What's New in Version 8.2.2

This document covers the following topics:

Important Notices

This section contains important information you should read before installing this version of Natural Business Services. The following topics are covered:

L@ Fields for DB2 Included in the Generated Code

If you previously used Natural Business Services or Natural Construct to generate code against DB2 tables that were defined with the use of the NATL option in Predict, you may have seen L@ fields generated in the views and PDAs used to represent these files. This feature had been removed with Natural Business Services Version 8.2.1 and has been reestablished with Natural Business Services Version 8.2.2 (Cumulative Fix 03).

Predict File Descriptions and Generated Natural DDMs

When using Predict and Natural Business Services, please ensure that the Predict file descriptions and the generated Natural DDMs are connected. Otherwise, certain features of the most recent database versions supported by Natural Business Services may be represented differently in the generated Natural DDM.

Natural Business Services

This section describes the new features and enhancements in Natural Business Services Version 8.2.2.

Installation on UNIX

Natural Business Services, including Natural Construct, can now be installed on UNIX using the Software AG Installer. See Installation on UNIX for detailed information. This also includes the system requirements.

The functionality that was previously only available with Natural Business Services 8.2.1 for mainframes is now also supported for UNIX.

Natural Construct

This section describes the new features and enhancements in Natural Construct Version 8.2.2. The following topics are covered:

Object-Browse-Subp Model Now Supports X-Arrays

The Object-Browse-Subp model now supports the generation of X-arrays in the object (row) PDA with (1:*) declarations instead of (1:V) for top-level rows. For information, see Parameters for the Object-Browse-Subp Model in Natural Construct Object Models.

New Option for Retrieving the Time Value from DB2

A new option, Enhanced DB2 timestamp, is now available for the Object-Maint-Subp Model model and the Object-Maint-Enhanced-Subp model. You can use it to retrieve the time value from DB2. A "SELECT CURRENT TIMESTAMP" statement will be generated to obtain a precise timestamp value. Otherwise, the time value is retrieved from Natural's time system variable. For information, see Parameters for the Object-Maint-Subp Model and Parameters for the Object-Maint-Enhanced-Subp Model in Natural Construct Object Models.