The Object-Browse series of models generate the modules for an object-browse process. The generated modules provide easy access to database tables in a transparent and flexible way, regardless of where data resides and whether data is used to create a mainframe screen, GUI dialog, hardcopy report, Web page, spreadsheet, or business service. The modules are also ideal when access to the data is required for validation purposes.
This section covers the following topics:
For more information on object-oriented development, see
of Object-Oriented Development.
The Object-Browse models encapsulate database calls within a Natural subprogram that provides a high-level, flexible interface for retrieving rows. Some features of the generated browse modules include:
Support for logical keys that combine multiple key components.
Support for multiple logical keys within a single browse object.
Support for complex wildcard handling to retrieve a range of records.
Ability to efficiently read a large number of records and return them to the caller in manageable (configurable) blocks — without relying on the database to perform the necessary cursor management and without requiring that the connection to the browse object remain active between calls.
Ability to browse by a repeating key (MU/PE) and by superdescriptors containing repeating components.
Ability to begin browsing from a particular instance of a non-unique key.
Ability to combine ascending and descending components within a single logical key.
Ability to toggle between histogram mode and normal mode, depending on whether or not the caller wants distinct key values to be returned.
Ability to confine a search by locking portions of the key.
Ability to determine the most efficient record selection logic based on the specified search criteria.
The Object-Browse models generate several modules required for client/server applications. These include:
Model | Modules Generated |
Object-Browse-Subp |
Object-Browse-Static |
The Object-Browse models also generate several data areas. For example, all object-browse subprograms access the CDPDA-M data area for message information and the CDBRPDA data area for standard parameters. For information, see Parameters for the Object-Browse-Subp Model.
The following diagram illustrates how to implement the components of a browse object in a client/server configuration:
The Object-Browse-Subp model generates the browse subprogram for an object, as well as three parameter data areas: the object PDA (defines returned row data), key PDA (defines search key values), and the restricted PDA (private data used internally by the browse object to maintain context).
To view examples of an object-browse subprogram and its PDAs generated using the Object-Browse-Subp model, refer to CUSBRSUB, CUSBRROW, CUSBRKEY, and CUSBRPRI in the Natural Construct demo system. The demo system also contains CUSBRPGM, an example of a dialog module that calls other modules. For more information, see Parameters for the Object-Browse-Subp Model.
This section covers the following topics:
You can define a single browse object that can return records using multiple sort orders. The calling object must indicate the sort order by assigning the CDBRPDA.SORT-KEY field. If this field is not assigned, the default sort order is used (the first logical key defined in the specification).
The sort keys cannot be arbitrarily chosen. Each browse object supports a predefined number of sort key values, which are specified at generation.
The sort key values represent logical key names that may map to more than one key component. For example, a browse object may support the following key configurations for the NCST-CUSTOMER file:
Logical Sort Key | Physical Keys | Sort Order |
NAME | BUSINESS-NAME | Ascending |
Ascending |
The union of all physical keys is always passed to the browse object as starting values. In this example, BUSINESS-NAME, CUSTOMER-WAREHOUSE-ID, and CUSTOMER-NUMBER are always passed to the browse object. Depending on the value of SORT-KEY, one or more of these starting values are processed by the browse object.
For an example of multiple sort keys, see Example of Using an Object-Browse Subprogram.
To browse by compound keys that involve many components, define the browse object so that it requires a prefix. If you specify a logical sort key that contains many key components and do not specify a prefix or starting value, browsing begins at the first record on file and continues to the last.
You can also specify two prefixes for the sort key. Using the COMPANY and DIVISION fields as an example, users must specify exact values for these fields, and all rows returned must pertain to this company and division. While this may reduce the flexibility of the browse object, the resulting database accesses are much more efficient.
When browsing Adabas or VSAM files by a
single superdescriptor, efficiency is not affected by specifying prefix key
components. When more than three components are required (and for maximum
efficiency), define the logical key as a superdescriptor.
For an example of prefix keys, see Example of Using an Object-Browse Subprogram.
When generating browse objects that access relational tables, there is a limit of four unbounded (non prefix) keys. If you want to browse by compound keys with more than four components, define the browse object so that it requires specific (absolute) values for the leading components. To do this, specify a number of prefix components so that the total number of key components minus the prefix components is less than or equal to four. This optimizes the generated SELECT statements.
When browsing Adabas or VSAM files by a
logical key with multiple components, the maximum number of unbounded keys
permitted is three.
For example, assume a logical sort key called ACCOUNT-NUMBER that is made up of the key components: COMPANY, DIVISION, COST-CENTER, ACCOUNT-CODE, and PROJECT. If you specify this sort key for a browse object, one of the following conditions must be met:
The key is defined as an Adabas or VSAM superdescriptor. In this case, a prefix component is not required.
The key is defined as a compound key or a series of individual keys within a relational table. In this case, you must specify a minimum of one prefix component.
The key is defined as a series of individual fields on an Adabas or VSAM table. In this case, you must specify at least two prefix components.
Programs generated using the Browse models allow you to provide a starting and ending value for the browse. The combination of the minimum and maximum keys creates a logical window within the file. The program will not browse before or after these values.
Client code for an object-browse subprogram allows the same functionality as minimum/maximum key values do for browse programs. For example, when browsing from an order header to the order lines, you can restrict the selection to that order number only. To include this functionality in an object-browse subprogram, specify the Limit components and Prefix components options in the Optional Parameters panel (see Define Optional Parameters).
You can also change the range option for the object-browse subprogram on the client (for example, you can specify a starts with value).
Additional minimum/maximum functionality can be coded within user exits (for example, READ-INPUT-CRITERIA).
Generated browse programs use only one key, which handles both
ascending and descending order. This allows you to specify minimum and maximum
key values. However, an object-browse subprogram handles up to six keys. If
your object-browse subprogram only requires one key (or at the most two keys,
one representing ascending and the other representing descending order for the
same database field), you can take advantage of the Transform-Browse model to
implement the minimum/maximum key functionality. For example, you can generate
a browse program containing these options and then use the Transform-Browse
model to transform the browse program into an object-browse subprogram. This
feature, however, is not exposed on the specification panels so the values can
only be changed by manually changing the **SAG lines that contain these values.
For more information about transforming browse modules, see
Transform-Browse Model in Natural Construct
By default, Natural Construct-generated object-browse subprograms convert the starting values for all supplied alphanumeric key components (contained in the KEY parameter data area) to upper case. If the input values may include lower case characters, you can use the Predict Modify Field panel to add the ALLOW-LOWER-CASE keyword to the key components you do not want converted.
For example, if the database contains both upper case and lower case values, such as iXpress and IBM for the BUSINESS-NAME field, you can add the ALLOW-LOWER-CASE keyword to the field as follows:
21:08:57 ***** P R E D I C T 8.2.1 ***** 2013-08-12 - Modify Field - Field ID ........ BUSINESS-NAME Modified 2013-08-12 at 20:47 File ID ......... NCST-CUSTOMER by CNDSHE1 Keys .. DESCRIPTION,ALLOW-LOWER-CASE Zoom: N Ty L Field ID F Cs Length Occ D U DB S NAT-l Cnv *- - -------------------------------- *- * -------- ----- * * -- * ----- --- 1 BUSINESS-NAME A 30.0 D XZ N |
Users can then search for lower case or upper case values. For example, "I*" for iXpress and "I*" for IBM.
You should only use the ALLOW-LOWER-CASE keyword if the data stored in the database contains lower case characters. Otherwise, Natural Construct will not convert input values that should be converted. For example, assume the database contains keys for the Canadian provinces: BC, NB, NS, ON, etc. By default, if a user enters "n*" as a search value, NB and NS are returned (even though these begin with upper case "N"). If you add the ALLOW-LOWER-CASE keyword to the field, no records are returned because there are no values matching a lower case "n".
Normally, users enter a starting value in the key input field for a browse object. For all alphanumeric fields, users can specify wildcard characters to limit the range of records returned. Wildcard characters may only be used for single keys or in the last specified field of a compound key. These characters must always be the last character specified in the input field. Valid wildcard characters are:
Wildcard Character | Description |
* | Returns keys that begin with the value preceding the *. |
< | Returns keys that are less than the value preceding the <. |
> | Returns keys that are greater than the value preceding the >. |
= | Returns keys that are equal to the value preceding the =. |
In addition to specifying wildcard support for the browse object, you can indicate the key value to be used as a starting value, ending value, prefix, etc., by setting a wildcard option.
A browse object can be called many times to read consecutive sets of records. This ensures that the caller is returned the next set of records. This feature is achieved by means of a restricted data area, where the browse object stores data as the last sort key, the last starting value, the last row returned, etc. If the browse object is called repeatedly using the same sort key value and start values, it assumes the user wants to resume where the last call left off.
The search is automatically restarted if the user specifies a new sort key, start value, range option, etc. The user can request an explicit restart using the same search criteria.
For more information about the restricted data area, see
Passed to the Object-Browse Subprogram.
When reading records by non-unique key values, the user can specify a particular record from which browsing begins. To achieve this, each row must contain a unique key value (or unique combination of keys). For Adabas files, the ISN of the record is used. When starting a browse, the user can specify a starting value (SMITH, for example) and a value to uniquely identify the exact SMITH (ISN 9238). For more information, see CDBRPDA.
The following example uses a telephone directory to illustrate how the various features of the browse object can be combined to meet typical data access requirements. For example, a telephone company has a database consisting of the following columns:
1 AREA-CODE (N3) 1 CITY (A30) 1 NAME (A30) 1 STREET (A30) 1 PHONE-NUMBER (N7)
The browse object can be defined with the following logical keys and components:
Logical Key | Key Components |
Since a telephone operator providing directory assistance typically deals with a single area code, the AREA-CODE can be defined as a prefix component at generation, so that all searches are restricted to one area code.
If the caller supplies a city, the operator can use Key 1 and specify the city, increasing the number of prefix components to two at runtime. Since exact values must be supplied for all prefix components, these are normally assigned programmatically, for example, by allowing the operator to choose from a list of valid cities.
If the exact spelling of the name is known, the operator can also supply this information and designate a third prefix component. If the exact name is not known, the operator can supply a partial name and a wildcard character, for example, "THOM*".
If the city is not known, the operator can use Key 2 to help find possible cities. If it is an Adabas or VSAM file, the Histogram option can be used to avoid returning duplicate rows.
The Object-Browse-Subp model has two specification panels: Standard Parameters and Additional Parameters. This section describes these panels. The following topics are covered:
The following example shows the first specification panel, the Standard Parameters panel:
CUBOMA Object-Browse-Subp Multi-Module CUBOMA0 Oct 02 Standard Parameters 1 of 2 Module ............. OBJBRSUB System ............. CST821S_________________________ Title .............. Object Browse ...________ Description ........ This subprogram is used to encapsulate data access_____ for ...________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Message numbers .... _ Generate with X-array _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- right help retrn quit right main |
The fields in the upper portion of this panel are similar for all models. For a description of these fields, see Common Fields on the Standard Parameters Panel in Common Model Specifications and Development Tasks.
The field in the lower portion of this panel is:
Field | Description |
Generate with X-array | If this field is marked, the object PDA will be generated with (1:*) declarations instead of (1:V) for top-level rows; any arrays nested within top-level rows will be generated as defined in Predict. |
The following example shows the second specification panel, the Additional Parameters panel:
CUBOMB Object-Browse-Subp Multi-Module CUBOMB0 Oct 02 Additional Parameters 2 of 2 Predict view ............. ________________________________ * Natural (DDM) .......... ________________________________ Program view ........... ________________________________ Logical keys Key components Option 1 ____________________________ ________________________________ * _ 2 ____________________________ ________________________________ * _ 3 ____________________________ ________________________________ * _ 4 ____________________________ ________________________________ * _ 5 ____________________________ ________________________________ * _ 6 ____________________________ ________________________________ * _ Generate Source Object Object PDA ............... OBJBRROW * X Key PDA .................. OBJBRKEY * X Restricted PDA ........... OBJBRPRI * X Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- help retrn quit optns left userX main |
Use this panel to specify additional parameters for your object-browse subprogram. The fields on this panel are:
Field | Description |
Predict view | Name of the Predict
view used by the browse subprogram. The specified view must be defined in
Predict. This view determines which fields are
generated into the ocject (row) PDA returned to the caller.
After selecting the view, the first six key components in the view are displayed. Tip: |
Natural (DDM) | Name of the data definition module (DDM) that
corresponds to the primary file. If you do not specify a DDM, the DDM name
defaults to the primary file name.
The Predict definition of the primary file determines which fields are included in the DEFINE DATA section of the generated code. The format of the generated code in the DEFINE DATA section has the following structure: 1 Primary-file-name VIEW OF Data-definition-module 2 fields pulled from Predict of Primary-file-name |
Program view | Name of the view for the primary file in the
object-browse subprogram. If you specify this parameter, you must define the
view in the LOCAL-DATA user exit or a local data area (LDA). User-defined views
must contain all fields defined as key components, as well as a field that
uniquely identifies a record.
If you do not specify a program name, a view is automatically generated containing all fields in the Predict view. The MAX. OCCURS value in Predict determines how many occurrences of MU/PE fields are included. |
Logical keys | Key(s) that determines the sort order of the
returned records. You can define a browse object that returns records using up
to six sort orders. The calling program indicates the sort order by assigning
CDBRPDA.SORT-KEY. If a sort key value is not assigned, the first logical key is
used as the default.
The logical key names can map to as many as five components. If a logical key contains only one component, the logical key name is optional. If you do not specify a logical key name, this field defaults to the name of the key component. If the key field contains MU or PE fields, the rows returned also contain an index value that identifies which occurrence of the MU/PE field satisfies the read condition. |
Key components | Key components for a logical key that maps to
more than one component. You can add key components and set options in the
Optional Parameters window. To display this window, press PF5 (optns) or mark
the Option field and select Enter.
Using this window, you can add as many as five components and specify options for them. For information, see Define Optional Parameters. To define key components, specify either one superdescriptor or multiple individual descriptors. Note: |
Option | A plus sign (+) indicates that options have been set for the logical key. To display the Optional Parameters window, press PF5 (optns) or mark the Option field and select Enter. For more information, see Define Optional Parameters. |
Object PDA | Object PDA that defines the rows returned to
the browse object and the columns within each row. The generated object PDA
contains one column for each field defined in the specified Predict view (as
well as additional columns). You can edit the generated object PDA to alter the
list of fields returned by the subprogram.
When creating a new specification, this field is filled in by default with the first five bytes of the module name, plus the suffix "ROW". For more information, see Object PDA. |
Key PDA | Key PDA that contains all of the components
contained in the logical keys, as well as a unique ID field.
When creating a new specification, this field is filled in by default with the first five bytes of the module name, plus the suffix "KEY". For more information, see Key PDA (Search Key). |
Restricted PDA | Restricted PDA that stores data, such as the
last sort key, the last starting value, the last row returned, etc. so that the
next set of consecutive records is returned to the caller. The contents of this
data area should not be altered by the calling module.
