before the next JCL generation. If you wish to keep a copy of the job (as an example or for later usage), you can use the CO command to copy the job. SMA will prompt for a new name and job group. The Saved Jobs function of the Administration Menu can be used to locate/process a copied job.
DE Delete Job. The generated job will be deleted. Normally, you should delete generated jobs only after successful execution of all jobs.
DI Display Job. The job will be displayed.
EX Export Job to PC File. Work file 7 must be defined for the PC file.
MO Display/Modify Job. The generated job will be displayed. You can browse through the generated job, using PF7 and PF8 to scroll backwards and forwards, print the job, or modify it before submitting it to the operating system for execution. Usage of the editor is explained in the section Editor Commands.

SMA is designed to make changes in the generated jobs unnecessary. If frequent changes of the jobs are required, the job skeletons which are used during JCL generation should be changed. Refer to JCL Skeletons or the appropriate report to determine which skeletons are involved.

PR Print Job. The job will be printed.
RN Rename Job. The job will be renamed using the specified name.
SU Submit Job. The generated job will be submitted to the operating system for execution. Within SMA, a job can have the status:
  • Open: The job has been generated and has not yet been submitted

  • Submitted: The job has been submitted. It is possible to submit a job, change it and re-submit it.

    The order of submitting the generated jobs is checked by SMA. If jobs are not submitted in the correct sequence, a warning message will be issued.

The successful execution of a submitted job is not checked by SMA.

TE Modify Text Description. The text description for the job will be modified.

Modifying an Environment

If the command MO is entered from the Environment Maintenance screen, the following screen will be displayed.

 10:12:04               ***  SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID  ***             2005-09-27
 User:  SAG               - Environment Maintenance -                  ENMENM01
                           Environment: PROD1
  Code Maintenance Environment             Code Install Products/Solutions
  ---- ------------------------------      ---- -------------------------------
   CO  Copy Environment                     CH  Check Environment
   CL  Copy with product status list        IP  Install Products/Solutions
   DE  Delete Environment                   JB  Submit Job to Generate JCL
   RN  Rename Environment                   JC  Generate JCL
   RP  Report Environment                   JO  Maintain/Submit Generated JCL
   TE  Modify Environment Description       SE  Set Installed
                                            ZA  Apply Zaps

  Code Parameters and Skeletons            Code Saved JCL
  --- -------------------------------      ---- -------------------------------
   MG  Modify Parameters by Group           CJ  Copy Generated JCL
   MP  Modify Parameters by Name            SA  Maintain Saved JCL
   MS  Maintain Skeletons 

  Code: __
                  Exit                                                  Canc

The commands which can be used are described above in the section Environment Maintenance.

Install Products

If Install Products is selected from the Environment Maintenance screen, or the line command IP is entered from an Environment Maintenance menu, a list of all products and Solution IDs for the environment will be displayed.

SMA by default shows only corrections for products which have been installed in an environment. However you can press PF10 to show all corrections found in SMA, pressing PF10 again will supress them.

 15:03:57           ***  SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID 2.1.2  ***           2012-01-18
 User:  SAG              - Product & Solution List -                   ENPRDM11
 Page:  2                    Environment: PROD1                       Rec: 0589
 Code Product     Description                               Status             
      *_________  *_______________________________________  *________________  
  __  ACI813      ADABAS CICS INTERFACE                     -                  
  __  ACI813S001  ACI813 CORRECTIVE TAPE SOL-ID-ACI813S001  -                  
  __  ACI822      ADABAS CICS INTERFACE                     INSTALLED          
  __  ADA532      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA533      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA613      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA613P2    ADA613 CORRECTIVE ZAP SUMMARY-002         -                  
  __  ADA621      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA622      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA713      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA713P0    ADA713: CORRECTION ZAP SUMMARY-000        -                  
  __  ADA741      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA742      ADABAS                                    -                  
  __  ADA744      ADABAS                                    -                  
 Command ===>                                                               
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++    aSol        Canc 

The following commands are provided:

Command Description
IN Install. The product will receive the status to be installed. Each product which has this status will be processed by the next JCL generation for this environment.
RE Reset Status. The status to be installed will be removed. This command can be used if the INSTALL command has been issued inadvertently.
RM Readme Text. The Readme text for the product will be displayed.
RP Product Report. A product report will be displayed which contains the following information:
  • environments in which the product is installed or to be installed

  • data sets which belong to the product and the volume serial number of the installation tape

  • job/steps used to install the product

UN Uninstall. The status installed will be set to "-" (not installed).

