Adding Event Definition for BS2000 Job

This document covers the following topics:

See also BS2000 Defaults for Event Checking.

Adding an Event Definition

Start of instruction set To add an event to be checked at job termination

  1. Press PF2 (Add) in the End-of-Job Checking and Actions screen.

  2. A window opens in which you can enter the event definition:

    12.02.10                ***** Entire Operations *****                13:13:52 
     Ow +---------------------------------------------------------------------+    
     Ne !                                                                     !    
     -- !                 Modify Event Definition                             ! ---
     C  !                                                            BS2000   !  OA
     _  !    Event Type ==> R  R  Exit             J  Job special event       !    
     _  !                      S  String           A  Add. Job-ok, Job-not-ok !    
     m  !                      U  User Switch                                 !    
     _  !                      V  Job Variable                                !    
     _  !                                                                     !    
     _  !  Exit ==> BS2EJC01 in Natural Library ==> EOR531U_ Exit Mode ==> _  !    
     _  !                                                                     !    
     _  !  String  ==> ______________________________        missing ==> _    !    
     ** !  in File ==> ______________________________________________________ ! ***
     _  !                                   (Optional) Read Password ==>      !    
     _  !                                                    defined ==> no   !    
     -- !  User Switch  ==> 0_ of BS2000 User ID ==> ________                 ! ---
     A  !                                                                     ! her
     P  !  Occurrence of event means OK or NOT OK ==> OK                      ! Set
        !                                                                     !    
     Co ! Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3-----------PF5-------------------------------- !    
    Ent !       Help  Add   End           Save                                ! ---

Field Descriptions


Meaning of the input fields:

Field Description
Event Type  Type of event to be checked. Possible values:
Additional definition for job ok or job not ok.
See Example of an A-type Event.
Special event during job execution.
See Example of a J-type Event.
Job SYSOUT is to be checked by a user exit.
See Example of an R-type Event.
Occurrence of a specific string in job SYSOUT.
See Example of an S-type Event.
Event depends on a user switch.
See Example of a U-type Event.
Event depends on contents of a job variable. If you enter V, press Enterimmediately to open a special window for job variable definition. See Example of a V-type Event.
User Exit  (for an R-type event) Name of the end-of-job check user exit which is to run on job termination. Entire Operations will perform an Entire System Server logon to the job’s execution node with the job’s submit user ID prior to the execution of the exit. See also Editing End-of-Job User Exits.
in Natural Library  (for an R-type event) Natural library in which the user exit resides. This library should be different from the Entire Operations system library.
Exit Mode blank Exit will be executed synchronously. (Default)
A Exit will be executed asynchronously (in a Natural task).
String  (for an S-type event) Specify the actual string in the job SYSOUT for which Entire Operations is to check.

The search string may contain symbols.
Symbols with activation escape characters will be replaced at job activation time.
Symbols with submit escape characters will be replaced at end-of-job checking time.
Missing symbols will cause a permanent activation error or permanent end-of-job checking error.

(String) missing  (for an S-type event) If you enter Y here, the event occurs if the string is not found.
in File  (for an S-type event) If you leave this field blank, Entire Operations searches for the String in the SYSOUT collection file created by the Entire Operations Monitor. You can enter another file here to be searched instead. If the file name contains the activation escape character, a symbol replacement is performed (from the active symbol table). The updated file name is stored in the active database.
User Switch  (for a U-type event) A valid BS2000 user switch must be defined. (Range: 0 through 31).
BS2000 User ID (for a U-type event) The BS2000 user ID of the user switch.
Occurrence of event means OK or NOT OK Specify event check status if the defined event occurs. Possible values:
OK  Check ok.
NO  Check not ok.
--  No effect on the job result.

When you are finished defining the event, you can proceed in one of the following ways:

  • If you defined an R-type event, you can enter E in the line command field of the event on the End-of-Job Checking and Actions Screen and press Enter to define the user exit using the Entire Operations Editor. (See the subsection Editing End-of-Job User Exits.)

  • Press PF2 (Add) to save the definition and clear the window to add another event. You can define any number of events for any one job.

  • Press PF5 (Save) to save the event definition(s).

  • Press PF3 (End) to close the window and return to the End-of-Job Checking and Actions Screen. The new events are listed on this screen.