Documenting Databases of Different Types

This document covers the following topics:

Database Type A - Adabas

    10:31:03             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                 - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA
    Type ............ Adabas, Isolated
    Physical DBnr ... 1
    Belongs to VM ......... HOME
    Keys ..                                                            
   Zoom: N
    Adabas attributes                    Natural file numbers          
      Maximal files ........               System file (FNAT) ...
      Checkpoint file ......               NAT-Security (FSEC) ..
      Adabas security ......               Predict (FDIC) .......
      Size of RABN ........* 0
      Distr. transaction ..* N  

      Vista access only .... N
    Abstract     Zoom: N
      Additional attributes ..* N          Associations ..* N

Attributes that are not in the table below are described in the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases. Two additional input screens can be called from this screen.

Adabas attributes
Maximal files Number of files permitted in the database (ADADEF parameter MAXFILES). This number must either be 0 or at least 5 but not more than 32767.
Checkpoint file The number of the Adabas file which contains checkpoint information for the database. Predict automatically creates a data dictionary object with the file ID SAG-ADA-CHECKPOINT for this file.
Adabas security The number of the Adabas file which contains Adabas security information for the database. Predict automatically creates a data dictionary object with the file ID SAG-ADA-SECURITY for this file.
Size of RABN
Specifies the length of RABNs in the database.
0 not specified
3 3 Byte for 24-bit RABNs
4 4 Byte for 31-bit RABNs
Distr. transaction
N No (Default)
RM Resource Manager
TM Transaction Manager
Field must be filled if the database is part of the distributed transaction processing (DTP) of the Adabas Transaction Manager
Vista access only
Y If the attributes of the database are such that files in the database can only be accessed using Adabas Vista.
Vista access only is set by Predict.
If N, it can be set to Y with the Rename/Renumber/Retype function (code N).
Natural file numbers
System file (FNAT) The number of the Natural system file.
NAT Security (FSEC) The number of the Adabas file which contains Natural Security information.
Predict (FDIC) The number of the Adabas file which contains the dictionary data.
Additional Options
Additional Attributes
Y A new window within the screen is displayed for specifying either one or more of the following attributes:
blank Base attributes
W Description
O Owner
1 Sizes
2 Asso sizes
3 Data sizes
4 Encodings
5 OS/400
Y A new window within the screen is displayed for specifying an association.

Specifying the Size of an Adabas Database

Physical properties of a database (device types and sizes of the data sets containing the Adabas ASSO, DATA, WORK, SORT and TEMP) can be defined in the screen shown below.

The screen is displayed by setting the parameter Size in the Additional attributes window.

    10:31:57             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                 - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA                              Added 2007-05-31 at 10:29
    Type ............ Adabas Isolated                        by HNO
    Physical DBnr ... 1
    ---------------------- Database primary sizes --------------------------------
                              Number of             
             *Device      Cylinder     RABN        
    ASSO R1
    DATA R1
    WORK R1
    SORT R1
    TEMP R1
    * Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* S
Device Devices are identified with a four-letter code that must have been defined with the function Adabas device types in the Special functions menu. If a device type is changed, the change should also be made in each file object that is linked to the database.
Cylinder The number of cylinders of the specified device that are occupied by the specified extent of the specified database.
Number of RABN The number of RABNs (relative Adabas block numbers) of the specified device that are occupied by the specified extent of the specified database.

Rules for Defining the Size of a Database

  • If the device type and the size in RABNs (relative Adabas block numbers) of each extent is specified, Predict calculates and displays the equivalent size in cylinders, beginning with a greater than sign (>) unless the number of cylinders is exactly equivalent.

  • If the size is specified only in cylinders, Predict calculates and displays the equivalent size in RABNs. Adabas does not use the first track of the first extent of the Associator, Data Storage and workfiles. In these extents, the number of RABNs is therefore smaller then the number of blocks contained by the specified number of cylinders. The start and end of the range of alternate RABNs can also be specified.

