General Defaults

The General Defaults menu is called with code D in the Defaults menu. Each of the functions in the menu displays one or more subsequent input screens.

This section covers the following topics:

Overview of Default Parameters

13:56:26             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2009-07-31
Plan   0                   - General Defaults -                                
                    M  Maintenance options                                     
                    R  Redocumentation using source code                       
                    G  Redocumentation using xref data                         
                    P  Protection                                              
                    S  Synonyms                                                
                    D  Suppress display of products                            
                    C  Miscellaneous                                           
                    A  Default Adabas Attributes                               
                    2  Default DB2 Attributes                                  
                    I  External Repositories                                   
Function ..........                                                            
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main   

The table below provides an overview of where to find a specific parameter.

Default Parameter Function
Adabas D Suppress display of products
Adabas SQL Server Suppress display of products
Adabas Vista Suppress display of products
AOS Protection
Current network Miscellaneous
DB2 and SQL/DS Suppress display of products
Default current Virtual Machine Miscellaneous
Default device for ASSO, DATA Default Adabas Attributes
Entire System Server Suppress display of products
Error transaction in SYSDIC Miscellaneous
General SQL support Suppress display of products
Implementation DBnr/Fnr Maintenance options
Implementation Library Maintenance options
IMS Suppress display of products
Informix Suppress display of products
Ingres Suppress display of products
Languages Allowed Miscellaneous
LEASY and ISAM BS2000 Suppress display of products
Modification log Maintenance options
Modify description Maintenance options
Modify links Maintenance options
Modify owners Maintenance options
Multilingual Support Miscellaneous
Natural DB2 Defaults Miscellaneous
Natural IMS Defaults Miscellaneous
Network support Miscellaneous
Old mode synonyms Synonyms
Oracle Suppress display of products
PC text modifiable on Mainframe Protection
Position for languages Synonyms
Position of '&' Miscellaneous
Protect current Predict file Protection
rdb Suppress display of products
RMS Suppress display of products
Rule in Map Editor Protection
Rule in SYSDIC Protection
Scan texts allowed Protection
Start in the NDB/Start in logical Miscellaneous
Static SQL XREF Miscellaneous
Store user ID of modifier Maintenance options
Sybase Suppress display of products
SYSDB2 utility Protection
SYSDDM utility Protection
Unique DBnr/Fnr Miscellaneous
Upper/Lower-case Miscellaneous
Use Software AG Editor for outputs Miscellaneous
Use userview for update Maintenance options
VSAM Suppress display of products

Maintenance Options

The Maintenance Options screen is displayed with code M in the General Defaults menu.

    13:36:33             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                               - Maintenance Options -
                                                       Modified 2007-05-31 at 11:28
                                                             by PRD
    Implementation Library .........* A  Allowed
    Implementation DBNR/FNR ........* A  Allowed
    Use userview for update ......... Y (Y,N)
    Modification log
      Modify links .................. Y (Y,N)
      Modify owners ................. Y (Y,N)
      Modify description ............ Y (Y,N)
      Store user ID of modifier ..... Y (Y,N)
    For HELP enter '?' in the first field.
Implementation Library, DBnr/Fnr

These parameters apply when maintaining programs.

  • F
    Forced: Library and/or DBNR/FNR must be specified.

  • A
    Allowed: Library and/or DBNR/FNR of the implemented program documented with the Predict program object can be specified.

  • D
    Disallowed. Library and/or DBNR/FNR may not be specified. For 3GL library, use *SYSALL*.

Use userview for update Determines whether a userview is used to update data. This parameter affects the possible format changes to fields within a userview.
For example:
  • If a userview is used to update data (UPD), the field format cannot be changed from numeric to alphanumeric; this format change is not update-compatible.

  • If a userview is used for read-access only (ACC), it is possible to change the field format from numeric to alphanumeric; this format change is compatible.

