This document covers the following topics:
After you have installed Natural Business Services for the first time and if Natural Security is active, you have to define the following in Natural Security (for detailed information, see Natural Security in the Natural for UNIX documentation):
Define the utility profile for the SYSMAIN utility and allow the function Co (copy) for Programming Objects.
Define the following libraries:
You have to do this before invoking the SYSPCI utility for
Natural Business Services. Otherwise, the initialization with the SYSPCI
utility will fail.
After you have installed your product, you need to set up a number of files, parameters and individual settings depending on your environment. These are described below. To set them up, you use the SYSPCI utility. For detailed information on this utility, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in Natural's Tools and Utilities documentation.
Natural Business Services requires the following Adabas system files:
, where the logical file number
) is 135
, where the logical file number
) is 136
Natural Construct requires the following Adabas system file:
, where the logical file number
) is 227
The database IDs and file numbers of the new or existing files that
you specify using the SYSPCI utility are entered into the default parameter
The required Adabas files can either be local or remote.
Remote Access
If the file is located in a remote database, Entire Net-Work must
be active and the database must be accessible.
Existing Local File
Before you start the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the Adabas
database containing the required files is active. With this version, you can
continue to use your existing files. No migration
of data from the previous version to the current version is
New File
Before you start the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the Adabas
database which will contain the required files is active. The SYSPCI utility
will load and initialize these files. This should be also done if another file
is required for your product.
Before you create new files with the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the ASSO and DATA sizes of your Adabas database are appropriate for these files. It is therefore recommended that you check the Adabas .fdu files in the <install-dir>/<product>/INSTALL/<product-code> directory for the used sizes. If required, change your database setup so that the files can be created.
For Natural Business Services and Natural Construct, the SYSPCI utility offers the following optional functions:
Option | Description |
Load Construct data | If marked, the Construct help texts, models and frames will be loaded. |
Load Predict data | If marked, the Predict data for Construct will be loaded. |
Before you configure and initialize Natural Business Services
using the SYSPCI utility, make sure that Predict has already been configured
and initialized.
In order to invoke the SYSPCI utility, you must first invoke Natural. You can then invoke the SYSPCI utility using the Direct Command window.
To invoke the SYSPCI utility
Enter the following command at the UNIX system prompt to invoke Natural:
Select the ENTER to invoke the Direct Command window.
menu and pressEnter the following command in the Direct Command window:
For more information, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in Natural's Tools and Utilities documentation.
It is possible to execute certain functions of the SYSPCI utility with a UNIX shell script. Two shell scripts are available in <install-dir>/Natural/INSTALL directory. They are called and These scripts can be used to automatically call SYSPCI for each installed product to intialize the product.
The scripts can be used for the following tasks:
This script executes the SYSPCI utility to initialize installed Natural
products with already existing Adabas files.
The necessary conversion of Adabas files to the new version has to be
done before starting this script.
This script executes the SYSPCI utility to initialize installed Natural
products and create the required Adabas files.
For more information, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in Natural's Tools and Utilities documentation.
When using Natural Business Services, ensure that the Natural profile
parameter BPSFI
is set to OFF
or in your own parameter file so that Search Sequence 2 is used. This means:
alternating search in buffer pool and system file(s) for each library.
is set to ON
, Search Sequence 1 is
used. This means: search buffer pool first for all libraries, then the system
To use the Business Service Administration subsystem, you must first activate the system. This section describes a series of updates and system-related functions you must perform to use the supplied demo application and samples. The following topics are covered:
Step 2: Define Libraries to Natural Security (First-Time Only)
Step 10: Update Broker Attribute File (for Older Applications Only)
Step 11: Verify Broker Attribute File (for Older Applications Only)
To set the required environment variables, execute the file. The environment file must be executed before using Natural Business Services.
If Natural Security is installed, start Natural with
and define the following libraries to Natural
Library | Contents |
SYSBIZDE | Natural Business Services demo application. |
SYSCSTX | Natural Construct source code for user exits. |
CSTAPPL | Natural Construct SYSERR message text. |
SYSCSTDE | Natural Construct Adabas demo application. |
SYSCSTDS | Natural Construct SQL demo application. |
To activate Natural Business Services, add the SYSLIBS library to your Natural steplib chain (if the library is not already in the steplib chain).
If you use the Natural Security Administration option to define all
Natural system libraries, ensure that the SYSLIBS library is defined as public.
(By default, SYSLIBS is protected.)
