Installation Procedure

If Entire Event Management has been previously installed (see Step1 (migration) and Step 2) and you have user routines (for example server message ID or initialization exits), take a copy to another library before deleting the objects. You can then copy the user routines back. Alternatively, if you have Natural Security, you can keep your user routines in a steplib of SYSNCLSV. In this case you do not need to take backups when installing a new version of Entire Event Management.

If the installed version of the System Automation Tools sub-component is older than the version provided with the installation tape, install the SAT sub-component according to the description provided in section Installation on Mainframe Platforms of the System Automation Tools documentation.

This document covers the following topics:

Step 1: Entire Event Management System Files

  1. Installing Entire Event Management for the first time

    For information on ADALOD utility parameters for loading the System Files, refer to Job I050, Steps 3103, 3106 and 3109.

    Entire Event Management System File 1 contains data which are interpreted by the command processor and control logic and must be loaded containing all data.

    Entire Event Management System File 2 holds all definitions created with Entire Event Management. The file NCLvrs.SYSE supplied on the installation tape contains some examples. These examples can be loaded into System File 2 with the Import / Export Utility (see the section Importing Example Definitions).

    Entire Event Management System File 3 holds all messages analyzed for logging by the Entire Event Management Server.

  2. Migration from version 2.1.2

    There are no changes to the Entire Event Management system files between versions 2.1.2 and 2.2.1. Consequently you can install 2.2.1 and continue to use your existing system files.

    Before installing 2.2.1 it is recommended to delete all old objects and error messages from libraries SYSNCL, SYSNCLSV and SYSNCLIE (Job I051, Step 3100 Delete all Objects; Job I051, Step 3101 Delete Error Messages). Please read the warning above first.

  3. Migration from version 2.1.1

    To migrate from Version 2.1.1, you must:

    1. Delete the old NCL Systemfile 1 (Job I050, Step 3102) and load the new NCL Systemfile 1 (Job I050, Step 3103).

    2. Delete all Objects and Error Messages from Libraries SYSNCL,SYSNCLSV, SYSNCLIE (Job I051, Step 3100 and step 3101). Please read the warning above first.

    3. Use the ADADBS utility (or ADABAS On-line Services) to modify the FDT of System File 2 to change the lengths of fields Q6, Q7, Q9 and QA from 3 to 5 (Job I051, Step 3150). For example:

    4. Alternatively, you can load the new System File 2 supplied with Version 2.2.1 and use the import/export utility (NCLvrs.JOBS; not supported by SMA) to migrate your existing definitions.

    Because of the change in message logging, to normalize the message time to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), thus avoiding problems when the clock changes, it may be necessary to modify existing logged messages.

    For example, when local time is two hours ahead of GMT, if the Entire Event Management 2.2.1 server is started less than two hours after the Entire Event Management 2.1.1 server ended, it can lead to messages being logged with a duplicate time, causing the monitor to fail with Adabas Response Code 198 (duplicate value for unique descriptor).

    To prevent this, a routine, MLOGMIGR, is provided in library SYSNCL. You should execute this routine prior to starting the Entire Event Management monitor for the first time. The routine has one optional parameter of format N5 which specifies the number of records to be updated between ETs. The default is 10 and we recommend a small number to avoid Adabas Response Code 197 (unique descriptor pool full). MLOGMIGR (Job I500, Step 3102) then calls the new GMT exit YGETGMTN to obtain the difference between local time and GMT and updates all logged messages appropriately so that:

    • there will be no duplicates when Entire Event Management monitor 2.2.1 starts, and

    • messages logged under Entire Event Management 2.1.1 still display the correct time after migration to Version 2.2.1.

    In summary:

    • Take a backup of your Entire Event Management Log File 3 (via ADAULD or ADASAV, Job I500, Step 3100),

    • Start Natural, ensuring that LFILE 203 is correctly set to point to the Entire Event Management system file 3 containing the messages to be adjusted (Job I500, Step 3102 executes MLOGMIGR in batch, see note below);


      Logon to SYSNCL and execute MLOGMIGR online (see note below).

      Execute MLOGMIGR only once.

    • In case of any failure during migration, restore your log file and contact Software AG Support with details of the error.

Step 2: Scratch Entire Event Management Libraries and SYSERR Messages - Job I051, Steps 3100 and 3101

If Entire Event Management has been installed before, scratch all members from the SYSNCL, SYSNCLIE and SYSNCLSV libraries and delete the related SYSERR messages. Please read the warning above first.

Step 3: Load the INPL File(s) and the Message File(s)

Use Job I061, Steps 3100 and 3102 to load the programs and error messages for Entire Event Management.

Library File Contents
SYSNCL FNAT Entire Event Management online part
SYSNCLSV FNAT Entire Event Management Server part
SYSNCLIE FNAT Entire Event Management utilities
SYSNCLCO FNAT Entire Event Management common objects
SYSNCLPI FNAT Entire Event Management Application Programming Interface

For further information on the INPL and ERRLODUS utilities, see the Natural documentation.

Step 4: Adapt all Online Natural Parameter Modules - Job I080

  1. Add or change the following parameters in your NATPARM module:


    For System Automation Tools add or check the following parameter:


    If you have Entire Operations and would like to start a job network from within Entire Event Management, add or check the following parameter:

  2. Reassemble and link the NATPARM module when modification is complete. JCL is contained in the member NATI080 in the Natural Installation Job Library.

Step 5: Relink all Online Natural Nuclei (Job I080)

If you wish to use the Entire Event Management API, you must include the Entire Broker stub module before you perform the relink. See step 6 for correct syntax.

See section Installation on Mainframe Platforms of the System Automation Tools documentation.

Step 6: Adapt Parameter Modules and Link Jobs for Subtask Natural

The Entire Event Management server runs as a Natural subtask. For further information, see section Installation on Mainframe Platforms of the System Automation Tools documentation. We recommend to use a Natural Shared Nucleus.

In addition to the specifications described in section Installation on Mainframe Platforms, you must also adapt the following:

  1. Adapt the Subtask Natural Parameter Module (Job I060)

    Add or change the following parameters in your NATPARM module:

    CSTATIC=           (...,QHNDLR,...      Main storage queue handler.
                       (...,BROKER,...)     Optional for NCL API.

    For System Automation Tools add or check the following parameter:


    If you have Entire Operations and would like to start a job network from within Entire Event Management, add or check the following parameters:


    For further details, see the Entire Operations Installation documentation.

  2. Link Natural Subtask Module


    Take the link job as described in section Installation on Mainframe Platforms of the System Automation Tools documentation and adapt the following:

    • Include the library definitions for NCLLIB (and EXXLIB, if you are using the Entire Event Management API) in your LNKEDT procedure: (LIBDEF chain).

      INCLUDE NATETB23 (Optional Entire Broker stub)


    Take the link job as described in the section Installation on Mainframe Platforms of the System Automation Tools documentation and adapt the following libraries for the linkage:

    • Supplied Entire Event Management Load Library
    • Supplied Entire Broker Load Library

    The notation vrs in file names represents the version number of the product.

    INCLUDE EXXLIB(NATETB23) (Optional Entire Broker stub) 


    Take the link job as described in section Installation on Mainframe Platforms of the System Automation Tools documentation and adapt the following libraries for the linkage:

    • Use the library NCLvrs.MOD for the linkage.

    • Also use the library EXXvrs.LIB for the linkage if you wish to use the Entire Event Management API.

      INCLUDE NATETB23 (Optional Entire Broker stub)

      The Natural parameter module has to be linked to the shared Natural nucleus or to the front-end part of Natural.