When creating a new specification, this field is filled in by default with the first five bytes of the module name, plus the suffix "PRI". For more information, see Restricted PDA. |
Generate | If the PDA source and/or object code is found in the Natural steplib chain, this field displays the name of the library where the source and/or object code is located. If a generated PDA is not found, it is generated by default (and this field is marked and protected). |
Source | Name of the first library in which the source
code for the module is found. The source code may exist in multiple libraries
in the Natural steplib chain.
If the source code resides in the current library, regenerating it will execute a STOW command and overwrite the previous version. |
Object | Name of the first library in which the object
code for the module is found. The object code for the module may exist in
multiple libraries in the Natural steplib chain.
If the object code resides in the current library, regenerating it will execute a STOW command and overwrite the previous version. Note: |
You can define optional parameters for your object-browse subprogram.
To define optional parameters
Press PF5 (optns) on the Additional Parameters panel.
Mark the Option field for a logical key and select Enter.
The Optional Parameters window is displayed. For example:
CUBOMBA Natural Construct CUBOMBA0 Sep 12 Optional Parameters 1 of 1 Logical keys >> 1 ____________________________ Key components Descending PERSONNEL-ID____________________ * _ ________________________________ * _ ________________________________ * _ ________________________________ * _ ________________________________ * _ Histogram support ............ _ Limit components ............. __ Prefix components ............ __ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd ma |
If you marked the Option field for a logical key, that key is
displayed in this window. To view other logical keys, press PF8 (frwrd) and PF7
Use the following fields to define the additional parameters:
Field | Description |
Logical keys | Name of the logical key for which you are defining options. |
>> 1 | Scroll indicator. You can enter the number of a logical key in this field to scroll to that key. |
Key components | Components of the key. Each logical key can have up to five components. |
Descending | To have the key component values listed in
descending sequence in the generated browse, mark this option. Otherwise,
values are sorted in ascending sequence.
Note: |
Histogram support | If this parameter is marked, the browse has
an additional histogram version of one or more logical key values. This allows
the calling program to request a histogram be returned. Rather than returning
all of the predefined columns of the browse object, only the specific key
column is returned, along with a count of the number of records containing the
key value.
Note: |
Limit components | Number of components of a superdescriptor
(compound key) used in the logical key (if the relational database table
contains a superdescriptor with many components).
To restrict the number of components, specify the limit in this field. For example, to use the first two components of the superdescriptor, enter "2". Note: |
Prefix components | Prefix used for components of a
superdescriptor (compound key).
When browsing by compound keys that have many components, you can define the browse object so that it requires specific values for the leading components. This optimizes the generated SELECT statements. Notes:
Generated object-browse subprograms accept parameters from the following parameter data areas (PDAs):
DEFINE DATA PARAMETER USING CUSBRKEY /* Search key values PARAMETER USING CUSBRROW /* Returned row data PARAMETER USING CUSBRPRI /* Private (restricted) data PARAMETER USING CDBRPDA /* Generic browse object parameters PARAMETER USING CDPDA-M /* Msg info END-DEFINE
These data areas are described in the following sections:
Each browse object can support multiple logical keys, where a logical key is comprised of one or more key components. The key PDA defines the union of all fields that are components of a logical key. Additionally, the generated key PDA contains a field that can be used to begin the browse at a specific record.
The logical key definitions and sort order for the sample key PDA are:
Logical Sort Key | Physical Key(s) | Sort Order |
NAME | BUSINESS-NAME | Ascending |
Ascending |
The following example shows the sample key PDA:
1 CUSBRKEY /* All key components 2 BUSINESS-NAME A 20 2 CUSTOMER-WAREHOUSE-ID A 3 2 CUSTOMER-NUMBER N 5 2 UNIQUE-ID P 10 /* Unique row id
When calling the browse object, the caller can assign starting values for the fields that make up the sort key. The range option (described in CDBRPDA) determines whether the specified key value represents a starting value, ending value, exact value, or prefix. By default (when range option = 0), the specified value is assumed to be a starting value for columns that are sorted in ascending sequence and an ending value for columns that are sorted in descending sequence.
The default range option also allows users to specify wildcard characters (for example, <, >, *, and =).
The object PDA contains one field for each field defined in the specified Predict view. These fields are defined within a 1:V structure so the browse object can support an arbitrary number of return rows. The following example shows a generated object PDA:
The Predict STRUCT parameter indicates
whether to generate periodic groups with the occurrences at the structure or
individual field level.
In addition to fields defined in the Predict view, the object PDA contains an additional field called UNIQUE-ID. This field uniquely identifies a row in the object PDA. If the row is from an Adabas file, the record ISN uniquely identifies the file. For other file types, the primary key is used. Some additional fields may be generated into the object PDA, depending on the keys and options selected. These fields are:
If one or more keys support the Histogram option, the COUNT field is added to the object PDA. This field is assigned the number of rows that match the returned key value during Histogram processing.
If one or more keys is a multiple-valued (MU) field and/or an element of a periodic group (PE) or a superdescriptor containing such a field, the MU-PE-MATCH-INDEX field is added to the object PDA. The contents of the field indicate which occurrence of the repeating field resulted in the current row being returned.
To determine state information, all browse objects are passed information that the object PDA maintains internally. This data should not be disturbed by the caller.
The fields in this data area control the behavior of the browse object. The following table shows the structure of the CDBRPDA parameter data area:
Field | Description |
2 INPUTS | |
3 METHOD (N1) | Currently not used, always pass 0. |
3 SORT-KEY (A32) | Name of the logical key for the browse sort order. Starting values may be supplied for the physical keys that make up this key. If no sort key is provided, the first defined logical key is used. |
3 HISTOGRAM (L) | If this field is true, only distinct key values are returned, along with a count of the number of records having the key. This option is ignored if the browse does not support a histogram for the specified sort key. |
3 LEADING-FIXED-COMPONENTS (N2) | Override for the default number of leading
fixed key values for the logical key.
To increase the default number of leading fixed key values for the logical key, specify the number in this field. All key values supplied up to the specified number of components must match the value in the return row. |
3 ROWS-REQUESTED (N4) | Maximum number of rows requested to be returned for the current call. This number must be less than or equal to the number of rows allocated. |
Note: |
3 USE-UNIQUE-ID (L) | If this flag is set, browsing by a non-unique
key begins at a specified record.
You can specify from which record to begin browsing. For example, if browsing the NCST-CUSTOMER file by BUSINESS-NAME, you can specify to begin at the SMITH with ISN 1234. All prior SMITH records are not returned. This feature is primarily used to simulate backward scrolling. For non-Adabas files, the primary key determines uniqueness. If there is no primary key, the record sequence is used. |
3 RESTART (L) | If this flag is set, the browse object begins a new browse even though the starting key may not have changed. This field is reset by the called browse object. |
3 ACTUAL-ROWS-RETURNED (N4) | Number of rows returned. This number will be less than or equal to the ROWS-REQUESTED value. |
3 END-OF-DATA (L) | This flag is set when all rows in the database matching the selection criteria have been displayed. |
This parameter data area contains standard message information for the browse object.
The following example shows the User Exits panel for the Object-Browse-Subp model:
CSGSAMPL OBJECT-BROWSE-SUBP Multi-Module CSGSM0 Aug 18 User Exits 1 of 1 User Exits Exists Sample Required Conditional -------------------------------- -------- ---------- -------- ------------ _ NAT-DOCS X _ CHANGE-HISTORY Subprogram _ PARAMETER-DATA Example _ LOCAL-DATA _ START-OF-PROGRAM _ READ-INPUT-CRITERIA Subprogram X _ END-OF-PROGRAM _ ADDITIONAL-INITIALIZATIONS Example _ BEFORE-ROW-ASSIGNMENT Example _ AFTER-ROW-ASSIGNMENT Example _ SELECT-STATEMENTS Subprogram X Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd |
You can create a browse object as part of a client/server application. This object communicates with the server via a remote procedure call (RPC).
To create a browse object that communicates via a remote procedure
call (RPC)
Create the static object-browse subprogram.
Create the RPC subprogram.
Because the RPC subprogram cannot process parameter values having occurrences defined using 1:V, create at least one static subprogram and object PDA to replace 1:V with a fixed-length value for the ROW parameter. To generate the static subprogram and its object PDA, use the Object-Browse-Static model.
The following example shows a subprogram generated by the Object-Browse-Static model:
> > + Subprogram CUSBR020 Lib SYSCSTDE Top ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7.. 0010 **SAG GENERATOR: OBJECT-BROWSE-STATIC VERSION: 8.2.1 0020 **SAG TITLE: Object Browse Static ... 0030 **SAG SYSTEM: SYSCSTDE 0040 **SAG DESCS(1): Object Browse Static for .... 0050 **SAG SUBPROGRAM-NAME: CUSBRSUB 0060 **SAG STATIC-OBJECT-PDA: CUSBP020 0070 **SAG STATIC-OCCURRENCES: 00020 0080 ******************************************************** 0090 * Program : CUSBR020 0100 * System : SYSCSTDE 0110 * Title : Object Browse Static ... 0120 * Generated: Oct 13,13 at 01:03 PM by SAG 0130 * Function : Object Browse Static for .... 0140 * 0150 * 0160 * 0170 * History 0180 ******************************************************** 0190 DEFINE DATA 0200 PARAMETER USING CUSBRKEY 0210 PARAMETER USING CUSBP020 0220 PARAMETER USING CUSBRPRI 0230 PARAMETER USING CDBRPDA 0240 PARAMETER USING CDPDA-M 0250 LOCAL 0260 01 #PROGRAM (A8) 0270 END-DEFINE 0280 PROG. /* to allow escape from routine. 0290 REPEAT 0300 * 0310 PERFORM INITIALIZATIONS 0320 CALLNAT 'CUSBRSUB' 0330 CUSBRKEY 0340 CUSBRROW 0350 CUSBRPRI 0360 CDBRPDA 0370 MSG-INFO 0380 * 0390 ******************************************************** 0400 DEFINE SUBROUTINE INITIALIZATIONS 0410 ******************************************************** 0420 * 0430 ASSIGN #PROGRAM = *PROGRAM 0440 * 0450 END-SUBROUTINE /* INITIALIZATIONS 0460 * 0470 ESCAPE BOTTOM(PROG.) IMMEDIATE 0480 END-REPEAT /* PROG. 0490 END |
The following example shows an object PDA generated by the Object-Browse-Static model:
To view the specifications for these examples, refer to the CUSBRSUB
(Object-Browse-Subp) and CUSBR020 (Object-Browse-Static) subprograms in the
Natural Construct demo system.
This section covers the following topics:
The Object-Browse-Static model has one specification panel, the Standard Parameters panel.
An object-browse subprogram must exist before you can create its
corresponding static object-browse subprogram.
The following example shows the only specification panel for the Object-Browse-Static model:
CUBRMA Object-Browse-Static Subprogram CUBRMA0 Oct 02 Standard Parameters 1 of 1 Module ............. ________ System ............. CST821S_________________________ Title .............. Object Browse Static ..._ Description ........ Object Browse Static for ...._________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Source Object Object Browse Subp . ________ * Object PDA ......... PDA Generate Source Object Static Occurrences . 10_ ________ _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- main help retrn quit userX main |
The fields in the upper portion of this panel are similar for all models. For a description of these fields, see Common Fields on the Standard Parameters Panel in Common Model Specifications and Development Tasks.
The fields in the lower portion of this panel are:
Field | Description |
Object Browse Subp | Name of the object-browse subprogram called by
the static object-browse subprogram. The object-browse subprogram must
currently exist.
After you enter the object-browse subprogram name, Natural Construct fills in the default values. |
Object PDA | Name of the object PDA for the object-browse subprogram. Natural Construct determines this name based on the specified object-browse subprogram name. |
Source | Name of the first library in which source code for the module is found. The source code may exist in multiple libraries in the Natural steplib chain. |
Object | Name of the first library in which object code for the module is found. The object code may exist in multiple libraries in the Natural steplib chain. |
Static Occurrences | Number of occurrences the static object-browse subprogram returns. By default, it returns 10 occurrences. |
PDA | Name of the static object PDA for the
object-browse subprogram. By default, Natural Construct creates a name composed
of the first four bytes of the module name, plus
"Pnnn", where
nnn is the number of occurrences.
If the specified static object PDA already exists in the current library, an additional field is displayed, which you can mark to have the module regenerated. If the static object PDA does not exist, it is automatically generated. |
Generate | Mark this field to generate the PDA. If the PDA does not already exist, this field is marked by default. |
Source | Name of the first library in which source code
for the module is found. The source code may exist in multiple libraries in the
Natural steplib chain.
If the source code resides in the current library and you regenerate the module, the module is stowed and the previous version is overwritten. |
Object | Name of the first library in which object code
for the module is found. The object code may exist in multiple libraries in the
Natural steplib chain.
If the object code resides in the current library and you regenerate the module, the module is stowed and the previous version is overwritten. |
The following example shows the User Exits panel for the Object-Browse-Static model:
CSGSAMPL Object-Browse-Static Subprogram CSGSM0 Oct 02 User Exits 1 of 1 User Exits Exists Sample Required Conditional -------------------------------- -------- ---------- -------- ------------ _ NAT-DOCS X _ CHANGE-HISTORY Subprogram _ PARAMETER-DATA Example _ LOCAL-DATA Example _ START-OF-PROGRAM _ ADDITIONAL-INITIALIZATIONS Example _ END-OF-PROGRAM Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd |
Using the Object-Browse-Dialog model, you can create character-based dialogs to work with your object-browse subprograms. These dialogs provide an interim step in the progression from centralized to client/server applications. You can create object subprograms that users access from a character-based dialog. These same object subprograms can be accessed from a GUI client using Construct Spectrum or another client/server technology.
The Object-Browse-Dialog model preserves most of the functionality of the Browse and Browse-Select series of models. When used with other object-browse models (Object-Browse-Dialog-Driver and Object-Browse-Subp, for example), this model creates browse programs, subprograms, or helproutines — with or without selection capabilities.
In addition, the Object-Browse-Dialog model:
Provides user exit modules to support the regeneration of user exits. User exit models generate text member modules you can use with the User-Exit statement model to generate user exits. For information, see User Exit Models.
Supports international applications. The model can generate text in any language for which translations are available in the SYSERR library. SYSERR references are replaced by text dynamically at runtime. The model can also generate modules that support cursor translation, which allows users to translate prompts and headings while running the generated application. For information, see Define International Parameters and Use SYSERR References for Headings and Prompts.
Contains mechanisms for handling PF-key and action parameters, which allow more flexibility when customizing applications.
This section covers the following topics:
Object-browse dialogs display record values on the screen. The record values are retrieved by an object-browse subprogram. Users can scroll backward, forward, left, and right when using the generated dialogs. These dialogs are useful to an application as:
Stand-alone programs invoked from a menu by an object-browse dialog driver.