No JCL to uninstall a product is generated. This command only causes the status to be changed in the SMA system file, and has no other effect.

Modify Parameters

This function can be used to modify the install parameters to be used when generating JCL.

Any new value specified will be used during the next JCL generation, and will replace the installed value with the next SET INSTALLED command.

 08:08:24           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG               - Modify Parameter Values -                  ENPRMM11
 Page:  1   sorted by       Environment: PROD1                        Rec: 0507
 Code Name of Parameter     Installed Value           New Value
      *___________________  *_______________________  *_______________________
  __  ACF2                                            ______________________
  __  ACI-CMDLNK-ENHANCED   N                         ______________________
  __  ACI-CMDLNK-31         N                         ______________________
  __  ACIVERS               2                         ______________________
  __  ADA-CONVERT-DB        N                         ______________________
  __  ADA-CREATE-NEW-DB     Y                         ______________________
  __  ADA-INSTAL-RAI        N                         ______________________
  __  ADA-RAI-MINGENS       5                         ______________________
  __  ADACICS               ADABAS                    ______________________
  __  ADAENAB               ADAENAB                   ______________________
  __  ADATRUE               ADATRUE                   ______________________
  __  AFP-BATCH             N                         ______________________
  __  APS-GENVNAME          DD:CONFIG                 ______________________
  __  APS-POSIX             Y                         ______________________
Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++    SelGr >     Canc

A new value may be entered in the corresponding column or by using the commands described below.

Command Description
DI Display. A description of the selected parameter will be displayed.

For a complete overview of a set of parameters, use report P of the SMA Reports function.

MO Modify Value. You can use this command to enter a new value for a parameter which is longer than the corresponding column provided. A maximum of 72 characters is permitted.
SD Set Default. The current parameter value will be set to the value specified in the default environment.
SE Set Blank. If the new value for a parameter is the value blank, this command must be used to set the new value of a parameter to blank. The JCL Generator will then use a blank value for this parameter.
SI Set Inactive. The internal active flag will be reset to inactive.
TV Transfer Value. The parameter values specified in the default environment will be transferred to all other environments.

This command is only valid for the default environment.

RP Report Values. A report will be displayed which contains the parameter values currently defined for each environment.

Modify JCL Skeletons

If this function is selected from the Modify Environment screen, a list of all skeletons available, including a short explanation for each skeleton, will be displayed.

The JCL skeletons which have already been modified for this environment are marked with an "X" in column E.

 08:10:58           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG                - Modify JCL Skeletons -                    ENSKLM11
 Page: 3   sorted by         Environment: PROD1                       Rec: 0381
 Code E Skeleton Name        Version     Description
      * *___________________ *__________ *_____________________________________
  __    ADAFRM6              2004-09-22  ADABAS ALLOCATE AND FORMAT DATABASE-FI
  __    ADAFRM7              2004-11-18  ADABAS ALLOCATE AND FORMAT DATABASE-FI
  __    ADALIBS              2001-08-27  INCLUDE: DD-CARDS FOR ADABAS
  __    ADALOD               2004-11-10  ADABAS LOAD FILE (V5)
  __    ADANUC               2004-09-22  ADABASE NUCLEUS JOB
  __    ADANUC5              2001-08-10  ADABASE NUCLEUS JOB
  __    ADAREPS              1992-12-10  ADABAS REPORT STANDARD
  __    ADASAV               1998-11-27  ADABAS SAVE STANDARD
  __    ADASVCP              2002-02-07  ADABAS SVC PERMANENT INSTALL
  __    ADASVCT              2002-02-07  ADABAS SVC TEMPORARY INSTALL
  __    ADAULD               1998-09-18  ADABAS ADAULD STANDARD
  __    ADAUTIL              2004-11-10  ADABAS UTILITIES
 Command ===> ____________________________________________________________
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++    User  >     Canc

JCL skeletons are used during JCL generation to expand the installation steps into executable JCL. These JCL skeletons are supplied by Software AG but may be modified by the SMA user. Modifications of JCL skeletons in the default environment are valid for all other environments, whereas modifications of a JCL skeleton in a user environment are valid for that environment only.

