SYSOUT Actions

You can define the job SYSOUT to be cancelled or printed as the result of a defined event or the End-of-Job status (All checks ok and Any check not ok).

This document covers the following topics:

Defining Job SYSOUT Actions

Field Descriptions: SYSOUT Actions

Field Description
Please Select  Enter one of the following letters in this field to perform the function:
Delete SYSOUT on job completion.
Release SYSOUT for printing.
Log SYSOUT in Entire Operations log file.
Log SYSOUT and then cancel it.
Log SYSOUT and then print it.
Pass files to Entire Output Management (NOM).
Spool Class to be set after Job Completion You can specify that the spool class of a job is to be modified after completion. The definition created here overrides the default setting.


  1. This field is protected unless the executing operating system is z/OS or VSE.
  2. The class defined here has priority over other definitions.
  3. If no definition is made on the job level, the default for the node level will be used.
  4. If no other definition is found, the system-wide default for the operating system will be used (see Defaults for z/OS and z/VSE in the Administration documentation).
  5. You should only define SYSOUT class changes under All checks ok or Any check not ok.
  6. The spool class change will be allowed only if the job is in the OUT queue.