  • Four extents for ASSO and DATA (R1 - R4) can be defined in the above screen. To define more extents (up to 99) the parameter ASSO and/or DATA in the Additional attributes window of the screen has to be selected.

See the Adabas Administration documentation for detailed information on the topic.

Specifying the Encodings of an Adabas Database

Universal encoding support of an Adabas Database can be defined in the screen shown below.

The screen is displayed by setting the parameter Encodings in the Additional attributes window.

    10:31:03             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                 - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-NEW                          Added 2007-05-31 at 10:30
    Type ............ Adabas, Isolated                       by HNO
    Physical DBnr ... 244

    Universal encoding support             
      UES ..... N (Y,N)
      UACODE .* none 
      UWCODE .* none
      FACODE .* none   
      FWCODE .* none
      Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N

See the Adabas documentation for detailed information on this topic.

Modify Vista Elements

    10:34:50             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                               - Add Vista element -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-NEW                          Added 2007-05-31 at 10:30
    Type ............ Adabas, Vista                          by HNO
    Physical DBnr ... 250

    Network ......... HOME             
     Environment ID .  
     DBnr ........... 
     Name ...........   
      Additional attributes ..* S          Associations ..* N


See the section Including the Definition in the Vista Table in the section Adabas Vista in the Predict and Other Systems documentation for a description of all possible parameters.

OS/400 Attributes

On the OS/400 Attributes screen, you can specify an OS/400 database in the field Database Name.

Database Types C, E, P - Conceptual, General SQL Handler, Entire System Server Nodes

A screen similar to the following is displayed when adding, modifying or copying databases of the types C, E and P.

    10:33:21             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                 - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-C
    Type ............ Conceptual
    Keys ..                                                            
   Zoom: N
    Abstract     Zoom: N

The database-specific parameters are described in the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases.

Database Type D - DB2

The following attributes apply to databases of type D. Attributes not listed here are described in the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases.

    13:23:06             *****  P R E D I C T  *****            2009-05-31
                                 - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DB2
    Type ............ DB2
    Belongs to VM ......... HOME
    Keys ..                                                               
                                                                          Zoom: N
    DB2 attributes                                                
     DB2 name .............                                   
    Physical attributes in <Default Server>                 (new) 
     Buffer pool .............* BP1                              
     Index buffer pool .......* BP2                              
     Temporary database ....... N  (Y,N)                         
     Data sharing group member.                                  
     Default storagespace ....*                                  
     CCSID ...................*    (none)                        
    Abstract     Zoom: N                                          

      Additional attributes ..* N          Associations ..* N
DB2 Attributes
DB2 name The name of the database in DB2.
Buffer pool The buffer pool of the database. Enter an asterisk for valid values.
Index buffer pool Buffer pool which is used for the indexes created within the database. Enter an asterisk for valid values.
Temporary database
N No (Default).
Y Database is used for declared temporary tables.
Data sharing group member Name of the member of the data sharing group. Leave blank or specify name with up to eight characters (letters A-Z, digits 0-9 and special characters $, # and @).
Default storagespace DB2 tables of the database will be implemented in this storage group if no other storage group is explicitly specified.
Defines the encoding scheme of the database.
blank not specified

Database Types Q, M, R, H - Adabas SQL Handler, RMS Handler, rdb Handler, Other Handler

Database type Q is used to document databases of type Adabas SQL handler. See the section Adabas SQL Server in the Predict and Other Systems documentation for more information.

Database type M is used to document RMS databases; database type R is used to document rdb databases.

Database type H is used to represent database handlers, such as USER-DB, SESAM, DL/I, WIZZARD, TRS etc. Database type other handler can be used to reserve a database number (prevent it from being used by Adabas).

    13:03:04             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                - Modify Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-M                            Added 2007-05-31 at 10:51
    Type ............ RMS Handler                            by  HNO
    Physical DBnr ... 1
    Belongs to VM ......... HOME
    Keys ..                                                            
   Zoom: N
    Abstract     Zoom: N
Physical database number

For database type RMS Handler: the database number must be declared in the Natural NATPARM parameter file as an RMS database number if DDMs for RMS files contained in the database are to be generated.