Format change to a field in a userview must be update-compatible to the format of the field in the master file. See following table.
Field Format in Master File Permitted Format of Fields in Userview (update-compatible)
B B, I, N/U, NS/US, P, PS
P/PS B, I, N/U, NS/US, P, PS
I B, I, N/U, NS/US, P, PS
Format change to a field in a userview must be compatible to the format of the field in the master file. See following table.
Field Format in Master File Permitted Format of Fields in Userview (compatible)
D D, P6
T T, P12
N/NS/U/US A, B, I, N/U, NS/US, P, PS
P/PS A, B, I, N/U, NS/US, P, PS
I A, B, I, N/U, NS/US, P, PS
B A, B, I
B 4 N/U, NS/US, P, PS
Modification Log Modifications to Predict objects are recorded in a modification log containing the following information:
  • ID of the user who created the object

  • ID of the user who last modified the object

  • date and time of the last modification.

The modification log is updated whenever an attribute of an object is changed unless the scope of the log is limited by setting one or more of the following four parameters to N.
Modify links N
Modification log will not be updated when the object list of an object is changed.
Modify owners N
Modification log will not be updated when the owner list of an object is changed.
Modify description N
Modification log will not be updated when the extended description of an object is changed.
Store user ID of modifier N
Information on who created or changed an object will not be stored.

The default setting of all these parameters is Y. The display of this information can be suppressed with the Output Options parameter Display modifier of the session profile. See the section Predict User Interface in the Introduction to Predict documentation.

Redocumentation Using Source Code / Using XRef Data

The Redocumentation Using Source Code / Using XRef Data screens are displayed with the code R or G in the General Defaults menu.

    13:38:18             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                        - Redocumentation Using Source Code -
                                                          Added 2007-05-31 at 10:23
                                                       Modified 2006-01-31 at 09:49
    Mark with 'X' the options which may be modified by the user.
    Processing option
    X Processing option ..........* L  List only
    X Link to system ..............
    Naming option
    X Program ID prefix ...........  
    X as sec.prefix ...... Y (Y/N)
    Contents of documentation                              Implementation pointer
    X Abstract ...................* S  Statistics          X Library ..... Y (Y/N)
    X Description ................* B  Header comment      X Fnr ......... Y (Y/N)
    X Replace/append description .. R (R/A)                X DBnr ........ Y (Y/N)
    X Program list ...............* U  Update
    X File list ..................* U  Update
    X Default owner ...............
    X First default keyword .......
      Second default keyword ......
      Handle /* in columns 1+2 as comment or as remark .. R (C/R)
    For HELP enter '?' in the first field.

These defaults are used by the program maintenance function Redocument program. The individual parameters are described in Specifying the Redocument Parameters of section Program in the Predefined Object Types in Predict documentation.

Individual input fields can be protected by deleting the preceding X.

Protected default values cannot be overwritten by the user, and protected fields are skipped when positioning the cursor with TAB in the Redocument program function.


The Protection screen is displayed with code P in the General Defaults screen.

    13:47:24             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                                   - Protection -
                                                       Modified 2006-01-31 at 10:30
                                                             by SYSTEM
    SYSDDM utility ..................* A  Allowed
    AOS .............................* A  Allowed
    SYSDB2 utility ..................* I  Incorporate
    Rule in map editor ..............* N  No check is performed
    Rule in SYSDIC ..................* N  No check is performed
    Scan texts allowed ..............* A  All allowed
    PC text modifiable on Mainframe .. Y (Y,N)
    Protect current Predict file ..... Y (Y,N)
      DBnr of NSC file ............... 180
      Fnr of NSC file ................ 55
      Password .......................
      Cipher .........................
    Delete documentation with deletion        
      of Natural member in NDV ....... N (Y,N)
SYSDDM utility

Determines whether SYSDDM can be used to perform tasks that can be solved with Predict or with SYSDDM. SYSDDM functions not available in Predict are always unprotected.

