Defining Additional Attributes of Fields

If Additional attributes is set to Y, a window is displayed containing additional attributes for selection.

Only those types of additional attributes appear in the window that apply to the type of field. For example: the option Adabas security & Edit mask is not contained in the list when a DB2 index field is processed.

More than one choice can be made at a time. The respective input maps are then displayed one after the other.

The additional attributes are described in the following sections:

3GL Specification

    13:06:25             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                                  - Modify Field -
    Field ID ........ HNO-EL1                             Added 2007-05-31 at 12:55
    File ID ......... HNO-FI1                                by HNO
    Ty L Field ID                         F  Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N NAT-l
    *- - -------------------------------- *-  - -------- ----- * * -- * -----
       1 HNO-EL1                          A     2.0                AA N
    Specifications for 3GL
      Gr.structur ........   (n)
      Justify ............   (R)
      Synchronized .......   (S)
      Initialize with ...*
        Init value .......
      Indexed by .........
      Depending on .......


The field attribute Gr.structure is used to change the record layout generated from a PE/PC field.

If Gr.structure is set to N, all fields within a PE group are treated as multiple value fields. Setting Gr.structure to N prevents the format buffer for Adabas from becoming very large.

Gr.structure = N can only be specified for real fields in the deepest PE group (highest level number). For example: if there are 3 PE groups in the file on level 1, 4 and 6, only the PE groups on level 6 can be marked with Gr.structure = N.

If Gr.structure is set to blank, PE/PC groups are to be generated as groups which occur n times as a whole.

R When COBOL copy code is generated, the statement JUSTIFIED RIGHT is added for this field. Any data written to this field is then right-justified.
L Data will be left-justified. Default.
Applicable to fields of format I, F or B and length 1, 2, 4 or 8.
S When Assembler, COBOL or PL/I copy/include code or a record layout is generated, this field can be aligned on a half-word, word, or double-word boundary (speeding up arithmetic operations). This affects format buffer generation and the offsets of the fields in the record buffer. Slack-bytes are inserted into the record buffer by the assembler or compiler but they are built into any format buffer by Predict using space characters X.
Initialize with
Determines the initial value for generation. To be used instead of the standard value (zeros for a numeric field, blanks for an alphanumeric field).
S blank
L low value
H high value
Z zero
Q quote
F Fill with string specified in the parameter Init. value (mandatory). For example: if X is specified and the field length is 4, XXXX will be used for initialization.
blank Field will be initialized with the string specified in the field Init. value. If no Init. value is specified, no initialization is performed.
Init. value

If Initialize with is either F or blank a value used for initialization of a field must/can be specified.

Length and format of the Init value must be valid for the field. For binary fields hexadecimal constants such as FB0A are valid. Hexadecimal values can be specified in two ways:

  • if Format=B, hexadecimal values can be specified directly. Example: F0

  • if Format=A, hexadecimal values must be preceded by uppercase X or H and be enclosed in single quotes. Example: X'F0' or H'F0'

See also Condition Name and Value.

Indexed by String that is used when generating the COBOL INDEXED BY clause (only valid for fields of type MU/MC or PE/PC).
Depending on String used when generating the COBOL DEPENDING ON clause (only valid for fields of type MU/MC or PE/PC).

Condition Name and Value

    13:04:26             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                                  - Modify Field -
    Field ID ........ VE-FIELD                         Modified 2007-05-31 at 12:21
    File ID ......... HEB-A                                  by HEB
    Ty L Field ID                         F  Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N NAT-l
    *- - -------------------------------- *-  - -------- ----- * * -- * -----
       1 VE-FIELD                         A     3.0                AA N
    Condition name                FC * Condition value
      Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N     Scroll to .. 1
Condition name

A value to be used when generating either equate data in Assembler copy code or a level 88 entry in COBOL copy code.

Up to 29,970 condition names can be entered. Each name needs at least one corresponding condition value. Using condition names can make logical conditions and assignments easier to handle.

