Maintaining the Logging Database

Entire Event Management automatically maintains the messages logged to System File 3 according to the following logic:

  • External messages are logically deleted from user-defined consoles, if their time stamp is older than the current time minus the lifetime of the respective Logical Console. They are physically deleted, if there is no reference left to a Logical Console.

  • External messages routed to the Server-related (Udf) Consoles are physically deleted, if they are older than 1 day.

  • For each Server <vrs>, the messages routed to its (Act<vrs>), (Aut<vrs>) and (Log<vrs>) are physically deleted, if they are older than those respective Server start messages, which are older than the oldest external message left over after deletion.

For z/OS

Message maintenance is performed in a separate subtask of the Server which can be started automatically every day by setting up the schedule time in the Server parameter Perform SYS3 Cleanup at (see the section Miscellaneous Server Parameters) in section Defining the Physical Environment.

The name of the subtask is NCLCLNP-iii-jjj, where iii represents the DBID and jjj the FNR of the System File 2 currently being used by the Server. The result can be viewed in the assigned SYSOUT file.

For BS2000/OSD

Message maintenance is performed in a separate job which can be started automatically every day by setting up the schedule time in the Server parameter Perform SYS3 Cleanup at (see the section Miscellaneous Server Parameters) in section Defining the Physical Environment.

It is named NCLCLvrs, where vrs stands for the Node number of the Server. The result can be viewed in the protocol file of the job NCLCLvrs.

In addition, the user can start the maintenance utility manually by submitting the customized JCL provided with the member ESYS3DEL of NCLvrs.SRC.