Natural Construct for the Natural Programmer

This document contains information about using Natural Construct in the Natural development environment. It is intended for Natural programmers who are not familiar with the product and want to know how it can help them develop Natural applications. This document shows how to take advantage of Natural Construct as a development aid without creating entire applications. The information is especially useful for maintenance programmers.

This document covers the following topics:

Creating Test Data

When developing Natural programs, you often require data to test your programs. Did you know you can use the Maint model to generate a maintenance program for a file associated with your program? This allows you to quickly add data to test new Natural programs. For example, you can generate a maintenance program for the NCST-CUSTOMER file to supply data to test a new customer browse program.

For a more detailed description of the Maint model, see Maint Model in Natural Construct Generation.

Start of instruction setTo generate a maintenance program

  1. Enter "ncstg" at the Natural Next prompt. The Generation main menu is displayed.

  2. Specify the following:

    M Function field
    MYMAINT Module field
    Maint Model field

    If you do not specify a model name, Natural Construct displays a selection window.

  3. Press Enter. The Standard Parameters panel is displayed:

    CUFMMA                          MAINT Program                          CU--MA0 
    Oct 23                       Standard Parameters                        1 of 3 
     Module ............. MYMAINT_                                                 
     System ............. MYLIB___________________________                         
     Global data area ... CDGDA___                                                 
     With block ......... ________________________________                         
     Title .............. Maintain...______________                                
     Description ........ This program is used to maintain the...._______________  
     First heading ...... ________________________________________________         
     Second heading ..... ______________________________________________________   
     Command ............ _                                                        
     Message numbers .... _                                                        
     Password ........... _                                                        
    right help  retrn quit                                            right main
  4. Enter "Test Maintenance Program" in the First header field. The Additional Parameters panel is displayed:

    CUFMMB                          MAINT Program                          CUFMMB0 
    Oct 24                      Additional Parameters                       2 of 3 
     Predict view ............. ________________________________ *                 
       Natural (DDM) .......... ________________________________                   
     Primary key .............. ________________________________ *                 
     Record description ....... _______________                                    
     Log file name ............ ________________________________ *                 
       Natural (DDM) .......... ________________________________                   
     Input using map .......... ________ *                                         
     Minimum key value ........ __________________________________________________ 
     Maximum key value ........ __________________________________________________ 
     Single prompt ............ _                                                  
     Multiple prompts ......... _                                                  
     Mark cursor field ........ __________________________________________________ 
     #ACTION field length ..... 1  Add ...... X  Browse ... ________ *             
                                   Clear .... X  Display .. X                      
                                   Modify ... X  Next ..... X                      
                                   Purge .... X  Recall ... _  Former ... _        
     Push-button support ...... _                                                  
    right help  retrn quit                                      left  right main
  5. Select the following:

    • "NCST-CUSTOMER" from the Predict view field

    • "CUSTOMER-NUMBER" from the Primary key field

  6. Press Enter. The Secondary File Parameters panel is displayed.

  7. Press Enter again. You are returned to the Generation main menu.

  8. Enter "G" in the Function field. When generation is completed, a confirmation message is displayed.

    Enter "W" in the Function field. Another confirmation message is displayed. You can now use the maintenance program to enter test data for the browse program.

    For more information, see Generate Source Function and Stow Generated Source Function in Natural Construct Generation.

    To see the code generated by the Maint model, enter "E" in the Function field.

Testing Subprograms and Helproutines

To test Natural subprograms and helproutines, you require a program to call the modules. Use the Driver model to create a driver program to test and debug subprograms and helproutines.

The Driver model determines the parameters in a subprogram, defines the parameters in a simple driver program, and generates an input screen. This allows you to easily test the module without the complex logic of programs that typically call the subprogram. The Driver model also supplies headings and PF-keys in the language of your choice.

Using a driver program can eliminate the complexity of debugging a subprogram that runs in a GUI, client/server environment.