Figurative constant. Valid values:
S blank
L low value
H high value
Z zero
Q quote
F Fill with string specified in the parameter Condition. value. For example: if X is specified an the field length is 4, XXXX is used as condition value.
blank The string specified in the field Condition value is used.
Condition value

The length and format of this value must be valid for this field. This value must have a corresponding condition name.

Up to 29,970 condition values can be entered. If several values correspond to the same name, put the name before the first value and leave the name field blank before later values. THRU in the name field indicates a range of values ending with the value on that line and beginning with the value on the previous line.

Field Name Synonyms

    13:48:12            *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                                 - Modify Field -
    Field ID ........ PD-A2                              Added 2007-05-31 at 12:10
    File ID ......... PD-A-TEST3                      Modified 2007-05-31 at 13:08
    Ty L Field name                       F  Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N NAT-l
    *- - -------------------------------- *-  - -------- ----- * * -- * -----
       2 PD-A2                            A     2.0                AF
    Field name synonyms
      Natural .............
      COBOL ...............
      PL/I ................
      BAL/Assembler .......
      FORTRAN .............
      Pascal ..............
      Language ADA ........
      Language C ..........
      User defined ........
      Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N

Field name synonyms Synonyms to be assigned to the field when definitions in the following programing languages are generated: Natural, COBOL, PL/I, BAL (Assembler), FORTRAN, PASCAL, ADA or C.

Old Mode Synonyms

This option is only provided for compatibility with old versions of Predict.

Whether this option is displayed depends on the parameter Old mode synonyms of the screen Defaults ->General defaults -> Synonyms:

N Default setting. Compatibility with old versions is not required.
Y Up to 90 synonyms can be defined as Natural synonyms. These create additional entries in the DDM which have the same attributes as the original object but different names.
    13:10:46             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                  - Modify Field -
    Field ID ........ PDS                             Modified 2007-05-31 at 13:01
    File ID ......... PD-D1                                 by PD
         Field synonym                         Field synonym
      1                                     2
      3                                     4
      5                                     6
      7                                     8
      9                                    10
     11                                    12
     13                                    14
     15                                    16
     17                                    18
     19                                    20
     21                                    22
     23                                    24
     25                                    26
     27                                    28
     29                                    30
      Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N        Scroll to:

Adabas Security and Edit mask

    17:22:19                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2011-09-05
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ HNO-EL-A                            Added 2011-09-05 at 17:16
File ID ......... SMR-AV82                               by HNO                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB S NAT-l       
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * -----       
   1 HNO-EL-A                         T                       AJ N             
Adabas attributes                                                              
  Edit mask .............*                                                     
  Time zone ..............     (Y/N)                                           
  Daylight saving ........     (Y/N)                                           
  Security access level ..     (0-15)                                          
  Security update level ..     (0-15)                                          
  Additional attributes ..* N          Associations ..* N                      
Edit mask

The Adabas edit mask to be used for the field. Determines how numeric fields are to be edited.

Valid values for Edit mask rules used in the COBOL programming language:


Edit mask is supported for compatibility reasons and for documentation purposes only.

See the section Format Buffer Syntax in the Adabas Command Reference documentation for more information.

Valid values for Date-Time Edit masks:
D Date.
T Time.
DT Datetime.
TS Timestamp.
NT Natural time.
ND Natural date.
UT Unix time.
XTS Unix timestamp.
blank None.

In Predict, fields with format D by default use Natural date (NATDATE) and fields with format T by default use Natural time (NATTIME) Edit masks.

The different Date-Time Edit masks require different minimum numeric field lengths.

Detailed information is given in section Date-Time Edit Mask Reference of the Adabas Mainframe documentation.

Time zone The time zone in which a timestamp is applied. Only available for fields using one of the following Adabas edit masks described above: DT, NT, TS, UT or XTS.
Daylight saving The daylight savings indicator can only be specified for date-time fields defined with the TZ option. Indicates whether daylight saving applies (Y) or not (N).
Security access level The Adabas access security level of the field.
Security update level The Adabas update security level of the field.