Active helproutines invoked by an object-browse dialog driver to display a list of valid values for a field and allow the user to select one.
Subprograms called from another program, such as a maintenance program.
When a selection column is added to the dialog, users can:
Select multiple records on the same panel.
Apply actions to the selected records.
Object-browse dialogs support export and report functions. The export data function writes records with delimiters to an ASCII file and downloads the file to a user’s PC, where it can be inserted into a spreadsheet or word processor program. (This feature requires Entire Connection.) The report data function sends records to a local printer.
The layout of the export and report functions are independent of the screen layout. You can design and generate the layouts using the EXPORT-DATA-FIELDS, INPUT-KEY, REPORT-DATA-FIELDS, and WRITE-DATA-FIELDS user exits (available by entering SAMPLE in the User Exit editor). Or you can use the user exit models to create regeneratable text members you can generate into the User Exit editor using the User-Exit statement model. For more information, see User Exit Models and User-Exit Statement Model.
A generated object-browse dialog module and browse module use different styles of PF-keys. To use the browse style of PF-keys in the generation of all new object-browse dialogs, remove the comment indicators from the following line in the CUBDC subprogram:
To use the browse style of PF-keys for existing object-browse dialogs:
Remove the comment indicators from the following line in the CUBDR subprogram:
Use the SYSMAIN utility to copy the object code for CUBDR to the SYSLIBS library.
Regenerate all object-browse dialogs using the NCSTBGEN batch generator.
Although you can use the same procedure to define object-browse
dialog style PF-keys for all transformed modules (by specifying
CUBDPDA.#PDAX-USE-BROWSE-PFKEYS := FALSE), this may interfere with the
specifications in the user exit code.
The following example shows the first panel of a typical browse panel generated using the Object-Browse-Dialog model:
NCPRDOBD Table Subsystem Oct 15 Select Product 1 of 2 Product Description Reorder point Unit cost ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ------------ 111111 DOG FOOD 5000 110.00 111116 CHEESE DOODLE 70 0.15 145688 HOT CHOCOLATE DRINK 300 10.00 187361 CAT NUGGETS 70 150.00 199210 COOPER GLOVES 50 100.00 222222 BIRD SEED 88 50.00 256733 OATS AND BARLEY CEREAL 22 20.00 324597 COOPER GLOVES 100 100.00 333333 DOG BONES 22 50.00 335977 DOMESTIC KITTY LITTER 40 7.00 342723 ORANGE DRINK CRYSTALS 4000 15.00 444444 CORN FLAKES 1000 1.22 Product .... ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF help retrn quit exprt bkwrd frwrd reprt left right ma |
To reposition the data, users enter a value in the input field near the bottom of the panel (Product). If the key is alphanumeric or numeric, users can include a wildcard character (*, >, or <) to limit the range of records displayed.
Modules generated using the Object-Browse-Dialog model support an export PF-key, which routes a delimited report to an ASCII file on the user’s PC. These modules also support a report PF-key, which routes a report to a printer. Users can use these PF-keys, along with wildcard characters, to generate a report based on a range of records. Export data and report data support are optional.
To view the specifications for the Object-Browse-Dialog model example, refer to the NCPRDOBD program in the Natural Construct demo system.
The Object-Browse-Dialog model accepts parameters from the following parameter data areas:
Data Area | Description |
Key PDA | Parameter data area (PDA) containing all fields
that are components of the logical keys supported by the object-browse
subprogram. Additionally, the generated key PDA contains a field you can use to
request that the browse begin from a specific record.
You can also use the key PDA to return the selected value in the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit. |
CDBRPDA | PDA containing fields that control the behavior of the object-browse subprogram, such as the sort key, the numbers of records requested, the range option, and the actual number of records returned. For information, see CDBRPDA. |
CDPDA-D | External PDA containing standard parameters for dialogs. |
CDPDA-M | External PDA containing standard parameters for exchanging message information. |
CDPDA-P | External PDA containing global information shared with the object-browse subprogram. |
You can specify additional parameters in the PARAMETER-DATA user
The Object-Browse-Dialog model has two specification panels: Standard Parameters and Additional Parameters. This section describes these panels. The following topics are covered:
The following example shows the first specification panel:
CUBDMA OBJECT-BROWSE-DIALOG Subprogram CUBDMA0 Mar 30 Standard Parameters 1 of 2 Module ............. TEST____ System ............. DEMO___________________________ Title .............. Object Browse Dialog for_ Description ........ This dialog is used for the object browse ..._________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ First heading ...... __________________________________________________ * Second heading ..... __________________________________________________ * Do not populate first input screen ................. _ Generate page title (when not on input map) ........ _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- help retrn quit pfkey intnl left right main |
The fields in the upper portion of this panel are similar for all models. For a description of these fields, see Common Fields on the Standard Parameters Panel in Common Model Specifications and Development Tasks.
The fields in the lower portion of this panel are:
Field | Description |
Do not populate first input screen | Indicates whether default data is automatically entered in the fields on the first input screen. This option can be used to provide consistency between Natural Construct-generated browse and object-browse modules. By default, the first input screen is not populated for a generated browse module and is populated for a generated object-browse-dialog module. |
Generate page title (when not on input map) | Indicates whether to automatically code the page title when a map is not being used. By default, the page title is coded for a generated browse module and is not coded for a generated object-browse-dialog module. |
These fields are used by the Transform-Browse model to determine
how to transform a Natural Construct-generated browse module into object-browse
modules. For information about transforming browse modules, see
Transform-Browse Model in Natural Construct
To define or customize the PF-keys used by your object-browse
Press PF6 (pfkey) on the Standard Parameters panel.
The PF-Key Parameters window is displayed:
CUBDMAB Natural Construct CUBDMAB0 Dec 19 PF-Key Parameters 1 of 1 Key ID template .... MC 1___ * Object browse dialog template Key ID NAMED Subprogram Subroutine __ ____ PF1 help ________ _______________________________ __ ____ PF2 retrn ________ _______________________________ __ ____ * PF3 quit ________ * _______________________________ __ ____ * PF4 trans ________ * _______________________________ __ ____ * PF5 actns ________ * _______________________________ __ ____ * PF6 exprt ________ * _______________________________ __ ____ PF7 bkwrd ________ _______________________________ __ ____ PF8 frwrd ________ _______________________________ __ ____ * PF9 reprt ________ * _______________________________ __ ____ * PF10 left ________ * _______________________________ __ ____ * PF11 right ________ * _______________________________ __ ____ * PF12 main ________ * _______________________________ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF1 help retrn quit mai |
Use this window to do one of the following:
Specify the name of a key template containing a pre-defined group of single PF-keys
Override the default PF-keys by specifying individual PF-keys, their positions, and the names of the subprograms or subroutines that perform the keys functions
Select Enter to confirm the changes.
To specify a key template
Type the name of a Natural Construct or application-specific key template in the Key ID template field and select Enter.
Press the help PF-key when the cursor is in the Key ID template
field to select from a list of available key templates (both Natural Construct
and application-specific).
To override the default single PF-keys
Type the ID for the single PF-key in the PF-key ID field associated with the appropriate position on the PF-key line.
Press the help PF-key when the cursor is in the PF-key ID field
associated with the appropriate position on the PF-key line to select from a
list of single PF-keys (both Natural Construct and application-specific).
In the corresponding Subprogram or Subroutine field, type the name of the subprogram or subroutine that is invoked when the key is pressed.
Select Enter.
You cannot change the reserved PF-keys: PF1 (help), PF2 (retrn), PF7 (bkwrd), and PF8 (frwrd).
The null PF-key (PF0) disables the default PF-key in the position to which you assign it. Use this key when you want to disable the functionality of a PF-key and not replace it with another function. For example, to disable PF12 (main), enter "PF0 null" in the corresponding Key ID field in the PF-Key Parameters window.
To define international parameters for your object-browse dialog, press PF9 (intnl) on the Standard Parameters panel. The International Parameters window is displayed. For a description of this window, see Define International Parameters.
The following example shows the second specification panel:
CUBDMB Object-Browse-Dialog Subprogram CUBDMB0 Jan 29 Additional Parameters 2 of 2 Source Object Object browse subp ....... ________ * Object PDA ............. ________ * Key PDA ................ ________ * Object LDA ............... ________ * Input key ................ ________________________________ * Prompt ................. ____________________________________________ * Records displayed ........ 10__ Selection column format .. _ __ * Input using map .......... ________ * Horizontal panels ........ 1_ Backward scroll pages .... 10 Export data support ...... _ Report data support ...... _ Use BROWSE-SELECT actions. _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- help retrn quit windw actns scrn left userX main |
Use this panel to specify additional parameters and options for the browse dialog. The fields on this panel are:
Field | Description |
Object browse subp | Name of the object-browse subprogram used by
the generated module to retrieve records for display. Field-level help is
available to select an object-browse subprogram.
Note: |
Object PDA | Name of the object parameter data area (PDA) used by the generated module. Natural Construct supplies this value by default, based on the name of the object-browse subprogram. Field-level help is available to select an object PDA. |
Key PDA | Name of the key parameter data area (PDA) used by the generated module. The key PDA is comprised of all fields that are components of the logical keys supported by the specified object-browse subprogram. Natural Construct supplies this value by default, based on the name of the object-browse subprogram. Field-level help is available to select a key PDA. |
Object LDA | Name of the object local data area (LDA) used by the generated module. The object LDA contains the default field headings used when generating user exits. Field-level help is available to select an object LDA. |
Input key | Name of the logical key by which scrolling takes place in the generated module. The specified key must be defined in the key PDA. Field-level help is available to select an input key. |
Prompt | Field prompt (name) displayed for the input key when the module is invoked. This name can either be text or a SYSERR reference (with or without formatting). Field-level help is available to select an existing SYSERR number or create a new SYSERR entry. For more information, see Use SYSERR References for Headings and Prompts. |
Records displayed | Number of records displayed on the screen at one time. By default, the generated module displays 10 records at one time. |
Selection column format | Indicates the format for the selection column.
The following formats are available:
Input using map | Name of the layout map used by the generated module. Natural Construct supplies many layout maps you can use with the supplied models. Field-level help is available to select a map. |
Horizontal panels | Number of panels used by the generated module. Users can display the next panel by pressing the right PF-key; they can return to the previous panel by pressing the left PF-key. By default, the module uses one horizontal panel. |
Backward scroll pages | Maximum number of scroll pages supported by the
module. By default, the module supports 10 scroll pages; users can scroll
forward and backward within a 10-page range. If they scroll forward 11 pages,
page 1 is forced out of the range and they cannot scroll back to it.
Note: |
Export data support | When this field is selected, records are
exported to a work file (instead of the screen). Users can use these work files
in other environments or on other platforms (for example, in a PC spreadsheet
application). To export the generated report to a work file, users specify a
starting value and press the export PF-key.
When generating the module, you must indicate which records to export by defining the EXPORT-DATA-FIELDS user exit using the following method:
You can customize the work file number and delimiter character (character used to delimit fields on the report) for your site. Note: |
Report data support | When this field is selected, records are
exported to a local printer (instead of the screen). To print the generated
report, users specify a starting value and press the report PF-key.
When generating the module, you must indicate which records to export by defining the REPORT-DATA-FIELDS user exit using the following method:
Note: |
Use BROWSE-SELECT actions | When this field is selected, the browse dialog uses the same actions as those used by a Browse-Select model. For information, see Define or Customize Browse-Select Actions. |
This section covers the following topics:
To change the default window settings for your object-browse
Press PF5 (windw) on the Additional Parameters panel.
The Window Parameters window is displayed. For a description of this window, see Change the Default Window Settings in Common Model Specifications and Development Tasks.
To define or customize the standard actions used by your
object-browse dialog
Press PF6 (actns) on the Additional Parameters panel.
The Action Parameters window is displayed:
CUBDMBA Natural Construct CUBDMBA0 Dec 30 Action Parameters 1 of 1 Template ........... MC 1___ * Object browse dialog template Action ID Action Subprogram Subroutine __ ____ * add ________ * ________________________________ __ ____ * detail ________ * ________________________________ __ ____ * display ________ * ________________________________ __ ____ * modify ________ * ________________________________ __ ____ * purge ________ * ________________________________ __ ____ * select ________ * ________________________________ __ ____ * __ ____ * __ ____ * __ ____ * __ ____ * __ ____ * Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12 help retrn quit main |
Use this window to do one of the following:
Specify the name of an action template (pre-defined group of single actions).
Override the default actions by specifying single actions and the names of the subprograms or subroutines that perform the actions.
To specify an action template
Type the name of a Natural Construct or application-specific action template in the Template field and select Enter.
Press the help PF-key when the cursor is in the Template field to
select from a list of available action templates (both Natural Construct and
To override the default single actions
Type the ID for the single action in the appropriate Action ID field.
Press the help PF-key when the cursor is in the Action ID field to
select from a list of single actions (both Natural Construct and
In the corresponding Subprogram or Subroutine field, type the name of the subprogram or subroutine that is invoked when the action is requested.
Select Enter.
You can define Browse-Select-style actions for your object-browse dialog, as opposed to the standard actions for the object-browse dialog (for example, add, detail, display, modify, purge, and select).
To define or customize Browse-Select-style actions for your
object-browse dialog
Mark the Use BROWSE-SELECT actions field on the Additional Parameters panel.
Press PF6 (actns).
The Action Parameters window is displayed:
CUBDMD Object-Browse-Dialog Subprogram CUBDMD0 Jun 08 Action Parameters 1 of 1 _ Add _ Browse _ Clear _ Display _ Modify _ Next _ Purge _ Copy _ Recall _ Replace _ Select _ Detail _ Former Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF1 help retrn quit mai |
This window displays the actions used by a Browse-Select model.
For DB2 users, the Former action is disabled in this
Mark the actions you want to expose on your object-browse dialog.
Select Enter to confirm the changes.
To define the screen layout parameters for your object-browse
Press PF7 (scrn) on the Additional Parameters panel.
The Screen Layout Parameters window is displayed:
CUBDMBB Natural Construct CUBDMBB0 Feb 07 Screen Layout Parameters 1 of 1 Screen header lines .......... 2_ Field heading lines .......... 1_ Underline headings ........... X Blank lines after headings ... __ Record display lines ......... 1_ Input key lines .............. 1_ Position . Bottom ... X Top ...... _ Starting column .............. __ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8--- help retrn quit test |
Use the fields in this window to define how information is displayed on your generated object-browse dialog.