In the following example, you'll create a driver program to test the NCOSODET browse subprogram, which displays details about order lines.

Before beginning the procedure, ensure that the required modules have been copied to the current library. For a list of modules, see Before You Begin.

Start of instruction setTo generate a driver program

  1. Enter "ncstg" at the Natural Next prompt. The Generation main menu is displayed.

  2. Specify the following:

    M Function field
    MYDRIVER Module field
    Driver Model field
  3. Press Enter. The Driver Program window is displayed:

    CUDRMA                          DRIVER Program                         CUDRMA0 
    Dec 04                       Standard Parameters                        1 of 1 
      Module ............. MYDRIVER                                                
      System ............. MYLIB___________________________                        
      Title .............. Driver Program___________                               
      Description ........ Driver program for ...________________________________  
                                          Source      Object                       
      Called Module ...... ________ *                                              
    main  help  retrn quit                                            userX main
  4. Select "NCOSODET" from the Called Module field.

  5. Press Enter. The names of the library containing the source and object code for the NCOSODET subprogram are displayed.

  6. Press Enter again. You are returned to the Generation main menu.

  7. Enter "G" in the Function field. A confirmation window is displayed, indicating that generation was successful.

  8. Enter "W" in the Function field. The driver program is stowed.

    You cannot regenerate a driver program.

  9. Enter "T" in the Function field. The Driver Program window is displayed:

     MYDRIVER                    Natural Construct                               
     Dec 04                        Driver Program                         1 of 1 
     Subprogram ......... NCOSODET                                               
     Input Parameters ... #PDA-KEY ______0 SELECTED-FUNCTION __________ ##COMMAN 
     ____________________________________________________________ ##MAIN _______ 
     ##QUIT ________ ##MSG                                                       
     ##MSG-NR ____0 ##MSG-DATA ________________________________                  
     ________________________________ ________________________________ ##RETURN- 
     _ ##ERROR-FIELD ________________________________ ##ERROR-FIELD-INDEX1 ___0  
     ##ERROR-FIELD-INDEX2 ___0 ##ERROR-FIELD-INDEX3 ___0 ##USER ________         
           help        quit                    bkwrd frwrd       right left
  10. Enter "111" in the #PDA-KEY field. The NCOSODET subprogram is processed for order number 111:

     NCOSODET    ***** ORDER SUBSYSTEM *****             
     Dec  4,01         - ORDER DETAIL -         1 more > 
     Ln Prod Id Quantity  Unit Cost   Total Cost         
     -- ------- --------- ---------- ------------        
      1 199210          5     100.00       500.00        
      2 111111          2     555.00      1110.00        
      3 745977          1       7.00         7.00        
      4 777208         20      55.00      1100.00        
                  *** End of Data ***                    
     Line Order Number: 000111 Line Number: __           
     Direct command...: ________________________________ 
           help  retrn quit        flip        bkwrd frw

    When you enter "111" in the #PDA-KEY field, ensure that you remove the "0".

    For a description of the Driver model, see Driver Model in Natural Construct Generation.

Comparing Natural Objects

Natural Construct supplies various utilities to help you develop Natural applications. This section describes two of these utilities:

  • CSGCMPL utility, which you can use to compare a range of Natural objects in one library to the same objects in another library

  • CSGCMPS utility, which you can use to compare the code in two programs

For information about other utilities, see Utilities Supplied with Natural Construct.

