Define Symbol Modification or Setting

You can modify master or active symbols as End-of-Job action. Analogous to BS2000 job variables, it is possible to set or modify substrings of symbols.

This document covers the following topics:

Modifying a Symbol Modification Definition

Start of instruction set To modify an existing event definition:

  1. Type Y in the line command field of the selected event on the End-of-Job Checking and Actions Screen.

  2. Press Enter.

  3. The Modify Symbol Definition window opens with the current values. You can modify the values by overtyping them.

  4. When you have finished defining the event, you can proceed as follows:

Symbol Modification Definition Screen

  24.10.08               ***** Entire Operations *****                 15:18:58 
  Owner   SN            End-Of-Job Checking + Actions   MVS/ESA   Job A-1       
  Network A-1    +-------------------------------------------------------------+
  -------------- !                                                             !
  C Action       !  Step ANYSTEP returns Condition Code = C0004                !
  y              !                 Symbol Modification                         !
  _              !                                                             !
  _              !              Owner  (SAME)____                              !
  _              !            Network  A-1                                     !
  _              !                Run                                          !
  _              !       Symbol Table  (SAME)____                              !
  _              !    Set Contents of  A  A Active  M Master  B Both           !
  _              !             Symbol  ____________________                    !
  ************** !        at Position  ___ in Length ___ Format A              !
  _  C     STUX  !  to Value                                                   !
  _ A      S   Y !  ________________________________________                   !
  -------------- !  ________________________________________                   !
  A Activat. C C !                                                             !
  P Descr. R Rec !  Execute if temp. Dummy ===> _                              !
                 !                                                             !
  Command => ___ !  Enter--PF1-----PF3------PF5-------------PF9-------         !
 Enter-PF1---PF2 !         Help    End      Save            Delete             !
       Help  Add +-------------------------------------------------------------+

Field Descriptions: Symbol Modification

Meaning of the input fields:

Field Description
Set Contents of ... Symbol Modification Mode. In this field you can specify where the symbol setting should be performed.
A Perform modification in the active table.
M Perform modification in the Master table.
B Perform modification in both tables.
Symbol A symbol or a symbol substring can be set or modified depending on the occurrence of any event.
in Symbol Table  Symbol table to be used.
Run  Run number to be used. If empty (zero), a master symbol will be modified.
at Position  Enter position of symbol substring to be set. Possible values: 1 through 80.
Default: 1.
in Length  Enter length of symbol substring to be set. Possible values: 1 through 80.
Default: 80.

The effective value length may be shortened do to this definition.

with Format  Enter format in which the symbol substring is to be set. Possible values:
alphanumeric (lower case)
alphanumeric (upper case)
to Value  The value to be set into the complete symbol or a substring of the symbol.

Symbol replacement is possible.

If the effective value length (after symbol replacement) is longer than in Length, the value will be shortened to this length.
Execute if temporary Dummy If Y or N is specified here, the End-of-Job action will be executed according to this definition, if the job was executed as a temporary dummy job. If the field is left empty, the defaults for the action apply.

Special PF Keys: Symbol Modification

You can perform the following function from the Symbol Modification window using this PF key:

Key Name Function
PF9  Delete  Delete the complete symbol setting definition.