Refer to the section JCL Skeletons for a further explanation of JCL skeletons.

The following commands may be used:

Command Description
CO Copy Skeleton. The skeleton will be copied.
DE Delete Skeleton. The skeleton will be deleted.
DI Display Skeleton. The skeleton will be displayed.
EX Export Skeleton. The skeleton will be exported to a PC File. Work file 7 must be defined for the PC file.
MO Modify Skeleton. The skeleton is to be modified using editor commands. See below for more information.
PR Print Skeleton. The skeleton will be printed.
RP Report Skeleton. A report will be displayed which shows the environments in which this modified skeleton is used.

Using Editor Commands to Modify the Skeleton

If the command MO is entered on the Modify JCL Skeletons screen, the editor for modifying the JCL Skeleton will be invoked and the skeleton will be displayed for editing purposes:

Editor commands are described in the section Editor Commands.

Use the character "," as the escape character for line commands. Use PF11 to shift the screen to the right to view line conditions. Use PF10 to shift back (toggle effect).

Command ===>                                                              > +
All    Environment: PROD1                Skeleton: NAT-USER-PARM-CICS   ....7..
  0020                PRINTER=(,,,,                     PRINTER WITHOUT NAF   X
  0030                PC,,PC3),                   PRINTER LINE 2, WITH PCM    X
  0040                ,,PC3),                     PRINTER LINE 2, WITH NTC    X
  0050                PRT5,PRT6,PRT7),            PRINTER LINE 2, WITHOUT PCM X
  0060                WORK=12,                          MAXIMUM NUM. WORK     X
  0070                WORK=(,,,,PC),                    MAXIMUM NUM. WORK     X
  0080                WORK=(,,,,PC,,PC3),               MAXIMUM NUM. WORK     X
  0090                WORK=(,,,,,,PC3),                 MAXIMUM NUM. WORK     X
  0100                AUTO=OFF,                         AUTOMATIC LOGON       X
  0110                MCG=OFF,                          NAT OPT OFF/ON        X
  0120                PC=OFF,                           PC-CONNECTION ON/OFF  X
  0130                ADAPRM=ON,                        USED ONLY FOR REVIEW  X
  0140                GRAPHIC=OFF,       CHANGE TO 'PGF' FOR USAGE OF GRAFICS X
  0150                OPRB=NOOPEN,                      NO EXPLICIT OPEN      X
  0160                LS=250,                           LINE SIZE DEFAULT     X
  0170                PS=80,                            PAGE SIZE DEFAULT     X
  0180                STACK=OFF,                        INITIAL NATURAL COMMDSX
  0190                KEY=(PF1='%R',PF2=E,PF3=C,PF4=RUN,PF5=LOGOFF,           X
  0200                PF7='-20',PF8='+20'),                                   X
       ....+....1....+....2. Press PF11 to edit conditions  No.of.Lines:   20


This function can be used to create various reports.

The following menu will be displayed:

 08:14:17           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG                        - Reports -                         RPMENM11

   Object               Description
   -------------------  ------------------------------------------------------
 _ Environment          Products / Skeletons / Parameters in Environment
 _ JCL Skeleton         Listing of Environment's Skeleton
 _ Parameter            Active Parameters in specified Environment
 _ Tape                 Content of received SAG Tapes/CDs
 _ Dataset              Tapes containing Datasets belonging to Product
 _ Product              Installation steps / Datasets of Product
 _ Parameter            Overview of Parameter's Value
 _ Library Corrections  Overview of all Library Corrections

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The following types of reports are available:

Report Type Description
Environment This report shows the products, JCL skeletons and parameters for the specified environment.
JCL Skeleton This report shows the JCL skeleton for the specified environment.
Parameter This report shows the active parameters for the specified environment.
Tape This report shows the contents of the installation tapes/CDs received from Software AG
Dataset This report shows the installation tapes and related data sets for the specified product.
Product This report shows the installation steps and product data sets for the specified product.
Parameter This report provides an overview of all parameter values.
Library Corrections This report provides an overview of all library corrections.

These reports are also available using the REP... direct commands.

Datasets on Tapes

This function can be used to access and modify installation tape and product data set information.

