Maintaining Objects of Type Storagespace

This document covers the following topics:

Storagespace Maintenance Menu

The Storagespace Maintenance menu is called with function code M and object code SC in a Predict main menu or the command MAINTAIN STORAGESPACE.

10:22:43             *****  P R E D I C T  *****            2020-05-31
Plan   0             - (SC) Storagespace Maintenance -            Profile XYZ

 Function                              Function

 A  Add a Storagespace                 D  Display Storagespace
 C  Copy Storagespace                  L  Link children
 M  Modify Storagespace                S  Select Storagespace from a list
 N  Rename Storagespace                J  Physical Attributes
 P  Purge Storagespace                 

Function .........

Storagespace ID ..                                       Attributes....*
Copy ID ..........

Restrictions ....*   Profile XYZ,used                   Association ...*

Command ===>
      Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main

Parameters not listed here are described under Global Attributes.

Function Standard maintenance functions are described in the section Maintenance in the Predict Reference documentation. Function Purge is described under Storagespace-Specific Maintenance.

Add a Storagespace Screen

The screen is displayed for the Add a Storagespace function. The Copy and Modify screens are similar.

15:30:22                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2020-05-25
                           - Add a Storagespace -                              
Storagespace .... XYZ-SC                                                       
Keys ..                                                                 Zoom: N
Storagespace attributes                                                        
  Storagegroup name .....                                                      
Physical attributes in <Default Server>                 (new)                  
  VSAM catalog name .....                 Storage class name ...               
  Data class name .......                 Device type ..........               
  Management class name .                                                      
  Keylabel name .........                                              Zoom: N 
Abstract     Zoom: N                                                           
  Additional attributes ..* N          Associations ..* N                      

Parameters not listed here are described under Global Attributes.

Storagespace ID of the Predict storagespace object.
Storagespace attributes
Storagegroup name Name of the storagegroup in DB2.
VSAM catalog name Name or alias of an ICF catalog. Aliases are used for names of ICF catalogs that are longer then eight characters.
Data class name

Identifies the name of the SMS data class to associate with the DB2 storage group. The SMS data class name must be from 1-8 characters in length. The SMS storage administrator defines the data class that can be used.

A data class must not be specified more than one time.

Management class name

Identifies the name of the SMS management class to associate with the DB2 storage group. The SMS management class name must be from 1-8 characters in length. The SMS storage administrator defines the management class that can be used.

A management class must not be specified more than one time.

Keylabel name

Used for encryption.

Storage class name

Identifies the name of the SMS storage class to associate with the DB2 storage group. The SMS storage class name must be from 1-8 characters in length. The SMS storage administrator defines the storage class that can be used.

A storage class must not be specified more than one time.

Device type For documentation purposes.
Volumes/Partitions Physical volume(s)/partition(s) where the storagespace resides. Up to 36 volumes/partitions can be entered here. Specify MORE volumes/partitions=Y to specify up to 133 volumes/partitions.

Storagespace-Specific Maintenance

Purge Storagespace - Code P

The following restriction applies to this function:

  • A storagespace cannot be deleted if it is still referenced by a database, a dataspace or a file.

Otherwise this function behaves as described in the section Maintenance in the Predict Reference documentation.