
To make the availability of resources a prerequisite for job submission, Entire System Server functionality can be used.

Resources have to be defined with the System Administrator Services function (see the Administration documentation) before they can be specified as prerequisites for a job. The user can define and modify any number of resources to regulate the job flow. Resources prevent jobs from running in parallel if all other prerequisites (e.g. time windows or logical conditions) are fulfilled.

For a detailed description of the resource concept, see the section Resources in the User's Guide.

In our example of the payroll department job network (Job Network with Logical Conditions), we could prevent Job 6 (Generate Personnel Report) and Job 7 (Generate Pay Slips) from running in parallel by defining a resource (e.g. CPU time) with an initial quantity of 100 , and defining this resource for each job with a required value of 60. The jobs will then run sequentially.