DBMS Extensions

Applicable only to DB2 fields of type D or MT and to Adabas fields of type A.

The following screens shows the options for DB2 fields of type D and MT.

16:16:33                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2011-11-17
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ SUPER_HASH                          Added 2011-10-17 at 15:29
File ID ......... HEB-D_HASH_PART                        by HEB                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
SP 1 SUPER_HASH                                           D U AC               
DBMS extensions in <Default Server>                                            
  Use as security label ..   (Y,N)                                             
  Partitioning ..........* Q DPSI and table partitioning key                   
  Use as hash key ........ Y (Y,N)                                             
  Cluster index .......... N (Y,N)        
  Exclude NULL keys ...... Y (Y,N)                                     
* Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      

The following screens shows the options for Adabas fields of type A.

15:03:54                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2011-11-10
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ AA-FIELD                         Modified 2011-08-05 at 09:28
File ID ......... SMR-AV82                               by XYZ                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
MU 1 AA-FIELD                         A        8.0  300       AA               
DBMS extensions                                                                
  System field .........* JN Jobname                                           
* Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Use as security label

Specifies that the table column will contain security label values.

A table can have only one security label column. To define a table with a security label column, the primary authorization ID of the statement must have a valid security label, and the RACF SECLABEL class must be active. In addition, the following conditions are also required:

  • The data type of the column must be CHAR(8).

  • The subtype of the column must be SBCS.

  • The column must be defined with the NOT NULL and WITH DEFAULT clauses.

  • No field procedures, check constraints, or referential constraints are defined on the column.

  • An edit procedure is not defined on the table.

Refer to your DB2 documentation for further details.

Indicates for each implementation of a table in a SQL server, which field controls the partitioning. Valid values:


The current field is not a partitioning key and has no index.


Table partitioning key.

The table is data partitioned and the current field is the partitioning key. Additionally, it may have a non-partitioned index.


Index controlled key.

The table partitioning is controlled by a partitioning index. The current field must have an index defined; this is indicated by descriptor type D (index), P (primary key) or F (foreign index).


Non-partitioned secondary index.

The field has a non-partitioned index, but it is not the partitioning key.


Data partitioned secondary index (DPSI).

The field has a partitioned index, but it is not the partitioning key. Within the file a different field must be defined as partitioning key.


Table partitioning key and DPSI.

The table is data partitioned and the current field is the partitioning key. In addition, a partitioned index is defined for the field.

Cluster index
Only available for descriptor type D (index), P (primary key) or F (foreign index).
Y The records (rows) in the DB2 table are stored in the sequence of this index. Valid for max. one index per table. A table contained in a partitioned tablespace must have one index marked as a clustered index, if the partitioning option Index controlled key is to be used.
Use as hash key

Only available for DB2 fields of type D.

Indicates whether the current field is used as hash key. Must be unique.

Y Yes. Must be set if the table is hash organized.
N No.
Exclude NULL keys

Only available for DB2 fields of type D and MT.

Indicates whether NULL keys are excluded.

blank Not specified.
Y Yes.
N No.
System field

Only available for Adabas fields of type A.

Type of the system-generated field in Adabas. Valid values:

JN Job name. For alphanumeric fields only. Length must be 8 or greater.
OU Open command user. For alphanumeric fields only. Length must be 8 or greater.
SC Security user. For alphanumeric fields only. Length must be 8 or greater.
SI Session ID. For alphanumeric fields only. Length must be 28 or greater.
SU Session user. For alphanumeric fields only. Length must be 8 or greater.
T Time. For numeric fields only.
Index partitioning as default

This option can only be set for DB2 fields of type D and MT using the Default Table Attributes function in the Default DB2 Attributes screen.

Defines the preset values for the Partitioning and Cluster index attributes (see above in this table) when a new field is created using the Add a Field function. Valid values:

Y If a new field is created using the Add a Field function and no cluster field exists on the file, the preset value for Partitioning is I (Index controlled key) and the preset value for Cluster index is Y.
N This is the default. The preset value for Partitioning is N (Non-partitioned secondary index) and the preset value for Cluster index is N.