The fields in this window are:
Field | Description |
Screen header lines | Number of screen heading lines displayed when your generated module is invoked. By default, two lines are reserved for screen headings. |
Field heading lines | Number of field heading lines displayed when your generated module is invoked. By default, one line is reserved for each field heading line. |
Underline headings | When this field is selected, field headings are underlined when the generated module is invoked. By default, this field is selected and field headings are underlined on the generated dialog. |
Blank lines after headings | Number of blank lines inserted after the field heading lines. For example, if you specify 1 in this field, one blank line is inserted below each field heading line. |
Record display lines | Number of screen lines required to display each record and its attributes. By default, one line is reserved for each record. |
Input key lines | Number of screen lines required to display input keys. By default, one line is reserved for each input key. |
Position | |
Bottom | When this field is selected, the input key lines are displayed at the bottom of the screen. By default, the input key lines are displayed at the bottom of the generated dialog. |
Top | When this field is selected, the input key lines are displayed at the top of the screen. |
Starting column | Number of the column in which the selection column begins. |
Select Enter to confirm the changes.
You can view a test version of the window with the characteristics specified in the Screen Layout Parameters window.
To test the modified screen layout
Press PF4 (test).
You can specify a PF-key’s position on the PF-key line, the Natural variable name used in the generated code, and international support for the text displayed on the PF-key line. You can also use a pre-defined set of PF-keys (called a key template), which you can select from a list of existing key templates or create on your own.
For information on defining the Natural
variable name used in the generated code, see Defining PF-Keys for
Generated Applications in Natural Construct
To access PF-keys for your applications, Natural Construct provides two APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and six methods in the CD--PFK module. Within this module, you can:
Create new methods and APIs to access PF-keys
Define single PF-keys and their attributes
Define sets of PF-keys and attributes (key templates)
Any model can use the CD--PFK module during the modify and generation phases.
To define PF-keys
Press PF6 (pfkey) on the Standard Parameters panel for the Object-Browse-Dialog model.
The PF-Key Parameters window is displayed, from which you can select a key template or single PF-keys for your dialog. For more information, see Define or Customize PF-Keys.
Single PF-keys perform specific functions at runtime. Typically, they are used to add one or two functions to the standard PF-key set supplied by a model.
Single PF-keys are divided into two types and maintained in separate lists: PF-keys used by the Natural Construct models (identified by an SC prefix) and application-specific PF-keys that you create (identified by an SA prefix). You can use any single PF-key with any model.
The attributes of a single PF-key are:
Attribute | Description |
SOURCE-ID | Type of PF-key and whether the key is defined
by Natural Construct or by the user. Valid single
source IDs are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area. They are:
PFKEY-ID | Internal identifier for a single PF-key. Valid single PF-key IDs are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area. |
PFKEY-POSITION | Position of a single PF-key on the PF-key line (for example, PF2 for the return PF-key). The value in this field is assigned to PFKEY-POSITION-VARIABLE in the generated code. |
PFKEY-POSITION-VARIABLE | Natural variable used in the generated code to refer to the position of a single PF-key (for example, #PF-RETURN for the return PF-key). |
PFKEY-NAME-VARIABLE | Natural variable containing the name displayed for a single PF-key at runtime (for example, #RETURN-NAME for the return PF-key). |
PFKEY-NAME | Text or SYSERR reference used to identify a
single PF-key. The value in this field is assigned to PFKEY-NAME-VARIABLE in
the generated code.
Note: The generated contents of PFKEY-NAME depend on the international parameters defined for the model. You can generate text in a specific language or generate SYSERR references. By default, English text is generated. |
PFKEY-NAME-LONG | Text or SYSERR reference used as a long description of a single PF-key. |
PFKEY-STATUS | Status code for a single PF-key. This code
determines if a single PF-key may be overridden by the user. Valid status codes
The values specified in these fields are used for defaulting
purposes. In most cases, these values can be overridden by the user.
Natural Construct single PF-keys are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area and the CD--PFK module. There are 34 Natural Construct single PF-keys provided.
The default constant that identifies the current number of PF-keys is defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--PFKD 2 MAX-SPC I 2 CONST<34> /* Max CST singl |
Natural Construct single PF-key IDs are defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * * Construct Single Pfkey Id List I 2 SPC-PFKEY-ID I 2 (1:MAX-SPC) R 2 SPC-PFKEY-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : * * /* Construct list 3 HELP-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 1 3 RETURN-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 2 3 BACKWARD-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 3 3 FORWARD-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 4 3 LEFT-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 5 3 RIGHT-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 6 3 QUIT-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 7 3 MAIN-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 8 3 FLIP-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 9 3 PLACE-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 10 3 HARDCOPY-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 11 3 EXPORT-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 12 3 PREFERENCES-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 13 3 CONFIRM-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 14 3 DIRECT-COMMAND-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 15 3 ADD-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 16 3 BROWSE-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 17 3 CLEAR-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 18 3 COPY-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 19 3 DETAIL-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 20 3 DISPLAY-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 21 3 MODIFY-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 22 3 NEXT-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 23 3 PURGE-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 24 3 RECALL-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 25 3 REPLACE-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 26 3 SELECT-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 27 3 ACTIONS-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 28 3 REPORT-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 29 3 TRANSLATE-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 30 3 NULL-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 31 3 STORE-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 32 3 UPDATE-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 33 3 MAINTAIN-PFKEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 34 |
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each PF-key
within the SPC-PFKEY-ID array.
Natural Construct single PF-key IDs (referenced in CD--PFKM) are defined in the CD--PFK module as follows:
* * Single key initial values Construct 01 SINGLE-CST 02 INITIAL-VALUES (A150/1:MAX-SPC) * Position \Pos var.\ Name variable/Name/ Name long/ Status override * \ \ _/ \ _/ / * \ \ \ \ \ / * \ \ \ \ \ __________/ * \ \ \ \ \ / INIT (1)<'PF1/#PF-HELP/#HELP-NAME/*8001.1/*8001.2/O'> (2)<'PF2/#PF-RETURN/#RETURN-NAME/*8002.1/*8002.2/O'> (3)<'PF7/#PF-BACKWARD/#BACKWARD-NAME/*8003.1/*8003.2/O'> (4)<'PF8/#PF-FORWARD/#FORWARD-NAME/*8004.1/*8004.2/O'> (5)<'PF10/#PF-LEFT/#LEFT-NAME/*8005.1/*8005.2/O'> (6)<'PF11/#PF-RIGHT/#RIGHT-NAME/*8006.1/*8006.2/O'> (7)<'PF3/#PF-QUIT/#QUIT-NAME/*8007.1/*8007.2/O'> (8)<'PF12/#PF-MAIN/#MAIN-NAME/*8008.1/*8008.2/O'> (9)<'PF5/#PF-FLIP/#FLIP-NAME/*8009.1/*8009.2/O'> (10)<'PF6/#PF-PLACE/#PLACE-NAME/*8010.1/*8010.2/O'> (11)<'PF9/#PF-HARDCOPY/#HARDCOPY-NAME/*8011.1/*8011.2/O'> (12)<'PF6/#PF-EXPORT/#EXPORT-NAME/*8012.1/*8012.2/O'> (13)<'PF6/#PF-PREFERENCE/#PREFERENCE-NAME/*8013.1/*8013.2/O'> (14)<'ENTR/#PF-CONFIRM/#CONFIRM-NAME/*8014.1/*8014.2/O'> (15)<'PF41/#PF-DIRECT-CMD/#DIRECT-CMD-NAME/*8015.1/*8015.2/O'> (16)<'PF25/#PF-ADD/#ADD-NAME/*8016.1/*8016.2/O'> (17)<'PF26/#PF-BROWSE/#BROWSE-NAME/*8017.1/*8017.2/O'> (18)<'PF27/#PF-CLEAR/#CLEAR-NAME/*8018.1/*8018.2/O'> (19)<'PF28/#PF-COPY/#COPY-NAME/*8019.1/*8019.2/O'> (20)<'PF29/#PF-DETAIL/#DETAIL-NAME/*8020.1/*8020.2/O'> (21)<'PF30/#PF-DISPLAY/#DISPLAY-NAME/*8021.1/*8021.2/O'> (22)<'PF31/#PF-MODIFY/#MODIFY-NAME/*8022.1/*8022.2/O'> (23)<'PF32/#PF-NEXT/#NEXT-NAME/*8023.1/*8023.2/O'> (24)<'PF33/#PF-PURGE/#PURGE-NAME/*8024.1/*8024.2/O'> (25)<'PF34/#PF-RECALL/#RECALL-NAME/*8025.1/*8025.2/O'> (26)<'PF35/#PF-REPLACE/#REPLACE-NAME/*8026.1/*8026.2/O'> (27)<'PF36/#PF-SELECT/#SELECT-NAME/*8027.1/*8027.2/O'> (28)<'PF5/#PF-ACTIONS/#ACTIONS-NAME/*8028.1/*8028.2/O'> (29)<'PF9/#PF-REPORT/#REPORT-NAME/*8029.1/*8029.2/O'> (30)<'PF4/#PF-TRANSLATE/#TRANSLATE-NAME/*8030.1/*8030.2/O'> (31)<'PF0/#PF-NULL/#NULL-NAME/*8031.1/*8031.2/O'> (32)<'PF4/#PF-STORE/#STORE-NAME/*8032.1/*8032.2/O'> (33)<'PF4/#PF-UPDATE/#UPDATE-NAME/*8033.1/*8033.2/O'> (34)<'PF4/#PF-MAINTAIN/#MAINTAIN-NAME/*8034.1/*8034.2/O'> |
Application-specific single PF-keys are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area and the CD--PFK module. There are two sample single PF-keys provided.
The default constant that identifies the current number of single PF-keys is defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--PFKD 2 MAX-SPA I 2 CONST<2> /* Max App single pfkey |
Application-specific single PF-keys are defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * * Application Single Pfkey Id List I 2 SPA-PFKEY-ID I 2 (1:MAX-SPA) R 2 SPA-PFKEY-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : SPA-PFKEY-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-PFKEY1 I 2 /* Pfkey Id 1 3 SAMPLE-PFKEY2 I 2 /* Pfkey Id 2 |
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each PF-key
within the SPA-PFKEY-ID array.
Application-specific single PF-key IDs (referenced in CD--PFKM) are defined in the CD--PFK module as follows:
* * Single key initial values Application 01 SINGLE-APP 02 INITIAL-VALUES (A113/1:MAX-SPA) * Position \Pos var.\ Name variable/Name/ Name long/ Status override * \ \ _/ \ _/ / * \ \ \ \ \ / * \ \ \ \ \ __________/ * \ \ \ \ \ / INIT (1)<'PF5/#PF-JUMP/#JUMP-NAME/*9001.1/*9001.2/O'> (2)<'PF9/#PF-STOP/#STOP-NAME/*9002.1/*9002.2/O'> |
To add an application-specific single PF-key
Increase the MAX-SPA default constant by one in the CD--PFKM local data area.
For example, change the MAX-SPA line in the following:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--PFKD 2 MAX-SPA I 2 CONST<2> /* Max App single pfkey
2 MAX-SPA I 2 CONST<3> /* Max App single pfkey
Add the internal PF-key name to the redefinition of the SPA-PFKEY-ID array in CD--PFKM.
For example:
* * * * Application Single Pfkey Id List I 2 SPA-PFKEY-ID I 2 (1:MAX-SPA) R 2 SPA-PFKEY-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : SPA-PFKEY-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-PFKEY1 I 2 /* Pfkey Id 1 3 SAMPLE-PFKEY2 I 2 /* Pfkey Id 2 * * add new single pfkey redefine * 3 NEW-KEY I 2 /* Pfkey Id 3
Edit the SPA-PFKEY-ID array to initialize the internal ID value.
For example:
11:59:15 ***** EDIT FIELD ***** 13-10-16 - Initial Values - Single Mode - Local CD--PFKM Library CSTDEM Command + Index SPA-PFKEY-ID(I2/1:3) ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- (1) 1 (2) 2 * * add new single pfkey internal id * (3) 3 |
Stow CD--PFKM.
Define the attributes of the application-specific single PF-key IDs in the CD--PFK module (referenced in CD--PFKM).
For example, add the INIT clause for the new occurrence of INIT-VALUES:
* Single key initial values Application 01 SINGLE-APP 02 INITIAL-VALUES (A113/1:MAX-SPA) * Position \Pos var.\ Name variable/Name/ Name long/ Status override * \ \ _/ \ _/ / * \ \ \ \ \ / * \ \ \ \ \ __________/ * \ \ \ \ \ / INIT (1)<'PF5/#PF-JUMP/#JUMP-NAME/*9001.1/*9001.2/O'> (2)<'PF9/#PF-STOP/#STOP-NAME/*9002.1/*9002.2/O'> * * add new single pfkey attributes * (3)<’PFnn/#PF-name/#key-NAME/*9003.1/*9003.2/O’> |
You can use either SYSERR references or text for the NAME and
NAME-LONG values. User-defined SYSERR references start at 9000. For more
information, see the online help.
Stow CD--PFK.
A key template is a group of single PF-keys relevant to a given model. If a model supports PF-key parameters, the logical grouping (template) can be displayed to the user as default values. The user can then customize the template as desired.
Key templates are divided into two types and maintained on separate lists: key templates used by the Natural Construct models (identified by an MC prefix) and application-specific key templates that you create (identified by an MA prefix). You can use any single PF-key with any key template.
The attributes for a key template are:
Attribute | Description |
SOURCE-ID | Type of key template and whether the template
is defined by Natural Construct or user-defined. Valid source IDs are defined
in the CD--PFKM local data area. They are:
PFKEY-ID | Internal identifier for a key template. Valid key templates are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area. |
NAME | Text or SYSERR reference used as a long
description of the key template.
Note: |
MODEL-PFKEY-VALUES | Key template containing a group of single
PF-key definitions.
Note: |
SOURCE-ID | Source IDs for the single PF-keys in the key template. |
PFKEY-ID | Internal identifiers for single PF-keys in the key template. |
PFKEY-POSITION-OVERRIDE | Override positions for single PF-keys in the key template. If you do not specify an override position, the position value for that single PF-key is assigned to this field. |
PFKEY-STATUS-OVERRIDE | Override statuses for single PF-keys in the key template. If you do not specify an override status, the status value for the single PF-key is assigned to this field. |
The values in these fields are used for defaulting purposes. In
most cases, you can override these attributes.
Natural Construct key templates are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area and the CD--PFK module. There is one Natural Construct key template provided.
The default constant that identifies the current number of key templates is defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--PFKD 2 MAX-MPC I 2 CONST<1> /* Max CST model pfkeys |
Natural Construct key templates are defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * * Construct Model Pfkey Id List I 2 MPC-PFKEY-ID I 2 (1:MAX-MPC) R 2 MPC-PFKEY-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : MPC-PFKEY-ID * * /* Construct list 3 OBJECT-BROWSE-DIALOG I 2 /* Model pfkey Id 1 |
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each key template
within the MPC-PFKEY-ID array.