If Natural Security is installed, some files may not have been loaded by the SYSPCI utility. If you want to load frames, models or help texts afterwards, load them using the utilities listed below:
File | Utility | Described In |
CSTnnn.DA4 | SYSDICBE | Predict documentation (first-time only) |
CSTnnn.SYSM | CSMLOAD | Natural Construct Generation |
CSTnnn.SYSR | CSFLOAD | Multiple Code Frame Import Utility in the Natural Construct Administration and Modeling documentation |
CSTnnn.SYSH | CSHLOAD | CSHLOAD Load Utility in the Natural Construct Help Text documentation |
This step verifies that the parameter file was created correctly.
To verify the system file assignments
Invoke Natural using the new NBSPARM parameter file.
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Issue the VERIFY command.
Enter "LF".
The following output is displayed:
Construct System File (LFILE 227) checked successfully NBS Secured File (LFILE 136) checked successfully NBS Unsecured File (LFILE 135) checked successfully FNAT System File checked successfully FUSER System File checked successfully FDIC System File checked successfully
If any file fails to verify:
Correct the NBSPARM parameter file.
Restart your Natural session.
Reissue the VERIFY command.
If Natural Security is installed, some steps may not have been performed by the SYSPCI utility and a message may be displayed indicating that some installation steps have to be performed manually. If this message is displayed, run the CVUSRCOP utility from any library to copy the user exits.
If the CVUSRCOP utility returns the Natural error NAT4889 (library is
not defined to Natural Security), apply the latest hot fixes for Natural
This step verifies that all required Natural APIs (that is, the USR* subprograms) are available from within the current steplib chain.
To verify that all required Natural APIs are available
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Issue the VERIFY command.
Enter "US".
The VERIFY program calls the Natural APIs to confirm their availability.
This step verifies the installation of the Software AG editor.
To verify the installation of the Software AG editor
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Invoke the VERIFY program.
Enter "SE".
The VERIFY program:
Opens a Software AG editor session.
Writes lines to the Software AG editor.
Reads the lines back from the Software AG editor.
Closes the Software AG editor session.
Writes out a success/fail message.
This step populates the Natural Business Services files with data for this version. The CSRLOAD program clears the source area and loads the current repository data.
To load the repository data
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Invoke the CSRLOAD program.
If you are using the Natural RPC server and NaturalONE to generate your applications, just press ENTER now. You need not modify any information on the resulting screen. Make sure that your Natural RPC server has been set up and is working. For more information, see Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call) in the Natural for UNIX documentation.
The following information in this Step 9 applies only if you want to use older applications and the dispatch/security/attach servers.
This process will load the current repository. Make sure your LFILES are set correctly. This program also clears the source area and generates entries required for the BROKER Attribute File. These must be copied manually. Enter default values to be used to establish server records... Broker ID ........ BKRnnn__________________________ Server qualifiers Prefix: __________ Suffix: __________ Server Class ..... BUSINESS________________________ Unicode (Y/N): N Transaction ...... Natural_________________________ Profile FNAT DBID ____99 Profile FNAT FNR . ___107 Profile .......... NBSPARM_ Path to CMPRINT: $NAT_HOME_____________________ Natural Security Settings... Servers under NSC _ User id .......... ________________________________ Password ......... Mark default records to be loaded... X Users X Groups X Domains X Steplibs X Servers X Business Services X Security Links |
For upgrades, only the Business Services records must be loaded
(that is, deselect all records except Business Services in
Mark default records to be loaded).
If you make any errors while specifying this data, you can
manually change the repository data in the Business Service Administration
subsystem (enter MENU SA MM SE
in the command
Specify the default settings for the records to be loaded.
You can use the default values for most settings. Specify the following fields:
Field | Description |
Broker ID | Name of the broker to use in this environment. |
Server qualifiers | Prefix and suffix values added to the names of the server records being created. The combination of prefix and suffix characters must be less than or equal to 10. |
Server class | Name of the server class under which the service will register with Broker. The default class name is BUSINESS, but you can change the name if desired. |
Unicode | If you want NBS servers to invoke Natural
subprograms that contain Unicode parameters, type
"Y" in this field.
Transaction | Name of the Natural nucleus under which the service will run. The default transaction name is "Natural", but you can change the name if desired. |
Profile FNAT DBID and FNR | Database ID and file number for the Natural FNAT system file in which the NBSPARM parameter file is located. |
Profile | Name of the parameter file used. By default, NBSPARM is displayed. |
Path to CMPRINT | Path to the batch output file for each server session. This path can be changed if desired, but it must reference an existing path before the server is started. For more information on CMPRINT, see DEBUG Command in the Natural Business Services Administration documentation. |
Natural Security Settings | If your servers run under Natural Security, mark Servers under NSC and specify a user ID and password; use the specified user ID and password to start all servers. |
Press ENTER.