See table in the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases for range of permitted values.

Database Type I - IMS

IMS databases cannot be added with the Add a Database function. For further information on how to create an IMS Database object in Predict, see External Objects in Predict.

    13:20:27             *****  P R E D I C T  *****            2007-05-31
                                - Modify Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-CUSTOMER                        Added 2007-05-31 at 13:11
    Type ............ IMS                                    by  HNO
    Belongs to VM .........
    Keys ..                                                            
   Zoom: N
    IMS attributes
      IMS or DL1 ..... IMS
      IMS name .......
      IMS type ....... PHYSICAL
    Abstract     Zoom: N
      This database was incorporated
      from NDB: CUSTOMER
      on 2007-05-31
      Additional attributes ..* N          Associations ..* N

The following attributes apply to databases of type I. For attributes that are not in the table, see the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases.

IMS attributes
IMS or DL1 The kind of database. Valid values:


IMS name The name of the database in IMS.
IMS type The type of the database in IMS. Valid values:


Database Type S - SQL Server

Database type S is used to represent objects of type SQL server.

Databases of type S are defined in two screens:

 13:29:32             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                              - Add a database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-S
            Database type .............* S SQL Server
            Belongs to VM .............* HOME
            Run mode ..................*   (none)
            Physical database number ..* 
    13:23:47          *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                 - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-S  
    Type ............ SQL Server
    Keys ..                     
    SQL Server attributes       
      Server name               
      Port number              
      Host name ..              
      Driver .....              
    Abstract     Zoom: N        

Attributes not listed here are described in the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases.

Run mode Not possible for databases of this type. Default is none.
Physical database number Not possible for databases of this type. If a Physical database number is entered, an error message is given.
SQL Server attributes
Server name The name that was specified when the data source was created.
Port number Identifies the server daemon.
Host name Identifies the host machine on which the server runs.
Driver Specifies the database driver to be used.

Database Type T - Target Node

Database type T is used to represent database nodes entered in the ID table of an SVC which cannot be documented with a corresponding database type: BROKER, NATURAL GLOBAL BUFFER POOL etc.

This type of database is used to reserve the corresponding database number and thus prevent this number being used for an Adabas database.

Databases of type T are defined in two screens:

 13:29:32             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                              - Add a database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-T
            Database type .............* T Target Node
            Belongs to VM .............* HOME
            Run mode ..................* I Isolated
            Physical database number ..* 1
    13:23:47          *****  P R E D I C T  *****            2007-05-31
                                 - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-T
    Type ............ Target Node, Isolated
    Physical DBnr ... 1
    Belongs to VM ......... HOME
    Keys ..                                                            
   Zoom: N
    Abstract     Zoom: N

Attributes not listed here are described in the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases.

Run mode
Must be specified for databases of this type. Valid values:
I Isolated
L Local
Physical database number The physical database number must be in range 1-65535.

Database Type V - VSAM Handler

Database objects of type V are used to collect all definitions of VSAM clusters which are accessed by the same Natural VSAM handler. The database number defined in a database object of type V is used by the GENERATE DDM function.

Databases of type V are defined in two screens:

 13:57:30             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                             - Add a database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-V
            Database type .............* V VSAM Handler
            Belongs to VM .............* HOME
            Run mode ..................* L Local
            Physical database number ..* 2
 13:59:18             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                             - Add a Database -
    Database ID ..... HNO-DA-V
    Type ............ VSAM Handler
    Physical DBnr ... 2
    Belongs to VM ......... HOME
    Keys ..                                                            
Zoom: N
    Abstract     Zoom: N

Attributes not listed here are described in the section Defining Basic Attributes of Databases.

Run mode Must be local for databases of this type.
Physical database number The physical database number must be in the range from 1 - 65535.

Other SQL Database Types

The screens used to maintain database objects of the following types are the same as for VSAM databases above. The physical database number must be less than or equal to 254.

Type Description
J Ingres Handler
O Oracle Handler
X Informix Handler
Y Sybase Handler
B Adabas D Handler