Getting Started

Getting Started provides the basic information required in order to begin working with an application. This includes the Natural Screen Tester hardware and software requirements, Natural Screen Tester Windows installation as well as guidelines to running the Natural Screen Tester server.

This section will guide you through the process of setting up a basic web-enabling project, from the installation through to starting Natural Screen Tester Server, creating a Natural Screen Tester application and creating a Natural Screen Tester web application.

Natural Screen Tester is installed with the SAG Installer. Please refer to the SAG Installer documentation, which you can find at

Installation Installing Natural Screen Tester.
First Steps How to create your first test case.
Architecture Provides an overview of the Natural Screen Tester architecture.
Prerequisites Hardware and Software requirements for Natural Screen Tester, License Key considerations.
Natural Screen Tester Designer Software AG Designer enables you to create and maintain a wide number of applications, services, tasks, and other components to implement and execute your solutions in multiple Software AG products. Natural Screen Tester is one of the features provided by the Designer.
Managing the Natural Screen Tester Server  

See also Self-Training and Movies.