 08:15:35           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG                    - Archived Tapes -                      TPVOLM11
 Page:  1                                                             Rec: 0004
 Code Volser  Description                                 Add Date
      *_____  *_______________________________________    *_________
  __  T77955  Software AG Customer                        2005-09-27
  __  T77966  Software AG Customer                        2005-09-27
  __  T77967  Software AG Customer                        2005-09-27
  __  T77968  Software AG Customer                        2005-09-27

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++          Prod  Canc

The following commands are available:

Command Description
DA Data sets. A list of all data sets on this tape is displayed. You can select one or several data sets by marking it/them with a command. From this point, you can control the copying of data sets from tape to disk.
JC JCL Generation. JCL is generated for copying those data sets which have been marked as to be copied from the selected tape to disk.

This JCL will also be generated automatically when JCL Generation for product installation is requested in the SMA Environment function.

JO Generated Jobs. The Generated Jobs screen is displayed for all jobs generated with the JCL Generation function.
MA Mark for Copy. Data sets which can be copied to disk will be marked as to be copied.
PR Products. A list of all products on this installation tape will be displayed. You can then select a product from this list in order to display the data sets for that product.
RE Readme Text. Readme text for the installation tape will be displayed. Readme text usually contains the status and/or purpose of the installation tape.
RP Tape Report. A tape report will be displayed which contains the following information: Datasets and Products.
SE Set copied. The data set status to be copied is reset to set copied for all data sets on the selected installation tape.

Data Sets of Products

You can use PF11 to access data sets by product.

 08:20:10           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG                 - Datasets of Product -                    TPPRDM11
 Page:  1                Op.Sys: OS/MVS   Lib-Group:                  Rec: 0029
     Product     Description                               add Date   add User
      *_________  *_______________________________________  *_________ *_______
  _   ACI743      ADABAS CICS INTERFACE                     2005-09-27 SAG
  _   ACI743S001  ACI743 Corrective Tape SOL-ID-ACI743S001  0000-00-00
  _   ADA743      ADABAS                                    2005-09-27 SAG
  _   ADA743S002  ADA743 Corrective Tape SOL-ID-ADA743S002  0000-00-00
  _   AOS743      ADABAS ONLINE SERVICES                    2005-09-27 SAG
  _   APS271      SMARTS APPLICATION SERVER                 2005-09-27 SAG
  _   BTE421      SMARTS LIBBR. (NO INSTALL STEPS)          2005-09-27 SAG
  _   CST451      NATURAL CONSTRUCT                         2005-09-27 SAG
  _   CST451P002  CST451 Corrective Tape SOL-ID-CST451P002  0000-00-00
  _   NAF414      NATURAL ADVANCED FACILITIES               2005-09-27 SAG
  _   NAT414      NATURAL                                   2005-09-27 SAG
  _   NCF414      NATURAL COMPLETE INTERFACE                2005-09-27 SAG
  _   NCI414      NATURAL CICS INTERFACE                    2005-09-27 SAG
  _   NDV214      NATURAL DEVELOPMENT SERVER                2005-09-27 SAG

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++                Canc

You can then select the data sets of a product for processing by marking them with an "X".

Detailed Data Set Information

The Datasets screen provides detailed information on each data set for a product.

 08:27:43           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
  User:  SAG                  - Datasets On Tape -                      TPPDSM11
  Page:  1               Volser: T77955  Product: ADA743               Rec: 0010
  Code Dataset Name      Description                     On Disk As            C
       *_______________  *_____________________________  *___________________  *
   __  ADA743.EMPL       Employees file
   __  ADA743.ERRN       Error messages file
   __  ADA743.INPL       INPL dataset
   __  ADA743.JOBS       MVS Example jobs for installat  SAGLIB.ADA743.JOBS    Y
   __  ADA743.LOAD       MVS Load dataset                SAGLIB.ADA743.LOAD    Y
   __  ADA743.LX01       MVS X01.LOAD correction         SAGLIB.ADA743.LX01    Y
   __  ADA743.MISC       Miscellaneous file
   __  ADA743.SRCE       MVS Source dataset              SAGLIB.ADA743.SRCE    Y
   __  ADA743.VEHI       Vehicles file
   __  ADA743.Z000       MVS 000.Zap Summary

  Command ===>
       Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++          >     Canc

You can select one or more data sets for processing by marking it/them with one of the following commands:

Command Description
DE Delete Copy. The table entry which describes the copy of a data set (library) will be deleted.