The CSRLOAD program displays all records that are being loaded.
If any records currently exist in your Natural Business Services
files, they will not be replaced. The output report indicates which records
were not replaced. Rename or delete the existing records and rerun the CSRLOAD
program, specifying only the objects you want to load.
Applies only if you want to use older applications and the dispatch/security/attach servers.
When using the CSRLOAD program, you can optionally load the servers only (attach, dispatch, security, etc.). When loading servers, determine whether the servers will use Natural Security. Although the servers can use any setting for this option, problems may arise if you load a server that uses one option (for example, without assigning Natural Security) and then change the option (for example, specify Natural Security later). To eliminate this problem, you can load different sets of servers that have different options and specify a prefix or suffix to identify each set. For example, you can specify an "NSC-" prefix, select Servers under NSC, and enter a user ID and password to be used with NSC. You can also specify a different Broker (server) class for each set of servers to help with the Broker administration. This allows the same set of servers to start up with and without Natural Security.
To allow the secure and non-secure servers to run at the same time,
define the settings for both sets of servers in Broker.
To load the servers only
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Invoke the CSRLOAD program.
Select one or more server options.
Deselect all options except Servers in the Default Records to be Loaded section.
For example:
This process will load the current repository. Make sure your LFILES are set correctly. This program also clears the source area and generates entries required for the BROKER Attribute File. These must be copied manually. Enter default values to be used to establish server records... Broker ID ........ BKRnnn__________________________ Server qualifiers Prefix: __________ Suffix: __________ Server Class ..... BUSINESS________________________ Unicode (Y/N): N Transaction ...... Natural_________________________ Profile FNAT DBID ____99 Profile FNAT FNR . ___107 Profile .......... NBSPARM_ Path to CMPRINT: $NAT_HOME____________________ Natural Security Settings... Servers under NSC _ User id .......... ________________________________ Password ......... Mark default records to be loaded... _ Users _ Groups _ Domains _ Steplibs X Servers _ Business Services _ Security Links |
Press ENTER.
The selected servers are loaded.
Applies only if you want to use older applications and the dispatch/security/attach servers.
You can also run the CSRLOAD utility again to create servers for other environments. To create servers for other environments, add a prefix or suffix as server qualifiers and specify an alternate server class.
This step is only required if you want to use older applications and
the dispatch/security/attach servers. It does not apply if you are using the
Natural RPC server and NaturalONE to generate your applications.
When the CSRLOAD program ends, the Natural source area contains the definitions required for the Broker attribute file. Copy these definitions from the source area to your Broker attribute file and confirm the following global settings:
*-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Broker specific Attributes / Definition of global resources * *-------------------------------------------------------------------* DEFAULTS = BROKER NUM-CLIENT = 250 NUM-CONVERSATION = 1000 NUM-SERVER = 50 NUM-SERVICE = 500 NUM-LONG-BUFFER = 500 NUM-SHORT-BUFFER = 2000
This step is only required if you want to use older applications and
the dispatch/security/attach servers. It does not apply if you are using the
Natural RPC server and NaturalONE to generate your applications.
This step verifies the additions to the Broker attribute file.
To verify the Broker attribute file additions
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Issue the VERIFY command.
Enter "AF".
A confirmation message is displayed:
Business service Broker service ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ATTACH BKR057/BUSINESSSERVICES-QA/ATTACH/MAIN MAIN and CMD services registered successfully CFACTORY BKR057/BUSINESSSERVICES-QA/CFACTORY/MAIN MAIN and CMD services registered successfully DISPATCH BKR057/BUSINESSSERVICES-QA/DISPATCH/MAIN MAIN and CMD services registered successfully SECURITY BKR057/BUSINESSSERVICES-QA/Security/MAIN MAIN and CMD services registered successfully TIMESTAMP BKR057/BUSINESSSERVICES-QA/TIMESTAMP/MAIN MAIN and CMD services registered successfully
If any errors appear in the output, correct either the records in your Natural Business Services file or the definitions in your Broker attribute file and rerun the test.
This step verifies the message queue API.
To verify the message queue API
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Invoke the VERIFY program.
Enter "MQ".