Natural Construct key templates (referenced in CD--PFKM) are defined in the CD--PFK module as follows:
* * Model pfkey initial values Construct 01 MODEL-CST 02 INITIAL-MODEL-VALUES (A40/1:MAX-MPC) * model source id/model pfkey id/ model name / * / __________/ / * / / ________________/ * / / / * / / / INIT (1) <'MC/0001/*8501.1'> * * 02 INITIAL-MODEL-PFKEY-VALUES (A15/1:MAX-MPC,1:12) * Model\ source id/single pfkey id/position override/status override * \ / _________/ / / * \ / / ______________________/ / * \ | / / ____________________________________/ * \ / / / / INIT (1,1) <'SC/0001/ /R'> (1,2) <'SC/0002/ /R'> (1,3) <'SC/0007/ /O'> (1,4) <'SC/0030/ /C'> (1,5) <'SC/0028/ /C'> (1,6) <'SC/0012/ /C'> (1,7) <'SC/0003/ /R'> (1,8) <'SC/0004/ /R'> (1,9) <'SC/0029/ /C'> (1,10)<'SC/0005/ /C'> (1,11)<'SC/0006/ /C'> (1,12)<'SC/0008/ /O'> |
Application-specific key templates are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area and the CD--PFK module. One sample key template is provided.
The default constant that identifies the current number of key templates is defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--PFKD 2 MAX-MPA I 2 CONST<1> /* Max App model pfkeys |
Application-specific key templates are defined in CD--PFKM as follows:
* * * * Application Model Pfkey Id List I 2 MPA-PFKEY-ID I 2 (1:MAX-MPA) R 2 MPA-PFKEY-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : MPA-PFKEY-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-MODEL I 2 /* Model pfKey Id 1 |
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each key template
within the MPA-PFKEY-ID array.
Application-specific key templates (referenced in CD--PFKM) are defined in the CD--PFK module as follows:
* * Model key initial values Application 01 MODEL-APP 02 INITIAL-MODEL-VALUES (A40/1:MAX-MPA) * source id/key id/ key name / * / __/ / * / / ______/ * / / / * / / / INIT (1) <'MA/0001/*9501.1'> * 02 INITIAL-MODEL-PFKEY-VALUES (A15/1:MAX-MPA,1:12) * Model\ source id/single key id/position override/status override * \ / _________/ / / * \ / / _______________________/ / * \ / / / _____________________________________/ * \ / / / / INIT (1,1) <'SA/0001/ /R'> (1,2) <'SA/0002/ /R'> (1,3) <'SC/0003/ /O'> (1,4) <'SC/0004/ /R'> (1,5) <'SC/0005/ /C'> (1,6) <'SC/0007/ /O'> (1,7) <'SC/0008/ /O'> (1,8) <'SC/0009/ /O'> |
To add an application-specific key template
Increase the MAX-MPA default constant by one in the CD--PFKM local data area.
For example, change the MAX-MPA line in the following:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--PFKD 2 MAX-MPA I 2 CONST<1> /* Max App model pfkeys
2 MAX-MPA I 2 CONST<2> /* Max App model pfkeys
Add the internal key template name to the redefinition of the MPA-PFKEY-ID array in CD--PFKM.
For example:
* * * * Application Model Pfkey Id List I 2 MPA-PFKEY-ID I 2 (1:MAX-MPA) R 2 MPA-PFKEY-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : MPA-PFKEY-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-MODEL I 2 /* Model pfkey Id 1 * * add new model redefine * 3 NEW-MODEL I 2 /* New Model pfkey Id 2
Edit the MPA-PFKEY-ID array to initialize the internal ID value.
For example:
11:59:15 ***** EDIT FIELD ***** 13-10-16 - Initial Values - Single Mode - Local CD--PFKM Library CSTDEM Command + Index MPA-PFKEY-ID(I2/1:2) ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- (1) 1 * * add new model internal id * (2) 2 |
Stow CD--PFKM.
Define the attributes of the application-specific key template in the CD--PFK module (referenced in CD--PFKM).
For example, add the INIT clause for the new occurrence of INIT-MODEL-VALUES:
* * Model key initial values Application 01 MODEL-APP 02 INITIAL-MODEL-VALUES (A40/1:MAX-MPA) * source id/key id/ key name / * / __/ / * / / ______/ * / / / * / / / INIT (1) <'MA/0001/*9501.1'> * * add new model attributes * INIT (2) <'MA/0002/*9502.1'>
Define the key template IDs in the CD--PFK module (referenced in CD--PFKM).
For example, add the INIT clause for the new occurrence of INITIAL-MODEL-PFKEY-VALUES:
02 INITIAL-MODEL-PFKEY-VALUES (A15/1:MAX-MPA,1:12) * Model\ source id/single key id/position override/status override * \ / _________/ / / * \ / / _______________________/ / * \ / / / _____________________________________/ * \ / / / / INIT (1,1) <'SA/0001/ /R'> (1,2) <'SA/0002/ /R'> (1,3) <'SC/0003/ /O'> (1,4) <'SC/0004/ /R'> (1,5) <'SC/0005/ /C'> (1,6) <'SC/0007/ /O'> (1,7) <'SC/0008/ /O'> (1,8) <'SC/0009/ /O'> * * add new model group of single pfkey ids * (2,1) <'SC/0006/ /R'> (2,2) <'SA/0001/ /C'> (2,3) <'SC/0012/ /O'> (2,4) <'SA/0002/ /R'> (2,5) <'SC/0031/ /C'> |
Stow CD--PFK.
You can display helproutine windows listing valid IDs for the single PF-keys and key templates. The CU-PSOBD helproutine (listing the single PF-key IDs) is invoked by the CU-PSH driver. The CU-PMOBD helproutine (listing the key templates) is invoked by the CU-PMH driver. You can also create your own helproutine drivers and pass a different set of parameters.
The helproutines are available by invoking online help for the single PF-keys or the key templates in the PF-Key Parameters window. The following examples show the Select Key ID and the Select Template windows:
CU-PSOBD Natural Construct Dec 19 Select Key ID 1 of 1 Key ID Key Name Position Description -------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------------- _ SC0001 help PF1 Display available help _ SC0002 retrn PF2 Return to previous screen _ SC0003 bkwrd PF7 Scroll backward _ SC0004 frwrd PF8 Scroll forward _ SC0005 left PF10 Scroll left _ SC0006 right PF11 Scroll right _ SC0007 quit PF3 Terminate the application _ SC0008 main PF12 Return to main menu _ SC0009 flip PF5 Toggle between action and pfkeys _ SC0010 place PF6 Position to place _ SC0011 hcopy PF9 Hardcopy records _ SC0012 exprt PF6 Export records Key ID ..... ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12 help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd main |
CU-PMOBD Natural Construct Dec 19 Select Template 1 of 1 Template Description -------- -------------------------------- _ MC0001 Object browse dialog template _ MA0001 User model template End of Data Template ... ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7 help retrn quit bkw |
All PF-keys are defined and controlled by the CD--PFK module. To access the PF-keys, the module supports six different methods and two APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): CDSPPFK and CDAPPFK. You can also add your own APIs and methods to the CD--PFK module.
The CD--PFK module controls the PF-keys. The PF-keys and the methods that access the PF-keys are defined in this module. CD--PFK accepts the following parameters:
Data Area | Description |
CD1VPFKA | Parameter data area (PDA) containing the
following fields:
The value specified in the API-NAME field determines how the INPUTS, INPUT-OUTPUTS, and OUTPUTS fields are redefined internally. For more information, refer to CD--PFK. |
CDPDA-M | External PDA containing standard parameters for exchanging message information. |
PF-key methods are defined in the CD--PFKM local data area. For example:
The supported PF-key methods are:
Method | Description |
SINGLE-PFKEY | Retrieves attributes for the specified single PF-key ID. For an example of using this method, refer to the CUBDMAB module. |
MODEL-PFKEYS | Retrieves attributes for the specified key template (group of single PF-key IDs and their attributes). For an example of using this method, refer to the CUBDMAB module. |
ALL-SINGLE-PFKEYS | Retrieves all single PF-key IDs. For an example of using this method, refer to the CU-PSOBS module. |
ALL-MODEL-PFKEYS | Retrieves all key templates. For an example of using this method, refer to the CU-PMOBS module. |
ALL-PFKEYS | Retrieves all single PF-key IDs and key templates. |
MODEL-PFKEY-DETAIL | Retrieves the attributes for the specified key template, but not the attributes for the group of single PF-keys. For an example of using this method, refer to the CUBDMAB module. |
The following PF-key API (Application Programming Interface) modules interface with the CD--PFK module:
The CDSPPFK API module passes one occurrence of a PF-key ID and its attributes to the CD--PFK module. CDSPPFK accepts the following parameters:
Parameter data area (PDA) containing the following fields:
Field | Redefined As |
INPUTS (A1/9) |
OUTPUTS (A1/68) |
External PDA containing standard parameters for exchanging message information.
For an example of using this API, refer to the CUBDMAB
The CDAPPFK API module passes 12 occurrences of PF-key IDs and their attributes to the CD--PFK module. CDAPPFK accepts the following parameters:
Parameter data area (PDA) containing the following fields:
Field | Redefined As |
INPUTS (A1/15) |
OUTPUTS (A1/72) |
External PDA containing standard parameters for exchanging message information.
For an example of using this API, refer to the CUBDMAB
You can specify which Natural variable names are used in the generated code, the valid action codes, and whether international support is available for displaying the action text. You can also use a pre-defined set of actions (called an action template), which you can select from a list of existing action templates or create on your own.
To access actions for your applications, Natural Construct provides two APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and six methods in the CD--ACT module. Within this module, you can:
Create new methods and APIs to access actions
Define single actions and their attributes
Define sets of actions and their attributes (action templates)
Any model can use the CD--ACT module during the modify and generation phases.
To define actions, press PF6 (actns) on the Additional Parameters panel for the Object-Browse-Dialog model. The Action Parameters window is displayed, from which you can select an action template or single actions for your dialog. For more information, see Define or Customize Standard Actions.
Single actions execute specific functions at runtime. They are divided into two types and maintained on separate lists: actions used by the Natural Construct models (identified by an SC prefix) and application-specific actions that you create (identified by an SA prefix). You can use any single action with any model.
The attributes for a single action are:
Attribute | Description |
SOURCE-ID | Type of action and whether the action is
defined by Natural Construct or by the user. Valid single source IDs are
defined in the CD--ACTM local data area. They are:
ACTION-ID | Internal identifier for a single action. Valid single action IDs are defined in the CD--ACTM local data area. |
ACTION-NAME-VARIABLE | Natural variable containing the name displayed for a single action at runtime (for example, #ADD-NAME for the Add action). |
ACTION-CODE | Text or SYSERR reference used to identify a valid code for a single action. The specified code is used for action validation. |
ACTION-NAME | Text or SYSERR reference used to identify a
single action. The value in this field is assigned to ACTION-NAME-VARIABLE in
the generated code.
Note: Note: |
ACTION-NAME-LONG | Text or SYSERR reference used as a long description of a single action. |
ACTION-STATUS | Status code for a single action. This code
determines if a single action may be overridden by the user. Valid status codes
The values specified in these fields are used for defaulting
purposes. In most cases, these values can be overridden by the user.
Natural Construct single actions are defined in the CD--ACTM local data area and CD--ACT module. There are 12 Natural Construct single actions provided.
The default constant that identifies the current number of actions is defined in CD--ACTM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--ACTD 2 MAX-SAC I 2 CONST<12> /* Max CST single act. |
Natural Construct single action IDs are defined in CD--ACTM as follows:
* * * * Construct Single Action Id List I 2 SAC-ACTION-ID I 2 (1:MAX-SAC) R 2 SAC-ACTION-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : SAC-ACTION-ID * * /* Construct list 3 ADD-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 1 3 BROWSE-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 2 3 CLEAR-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 3 3 COPY-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 4 3 DETAIL-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 5 3 DISPLAY-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 6 3 MODIFY-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 7 3 NEXT-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 8 3 PURGE-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 9 3 RECALL-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 10 3 REPLACE-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 11 3 SELECT-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 12 |
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each action
within the SAC-ACTION-ID array.
Natural Construct single action IDs (referenced in CD--ACTM) are defined in the CD--ACT module as follows:
* * Single key initial values Construct 01 SINGLE-CST 02 INITIAL-VALUES (A95/1:MAX-SAC) * action name variable/action code/action name/act. name long/status * / ____/ / / / * / / ________/ / / * / / / _______________/ / * / / / / ____________________/ * / / / / / INIT (1)<'#ADD/*8001.1/*8001.2/*8001.3/O'> (2)<'#BROWSE/*8002.1/*8002.2/*8002.3/O'> (3)<'#CLEAR/*8003.1/*8003.2/*8003.3/O'> (4)<'#COPY/*8004.1/*8004.2/*8004.3/O'> (5)<'#DETAIL/*8005.1/*8005.2/*8005.3/O'> (6)<'#DISPLAY/*8006.1/*8006.2/*8006.3/O'> (7)<'#MODIFY/*8007.1/*8007.2/*8007.3/O'> (8)<'#NEXT/*8008.1/*8008.2/*8008.3/O'> (9)<'#PURGE/*8009.1/*8009.2/*8009.3/O'> (10)<'#RECALL/*8010.1/*8010.2/*8010.3/O'> (11)<'#REPLACE/*8011.1/*8011.2/*8011.3/O'> (12)<'#SELECT/*8012.1/*8012.2/*8012.3/O'> |
Application-specific single actions are defined in the CD--ACTM local data area and the CD--ACT module. There are two sample single actions provided. You can expand this list as required.
The default constant that identifies the current number of single actions is defined in CD--ACTM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--ACTD 2 MAX-SAA I 2 CONST<2> /* Max App single act. |
Application-specific single actions are defined in CD--ACTM as follows:
* * * * Application Single Action Id I 2 SAA-ACTION-ID I 2 (1:MAX-SAA) R 2 SAA-ACTION-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : SAA-ACTION-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-ACTION1 I 2 /* Action Id 1 3 SAMPLE-ACTION2 I 2 /* Action Id 2 |
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each action
within the SAA-ACTION-ID array.
Application-specific single actions (referenced in CD--ACTM) are defined in the CD--ACT module as follows:
* * Single action initial values Application 01 SINGLE-APP 02 INITIAL-VALUES (A90/1:MAX-SAA) * action name variable/action code/action name/act. name long/status * / ____/ / / / * / / ________/ / / * / / / _______________/ / * / / / / ____________________/ * / / / / / INIT (1)<'#GET/*9001.1/*9001.2/*9001.3/O'> (2)<'#SKIP/*9002.1/*9002.2/*9002.3/O'> |
SYSERR references are defined in the CSTACT library in SYSERR; this
library is reserved for action attribute definitions. User-defined SYSERR
references start at 9000. For more information, see the online help.
To add an application-specific single action
Increase the MAX-SAA default constant by one in the CD--ACTM local data area.
For example, change the MAX-SAA line in the following:
* * * Default constants 1 CD-ACTD 2 MAX-SAA I 2 CONST<2> /* Max App single act.
2 MAX-SAA I 2 CONST<3> /* Max App single act.
Add the internal action name to the redefinition of the SAA-ACTION-ID array in CD--ACTM.
