Verify Entire Event Management Interfaces for Message Collection

There are two sources from which the Entire Event Management Server can receive messages for further analysis and processing:

  • the System Console and

  • arbitrary applications which forward events to the Server via the Application Programming Interface (API).

Messages from the System Console

These messages are collected via the Entire System Server view CONSOLE. On z/OS and z/VSE, this view uses the MCS (Multi-Console Support) interface to retrieve the messages, on BS2000/OSD, it uses the UCON interface

The Entire Event Management Server can only react to messages which are not suppressed by means of external filter mechanisms, for example, MPF (Message Processing Facility) on z/OS or the operating system command ASR on BS2000/OSD.

For more information on how to install and use the CONSOLE view, see the view description of Console in the Entire System Server User's Guide.

Messages from Applications

These messages are collected via the API Receiver, which is a service that registers with Entire Broker and can optionally be started as a subtask of the Entire Event Management Server or as a separate batch job.

The API Receiver then maps the message received from the API client to an internal format and forwards the resulting message to the Analysis Task of the Entire Event Management Server by means of the Entire System Server view EVENTING.