This command does not delete the data set itself; only SMA's table entry for this data set is deleted.

The record pointing to the Software AG delivery group cannot be deleted.

MA Mark For Copy. The data set will be marked as to be copied. During the next JCL-generating step, the JCL required for copying from tape to disk will be generated for all data sets on all tapes which have been marked.
MO Modify. A description of the selected data set will be displayed. You can then modify some of the fields of this data set description. See Dataset Parameters below for more information.
RE Reset Mark. The status of a data set will be reset from marked to be copied to not marked.

Modifying Copy Parameters

If a data set is selected using the command MO from the Product Datasets screen, the data set parameters will be displayed for possible modification.

 08:31:58           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG                   - Copy Parameters -                      TPCDSM11
 Volser .....  T77955
 Name on tape  ACI743.SRCE
 Description .........  MVS Source dataset
 Symbolic Dataset Name  ACI743.SRCE
 Dataset Organization   PO
 Size (Kilo byte) ....  49
 Dataset created on ..  2005-09-27  10:01:04
 Dataset copied on....  2005-09-28  07:51:12

 Library Grp   SAGLIB______________
 Name on Disk  SAGLIB.ACI743.SRCE______________________________________________
 Disk .......  VVVVVV
 Device Type   3390____
 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

The following data set parameters which are used when copying data sets from tape to disk may be changed:

  • Library Group

  • Name on Disk

    SMA uses Name on Disk to determine whether or not the data set resides on disk. A blank name indicates that the data set is currently not available on disk.

  • Disk where the data set is stored

  • Device Type of this disk

If the data set has been marked to be copied, SMA will use default values for the above fields if they are blank.

Library Corrections

This function is used to apply corrections (Zaps, source changes, module replacements) to the Software AG product libraries.

Library Selection

If function Z is chosen in the SMA Main Menu, a list of all library groups will be displayed.

 08:33:27           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG                 - Library Corrections -                    COLBGM11
 Page:  1                                                             Rec: 0001
 Code  Library Group
  __   SAGLIB

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++                Canc

The following commands are available:

Command Description
DI Display/Modify Correction. All corrections for the selected library group will be displayed. See below for additional information.
JC Generate JCL. JCL will be generated for corrections in the library group with the status to be applied or to be undone. For more information, see JCL Generation.
JO Generated Jobs. The Generated Jobs screen for this library group will be displayed.
SE Reset Status. All corrections within the library group with the status to be applied or to be undone will receive the status applied or undone respectively.

Display/Modify Corrections

A screen listing all library corrections for the library group will be displayed:

 08:38:02           ***     SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID     ***           2005-09-28
 User:  SAG               - Library Corrections -                      COZAPM11
 Page: 1                    Library Group: SAGLIB                     Rec: 0056
 Cmd  Corr. Nr. T Dataset Name                 Status
      *________ - *___________________________ *_______________________________
  __  NA64001   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64002   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64003   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64004   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64005   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64006   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64007   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64008   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64009   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64010   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64011   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64012   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64013   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
  __  NA64014   Z SAGLIB.NAT414.LOAD
 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  Sort  Prnt  --    -     +     ++                Canc

This list shows the data set names of the affected libraries, and provides the following information per correction:

  • identification number of the correction

  • correction type (Z= Zap, S= source change, L= load module replacement)

  • status of the change

The status of a change may be any of the following:

Status Description
To Be Applied The line command APPLY has been entered for this correction, but the direct command SET-APPLIED has not yet been executed.
Applied The line command APPLY has been issued for this correction, and the direct command SET-APPLIED has been executed.
To Be Undone The line command UNDO was entered for this correction, but the direct command SET-APPLIED was not executed. The generated job will contain the Zap in a reverse form, where all VERIFY(s) are converted to REPLACE(s) and vice versa.
Undone The line command UNDO was entered for this correction, and the direct command SET-APPLIED was executed.
blank The correction was neither applied nor undone.

The following commands are available:

Command Description
AP Apply Correction. The status for this change will be reset from blank or undone to to be applied.
CO Copy a Correction. A window will be displayed for entering target parameters for copying the correction.
DE Delete Correction. The correction in the selected library group will be deleted from SMA.