The VERIFY program:
Calls the message queue (conversation factory) APIs to pass data (as a multi-part message). This confirms that no limits are specified on Broker message lengths that will cause SQUSEND/SQURECV to fail.
Sends the binary values from H'00' to H'FF'. This confirms that no translation routine was added to the Broker attribute file.
Confirms that the data it receives matches the data it sent.
This step confirms that all verifications have been successful.
To confirm all verifications
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Invoke the VERIFY program.
Enter "*".
The program performs all verifications and confirms that:
the required Adabas files are available
the required class/server/service combinations for NBS have been defined in the Broker attribute file
the required Natural APIs are available
the program editor is available
the middleware connection is working
the steplib chain settings are correct
After the installation, the Natural client service runtime component is available in the NaturalBusinessServices/INSTALL/inplnbs directory. Its name is NBSNCSR.SAG.
To create a runtime environment for generated Natural clients, install this file in a non-Natural Business Services environment.
To install the Natural client service runtime component
Load the NBSNCSR.SAG file as follows:
Invoke the Natural INPL utility.
Set work file 1 to the file name.
Enter the following:
Run the CVCLICOP utility.
This utility copies the subprograms required by the Natural client service runtime component to the SYSTEM library. That is, it copies:
the Natural APIs (USR* subprograms) from the SYSEXT library
the NAT* subprograms from the SYSLIBS library
By default, Natural Construct is installed in dynamic (multilingual) mode, which allows users to display Natural Construct in any available language. If you intend to run the system in one language only, you can install Natural Construct in static (one-language) mode to improve performance and reduce database calls. For information, see Static (One-Language) Mode in the Natural Construct Administration and Modeling documentation.
Installing in static mode does not limit your ability to generate
multilingual applications; static mode applies to the Natural Construct
interface only.
After installing a full version of Natural Business Services, there are several procedures you can perform to ensure that the product has been installed correctly. This is explained in the topics below.
Regenerate and Recatalog the Natural Business Services Demo System
Access the Natural Construct Administration and Modeling Subsystem
To regenerate and recatalog the Natural Business Services demo
Log on to the demo system as follows:
"SYSNBSDE" for Adabas
Enter "NCSTBGEN" in the Direct Command box.
The Multiple Generation panel is displayed.
Type "*" in the first Module field.
Type "x" in the Catalog regenerated modules field.
Press ENTER.
The utility regenerates all modules and produces a report listing the names of the modules it generated.
If the modules cannot be regenerated or recataloged, check the
Natural parameters. If a NAT0082 error occurs, one
or more modules is not loaded. Check the INPL jobs to determine which modules
are missing.
To access the Business Service Administration subsystem
Log on to the SYSBIZ library.
Enter "menu" in the Direct Command box.
The Business Service Administration Subsystem main menu should be displayed.
Enter "AA" in the Function field.
The Application Administration main menu is displayed.
Enter "MM" in the Function field.
The Application Administration Maintenance menu is displayed.
Enter "DO" in the Function field.
The Maintain Domains Table panel is displayed.
Enter "B" in the Action field.
The Select Domain window is displayed. Ensure that the supplied domains are loaded. These domains are ADMIN, CST, DEMO, INTERNAL, and VBADDIN.
To regenerate and recatalog the demo system
Log on to the demo system as follows:
"SYSCSTDE" for Adabas
Enter "NCSTBGEN" in the Direct Command box.
The Multiple Generation panel is displayed.
Type "*" in the first Module field.
Type "x" in the Catalog regenerated modules field.
Press ENTER.
The utility regenerates all modules and produces a report listing the names of the modules it generated.
If the modules cannot be regenerated or recataloged, check the
Natural parameters. If a NAT0082 error occurs, one
or more modules are not loaded. Check the INPL jobs to determine which modules
are missing.
To access the demo system
Enter "menu" in the Direct Command box.
The Order Entry main menu should be displayed.
Select a function from the menu.
Ensure that the function is available and working.
To access the Help Text subsystem
Enter "ncsth" in the Direct Command box.
The Help Text main menu should be displayed.
Enter "L" in the Function field to list the available help members.
Ensure that the Natural Business Services help members are loaded.
To access the Natural Construct Administration and Modeling
Log on to the SYSCST library.
Enter "menu" in the Direct Command box.
The Administration main menu should be displayed.
Enter "M" in the Function field.
The Maintain Models panel is displayed.
Enter "B" in the Action field.
The Select Model window is displayed. Ensure that the supplied models are loaded.