This section describes the functions available for the management of NOMVPRNT, the VTAM virtual-printer application.

For information on NOMVPRNT, see Re-Routing VTAM Output to Entire Output Management in the Installation and Customization documentation

Invoking VTAM NOMVPRNT Management

Start of instruction setTo invoke VTAM NOMVPRNT Management:

  • Enter 11 in the command line of the System Administration menu, or enter the direct command VTAM in the command line of any Entire Output Management screen.

    The VTAM NOMVPRNT Management screen is displayed:

   12:44:29             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2018-11-11
  User ID XYZ              - VTAM NOMVPRNT Management -                           
        S    Start server                                                       
        C    Close server                                                       
        D    Display parameters in Data set                                     
        M    Modify parameters in Data set                                      
       Parameter data set :                                                     
       Entire System Server job name (node)..: NOMX040(40)
    Status  NOT ACTIVE                                                          
  Command => ___________________________________________________________________

The field Entire System Server job name (node) displays the System Server Job Name and Node as specified in the Monitor Defaults.

Start Server

This function is used to start the NOMVPRNT server.

Close Server

This function is used to close the NOMVPRNT server.

Display Parameters in Data Set

This function is used to display the data set which contains the NOMVPRNT parameters.

Modify Parameters in Data Set

This function is used to modify the data set which contains the NOMVPRNT parameters.