This command cannot be used if the correction has already been applied in any library group.

DI Display Correction. The selected correction will be displayed.
EX Export Correction. The selected correction will be exported to a PC file. Work file 7 must be defined for the PC file.
MO Modify Correction. A screen will be displayed which can be used to enter modifications.

This command is only valid if there is a Y in the Ed column in the list of changes.

This command cannot be used if the correction has already been applied in any library group.

RE Reset Status. The status will be reset from to be applied to blank or from to be undone to applied respectively.
UN Undo Correction. The status will be reset from applied to to be undone.

Modify Correction

If the command MO is entered, the editor for modifying the correction will be invoked and the correction will be displayed for editing purposes:

Command ===>                                                              > +
Top    Change: NA64001      Type: Z DSN: NAT414.LOAD          ....6....+....7..

  0010 * PRODUCT: NAT414
  0020 *
  0030 * ZAP: NA64001 PROBLEM(S): 264305
  0040 * BY: MK AT 11:04:58 ON 2005-06-27
  0050 *
  0060 * SYMPTOMS: NUS0216 abend when using TEST to debug programs.
  0070 *           Problem occurs because used length of IOPAGE is
  0080 *           set greater than its size by the page-in function.
  0090 * DESCRIP.: Increase page buffer IOPAGE before it is too late.
  0110 VER 05FA 5050,600C
  0120 VER 0952 B952,B954,B956,B958,B95A,B95C,B95E,B960
  0130 VER 0962 B962,B964,B966,B968,B96A,B96C,B96E,B970
  0140 VER 0972 B972,B974,B976,B978,B97A,B97C,B97E,B980
  0150 VER 0982 B982,B984,B986,B988,B98A,B98C,B98E,B990
  0160 VER 0992 B992,B994,B996,B998,B99A,B99C,B99E,B9A0
  0170 VER 09A2 B9A2,B9A4,B9A6
  0180 REP 05FA 47F0,B952
  0190 REP 0952 5950,6008,4720,B962,5050,600C,47F0,B5FE
  0200 REP 0962 D713,D048,D048,D203,D048,A010,D201,D064

       ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5...No.of.Lines:   29

You can modify the DSN of the library where this correction is to be applied. In addition, you can modify the text of the correction using editor commands.

Working With Generated Correction Jobs

If the JO command is entered, a screen with all generated correction jobs will be displayed:

 08:41:01                *** SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AID ***              2005-09-28
 User:  SAG              - Generated Correction Jobs -                 COZJBM11
 Reposition to Job: ________   Op.Sys: OS/MVS   Lib.Group: SAGLIB
   Cmd    Job         Description                 Date       Time   Status
    __    Z010        SAGLIB:APPLY ZAPS           2005-09-28 08:40  Open

 Command ===>
      Help  Menu  Exit  --    ++          -     +     Print             Canc

The following commands are available:

Command Description
CO Copy Job. If you wish to keep a job (as an example or for later usage) enter the COPY command for this job. SMA will prompt for a new name and job group.
DE Delete Job. The job will be deleted. Normally, all generated correction jobs should be deleted after successful execution of all jobs.
DI Display Job. The job will be displayed.
EX Export Job to PC File. Work file 7 must be defined for the PC file.
MO Modify Job. The generated correction job will be displayed for modification. You can browse through the generated job, using PF7 and PF8 to scroll backwards and forwards, print the job, or modify it before submitting it to the operating system for execution. Usage of the editor for modification is explained in the section Editor Commands.

SMA is designed to make changes in the generated jobs unnecessary. If frequent changes of the jobs are required, the job skeletons which are used during JCL generation should be changed. Refer to JCL Skeletons or the appropriate report to determine which skeletons are involved.

PR Print Job. The selected job will be printed.
RN Rename Job. The job will be renamed using the specified name.
SU Submit Job. The generated job will be submitted to the operating system for execution. Within SMA, a job can have the status:
  • Open: the job has been generated and has not yet been submitted

  • Submitted: the job has been submitted. It is possible to submit a job, change it and re-submit it.

The successful execution of a submitted job is not checked by SMA.

TE Modify Text Description. The text description for the job will be modified.