For example:
* * * * Application Single Action Id I 2 SAA-ACTION-ID I 2 (1:MAX-SAA) R 2 SAA-ACTION-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : SAA-ACTION-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-ACTION1 I 2 /* Action Id 1 3 SAMPLE-ACTION2 I 2 /* Action Id 2 * * add new single ACTION redefine * 3 NEW-ACTION I 2 /* Action Id 3
Edit the SAA-ACTION-ID array to initialize the internal ID value.
For example:
11:59:15 ***** EDIT FIELD ***** 13-10-16 - Initial Values - Single Mode - Local CD-ACTM Library CSTDEM Command + Index SAA-ACTION -ID(I2/1:3) ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- (1) 1 (2) 2 * * add new single action internal ID * (3) 3 |
Define the attributes of the application-specific single action IDs in the CD--ACT module (referenced in CD--ACTM).
For example, add the INIT clause for the new occurrence of INIT-VALUES:
* Single action initial values Application 01 SINGLE-APP 02 INITIAL-VALUES (A90/1:MAX-SAA) * action name variable/action code/action name/act. name long/status * / ____/ / / / * / / ________/ / / * / / / _______________/ / * / / / / ____________________/ * / / / / / INIT (1)<'#GET/*9001.1/*9001.2/*9001.3/O'> (2)<'#SKIP/*9002.1/*9002.2/*9002.3/O'> * * add new single action attributes * (3)<’#NEW-ACTION/*9003.1/*9003.2/*9003.3/O’> |
You can use either SYSERR references or text for the NAME and
NAME-LONG values. User-defined SYSERR references start at 9000. For more
information, see the online help.
Stow CD--ACT.
An action template is a group of single actions relevant to a given model. If a model supports action parameters, the logical grouping (template) can be displayed to the user as default values. The user can then customize the template as desired.
Action templates are divided into two types and maintained on separate lists: action templates used by the Natural Construct models (identified by an MC prefix) and application-specific action templates that you create (identified by an MA prefix). All single actions are available for all action templates.
The attributes of an action template are:
Attribute | Description |
SOURCE-ID | Type of action template and whether the
template is defined by Natural Construct or user-defined. Valid source IDs are
defined in the CD--ACTM local data area. They are:
ACTION-ID | Internal identifier for an action template. Valid action templates are defined in the CD--ACTM local data area. |
NAME | Text or SYSERR reference used as a long
description of the action template.
Note: |
MODEL-ACTION-VALUES | Action template containing a group of single
action definitions.
Note: |
SOURCE-ID | Source IDs for single actions in the action template. |
ACTION-ID | Internal identifiers for single actions in the action template. |
ACTION-STATUS-OVERRIDE | Override statuses for single actions in the action template. If you do not specify an override status, the status value for the single action is assigned to this field. |
The values in these fields are used for defaulting purposes. In
most cases, you can override these attributes.
- Natural Construct Action Templates
Natural Construct action templates are defined in the CD--ACTM local data area and the CD--ACT module. There is one Natural Construct action template provided.
The default constant that identifies the current number of action templates is defined in CD--ACTM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--ACTD 2 MAX-MAC I 2 CONST<1> /* Max CST model act.Natural Construct action templates are defined in CD-ACTM as follows:
* * * * Construct action template Id List I 2 MAC-ACTION-ID I 2 (1:MAX-MAC) R 2 MAC-ACTION-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : MAC-ACTION-ID * * /* Construct list 3 OBJECT-BROWSE-DIALOG I 2 /* action template Id 1Note:
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each action within the MAC-ACTION-ID array.Natural Construct action templates (referenced in CD--ACTM) are defined in the CD--ACT module as follows:
* * action template initial values Construct 01 MODEL-CST 02 INITIAL-MODEL-VALUES (A40/1:MAX-MAC) * model source ID/action template ID/model name/ * / ___________/ / * / / _______________/ * / / / * / / / INIT (1) <'MC/0001/*8501.1'> * * 02 INITIAL-MODEL-ACTION-VALUES (A10/1:MAX-MAC,1:24) * Model\ source ID/action ID/status override * \ / _____/ / * \ / / ___________________/ * \ / / / INIT (1,1) <'SC/0001/ '> (1,2) <'SC/0005/ '> (1,3) <'SC/0006/ '> (1,4) <'SC/0007/ '> (1,5) <'SC/0009/ '> (1,6) <'SC/0012/ '>
- Application-Specific Action Templates
Application-specific action templates are defined in the CD--ACTM local data area and the CD--ACT module. There is one sample action template provided.
The default constant that identifies the current number of action templates is defined in CD--ACTM as follows:
* * * Default constants 1 CD-ACTD 2 MAX-MAA I 2 CONST<1> /* Max App model act.Application-specific action templates are defined in CD-ACTM as follows:
* * * * Application action template Id List I 2 MAA-ACTION-ID I 2 (1:MAX-MAA) R 2 MAA-ACTION-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : MAA-ACTION-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-MODEL I 2 /* action template Id 1Note:
The internal ID is derived from the occurrence of each action within the MAA-ACTION-ID array.Application-specific action templates (referenced in CD--ACTM) are defined in the CD--ACT module as follows:
* * action template initial values Application 01 MODEL-APP 02 INITIAL-MODEL-VALUES (A40/1:MAX-MAA) * source ID/action ID/ model name / * / _____/ / * / / ___________/ * / / / * / / / INIT (1) <'MA/0001/*9501.1'> * * 02 INITIAL-MODEL-ACTION-VALUES (A15/1:MAX-MAA,1:24) * Model\ source ID/action ID/status override/ * \ / _____/ / * \ / / ___________________/ * \ / / / INIT (1,1) <'SC/0012/C'> (1,2) <'SC/0010/ '> (1,3) <'SC/0008/ '> (1,4) <'SC/0006/ '> (1,5) <'SC/0004/ '> (1,6) <'SC/0002/ '> (1,7) <'SA/0001/ '> (1,8) <'SC/0003/ '> (1,9) <'SA/0002/ '> (1,10)<'SC/0009/ '> (1,11)<'SC/0008/ '> (1,12)<'SC/0011/ '>
To add an application-specific action template
Increase the MAX-MAA default constant by one in the CD--ACTM local data area.
For example, change the MAX-MAA line in the following:
* * * Default constants 1 CD--ACTD 2 MAX-MAA I 2 CONST<1> /* Max App model act.
2 MAX-MAA I 2 CONST<2> /* Max App model act.
Add the internal action template name to the redefinition of the MAA-ACTION-ID array in CD--ACTM.
For example:
* * * * Application action template Id List I 2 MAA-ACTION-ID I 2 (1:MAX-MAA) R 2 MAA-ACTION-ID /* REDEF. BEGIN : MAA-ACTION-ID * * /* Application list 3 SAMPLE-MODEL I 2 /* action template Id 1 * * add new model redefine * 3 NEW-MODEL I 2 /* New action template Id 2
Edit the MAA-ACTION-ID array to initialize the internal ID value.
For example:
11:59:15 ***** EDIT FIELD ***** 13-10-16 - Initial Values - Single Mode - Local CD-ACTM Library CSTDEM Command + Index MAA-ACTION -ID(I2/1:2) ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- (1) 1 * * add new model internal ID * (2) 2 |
Stow CD--ACTM.
Define the attributes of the application-specific action template in the CD--PFK module (referenced in CD--ACTM).
For example, add the INIT clause for the new occurrence of INIT-MODEL-VALUES:
* * action template initial values Application 01 MODEL-APP 02 INITIAL-MODEL-VALUES (A40/1:MAX-MAA) * source ID/action ID/ model name / * / _____/ / * / / ___________/ * / / / * / / / INIT (1) <'MA/0001/*9501.1'> * * add new model attributes * INIT (2) <'MA/0002/*9502.1'>
Define the action template IDs in the CD--ACT module (referenced in CD--ACTM).
For example, add the INIT clause for the new occurrence of INITIAL-MODEL-ACTION-VALUES:
02 INITIAL-MODEL-ACTION-VALUES (A15/1:MAX-MAA,1:24) * Model\ source ID/action ID/status override/ * \ / _____/ / * \ / / ___________________/ * \ / / / INIT (1,1) <'SC/0012/C'> (1,2) <'SC/0010/ '> (1,3) <'SC/0008/ '> (1,4) <'SC/0006/ '> (1,5) <'SC/0004/ '> (1,6) <'SC/0002/ '> (1,7) <'SA/0001/ '> (1,8) <'SC/0003/ '> (1,9) <'SA/0002/ '> (1,10)<'SC/0009/ '> (1,11)<'SC/0008/ '> (1,12)<'SC/0011/ '> * * add new action template of single action IDs * (2,1) <'SC/0009/R'> (2,2) <'SA/0002/ '> (2,3) <'SC/0011/O'> (2,4) <'SA/0001/ '> (2,5) <'SC/0010/C'> |
Stow CD-ACT.
You can display helproutine windows listing valid IDs for single actions and action templates. The CU-ASOBD helproutine (listing the single actions) is invoked by the CU-ASH driver. The CU-AMOBD helproutine (listing the action templates) is invoked by the CU-AMH driver. You can also create your own helproutine drivers and pass a different set of parameters.
The helproutines are available by invoking online help for the single actions or the action templates in the Action Parameters window. The following examples show the Select Action ID and Select Template windows:
CU-ASOBD Natural Construct Dec 29 Select Action ID 1 of 1 Action ID Action name Action code Description ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------------- _ SC0001 add ADD Add a record _ SC0002 browse BROWSE Browse a list of records _ SC0003 clear CLEAR Clear contents from screen _ SC0004 copy COPY Copy existing record _ SC0005 detail DETAIL Show record details _ SC0006 display DISPLAY Display a record _ SC0007 modify MODIFY Modify an existing record _ SC0008 next NEXT Display next record _ SC0009 purge PURGE Purge a record _ SC0010 recall RECALL Recall the purged record _ SC0011 replace REPLACE Replace the record _ SC0012 select SELECT Select a record Action ID .. ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12 help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd main |
CU-AMOBD Natural Construct Dec 29 Select Template 1 of 1 Template Description ---------- -------------------------------- _ MC0001 Object browse dialog template _ MA0001 User model template End of Data Template ... ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7 help retrn quit bkw |
All actions are defined and controlled by the CD--ACT module. To access the actions, the module supports six different methods and two APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): CDSAACT and CDAAACT. You can also add your own APIs and methods to the CD--ACT module.
The CD--ACT module controls the actions. The actions and the methods that access the actions are defined in this module. CD--ACT accepts the following parameters:
Data Area | Description |
CD1VACTA | Parameter data area (PDA) containing the
following fields:
The value specified in the API-NAME field determines how the INPUTS, INPUT-OUTPUTS, and OUTPUTS fields are redefined internally. For more information, see the CD--ACT module. |
CDPDA-M | External PDA containing standard parameters for exchanging message information. |
- Action Methods
Action methods are defined in the CD--ACTM local data area. For example:
Method Description SINGLE-ACTION Retrieves attributes for the specified single action. For an example of using this method, refer to the CUBDMBA module. MODEL-ACTIONS Retrieves attributes for the specified action template (group of single action IDs and their attributes). For an example of using this method, refer to the CUBDMBA module. ALL-SINGLE-ACTIONS Retrieves all single action IDs. For an example of using this method, refer to the CU-ASOBS module. ALL-MODEL-ACTION Retrieves all action templates. For an example of using this method, refer to the CU-AMOBS module. ALL-ACTIONS Retrieves all single actions and action templates. MODEL-ACTION-DETAIL Retrieves the attributes for the specified action template, but not the attributes for the group of single actions. For an example of using this method, refer to the CUBDMBA module.
- Action APIs
Two action API (Application Programming Interface) modules interface with the CD--ACT module:
The CDSAACT API module passes one occurrence of an action ID and its attributes to the CD--ACT module. CDSAACT accepts the following parameters:
Parameter data area (PDA) containing the following fields:
Field Redefined As INPUTS (A1/9)
External PDA containing standard parameters for exchanging message information.
For an example of using this API, refer to the CUBDMBA module.CDAAACT
The CDAAACT API module passes 12 occurrences of action IDs and their attributes to the CD--ACT module. CDAAACT accepts the following parameters:
Parameter data area (PDA) containing the following fields:
Field Redefined As INPUTS (A1/15)
Redefined as:
Redefined as:
External PDA containing standard parameters for exchanging message information.
For an example of using this API, refer to the CUBDMBA module.
The following examples show the User Exits panels for the Object-Browse-Dialog model:
Using the user exit models, you can create regeneratable Export-Data-Fields, Input-Key, Report-Data-Fields, and Write-Data-Fields user exits.
This section describes the user exit models supplied for use with the Object-Browse-Dialog model. User exit models generate (and regenerate) text member modules that contain field layout specifications for object-browse dialogs. To define user exits for your object-browse dialogs, use the User-Exit statement model to invoke the text members from the User Exit editor. For more information, see User-Exit Statement Model.
The user exit models support international applications; these models generate text in any language for which translations are available within SYSERR. All SYSERR references are dynamically replaced by text at runtime. For more information, see Define International Parameters. The user exit models also support cursor-sensitive translation, which allows users to change or translate panel headings and prompts while running the generated application. For more information, see Use SYSERR References for Headings and Prompts.
The user exit models share the same parameter data area. After
modifying the specifications for a user exit model, clear the edit buffer
before reading the specifications for another user exit model.
The following table lists the user exit models and describes when to use each:
Model Name | Use To: |
Export-Data-Fields | Generate the layout of fields and column headers to be exported to an ASCII file on a PC. |
Input-Key | Generate the input fields and prompts for inputting data. |
Report-Data-Fields | Generate the layout of fields and column headers to be routed to a printer. |
Write-Data-Fields | Generate the layout of fields and column headers to be displayed on a terminal screen. |
This section covers the following topics:
The following example shows a text member generated using the Export-Data-Fields model:
Product ; Description ; Unit cost ; Street; City ; Province ; Postal code; 111111 ; DOG FOOD ; 5000 ; 110 ; 21 JUMP STREET ; VICTORIA ; British Columbia; X1E1X1 ; 111116 ; CHEESE DOODLE ; 70 ; 0 ; 2020 UNIVERSITY ; MONTREAL ; Quebec ; H3A2A5 ; 145688 ; HOT CHOCOLATE ; 300 ; 10 ; 5523 ROGERS ROAD ; TORONTO ; Ontario ; M4U1V1 ; 187361 ; CAT NUGGETS ; 70 ; 150 ; 13 SAUTE STREET ; SARNIA ; Ontario ; H1Q1X1 ; |
The following example shows a text member generated using the Input-Key model:
NCPRDOBD Table Subsystem Oct 14 Select Product 1 of 2 Product Description Reorder point Unit cost ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ------------ Product .... ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF help retrn quit trans exprt bkwrd frwrd reprt left right ma |
The following example shows a text member generated using the Report-Data-Fields model:
NCPRDOBD Table Subsystem Page 1 Oct 14 Select Product Product Unit cost Reorder point Description ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------------------------ 111111 110.00 5000 DOG FOOD 111116 0.15 70 CHEESE DOODLE 145688 10.00 300 HOT CHOCOLATE DRINK 187361 150.00 70 CAT NUGGETS 199210 100.00 50 COOPER GLOVES 222222 50.00 88 BIRD SEED 256733 20.00 22 OATS AND BARLEY CEREAL 324597 100.00 100 COOPER GLOVES 333333 50.00 22 DOG BONES 335977 7.00 40 DOMESTIC KITTY LITTER 342723 15.00 4000 ORANGE DRINK CRYSTALS 444444 1.22 1000 CORN FLAKES |
To view the specifications for this example, refer to the NCPRDRP
text member in the Natural Construct demo system.
