Release Notes

This document covers the following topics:

Additional Product Information

Beside this product documentation, additional product information is available at the following places:


For detailed information on the supported operating systems, application servers, web containers, web browsers, and other prerequisites, see System Requirements.

New Features in Version 9.1

This section describes new features and enhancements in Natural for Ajax which have been added with this release of Natural for Ajax.

Responsive Tab Controls

A set of responsive tab controls has been added:

BMOBILE:ALERT with new Property duration

For the BMOBILE:ALERT control, you can now define the duration after which the alert box will disappear.

BMOBILE:PANEL with new Property foldedprop

For the BMOBILE:PANEL container, you can now control the folded state dynamically from your Natural program.

BMOBILE:FORMAREA with new Properties legendprop, visibleprop and invisiblemode

For the BMOBILE:FORMAREA container, you can now control the visible state and the name of the legend dynamically from your Natural program.

BMOBILE:FORMAREA with new Properties textid and nameprop

For the BMOBILE:FORMAREA container, you can now dynamically define the name from your Natural program and from multilanguage files.

BMOBILE:FORMGROUP with new Properties visibleprop and invisiblemode

For the BMOBILE:FORMGROUP container, you can now control the visible state and the name of the legend dynamically from your Natural program.

BMOBILE:CHECKBOX with new properties

Some advanced properties have been added to the BMOBILE:CHECKBOX control.

New Responsive Control BMOBILE:RADIOBUTTON

A responsive radio button control BMOBILE:RADIOBUTTON is now available.

New Responsive MEDIA Controls

The responsive controls BMOBILE:VIDEO, BMOBILE:MEDIAUPLOAD and corresponding subcontrols have been added to integrate and upload media objects.

New Responsive Side Navigation Controls

The controls BMOBILE:SIDENAV, BMOBILE:NAVTREE and BMOBILE:SIDENAVCONTENT support the implementation of responsive side navigation using a responsive navigation tree.

BMOBILE:NAVBAR with new Property brandstraighttext

For the BMOBILE:NAVBAR control, you can now set text and images as value of the brandprop property. Via the new property brandstraighttext you can distinguish between the representation.

BMOBILE:SIMPLEGRID with Editable Columns

The BMOBILE:SIMPLEGRID control now supports editable columns. See the corresponding sample in the Natural Ajax Demos for details.

DATEINPUT2: Custom Holiday Rendering

Support to render custom holidays in different style has been added to the DATEINPUT2 control. For details, please refer to the new properties HOLIDAYS* and the corresponding sample in the Natural Ajax Demos.

DATEINPUT2 with new Property popuponF4F7

For the DATEINPUT2 control, you can now customize whether or not the calendar should open on using the F4 or F7 key.

DATEINPUT and DATEINPUT2 support Property testtoolid

The DATEINPUT and DATEINPUT2 controls now support the property testtoolid.

NaturalAjax Samples

The samples now contain an additional user interface component with performance hints for non-responsive layouts and containers.

PDF Reports - Upgrade to Version FOP 2.2

FOP 2.2. is now used for the PDF report generation in Natural for Ajax. This version requires more Java memory. When using this feature you might have to increase the configuration settings for Java memory in your web application server.

For details concerning Java memory settings, please refer to the documentation of your web application server.

CSVCOLUMN now supports Properties njx:natname and njx:natstringtype

The CVSCOLUMN control now supports the properties njx:natname and njx:natstringtype.

Responsive Style Guide

For responsive pages a style guide is now available. You find the latest version in the NaturalAjaxDemos NaturalONE project.

Standalone SWT Client with Java Web Start

The standalone SWT Client, which is based on Java Web Start, is not part of the delivery anymore. Until October 2019 you can request the client in case you require it.

Password Length 128

Natural for Ajax now supports a password length of 128 for Natural servers which also support a password length of 128.

New Features in Version 9.1.2

This section describes new features and enhancements in Natural for Ajax which have been added with this release of Natural for Ajax.

New Ajax Configuration Parameter urlopenstreetmapgeocoder

You can now adapt the third party geocoder URL in the Ajax configuration file if needed. See Ajax Configuration for details.

AUTOCOMPLETE supports limiting the results shown in a drop-down box

The AUTOCOMPLETE control now enables you to limit the results shown in the drop-down box. The AUTOCOMPLETE control now also has a new property maxresults. The FIELD control now has a new property autocompleteresultsref.

DATEINPUT2 with new Properties stylevariant and displayprop

DATEINPUT2 now supports the properties stylevariant and displayprop in the same way as the FIELD control.

New Control REPORT2

The REPORT2 control supports PDF report generation in responsive and non-responsive design. In difference to the REPORT control, it does not require to additionally render the data in the HTML pages.

New Ajax Configuration Parameter maxserverlogage

Automatic cleanup of ServerLog*.log files is now supported. You can configure the maximum storage age of ServerLog*.log files in days. See Ajax Configuration for details.

Support for editable columns in BMOBILE:SIMPLEGRID

BMOBILE:SIMPLEGRID now fully supports editable columns also on small devices.

ROWTABLEAREA2 supports Export to Clipboard and File

In ROWTABLEAREA2, all or just the selected items can now be copied to the clipboard or exported to a file. See Export to Clipboard and File in the description of the ROWTABLEAREA2 control grid for further details.

ROWTABLEAREA2 supports Icon Bars

ROWTABLEAREA2 supports the new controls ICONBAR, ICONBARLINE, TOCLIPBOARDICON, TOFILEICON and BLOCKSCROLLINGBAR. See Icon Bars in the description of the ROWTABLEAREA2 control grid for further details.

Layout Generation Enhancements

Performance of Layout generation has been improved. Also the analysis of generation errors has been simplified. See Generating HTML Pages Using the Command Line and the new attribute htmlgeneratorlog in the Ajax Configuration section.

Switch off Server Logging

You can now switch off writing log information to the server log. See loglevel in the Ajax Configuration section.

New Responsive Control BMOBILE:ICONCOL

BMOBILE:SIMPLEGRID now supports icon columns. See BMOBILE:ICONCOL for details.

Responsive Modal Controls

A set of responsive modal controls has been added:





Icon Support in Responsive Controls

Many responsive controls now support icons as values for name/nameprop or as value for other text based properties. For examples see the Natural for Ajax Demos.