Field Procedure

 16:41:49             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                               - Add a Field -                                  
 Field ID ........ HNO_TEST                            Added 2007-05-31 at 16:41
 File ID ......... HNO-DB2                                by HNO                
 Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N NAT-l       
 *- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * -----       
    1 HNO_TEST                         AL     100.0            AF U             
 Physical attributes in <Default Server>                 (new)                  
             ! Procedure name .......                          !                
             ! Procedure parameter                             !                
             !                                                 !                
             !                                                 !                
             !                                                 !                
             !                                                 !                
             !                                                 !                
             !                                /                !                
   Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Procedure name Name of a field procedure (DB2 parameter FIELDPROC). See the Natural for DB2 documentation for more details.
Procedure parameter Parameters passed to the field procedure. See the Natural for DB2 documentation for more details.

Derived Field Expression

 >                     > + EL: A5                               L: 1    S: 1
     All  ....+....1... Expression for derived field..+....5....+....6....+....7..
   * Field expression of a derived field

Applicable only to fields of type DV in files of the following types:

B Adabas SQL views
E DB2 views
IV Intermediate view
JV Ingres view
OV Oracle view
X General SQL
XV Informix view
YV Sybase view

The expression used to derive the field is to be edited using one of the following depending on the your settings in the Profile > Handling screen:

  • the Natural-based Subquery Editor, or

  • the Software AG Editor

The editor can also be called with

  • function Edit Field expression (Code Y) in the Field Maintenance Menu, or

  • command EDIT ELEMENT EXPRESSION file-id field-id

See the section Editors in Predict in the Predict Reference documentation for more information.

The subquery of the file that contains the current field can specify a correlation name for any file whose fields it uses. The name of each field referenced in the expression must be qualified (preceded) by the correlation name of the file from which the field is taken, if a correlation namehas been specified for that file, or the ID of the file from which the field is taken, if no correlation name has been specified for it. The expression can include both comment lines (with /*, * or ** in the first two columns) and line comments (preceded by /*).

Example: A field which contains the annual salary:

   * Field expression of a derived field

Index Definition - DB2

Index Default Definition / Defaults Values of Using- and Free-Block

Index fields (descriptor type D, F or P) in a file of type D (DB2 table), are defined in the screen below.

11:28:09             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2006-04-20
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ INDEX                               Added 2006-04-20 at 11:28
File ID ......... HNO-DB2                                by HNO                
Index default definition in <Default Server>                                   
  Index name ......... HNO-INDEX                    Number of partitions: 3    
  Cluster index ...... N (Y,N)                      Piece size ...* 0          
  Close option ....... Y (Y,N)                      Reverse scans .   (Y,N)    
  Bufferpool ........*                              Padded ........   (Y,N)    
  Copy ............... N (Y,N)                      Compression ...   (Y,N)    
  UQ where not null .* R  not null                                             
Default values of using- and free-block                                        
  VSAM catalog name ..                                                         
  Storagespace ......* SYSDEFLT                                                
  Primary alloc ...... 1                                                       
  Secondary alloc..... 2                                                       
  Erase opt ..........   (Y,N)                                                 
  Free pages .........                                                         
  Percentage free ....                                                         
  GBPCACHE ..........*    Default                                              
  Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Index default definition
Index name The name of the DB2 index. See Key or Index Fields in SQL Files - Superfields. A read-only field.
Cluster index
Y The records (rows) in the DB2 table are stored in the sequence of this index. Valid for max. one index per table. A table contained in a partitioned tablespace must have one index marked as a clustered index, if the partitioning option Index controlled key is to be used..
Bufferpool The buffer pool associated with the index.
Close option
Y The data sets supporting this index are closed when nobody uses the index.
Indicates whether the copy utility is allowed for the index.
Y Full image or concurrent copies allowed.
N Full image or concurrent copies not allowed.
Piece size

The maximum piece size for a non-partitioned index. Valid values:

0, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152, 4194304.