The following examples show text members generated using the Write-Data-Fields model:
NCPRDOBD Table Subsystem Oct 14 Select Product 1 of 2 Product Description Reorder point Unit cost ---------- ------------------------------ ---------------- ------------ 111111 DOG FOOD 5000 110.00 111116 CHEESE DOODLE 70 0.15 145688 HOT CHOCOLATE DRINK 300 10.00 187361 CAT NUGGETS 70 150.00 199210 COOPER GLOVES 50 100.00 222222 BIRD SEED 88 50.00 256733 OATS AND BARLEY CEREAL 22 20.00 324597 COOPER GLOVES 100 100.00 333333 DOG BONES 22 50.00 335977 DOMESTIC KITTY LITTER 40 7.00 342723 ORANGE DRINK CRYSTALS 4000 15.00 444444 CORN FLAKES 1000 1.22 Product .... ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF help retrn quit trans exprt bkwrd frwrd reprt left right ma |
NCPRDOBD Table Subsystem Oct 14 Select Product 2 of 2 Product Street City Province ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- 111111 21 JUMP STREET VICTORIA British Columbia 111116 2020 UNIVERSITY MONTREAL Quebec 145688 5523 ROGERS ROAD TORONTO Ontario 187361 83 SAUTE STREET SARNIA Ontario 199210 32 HALL ST COOPERS TOWN Ontario 222222 47 FRONTENAC BLVD QUEBEC CITY Quebec 256733 45 CRESENT STREET EDMONTON Alberta 324597 398 DOWNE ST. KAMLOOP Ontario 333333 77 ALBONY CRES REGINA Saskatchewan 335977 85 MAIN ST. STRATFORD Ontario 342723 3476 BRANTFORD ST. POINT PEELEY Ontario 444444 FLAKEYS FLAKE VILLE Ontario Product .... ______ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF help retrn quit trans exprt bkwrd frwrd reprt left right ma |
To view the specifications for this example, refer to the NCPRDWF1
and NCPRDWF2 text members in the Natural Construct demo
The User-Exit statement model generates user exits. This model is invoked from the User Exit editor and uses text members generated by the user exit models. For information about user exit models, see User Exit Models.
This section covers the following topics:
To generate user exit code using the User-Exit statement model
Invoke the User Exit editor from the Generation main menu.
For information about using the User Exit editor, see User Exit Editor in Natural Construct Generation.
Enter the following line command:
.g(User-Exit,user exit model name,text member,text member,...)
user exit model name
is the name of the model used
to generate the user exit text members
text member
is the name of the user exit text member
containing layout specifications (previously generated by one of the user exit
The number of text members you can specify varies depending on the target model. Although the user exit models were designed for the Object-Browse-Dialog model, you can also use the models with other compatible models (you may need to override the user exit names).
If you do not specify the name of a text member, the User-Exit Statement window is displayed. For a description of this window, see the following section.
USER-EXIT Statement User exit name ________________________________ User exit text member 1 ________ * 2 ________ * 3 ________ * 4 ________ * 5 ________ * 6 ________ * 7 ________ * 8 ________ * 9 ________ * 10 ________ * 11 ________ * 12 ________ * 13 ________ * 14 ________ * 15 ________ * 16 ________ * 17 ________ * 18 ________ * 19 ________ * 20 ________ * 21 ________ * 22 ________ * 23 ________ * 24 ________ * 25 ________ * 26 ________ * 27 ________ * 28 ________ * 29 ________ * 30 ________ * |
The Natural Construct demo system contains examples of using the User-Exit statement model and several user exit text members. To view the sample code, refer to the NCPRDOBD module. The examples were generated using the User-Exit statement model and the following text members:
NCPRDEX (generated using the Export-Data-Fields model)
NCPRDIN (generated using the Input-Key model)
NCPRDRP (generated using the Report-Data-Fields model)
NCPRDWF1 and NCPRDWF2 (generated using the Write-Data-Fields model)
You can define international parameters for modules generated using the Object-Browse-Dialog and user exit models. International parameters indicate the language used to display text on panels.
To define international parameters
Press the intnl PF-key (PF9) on the Standard Parameters panel for the model.
The International Parameters window is displayed:
CUBDMAA Natural Construct CUBDMAA0 Feb 07 International Parameters 1 of 1 Message numbers .... _ Construct prompts .. _ Generate language .. 1_ Model library .... CSTAPPL App library ...... CSTAPPL_ Cursor translation . _ Translation LDAs ... ________ * ________ * ________ * ________ * ________ * Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---P help retrn quit |
Use the following fields to define the international parameters:
Field | Description |
Message numbers | Type of messages used. When this field is marked, the generated code uses message numbers rather than message text. |
Construct prompts | Type of prompts used. When this field is marked, the model generates Natural Construct-style prompts (for example, 1 of 2). |
Generate language | Code for the language used when generating message text. The default is 1 (English). |
Model library | Name of the SYSERR message library used to retrieve common message text. The default is CSTAPPL. |
App library | Name of the SYSERR library used to retrieve message text for user-defined SYSERR references. This parameter is only applicable to modules generated using the Object-Browse-Dialog model. If you do not specify an application library, the Model library value is used. |
Cursor translation | When this field is selected, the generated code supports cursor-sensitive translation (users can modify or translate panel text dynamically in translation mode). For more information, refer to the following section. |
Translation LDAs | Names of the translation local data areas
(LDAs) used by modules generated with the Object-Browse-Dialog model. You can
specify up to five translation LDAs.
Note: |
Select Enter.
Cursor-sensitive translation allows users to display a specification panel or window in translation mode, select a prompt or heading with their cursor, select Enter, and be presented with a window in which they can change the text:
CSUTLATE Natural Construct Dec 31 Translate Short Message 1 of 1 Language Short Message ( CSTLDA2000 ) -------- ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+ English Module/System/Global data area /+20 |
This window displays the text defined for SYSERR number 2000 in the CSTLDA library for English. Users can also display this window in another language to define heading and prompt text in that language.
For performance and space considerations, multiple screen prompts may share the same SYSERR number and library. When using SYSERR references, each position within the number is identified by a decimal and number. For example, 2000.1 identifies the text, "Module", 2000.2 identifies the text, "System", and 2000.3 identifies the text, "Global data area". The "/+20" notation indicates the maximum number of bytes the corresponding text may occupy on a panel.
For information on using SYSERR, see the following
Natural Construct makes it easy to use SYSERR references to define text for some headings and prompts. In any applicable field, you can press the help PF-key to display the Select SYSERR Messages window. From this window, you can:
Select an existing SYSERR reference to use as a panel heading or field prompt
Access the Maintain SYSERR Messages window to:
change an existing SYSERR reference
create a new SYSERR reference
The following table lists the models, panels, and fields for which you can use SYSERR references:
Model | Panel | Field |
Object-Browse-Dialog | Standard Parameters
Additional Parameters |
First heading and Second heading
Prompt |
Object-LDA | Field Layout Parameters | Field Heading |
All user exit models | Field Layout Parameters | Field Heading |
This section covers the following topics:
To select a SYSERR reference for an applicable field
Press the help PF-key when the cursor is in the field.
The Select SYSERR Messages window is displayed:
CNHMOBD Natural Construct Dec 21 Select SYSERR Messages 1 of 1 Number Short Message ( English ) ------------ ---------------------------------------------------- CSTAPPL0002 User:1:does not exist CSTAPPL0003 No matching conversation found for:1: CSTAPPL0004 API: No function possible after EOC CSTAPPL0005 Partner finished the conversation CSTAPPL0006 API: Last message not found CSTAPPL0007 Service:1:/:2:/:3:not registered CSTAPPL0008 No related text for error number:1:/:2: CSTAPPL0009 Conversation found for:1:- no message CSTAPPL0013 ATTR: Value for keyword too long CSTAPPL0015 ATTR: Maximum possible number of clients reached CSTAPPL0016 MQ/OMB entry is already free CSTAPPL0018 ATTR: Maximum possible number of servers reached Number ..... ___1 Library .... CSTAPPL_ Language ... _1 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10- help retrn quit maint exprt bkwrd frwrd |
You can use PF-keys in this window to perform other functions. For example:
Using the maint PF-key, you can modify existing SYSERR references and/or create new references. For more information, see the following section.
Using the exprt PF-key, you can download the SYSERR messages as an ASCII file to your PC.
Move the cursor to the reference you want to use.
If you do not see the reference, use the frwrd or bkwrd PF-keys to scroll to it.
Select Enter.
The selected SYSERR number is displayed in the field.
To specify the library from which SYSERR messages are retrieved,
access the International Parameters window. For information, see
International Parameters.
Use the Maintain SYSERR Messages window to add a new SYSERR reference or maintain existing references.
To create a new SYSERR reference
Press the maint PF-key in the Select SYSERR Messages window.
The Maintain SYSERR Messages window is displayed:
CNMMOBD Natural Construct Dec 21 Maintain SYSERR Messages 1 of 1 Short Message ( CSTAPPL0001 ) ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+ English English _________________________________________________________________ Number ..... ___1 Library .... CSTAPPL_ Language ... _1 Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF help retrn cnfrm bkwrd frwrd |
Type the reference text on the line provided.
Press the cnfrm PF-key (PF4) to add the new reference.
To modify an existing SYSERR reference
Move the cursor to the reference you want to modify in the Select SYSERR Messages window.
If you do not see the reference, use the frwrd or bkwrd PF-keys to scroll to it.
Press the maint PF-key.
The selected reference is displayed in the Maintain SYSERR Messages window.
Modify the text as desired.
Press the cnfrm PF-key to confirm changes to the text.
Use this model to generate a helproutine or driver program that invokes a specified object-browse dialog. This functionality allows you to use the same object-browse dialog for both a maintenance browse function and a field-level help function.
This section covers the following topics:
The Object-Browse-Dialog-Driver model has one specification panel: Standard Parameters.
The following example shows the only specification panel for the Object-Browse-Dialog-Driver model, the Standard Parameters panel:
CUODMA Object-Browse-Dialog-Driver Model CUODMA0 Nov 28 Standard Parameters 1 of 1 Module ............. ________ Module type ........ _ System ............. CST821S_________________________ Title .............. Object Browse Dialog Driv Description ........ This Object Browse Dialog Driver is used to invoke ... ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Source Object Object-Browse-Dialog ________ * Messaging support .. _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12-- main help retrn quit userX main |
The fields in the upper portion of this panel are similar for all models. For a description of these fields, see Common Fields on the Standard Parameters Panel in Common Model Specifications and Development Tasks.
The Module type for an object-browse-dialog-driver module can be
"P", "H", or
"N". When the module type is
"N" (subprogram), the primary key (#PDA-KEY) can be
overridden (similar to a browse subprogram generated by the Browse-Subp
The fields in the lower portion of this panel are:
Field | Description |
Object-Browse-Dialog | Name of the browse dialog invoked by this driver program. |
Source | Name of the first library in which source code
for the browse dialog is found. The source code may exist in multiple libraries
in the Natural steplib chain.
Natural Construct displays the library name after you enter the name of the browse dialog. |
Object | Name of the first library in which object code
for the browse dialog is found. The object code may exist in multiple libraries
in the Natural steplib chain.
Natural Construct displays the library name after you enter the name of the browse dialog. |
The following example shows the User Exits panel for the Object-Browse-Dialog-Driver model:
CSGSAMPL Object-Browse-Dialog-Driver Model CSGSM0 Jan 29 User Exits 1 of 1 User Exits Exists Sample Required Conditional -------------------------------- -------- ---------- -------- ------------ _ NAT-DOCS X _ CHANGE-HISTORY Subprogram _ BEFORE-CHECK-ERROR Example _ PARAMETER-DATA _ LOCAL-DATA _ START-OF-PROGRAM _ BEFORE-CALLNAT _ AFTER-CALLNAT _ ADDITIONAL-INITIALIZATIONS _ END-OF-PROGRAM Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12-- help retrn quit bkwrd frwrd |
Using the Object-LDA model, you can generate a local data area (LDA) containing field headings and prompts. You can then use this data area to default field headings for the Object-Browse-Dialog model or user exit models.
You can also use the Object-LDA model to generate a translation LDA for international applications — either by specifying SYSERR references or by generating the module using text in a specified language (which improves performance when you require only one language).
If you specify SYSERR references as your field prompts and headings, instead of hardcoding the actual text, you reduce maintenance requirements and ensure a consistent interface throughout your application.
For information, see Use SYSERR References for Headings
and Prompts.
The Object-LDA model has two specification panels: Standard Parameters and Field Layout Parameters. This section describes these panels. The following topics are covered:
The following example shows the first specification panel for the Object-LDA model, the Standard Parameters panel:
CUOFMA Object-LDA Local Data Area CUOFMA0 Jan 29 Standard Parameters 1 of 2 Module ............. ________ System ............. CST821S_________________________ Title .............. Object LDA for ..._______ Description ........ This Object LDA is used for ..._ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Predict view ....... ________________________________ * Data area .......... ________________________________ * Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12-- help retrn quit intnl left right main |
The fields in the upper portion of this panel are similar for all models. For a description of these fields, see Common Fields on the Standard Parameters Panel in Common Model Specifications and Development Tasks.
The fields in the lower portion of this panel are:
Field | Description |
Predict view | Name of the Predict
view from which fields are selected for the screen layout. The specified view
must be defined in Predict; this view will be
assigned to label 1 in the Data Parameters window (see the following section
for more information).
Note: Field-level help is available to select a Predict view. |
Data area | Name of the data area from which fields are selected for the screen layout. Field-level help is available to select a data area. |
When using the field-level help on this panel, a window is
displayed to select which type of help you require: Predict view, parameter
data area, or local data area. After selecting one of these options, the
corresponding field-level help window is displayed.
After selecting a Predict view or data area from the field-level help window, the Data Parameters window is displayed:
CUOFSEL ***** Natural Construct ***** CUOFSEL0 Mar 20 Data Parameters 1 of 1 Label Type Predict Views or Data Areas Select All ------ ---------- ------------------------------------ ------ ------ 1 View NCST-CUSTOMER___________________ * _ _ 2 ________________________________ * _ _ 3 ________________________________ * _ _ 4 ________________________________ * _ _ 5 ________________________________ * _ _ 6 ________________________________ * _ _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11 help retrn Specify a Predict view or data area for field selection |
This window lists the views or data areas you specified on the Standard Parameters panel and allows you to select all or some of the fields in these files. You can select up to 96 fields from up to 6 different views, local data areas (LDAs), and/or parameter data areas (PDAs). Natural Construct appends the selected fields to CUOFPDA; you cannot re-select existing fields in CUOFPDA.