  • A
    Allowed: all SYSDDM functions can be executed.

  • D
    Disallowed: SYSDDM functions that solve tasks which can be solved with Predict cannot be executed.

  • C
    Connected: functions of SYSDDM that solve tasks which can be solved with Predict cannot be executed for DDMs connected to Predict files.

If SYSDDM utility is set to D or C, SYSDDM rejects attempts to modify DDMs with the message: "Function disallowed according to Predict definition".

Determines whether AOS can be used to perform tasks that can be solved with Predict or with AOS. AOS functions not available in Predict are always unprotected.

  • A
    Allowed: all AOS functions can be executed.

  • D
    Disallowed: functions of AOS that solve tasks that can be solved with Predict cannot be executed.

  • C
    Connected: functions of AOS that solve tasks that can be solved with Predict cannot be executed for physical files which are connected to Predict files.

If AOS is set to D or C, SYSAOS rejects attempts to modify Adabas files with the message: "AOSPRD01: Function disallowed by Predict's DDA services".

SYSDB2 utility

Determines whether SYSDB2 can be used to perform tasks that can be solved with Predict or with SYSDB2. SYSDB2 functions not available in Predict are always unprotected.

  • A
    Allowed: all SYSDB2 functions can be executed.

  • D
    Disallowed: the following SYSDB2 functions cannot be executed:







  • I
    Incorporate: all SYSDB2 functions can be executed outside of Predict. If one of the following statements is submitted to DB2, an automatic incorporation in Predict is performed:






    If SYSDB2 utility is set to D, SYSDB2 rejects CREATE statements with the message: "Statement disabled by Predict".

Rule in Map Editor /Rule in SYSDIC The parameters Rule in map editor/SYSDIC are used to control who may modify free processing rules (documented as Predict objects of type Verification) and where rules can be modified. Natural Security must be installed if you want to use Rule in map editor options Y and F (see below).
The protection mechanism for free rules activated with the parameters Rule in map editor/SYSDIC evaluates the verification attribute modifier. See the section Verification in the Predefined Object Types in Predict documentation.
Rule in map editor

Specifies how free rules are protected in the Natural map editor.

  • Y
    Only users specified as modifiers in the Predict verification objects may change a free rule. If no modifier is specified, any user can modify a rule.

  • N
    No check is performed.

  • F
    Force: Predict verifications must have at least one modifier. Only users specified as modifiers may change a rule.

  • D
    Disallowed: Free processing rules may not be modified in the Natural map editor. Modify free rules in SYSDIC and then regenerate them.

    If Rule in map editor is set to D, the Natural map editor rejects attempts to modify rules with the message: "Modification rejected by User Exit".

Rule in SYSDIC

Specifies how free rules are protected in Predict.

  • Y
    Only users specified as modifiers in the Predict verification objects may change a rule. If no modifier is specified, any user may modify a verification object.

  • N
    No check is performed.

  • F
    Force: Predict verifications must have at least one modifier. Only users specified as modifiers may change a rule.

Scan texts allowed A text string can be specified for any selection operation which can be limited by Restrictions. Only objects containing this string in one or more of the following are evaluated:        
  • abstract

  • extended description

  • rule

  • ID

Default values for restrictions are defined in the section Restriction of the profile. See Restrictions in the section Predict User Interface in the Introduction to Predict documentation.
The table below lists the possible values for this parameter. A tick indicates that the user has the possibility of scanning Abstracts/Descriptions/Rules/IDs for the specified text string.
Code Abstracts Descriptions Rules IDs
C Y      
S Y Y    
T Y   Y  
J Y     Y
N Y Y Y  
E Y Y   Y
P Y   Y Y
O   Y    
U   Y Y  
L   Y   Y
Q   Y Y Y
R     Y  
M     Y Y
I       Y

Full text search can significantly slow down processing. It may therefore be appropriate to switch off this feature for daily use and activate it only when really needed.

PC text modifiable on Mainframe Y
PC texts for which a binary text exists can also be modified on the mainframe. The binary text is deleted.
Protect current Predict file Y

Your Predict environment is to be protected with Predict Security.

See the Predict Security documentation for more information.

This parameter can be set to Y only after all control records have been added in Natural Security with the special function Maintain NSC Definitions > Add NSC Default Definitions. If you execute the function Purge NSC Definitions, this parameter is automatically reset to N. See Maintain NSC Definitions in the section Special Functions in this documentation.

If this parameter is set to Y and no Fnr or DBnr is specified for the Natural Security file with the parameters below, the user exit U-SEC is called. This user exit is delivered in source form and allows you to define your own security checks. See the section User Exits in this documentation, and also section Protecting Predict with other Security Systems in the Predict Security documentation.

The following parameters are only applicable if Protect current Predict file is set to Y.

DBnr/Fnr of NSC file Database and file number of the Natural Security file containing the security definitions.
Password/Cipher Password and cipher of Natural Security file containing the security definitions (if applicable).
Delete documentation with deletion of Natural member in NDV Y

If a Natural member in a Natural Development Server (NDV) environment is deleted, the corresponding documentation is also deleted.


The Synonyms screen is displayed with code S in the General Defaults menu.

Up to 10 language-specific synonyms can be specified for any Predict object of type field. The order of storage and display of synonyms is as shown in the screen below.

   13:08:05             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                                    - Synonyms -
                                                          Added 2007-05-31 at 08:21
                                                       Modified 2007-05-31 at 19:28
    Old mode synonyms ..... Y (Y,N)
    Position for languages
      Natural ............. 1 (1-9)
      COBOL ............... 2 (1-9)
      PL1 ................. 3 (1-9)
      BAL ................. 4 (1-9)
      FORTRAN ............. 5 (1-9)
      PASCAL .............. 6 (1-9)
      ADA ................. 7 (1-9)
      C ................... 8 (1-9)
      User specific ....... 9 (1-9)
Position for languages

The digits in these fields specify the sequence in which the language-specific synonyms of fields are stored and presented in maintenance and retrieval functions.

The category User specific can be used to specify synonyms for any other language not contained in the list.

Old mode synonyms

This option is only provided for compatibility with old versions of Predict.


Default setting. Compatibility with old versions is not required.


Up to 90 synonyms can be defined as Natural synonyms. These create additional entries in the DDM which have the same attributes as the original object but different names.

Suppress Display of Products

Products that are not installed can be suppressed in Predict selection windows by specifying Y in the respective input field of the screen above. The Suppress display of products screen is displayed with code D in the General Defaults screen.

    13:32:48             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                         - Suppress Display of Products -
                                                       Modified 2006-01-31 at 13:02
                                                             by FH
     Suppress display of product
       DB2 and SQL/DS ........................ N (Y,N)
       rdb ................................... N (Y,N)
       VSAM .................................. N (Y,N)
       IMS ................................... N (Y,N)
       Adabas SQL Server ..................... N (Y,N)
       General SQL support ................... N (Y,N)
       Entire System Server .................. N (Y,N)
       Adabas Vista .......................... N (Y,N)
       RMS ................................... N (Y,N)
       LEASY and ISAM BS2000 ................. N (Y,N)
       Oracle ................................ N (Y,N)
       Informix .............................. N (Y,N)
       Sybase ................................ N (Y,N)
       Ingres ................................ N (Y,N)
       Adabas D .............................. N (Y,N)
    For HELP enter '?' in the first field.


  • If a Predict object specific to one of the products above exists (for example a dataspace object for DB2 or SQL/DS), a product cannot be suppressed. The input field in the Suppress Display of Products screen is then protected.

  • If no product-specific objects exist, the default value for this parameter is Y.

  • Even if a product is suppressed, the following functions/utilities can create Predict objects specific to this product.

    • Coordinator

    • Conversion utility

    • Predict Case Schema Generator

    • Incorporation functions (when accessing a Predict system file using another Natural nucleus where the product is installed)

    • Maintenance functions (when accessing a Predict system file using another Natural nucleus where the product is installed)

  • If objects for a suppressed product are added to the dictionary with one of the above functions/utilities, the respective Suppress display of products flag is automatically set to N.

If Adabas Vista is set to Y, Predict assumes that Adabas Vista is not available at your installation. In this case the physical DBnr and the logical DBnr are equal. The Logical distribution type of a file can only be blank (simple file), E (expanded) or N (PROPAGATOR). All databases are isolated or local. The flag can be set to Y only if Adabas Vista is not installed.


The two Miscellaneous screens are displayed with code C in the General Defaults screen.

10:23:56                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2014-04-14
                              - Miscellaneous -                                 
                                                    Modified 2014-04-14 at 09:52
                                                          by XYZ                
 Multilingual support                      Upper/lower case                     
   Multilingual support .. N (Y,N)           Object ID ...........* U Upper case
   Position of '&' .......   (2-9)           Description .........* L Lower case
                                             Abstract ............* L Lower case
Allowed languages                           Edit mask ...........* L Lower case
   01 N 02 N 03 N 04 N 05 N 06 N 07 N 08 N   Natural header ......* L Lower case
   09 N 10 N 11 N 12 N 13 N 14 N 15 N 16 N   Adabas short names ..* L Lower case
   17 N 18 N 19 N 20 N 21 N 22 N 23 N 24 N                                      
   25 N 26 N 27 N 28 N 29 N 30 N 31 N 32 N Natural for IMS defaults             
   33 N 34 N 35 N 36 N 37 N 38 N 39 N 40 N   Start in the NDB ..... NA          
   41 N 42 N 43 N 44 N 45 N 46 N 47 N 48 N   Start in logical ..... HA          
   49 N 50 N 51 N 52 N 53 N 54 N 55 N 56 N                                      
   57 N 58 N 59 N 60 N                     Natural for DB2 defaults             
                                             Static SQL XREF  ....* Y Yes       
 Error Transaction in SYSDIC ..........                                         
 Use Software AG Editor for outputs ... Y  (Y,N)                                
 For HELP enter '?' in the first field.                                         

    15:22:03             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2009-07-20
                             - Miscellaneous -                                 
                                                      Added 2008-09-25 at 11:13
                                                   Modified 2009-06-04 at 14:06
Network support                                                                
  Unique DBnr/Fnr ................... N (Y,N)                                  
  Current network ..................* HOME                                     
  Default current virtual machine ..* HOME                                     
Occurrence completion for Generation                                           
  Periodic group .................... 201                                      
  Multiple value field .............. 211                                      
Multilingual Support Y

Multilingual Maps (see the section Natural Map Editor in your Natural Editors documentation) are to be supported by the Predict Retrieval functions. If Multilingual support is set to Y, at least two languages must be allowed.

Position of '&' The position of the language code in any map name. If 9 is specified, the last character of any map name is interpreted as the language code of the map name.
Allowed languages

Enter Y after the numeric code to activate the languages to be supported. The parameter Multilingual support (see above) must be set to Y, and at least two languages must be allowed. The code corresponds to the Natural system variable *LANGUAGE:

1 English
2 German
3 French
4 Spanish
5 Italian
6 Dutch
7 Turkish
8 Danish
9 Norwegian

For a complete list of all supported languages, see System Variables - *LANGUAGE in the Natural System Variables documentation.

Error transaction in SYSDIC The transaction (Natural program) specified must exist and be coded according to the rules of a Natural error transaction. Predict will execute the Natural statement
Even if Natural Security is installed, this transaction will override the error transaction specified in Natural Security!
Use Software AG Editor for outputs

With this version of Predict, output from a retrieval operation is placed in an Software AG Editor session as standard. This editor offers a variety of advantages when handling retrieval output. See the section Editors in Predict in the Predict Reference documentation.


Default. Software AG Editor is called for further processing of output from the following functions:

  • Retrieval, active retrieval: all functions except Select

  • File implementation: Display implementation plan

  • File, database, dataspace and storagespace administration: function Display.


The result of a retrieval operation is output as in earlier versions of Predict.
This setting only makes sense if you previously used the User Exit U-DSP to process your output and have not yet converted this User Exit for use with the Software AG Editor.
See the section User Exits in this documentation.

Upper/Lower case U

Attribute values are converted to upper case.


The following attribute values will be stored in upper/lower case as entered:

  • Object IDs (this is not generally recommended, but see note for SQL objects below)

  • Abstract

  • Extended descriptions and Predict online help texts (both with parameter Description)

  • Natural headers (hdr-1, hdr-2 and hdr-3)

  • Adabas short names

  • Edit masks (NAT editm) that are stored for fields.

All other types of attributes are always converted to upper case.

For SQL objects (for example files of type Oracle view or databases of type DB2): If parameter Upper/Lower case is set to L for Object ID, the following are also stored in upper/lower case as entered:

  • Triggers

  • DV field expressions

  • SQL verifications

  • Check expressions

  • Constraint names

If you are using an SQL system that allows names in mixed case, you must set parameter Upper/Lower case to L for Object ID if you wish to incorporate tables and views.

It is not possible to generate DDMs for objects containing lower case characters.

Natural IMS Defaults
Start in the NDB The first field short name that Predict will allocate for an IMS field.
For example: if this value is NA, IMS fields are allocated field short names in the range from NA to Z9.
Start in logical The first field short name that Predict will allocate to a user-defined field for a logical child segment.
For example: if this value is HA and Start in the NDB is set to NA, user-defined fields of logical child segments are allocated field short names in the range from HA to M9.
Natural DB2 Defaults

XRef data is generated by the Natural DB2 utility SQLGEN.


No XRef data is generated.


Force. XRef data is generated and the Natural DB2 utility SQLGEN checks whether any program processed is documented by a Predict program object of subtype Q (Static SQL).

Network support
Unique DBnr/Fnr Y

Any DBnr/Fnr specified must be unique throughout a network.

Current network Network of the Natural environment. All virtual machines linked to the same network can be accessed from the current virtual machine.

Changing the Current network affects implementation plans as described with the Default current Virtual Machine above.

Default current Virtual Machine The default current virtual machine is used as follows:
  • It is used as default parent for databases if a virtual machine is not explicitly specified.

  • It determines the target environment for Generate/ Incorporate/ Compare functions and some AOS functions called from the Predict Special functions menu.

After changing the Default Current Virtual Machine, implementation plans which include generation tasks for Adabas objects can only be purged or displayed. See the section File Implementation in the External Objects in Predict documentation.

The value for Default current Virtual Machine can be overwritten in a session profile. See description of the profile parameter Current Virtual Machine in the section Predict User Interface of the Introduction to Predict documentation.

The current virtual machine can also be set with the command: SET VM<Virtual Machine ID>.

Occurrence completion for Generation
Periodic group
Specify a value by which missing occurences of periodic groups are completed. If the value given is 0 or is not consistent with the given Adabas version, Predict assumes the maximum occurrences according to the given Adabas version. In all other cases Predict replaces the missing occurrences by the values given. If you specify values between 1 and 191, no MUPEX setting will be generated in the functions GENERATE ADACMP and GENERATE FDT when working with Adabas Version 8.
Multiple value field
Specify a value by which missing occurences of multiple value fields are completed. If the value given is 0 or is not consistent with the given Adabas version, Predict assumes the maximum occurrences according to the given Adabas version. In all other cases Predict replaces the missing occurrences by the values given. If you specify values between 1 and 191, no MUPEX setting will be generated in the functions GENERATE ADACMP and GENERATE FDT when working with Adabas Version 8.