Reverse scans
Specifies whether an index supports forward scans only or reverse scans of the index also.
Y Reverse scans allowed.
N Reverse scans not allowed. This is the default.
Specifies how varying-length string columns are to be stored in the index.
Y Padded.
N Not padded.
blank Not specified.
UQ where not null
Null value option. Specifies whether a null value is allowed for a unique index. Valid values:
U Null allowed. Any two null values are taken to be unequal. If the key is a single column, that column can contain any number of null values, though its other values must be unique.
R Not null. Any two null values are taken to be equal. For example, if the key is a single column, that column can contain no more than one null value.
blank Determined by gener. Null value option is set via default server settings in Predict.
Specifies whether compression for index data will be used.
Y Compression is used.
N No compression is used. This is the default.
Default Values of Using- and Free-Block
VSAM catalog name Name of the VSAM catalog for the index. The parameter VSAM catalog name must be specified if data sets are already defined for the index.
Storagespace Storagespace where DB2 defines the data sets for the index (optional). If no storagespace is specified, DB2 uses the default storagespace.
Primary alloc Minimum primary space allocation (in Kbyte) for DB2-defined index data sets. A value specified in this field is stored only if the attribute storage group has been specified.
Secondary alloc Minimum secondary space allocation (in Kbyte) for DB2-defined index data sets. A value specified in this field is stored only if the attribute storage group has been specified.
Erase opt
Y The DB2-defined data sets are to be erased (filled with nulls) when the index is dropped.
A value specified in this field is stored only if the attribute Storage group has been specified.
Free pages A number from 0 to 255 which indicates that one page is to be left free each time this number of pages is used when the load operation creates index entries or when the index is reorganized.
Zero indicates that no pages are to be left free.
Percentage free A number from 0 to 99: the percentage of each page to be left as free space when index entries are created by a load operation or when the index is reorganized.
Only relevant in a data sharing environment. Specifies what pages of the table space or partition are written to the group buffer pool.
Leave this field blank or enter:
C Changed. Only pages that have been changed are written to the group buffer pool.
A All pages are written.
N No pages are written to the group buffer pool.

Partition definition

For a partitioned index (a cluster index for a table in a partitioned table space), the following screen is displayed for every two partitions. Each partition can then be defined in accordance with the Default values of using- and free-block (see description above).

15:37:23             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ INDEX                            Modified 2007-05-31 at 15:37
File ID ......... HNO-DB2                                by HNO                
SQL Server ...... <Default Server>                                             
---------------------------- Partition definition -----------------------------
Partition 1                                                                    
  Value ..... 1                                                        Zoom: N 
  VSAM catalog name .....                                                      
  Storagespace .........* HNO-SC                                              
  Primary allocation ....                 GBPCACHE ........*    Default        
  Secondary allocation ..                 Free pages .......                   
  Erase option .......... N (Y/N)         Percentage free ..                   
Partition 2                                                                    
  Value ..... 2                                                        Zoom: N 
  VSAM catalog name .....                                                      
  Storagespace .........* HNO-SC-1                                             
  Primary allocation ....                 GBPCACHE ........*    Default        
  Secondary allocation ..                 Free pages .......                   
  Erase option .......... N (Y/N)         Percentage free ..                   
* Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N    Scroll to .. 1    

The data displayed in this screen depend on the values selected in the Partitioning field of the DBMS extensions screen.


The highest value of the index key in this partition.

At least one constant must be used and as many constants as there are columns in the key can be specified.

The concatenation of all the constants is the highest value of the key in this partition of the index.

No checking is performed here.

All other attributes are described above.

Default value

This additional attribute is only applicable for fields in

  • Sybase tables with Null value option set to R and Null default option set to Y.

  • Adabas D tables, DB2 tables, Informix and Oracle tables with Null value option set to R or U and Null default option set to Y.