If you are selecting fields from a data area, you cannot select:
more than one structure
The fields in this window are:
Field | Description |
Label | Number that identifies the Natural label for fields selected for the screen layout. This number is assigned by the Object-LDA model after you select a view or data area (for example, if you select a view and then a data area, the view is assigned 1 and the data area is assigned 2). By using the label number instead of the Natural label (for example, NCST-CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER-NUMBER), field names are shorter and easier to display for selection. |
Type | Type of corresponding view or data area (displays View or Structure). |
Predict Views or Data Areas | Names of the Predict views, local data areas (LDAs), and/or parameter data areas (PDAs) from which fields are selected for the screen layout. |
Select | To display a selection window from which you can select the fields for the screen layout, mark this field and select Enter. |
All | To select all fields from the corresponding
view or data area, mark this field and select Enter.
Note: |
The following example shows the second specification panel for the Object-LDA model, the Field Layout Parameters panel. For this example, NCST-CUSTOMER was selected from the Predict view field on the Standard Parameters panel:
CUOFMB OBJECT-LDA Local Data Area CUOFMB0 Mar 20 Field Layout Parameters 2 of 2 _1 Ord Lbl Field name Field heading >> ---- ---- ------------------------------ ------------------------ 1 10_ 1 CUSTOMER-NUMBER_______________ Customer Number_________ * + 2 20_ 1 BUSINESS-NAME_________________ Business Name___________ * + 3 30_ 1 PHONE-NUMBER__________________ Phone Number____________ * + 4 40_ 1 MAILING-ADDRESS_______________ Mailing Address_________ * _ 5 50_ 1 SHIPPING-ADDRESS______________ Shipping Address________ * _ 6 60_ 1 CONTACT_______________________ Contact_________________ * + 7 70_ 1 CREDIT-RATING_________________ Credit Rating___________ * + 8 80_ 1 CREDIT-LIMIT__________________ Credit Limit____________ * + 9 90_ 1 DISCOUNT-PERCENTAGE___________ Discount %______________ * + 10 ___ _ ______________________________ ________________________ * _ 11 ___ _ ______________________________ ________________________ * _ 12 ___ _ ______________________________ ________________________ * _ 13 ___ _ ______________________________ ________________________ * _ 14 ___ _ ______________________________ ________________________ * _ 15 ___ _ ______________________________ ________________________ * _ 16 ___ _ ______________________________ ________________________ * _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- help retrn quit parms selfd bkwrd frwrd left main |
This panel defines the position of fields in the screen layout and the prompt displayed for each field. The fields on this panel are:
Field | Description |
_1 | Number of the field currently at the top of the
panel. Up to 16 fields can be displayed on this panel at one time. To display
the specification lines for additional fields, enter the corresponding line
number in this field. By default, 1 is displayed.
Note: |
Ord | Current position of the corresponding field in
increments of 10. This numbering convention allows you to easily add, remove,
or reorder fields. For example, to add a field between the 1st and 2nd fields
(positions 10 and 20):
In this example, the fields are reordered so that the new field is now in the second position (position 20). |
Lbl | Number that identifies the Natural label for fields selected for the screen layout. This number is assigned by the Object-LDA model after you select a view or data area (for example, if you select a view and then a data area, the view is assigned 1 and the data area is assigned 2). By using the label number instead of the Natural label (for example, NCST-CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER-NUMBER), field names are shorter and easier to display for selection. |
Field Name | Name of a field selected for the screen layout (as defined in Natural). The Object-LDA model supplies this name. |
Field Heading | Field prompts displayed in the screen layout.
By default, the Predict heading (for views) or INIT
clause (for data areas) is displayed. (If no default is available, the
Object-LDA model converts the field name to mixed case and uses it as the
prompt.) To enable cursor translation or internationalization, use SYSERR
references as the field prompts.
Field-level help is available to select an existing SYSERR number or create a new SYSERR entry. For more information, see Use SYSERR References for Headings and Prompts. |
+ or - | To add more key components to a logical key or
set additional options for the logical keys, mark this field and select Enter.
A window is displayed in which you can modify the logical key. A + in this
field indicates that parameters have been defined for the corresponding field.
Note: |
The Object-Browse-Select-Subp model generates a subprogram similar in functionality to a subprogram generated by the Browse-Select-Subp model. Both subprograms allow users to update multiple rows at one time. The primary difference between the two is that an object-browse-select subprogram can accommodate a client/server environment and you can use a subprogram proxy to access the generated code as a business service.
To create the business service, the object-browse-select subprogram accesses an object-browse subprogram and, optionally, an object-maintenance subprogram (generated by the Object-Browse-Subp and Object-Maint-Subp models). The subprogram proxy automatically copies the generated methods to the repository, using the domain and business service names indicated on the model specification panels.
If an object-maintenance subprogram is not specified, the MultiMaint,
Update, Store, and Delete methods are not generated.
The advantages of using an object-browse-select subprogram include:
You can update a set of rows at the same time, which reduces the number of calls across the network. Set processing groups a specified number of rows together for faster, less congested, transportation across the network.
By default, subprograms generated by the Object-Browse-Select model create 20 rows of data, but will reduce this number if the rows are extremely large. This functionality helps accommodate size limitations across the wire.
You can create additional multiple methods to take advantage of the single methods in the object-maintenance subprogram. Multiple-method processing provides the flexibility to update a set of rows and associate a different method with each row (for example, Add one row, Delete another row, Approve another row, etc.).
You can add business logic that is not available in the object-browse and/or object-maintenance subprogram.
You can create one method to represent multiple methods, but also restrict a user at the single-method level. For example, the MultiMaint method can include the Update, Store, and Delete methods. Although two users may be permitted to access this method, one user may be able to perform the Delete action while the other user cannot.
You can take advantage of the functionality available in an object-browse subprogram. For example, you can specify a non-unique key in the subprogram (such as Warehouse ID to browse the Order file) and use the Object-Browse-Select-Subp model to generate code for a histogram (count).
If the histogram code has been generated, the object-browse-select subprogram generates a method called KeyNameCount (for example, WarehouseIDCount). A user can query the Order file to determine how many orders are stored in each warehouse; after viewing the results of this query, the user can query a specified warehouse in the Warehouse file to view details about orders stored in that warehouse. If required, the user can manipulate data based on the results of this query.
During generation, the Object-Browse-Select-Subp model determines all the keys used by an object-browse subprogram and automatically generates business-friendly methods (for example, FindByKeyName). You can remove any methods that are not applicable and/or change the method names.
For information on using the Adabas ISN as a unique primary key for
maintenance, see
*ISN as the Unique Primary Key for Maintenance in
Understanding Natural Business Services.
This section covers the following topics:
The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of using the Object-Browse and Object-Browse-Select models:
Model | Advantage | Disadvantage |
Object-Browse |
Object-Browse-Select |
The Object-Browse-Select-Subp model generates three default methods for use on individual rows:
This model also generates the MultiMaint method for use on a set of rows. By default, the MultiMaint method processes the Update, Store, and Delete methods, but can contain any combination of methods.
An object-browse-select subprogram must contain at least one method. Additional methods are based on the key fields and the histogram option specified in the object-browse subprogram. If you select the histogram option for a key field, two methods are created for the field: FindByKeyName and KeyNameCount. If desired, you can change or delete these names on the specification panels and the method associated with the histogram will just return the key value and the count.
By default, logic is generated to treat each row as a separate transaction, but this can be overridden on the specification panels.
Two LDAs in the SYSCST library represent the various transaction states and row actions and responses. These are:
Transaction states are represented in the CDTRACT LDA
Row actions and row responses are represented in a state format in the CDSTATE LDA
Code for the Object-Browse-Select-Subp model is generated based on whether the object-maintenance subprogram was generated with the hash-locking or with the timestamp record locking option.
If the file is not normally maintained through a Natural
Construct-generated object-maintenance module, the object-maintenance
subprogram should use the hash-locking record locking option. If the file is
only maintained through an object-maintenance module, the subprogram should use
the timestamp record locking option (as it is more efficient).
If the object-maintenance subprogram uses the hash-locking option and the target file is Adabas, the GET-BY-ISN option is used to retrieve the data in the object-maintenance subprogram.
You can change the record-locking method on the client by specifying a transaction style. The transaction styles are:
Aggressive Row Object
Each row is treated as a transaction, so each row is committed as it is processed. If an error occurs in a row, it is noted and processing continues to the next row. This transaction style is the default, unless the default is changed on the server in user exit code.
Passive Row Object
An End of Transaction statement is issued when all the rows are processed; if an error occurs in a row, processing is stopped and everything is backed out.
Business Service Object
No End of Transaction statement is issued by the business service; the client is expected to issue the ET. This allows the client to confirm that the data is committed to another proprietary solution before the data in the business service is committed.
Unique Object
The generated code makes no assumptions; the programmer must manually commit all transactions.
If you do not specify a transaction style, the default is used
(Aggressive Row Object).
The following table lists Natural Construct object types and the suffixes assigned to each:
Natural Construct Object Type | Suffix Assigned |
Browse data array | D |
Browse extended object (row) PDA | E |
Browse key information | K |
Browse private information | P |
Browse static object (row) PDA | S |
Business service | B |
Interface map data PDA (fields to be shown to the user) | M |
Interface-retained PDA data (fields that maintain State data; they are required over a network call, but they are not shown to the user) | X |
Object-maintenance LDA (used with the hash-locking option) | H |
Object-maintenance PDA | A |
Object-maintenance restricted PDA | R |
Object subprogram | N |
Subprogram proxy | Y |
A subprogram generated by the Subprogram-Proxy model works with the object-browse-select subprogram to generate the appropriate methods: the methods specified in the Object-Browse-Select-Subp specifications and the MultiMaint, Update, Store, and Delete methods. The Subprogram-Proxy model is also used to name the business service and associate it with a domain and version. For more information on subprogram proxies, see Natural Business Services Subprogram-Proxy-Client Model.
You can override the default number of leading fixed key values for the logical key by defining the LEADING-FIXED-COMPONENTS field in the CDBUPDA2 data area for the object-browse-select subprogram.
As a generated object-browse-select subprogram uses the CDBUPDA data area by default, you must activate the CDBUPDA2 subprogram using the CSXDEFLT subprogram.
The Object-Browse-Select-Subp model has two specification panels: Standard Parameters and Additional Parameters. This section describes these panels. The following topics are covered:
The following example shows the first specification panel, the Standard Parameters panel:
CUBUMA Object-Browse-Select-Subp Multi-Module CUBUMA1 Nov 16 Standard Parameters 1 of 2 Module ............. BCUSTN__ System ............. S51PTYPE________________________ Title .............. Object Browse Select .... Description ........ This subprogram is used to encapsulate data access_____ for ...________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Primary File ............ Object browse subp ...... ________ * ________________________________ Object maint subprogram . ________ * ________________________________ Time .................... _ PDA Generate Source Object Static occurrences ...... 20_ BCUSTS20 * _ Message numbers .... _ Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- right help retrn quit right main |
The fields in the upper portion of this panel are similar for all models. For a description of these fields, see Common Fields on the Standard Parameters Panel in Common Model Specifications and Development Tasks.
The fields in the lower portion of this panel are:
Field | Description |
Object browse subp | Name of the subprogram used to browse the object. |
Object maint subprogram | Name of the subprogram used to maintain the
object (optional). The object-maintenance subprogram cannot process
intra-object relationships. This allows the data presented to the client to be
manageable and all data to be modifiable.
Note: |
Time | When this field is selected, code is generated
to time how long a business service takes to execute. The result is returned in
the business service message. The utility used to time the response is
available from the Natural Construct Administration main menu as follows:
Drivers > Additional Drivers > General Utilities > Calculate Seconds Note: |
Static occurrences | Number of rows processed and sent across the
network at one time (by default, 20, unless the rows are extremely large). The
PDA (parameter data area) associated with the static occurrences hardcodes this
value (which is used to identify the V value in the
object-browse subprogram) in the object-browse-select subprogram.
To identify the number of occurrences in this PDA, the default PDA name contains the first five characters of the module name and the number of static occurrences ("BCUSTS20" in the example). Note: |
Message numbers | When this field is selected, message numbers
are used and messages are retrieved from SYSERR at runtime.
Note: |
The following example shows the second specification panel, the Additional Parameters panel:
CUBUMB Object-Browse-Select-Subp Multi-Module CUBUMB1 Nov 16 Additional Parameters 2 of 2 Method Name Count Browse Key Name -------------------------------- ----- -------------------------------- 01 FindByCustomerNumber____________ _ CUSTOMER-NUMBER 02 FindByBusinessName______________ _ BUSINESS-NAME 03 FindByCustomerWarehouseId_______ _ CUSTOMER-WAREHOUSE-ID 04 FindByBusinessWarehouse_________ _ BUSINESS-WAREHOUSE 05 CustomerWarehouseIdCount________ X CUSTOMER-WAREHOUSE-ID Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--- help retrn quit deflt left userX main |
This panel shows the default methods for the business service, which were generated based on the keys specified for the object-browse subprogram. Notice that there are two methods associated with CUSTOMER-WAREHOUSE-ID. This indicates that the histogram option in the object-browse subprogram has been marked for this key. If the CustomerWarehouseIdCount method is used, only the unique key values and the count will be returned.
You can override or delete methods listed on this panel. If you delete a method, it will not be available to the business service.
To restore the default values based on the current object-browse
subprogram, press PF5 (deflt).
Generated object-browse-select subprograms accept parameters from the same parameter data areas (PDAs) as generated object-browse subprograms. For information, see Parameters Passed to the Object-Browse Subprogram.
In addition, the generated subprograms accept the following parameters:
03 EXTRA-ROW-DATA 04 ROW-STATE(A2) 04 ROW-ID (N5) /* for internal use; do not change 04 ROW-ERROR-DATA 05 ##ERROR-FIELD (A32) 05 ##MSG-NR (N4) 05 ##MSG (A79) PARAMETER USING CDBUPDA /* Business service status data PARAMETER USING CDBUINFO /* Business service message data
These parameters are:
Parameter | Description | |
Object (row) PDA | Similar to the object (row) PDA for
object-browse subprograms, except it is internal to the object-browse-select
subprogram and contains extra data. For example:
CDBUPDA | Subset of the CDBRPDA PDA for object-browse
subprograms. CDBUPDA contains all the parameters in CDBRPDA except the
CDBUINFO | Similar to the CDPDA-M parameter data area for
object-browse subprograms; this PDA contains messages and transaction
information for all rows. For example: