
File descriptions are locked while the following functions are performed on them:

  • Rename/Renumber file

  • Copy file

  • Resequence file

  • Catalog elements of a file

  • Generate DDM

These functions issue an intermediate ET (end of transaction) to prevent a hold queue overflow. Until the function finishes successfully, the file descriptions are in an inconsistent state, so Predict sets them in locked status. After successful execution the files are unlocked automatically.

A locked file description must be recovered before it can be used again (although purging is always allowed). The Recovery function unlocks it.

The Recover screen is invoked with code R in the Special Functions menu or with the command SPECIAL RECOVER.

     13:38:06            *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
     Plan   3                        - Recover -
        Some Predict functions issue intermediate 'ET's to prevent a hold queue
     overflow. Until the functions finish successfully, their objects (always file
     descriptions) are in an inconsistent state so Predict sets them in locked
        A locked file description must be recovered before it can be used again
     (although purging is always allowed); the recovery function unlocks is.
                            R  Recover
                            S  Select
    Function ..............
    File ID ............... 
    Command ===>
          Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main
File ID ID of the file to be recovered. Internal ID must be entered for Recover function. This field is ignored for function Select.

This section covers the following topics:


Recover - Code R

Predict determines whether it is possible to complete the updating of the affected files, or whether partially completed transaction groups must be backed-out. In either case, the files are left in a consistent condition. The user should carefully check the files and reapply updates which were in process at the time of the system failure and could not be completed by the recovery process.

Select - Code S

Lists the locked files. Mark with any non-blank character in column M the files to be recovered.