Completing the Installation

This document covers the following topics:

Setting Up Your Products Using the SYSPCI Utility

After you have installed your product for the first time, you need to set up a number of files, parameters and individual settings depending on your environment. These are described below. To set them up, you use the SYSPCI utility. For detailed information on this utility, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in the Natural Tools and Utilities documentation.

Before you can define Entire Operations system files, the System Automation Tools system file (LFILE 131) must be defined.

Entire Operations requires the following Adabas system files:

NOP-SYSF1 file, where the logical file number (LFILE) is 216, NOP-SYSF2 file, where the logical file number (LFILE) is 85.

The database IDs and file numbers of the new or existing files (NOP-SYSF1, NOP-SYSF2) that you specify using the SYSPCI utility are entered into the default parameter files Entire Operations (NOPPARM), Entire Operations (NOMPARM, if available) and Natural (NATPARM).

The required Adabas files can either be local or remote:

  • Remote Access

    If the file is located in a remote database, Entire Net-Work must be active and the database must be accessible.

    For Natural Security, see also Using Natural Security on Multiple Platforms in the Natural Security documentation.

  • Existing Local File

    Before you start the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the Adabas database containing the required files is active. With this version, you can continue to use your existing files. No migration of data from the previous version to the current version is necessary.

  • New File

    Before you start the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the Adabas database which will contain the required files is active. The SYSPCI utility will load and initialize these files. This should be also done if another file is required for your product.

Before you create new files with the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the ASSO and DATA sizes of your Adabas database are appropriate for these files. It is therefore recommended that you check the Adabas .fdu files in the <install-dir>/<product>/INSTALL/<product-code> directory for the used sizes. If required, change your database setup so that the files can be created.

For Natural Security, for example, the ASSO and DATA sizes are not appropriate if you are using the default database. The .fdu files for Natural Security can be found in the <install-dir>/Natural/INSTALL/nsc directory.

In addition, make sure that the Adabas nucleus parameters listed in the following table are set for the database you want to use at database startup. They are not appropriate if you are using the default nucleus parameters.

LWP Must be at least 1,000,000.
OPTIONS The option TRUNCATION must be set in the OPTIONS parameter.


  1. After Natural Security has been initialized (activated) with the SYSPCI utility, you need to use a Natural Security nucleus to start Natural. The Natural Security nucleus delivered with the Natural Security installation is called "natsec" and is located in the <install-dir>/Natural/bin directory. Start Natural Security with natsec parm=NSCPARM. Alternatively, you can back up the nucleus called "natural" and rename "natsec" to "natural".
  2. When you have installed Natural Security, you need to start Natural Development Server with a Natural Security nucleus (for example, natdvsrv –s=natsec).

Invoking the SYSPCI Utility

In order to invoke the SYSPCI utility, you must first invoke Natural. You can then invoke the SYSPCI utility using the Direct Command window.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the SYSPCI utility

  1. Enter the following command at the UNIX system prompt to invoke Natural:

  2. Select the Direct menu and press ENTER to invoke the Direct Command window.

  3. Enter the following command in the Direct Command window:


For more information, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in Natural's Tools and Utilities documentation.

Loading Sample Networks

The data for the sample networks of Entire Operations are contained in the directory $NOPDIR/$NOPVERS/ example. Before proceeding, ensure that you have completed the installation of System Automation Tools (SAT) as described in the System Automation Tools documentation.

Import the definitions of one sample network necessary for verification from the file x60-flow.imp. This file has standard ASCII format and must be assigned to Natural Workfile 1 using the appropriate Natural parameter module. For information on the Import/Export utility, see the relevant documentation

Alternatively, you can import all sample network definitions from the file example.imp. However, this would take considerably longer and only a few examples are designed for UNIX environments. Though the other examples in the example file help you understand some functions, they must be adapted before they can be used in a UNIX environment.

For more information about installation verification, see Installation Verification.

Script for Monitor Tasks

The script nprmon.bsh is to be used to start the Entire Operations Monitor.

#! /bin/sh
set -xv
# Entire Operations
# NOP 541
# Monitor task startup
# 2008-10-27   adapted for NOP 541                                  SN 541
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameters:
#   1.  NOP Monitor task ID (optional)
# Notes:
# - Please adapt this script for your installation,
#   if necessary
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
NATUSER=`ls $NPRDIR/$NPRVERS/lib/natnpr.s[lo]`      # 'sl' or 'so'
# natetb=`ls $EXXDIR/$EXXVERS/lib/natetb.s[lo]`
# if [ -f ${natetb} ]; then
#    NATUSER=${NATUSER}:${natetb}
# fi
export NATUSER
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
# CMOBJIN=cmobjin.dummy
export CMOBJIN
if [ ! -f $CMOBJIN ]; then
     echo "." > $CMOBJIN
# CMSYNIN=cmsynin.dummy
export CMSYNIN
if [ ! -f $CMSYNIN ]; then
     echo "." > $CMSYNIN
sysout_dir=$EOR_WORK        # directory for the Monitor sysout files
time_now=`date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S`
export CMPRINT
export LPT1=/tmp/t2.txt            <--- (redirection to file)
nat=natural               # Natural executable
parm=nop541s              # Natural parameter module    
natlib=syseor             # Entire Operations library    
$nat batchmode=yes parm=$parm noapplerr \
  "stack=(logon $natlib;mo-ini-p XB $TASK_ID;fin)" &