Metadata Administration

Predict's metadata structure can be changed with the functions of the Metadata Administration.

  • The number of object types and association types which can be added to Predict's metadata structure is limited. It can be any value between 1,000,000 to 4,999,999. Assign a unique number from this value range to each object type, association type, object type attribute and association type attribute.

  • For predefined object types the defaults and additional attributes can be defined. The user-defined attributes are grouped into separate screens, that can be directly invoked with the modify function of the maintenance menus. Up to 80 attributes can be added to a predefined object type.

  • Retrieval models can be defined.

New object and association types are referred to as User-Defined Entities (UDEs) or User-Defined Object Types, User-Defined Associations respectively.

Metadata Administration functions cannot be performed in batch mode.

This section covers the following topics:

Starting and Quitting the Metadata Administration
Object Type Administration
Association Administration
Retrieval Model Administration
Defaults Administration