    13:09:33             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                  - Modify Field -
    Field ID ........ TESTFIELD                       Modified 2007-05-31 at 13:09
    File ID ......... HNO-YT                                by HNO
    Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l
    *- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----
       1 TESTFIELD                        A  B    10.0            AA R Y
    Default name .............
    Default expression ......<
Default name The default specified here is used in the CREATE TABLE statement. Sybase naming conventions apply. See Naming Conventions for SQL Objects.

For Sybase, a default is an object in its own right. For other SQL systems, a default value is specified in the CREATE TABLE statement (not null with default default_expression). For Informix no default name is allowed.

Default expression An SQL expression can be specified between the angled brackets. This expression determines the default value, for example a constant or function. If specified, this value is always used by the function Generate CREATE statement.

Constraint name

Depending on the field definition, up to four constraint names can be specified.

    13:35:45             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                  - Modify Field -
    Field ID ........ TESTFIELD                       Modified 2007-05-31 at 09:34
    File ID ......... HNO-YT                                by HNO
    Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l
    *- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----
       1 TESTFIELD                        A  B    10.0        P U AA R Y
         Attributes        Constraint name
          Check constraint
          Primary key
          Not null

Check constraint Constraint name in the respective SQL system for the fact that a linked verification of status S exists.
Primary key Constraint name for the fact that the field is a primary key.
Unique Constraint name for the fact that a unique constraint exists (indicated with U in column Unique option of the field object in Predict).
Null/Not null Constraint name for the fact that the Null or Not null default option is set to Y.

Identity definition / Change log

These additional attributes are only applicable for fields in DB2 tables.

Identity definition

The following additional attributes are only applicable for fields of type

  • QN (Row ID) or

  • a numeric field.

 15:56:16             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2009-05-31
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ HNO_AC                              Added 2009-05-31 at 15:56
File ID ......... HNO-DB2                                by HNO                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
QN 1 HNO_AC                           A       40.0          U AB R             
Identity .............   (Y,N)                                                 
Identity definition in <Default Server>                                        
  Generated .........* A  Always                                               
  Start value ........                                                         
  Increment value ....                                                         
  Cache ..............                                                         
  Cycle ..............   (Y,N)                                                 
  No minvalue ........   (Y,N)      Min value ..                               
  No maxvalue ........   (Y,N)      Max value ..                               
  Order ..............   (Y,N)                                                 
* Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Specifies whether the column is an identity column for the table. Valid values:
Y Yes
N No
Indicates whether DB2 generates values for the column. Valid values:
A Always
D By default
blank None
Start value Specifies the first value for the identity column.
Increment value Specifies the interval between consecutive values of the identity column.
Cache Specifies whether to keep preallocated values in memory.
Cycle Specifies that values continue to be generated for this column after the maximum or minimum value has been reached.
Min value Specifies the numeric constant that is the minimum value that is generated for this identity column.
No minvalue Specifies whether or not a minimum end point of the range of values for the identity column has been set.
Max value Specifies the numeric constant that is the maximum value that is generated for this identity column.
No maxvalue Specifies whether or not a maximum end point of the range of values for the identity column has been set.
Specifies whether the sequence numbers must be generated in order of request. Valid values:
Y Order
N No order
blank Not specified

Change log

The following additional attributes are only applicable for fields of type

  • TS (Timestamp)

 14:16:40             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2009-07-31
                               - Modify Field -                                 
 Field ID ........ EL_TS                               Added 2009-02-13 at 08:56
 File ID ......... HEB-D                            Modified 2009-06-04 at 14:14
 Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
 *- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
    1 EL_TS                            TS                      AJ U             
 Change log ............. N (Y,N)                                               
 Change log definition in DADB29                                                
   Generated ...........* A  Always                                             
 * Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Change log
Specifies whether DB2 generates a value for the column for each new row when the row is inserted and/or for any row in which a column is updated. Valid values:
Y Yes
N No
Indicates whether DB2 generates values for the column. Valid values:
A Always
D By default
blank None

Platform Compatibilities

The following topics are covered:

No Blank Compression

This additional attribute is only applicable for Adabas fields with format A, AV or LO. The option No Blank Compression controls that trailing blanks are suppressed when a value is stored.