Default Adabas Attributes

The Default Adabas Attributes screen is displayed with code A in the General Defaults screen. The parameters entered here are set as default values in the corresponding file maintenance screen if new Adabas files are added.

14:05:36             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                    - Modify Default Adabas Attributes -                       
                                                  Modified 2006-01-31 at 13:29
                                                        by HEB                
Required attributes                                                            
  Min ISN ............. 19                                                     
  Max ISN ............. 667                                                    
      Device       Cylinder   Blocks      Padding factor  Max 2. alloc         
      *-----       ---------- ----------  --------------  ------------         
ASSO    3380   UI    5        1425              90                             
               NI             1                                                
DATA    3380   DS             1                 10                             
Loading attributes                        Loading attributes                   
  Max recl. ...........                     One AC extent .......... N (Y,N)   
  ISN reusage ......... N (Y,N)             DS reusage ............. Y (Y,N)   
  User ISN ............ N (Y,N)             Mixed DS device ........ Y (Y,N)   
                                                       MORE: * Attributes: Y

For detailed information on the attribute settings see Modifying Adabas Attributes in the section File in the Predefined Object Types in Predict documentation.

Default DB2 Attributes

The Default DB2 Attributes screen is displayed with code 2 in the General Defaults screen. The parameters entered here are set as default values in the corresponding DB2 object type maintenance screens if new DB2 object types are added.

These values are also set as physical attributes for <Default Server>, even if you have chosen a different SQL server in your profile.

 15:37:29             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
                          - Default DB2 Attributes -                            


                     J  Default Storagespace Attributes                         
                     B  Default Database Attributes                             
                     E  Default DB2 Mainframe Tablespace Attributes             
                     O  Default DB2 Open Systems Tablespace Attributes          
                     L  Default SQL/DS DBspace Attributes                       
                     T  Default Table Attributes                                
                     I  Default Index Attributes                                
                     H  Default Procedure Attributes                            
                     F  Default Function Attributes                             

 Function ..........                                                            
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main  

For detailed information on the attribute settings see the sections Database (Type D ), Dataspace, Field (Type D ), File (Type D), File (Type E), File (Type MT), Database function, Procedure and Storagespace in the Predefined Object Types in Predict documentation.

External Repositories

The External Repositories screen is displayed with code I in the General Defaults screen. The parameters entered here are set as default values in the LIST XREF, referenced members and referenced programs functions.

13:59:18             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2009-07-31
                         - External Repositories -                             
                                                      Added 2009-01-02 at 00:43
                                                   Modified 2009-07-17 at 13:09
  1  Name .. DEMO                                                        * N   
  2  Name .. DEMO2                                                         N   
  3  Name .. DEVELOPMENT                                                 * N   
  4  Name .. FSDA                                                          N   
  5  Name ..                                                               N   
  6  Name ..                                                               N   
  7  Name ..                                                               N   
  8  Name ..                                                               N   
  9  Name ..                                                               N   
 10  Name ..                                                               N   
 11  Name ..                                                               N   
 12  Name ..                                                               N   
 13  Name ..                                                               N   
 14  Name ..                                                               N   
 15  Name ..                                                               N   
 16  Name ..                                                               N   
Test access .. N (Y/N)                                                         
For HELP enter '?' in the first field.                                         

Enter a name for each external repository.

If you enter Y in the Attributes field, a screen displaying the detailed attributes of the selected external repository is shown. The following parameters in the attributes screen apply to external repositories.

URL URL of the CentraSite repository.
User User ID used to access the CentraSite repository.
Password Password used to access the CentraSite repository.

If you enter Y in the Test access field, the access to all repositories defined is tested and a cumulated test report is displayed. For example, if you entered Y in the Test access field of the above screen, you would test the access to the repositories DEMO, DEMO2, DEVELOPMENT and FSDA.