Archive Administration

This section covers the following topics:

Archive Data Sets

Every time reports are archived to a tape, a data set is created on the tape volume containing all the archived reports. This is called an archive data set.

For each archive data set, an entry is made on the Entire Output Management archive catalog, which contains control information regarding each archive process. This information includes the date and time of the operation, the volser(s) on which the archive data set has been catalogued, and an indication of whether the data set still contains reports which must remain on archive.

When the reports contained in an archive data set are no longer required, a message is displayed to the right of the data set indicating that the volsers can be reused for other purposes.

For further information about archiving, see Automatic Archiving Defaults and Archiving Task.

Listing All Archive Data Sets

Start of instruction setTo list all archive data sets:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose List.

    A list of all defined archive data sets is displayed in the content pane.

Listing Selected Archive Data Sets

Start of instruction setTo list selected archive data sets:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Filter.

    The Filter Archive Data Sets window is displayed.

  3. Enter a part of a data set name in the input field, and select OK.

    Only data sets that start with the specified string are listed under the Archive Data Sets node.

Condensing an Archive Data Set

Start of instruction setTo condense an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Condense.

  3. Enter the schedule for condensing, and select OK.

Renaming an Archive Data Set

This function renames the selected archive data set and updates all active reports contained on it so that they point to the new data set. Summary information on the results of this function is written to the monitor log.

Start of instruction setTo rename an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Rename.

  3. A window is displayed in which you can specify the following:

    Field Explanation
    To data set name Specify the new name of the data set.
    Log modifications of reports Mark this field if you want messages about changed reports of the archive data set to be written to the monitor log. Leave it empty if you do not want such messages to be written.

    Make your specifications, and confirm them by selecting OK.

Deleting an Archive Data Set

An archive data set can only be deleted when it contains no reports.

Start of instruction setTo delete an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

  3. Confirm the deletion by selecting OK.

Listing the VOLSERs of an Archive Data Set

Start of instruction setTo list the VOLSERs spanned by an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose List VOLSERs.

    A list of the VOLSERs is displayed.

Modifying the VOLSER of an Archive Data Set

This function is used to change the VOLSER of an archive data set in and updates all active reports contained on it so that they point to the new VOLSER:

This function can only be used for single-volume data sets. For multi-volume data sets, you condense the archive data set to a new one; this which will also update the VOLSERs.

Start of instruction setTo modify the VOLSER of an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Modify VOLSER.

  3. A window is displayed in which you can specify the following:

    Field Explanation
    To VOLSER Here you specify the new VOLSER.
    Log modifications of reports Mark this field if you want messages about changed reports of the archive data set to be written to the monitor log. Leave it empty if you do not want such messages to be written.

    Make your specifications, and confirm them by selecting OK.

Listing Archived Reports

Start of instruction setTo list all reports contained in an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose List Reports.

    A list of all reports contained in the archive data set is displayed.

  3. You can select a report and perform an action on it by invoking the context menu, which displays the commands available.

Start of instruction setTo list only selected reports in an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets node in the object workspace, invoke the context menu, and choose Filter Subobject.

    Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets > Reports node in the object workspace, invoke the context menu, and choose Filter.

  2. The Filter Reports in Archive Data Set window is displayed.

  3. Enter a character string, and select OK.

    Only reports whose names begin with that character string will be listed.

Modifying the Expiration Date of an Archived Report

Start of instruction setTo modify the expiration date of a report in an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets > Reports node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Modify expiration.

  3. Enter a new value in the New Expiration Date field, and select OK.

Resetting the Expiration Date of an Archived Report

Start of instruction setTo reset the expiration date of a report in an archive data set:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets > Reports node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Reset expiration.

    The expiration date of the report is reset to the original expiration date, and the deletion status, if set, is removed again.

Deleting an Archived Report

Start of instruction setTo mark a report in an archive data set for deletion:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets > Reports node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

    Reports marked for deletion are automatically deleted on the following day.

If the function Revive, Modify expiration or Reset expiration is applied to a report marked for deletion, the deletion status is removed again.

If an archived report was deleted manually from the archived reports, it is also marked as "Deleted" in the archive data set, but cannot be reset.

Reviving an Archived Report

If an archived report was deleted manually from the archived reports, it is marked as "Deleted" in the archive data set and cannot be revived.

Start of instruction setTo revive an archived report:

  1. Select the Archive Administration > Archive Data Sets > Reports node in the object workspace.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Revive.