 16:12:31             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                              - Add a Field -                                  
Field ID ........ HNO_A                               Added 2007-05-31 at 16:11
File ID ......... HNO-ADA                                by HNO                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
   1 HNO_A                            A       10.0            AA N             
Platform compatibilities                                                       
  High order first .....    (Y)                                                
  PF option ............    (Y)                                                
  No Blank Compression .    (Y)                                                
  Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      

Base Extensions

The following topics are covered:

Fractional of Seconds and Time Zone

These additional attributes are applicable for DB2 and Oracle table fields with format TS.

17:42:38             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2011-05-31
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ HNO_D2T_TS                          Added 2011-05-31 at 17:41
File ID ......... HNO-D2                                 by HNO                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
   1 HNO_D2T_TS                       TS                  N   AA U N           
Base extensions                                                                
  Fractional of seconds .* 12                                                   
  Time zone ..............     (Y/N)                                          
  Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Fractional of seconds A timestamp value can include a precision of fractional seconds in the range from 0 to 12 (Oracle 0-9). For DB2, if no value is entered, the default value 6 is taken.
Time zone Provides information on the time difference in hours and minutes between the local time and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Adds an additional time zone offset value to the local timestamp value in the format +HH:MM (ahead of UTC) or -HH:MM (behind UTC).

Inline Length

This additional attributes is applicable for DB2 LOB fields.

17:42:38             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2011-05-31
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ HNO_LOB_D2                          Added 2011-05-31 at 17:41
File ID ......... HNO-D2-LOB                             by HNO                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
   1 HNO_LOB_D2                       LO S     1.0M           AA U             
Base extensions                                                                
  Inline length .......... 8000                                               
  Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Inline length For BLOB, CLOB and DBCLOB columns. Specifies the maximum number of bytes that are stored in the base table space for the column. Must be between 0 and 32680 for a BLOB or CLOB column and between 0 and 16340 for a DBCLOB column..

Generated Expression

These additional attributes are applicable for DB2 table fields with formats A, AL and AV.

12:41:28                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2015-06-30
                              - Modify Field -                                 
Field ID ........ EL_GEN_EXPR                      Modified 2015-06-11 at 13:17
File ID ......... XYZ-DB2_API                            by XYZ                
Ty L Field ID                         F Cs Length   Occ   D U DB N Df NAT-l    
*- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * *- -----    
   1 EL_GEN_EXPR                      A        4.0            AA U             
Base extensions                                                                
  Generated expression ..* PN  PACKAGE_NAME                                    
* Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N                      
Generated expression

For fields of DB2 tables (field types A, AL and AV) you can specify an as-generated-expression-clause.

The value provided in Generated expression is the expression that is evaluated by DB2 when generating the value of the field. Valid values:

DC Data change operation. Equivalent DB2 expression: DATA CHANGE OPERATION
CC Client accounting. Equivalent DB2 expression: CURRENT CLIENT_ACCTNG
CN Client application name. Equivalent DB2 expression: CURRENT CLIENT_APPLNAM
CT Client correlation token. Equivalent DB2 expression: CURRENT CLIENT_CORR_TOKEN
CU Client user ID. Equivalent DB2 expression: CURRENT CLIENT_USERID
CW Client workstation name. Equivalent DB2 expression: CURRENT CLIENT_WRKSTNNAME
CS Client server. Equivalent DB2 expression: CURRENT SERVER
CI SQL ID. Equivalent DB2 expression: CURRENT SQLID
SU Session user. Equivalent DB2 expression: SESSION_USER
PN Package name. Equivalent DB2 expression: SYSIBM.PACKAGE_NAME
PS Package schema. Equivalent DB2 expression: SYSIBM.PACKAGE_SCHEMA
PV Package version. Equivalent DB2 expression: SYSIBM.PACKAGE_VERSION
blank None.