Comparing Objects in Different Libraries

Start of instruction setTo compare the Natural objects in different libraries

  1. Enter "CSGCMPL" at the Next prompt. The Source Range Compare Facility is displayed:

     Source Range Compare Facility                 
                                 Library  Database  File  Dominant 
                                 ======== ======== ====== ======== 
      Old library............... ________  ___196  _____4     X    
      New Library............... ________  ___196  _____4     _    
      Program range............. ________ thru ________            
      Summary only.............. _                                 
      Only report if different.. _                                 
      Ignore comment lines...... _                                 
      Ignore trailing comments.. _                                 
      Ignore leading spaces..... _                                 
      Only compare object types  __________ (ACGHLMNPST)
  2. Specify the following:

    MYLIB Library field for the Old library
    SYSCSTDE Library field for the New library
    A* 1st portion of the Program range field
    Z* 2nd portion of the Program range field

    The dominant library (MYLIB) identifies which objects are compared. Only objects that exist in the MYLIB and SYSCSTDE libraries are compared. Objects that only exist in the SYSCSTDE library are not included in the results.


    1. The "Old" and "New" designation is for identification purposes only; it does not indicate older or newer versions of the libraries.
    2. If desired, you can limit the comparison by specifying one or more options listed in this window. For more information, see CSGCMPL Utility in Natural Construct Administration and Modeling.
  3. Press Enter. The Library Compare Facility window is displayed:

     Library Compare Facility                  Page 1   
    Dec 04,01                                                              08:03 PM
    Program                    Matching                                            
     Name    lines    lines    lines    Comments                                   
    -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------                     
    Input parameters...                                                            
                               Library  Database File Dominant                     
                               ======== ======== ==== ========                     
    Old library............... MYLIB         196        4     X                    
    New Library............... SYSCSTDE      196        4                          
    Program range............. A*       thru Z*                                    
    Summary only..............                                                     
    Only report if different..                                                     
    Ignore comment lines......                                                     
    Ignore trailing comments..                                                     
    Ignore leading spaces.....                                                     
    Compare all types
  4. Press Enter again. The results of the comparison are displayed:

    Library: MYLIB       **** N A T U R A L   C O N S T R U C T *****     CSGCMPS1 
    Object.: MYBROWSE            - SOURCE COMPARE FACILITY -              Dec 04,01
    Page...: 1                                                            08:05 PM 
        Line                        Source Text                                    
        ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     =  10   **SAG GENERATOR: BROWSE                           VERSION: n.n.n      
     -  20   **SAG TITLE: Summary browse Ords                                      
     -  30   **SAG SYSTEM: SACADB                                                  
     -  40   **SAG GDA: NCGDA                                                      
     -  50   **SAG DESCS(1): This program is used to browse the ... Orders         
     -  60   **SAG HEADER1: Order Entry System                                     
     -  70   **SAG HEADER2: Order display by order number                          
     +  20   **SAG TITLE: Summary Browse for Orders                                
     +  30   **SAG SYSTEM: SYSCSTDE                                                
     +  40   **SAG GDA: NCGDA                                                      
     +  50   **SAG DESCS(1): This program will display all the orders in order     
     +  60   **SAG DESCS(2): number sequence.                                      
     +  70   **SAG HEADER1: Order Entry System                                     
     +  80   **SAG HEADER2: Order Display by Order Number                          
     =  80   **SAG DIRECT-COMMAND-PROCESS:                                         
                retrn quit  print       top

    Notice the signs displayed to the left of the line numbers. These signs indicate whether the corresponding line is the same in both libraries (=), contains less characters (), or contains more characters (+).

  5. Continue pressing Enter until the results for all modules have been displayed. The following window is displayed:

     Library Compare Facility                  Page 55  
    Dec 04,01                                                              08:07 PM
    Program  MYLIB    SYSCSTDE Matching                                            
     Name    lines    lines    lines    Comments                                   
    -------- -------- -------- -------- ----------------------                     
    NCTFWHS1      89       89       89  Exact match                                
    NYORDSUB     100        0        0                                             
    NYORMSA       39        0        0                                             
    NYORMSR       12        0        0                                             
    OFACTORY     100        0        0                                             
    SUPRDREW      25        0        0                                             
    VB-DREW       65        0        0                                             
    VEHLBCPV     100        0        0                                             
    VEHLBKEY      13        0        0                                             
    VEHLBPRI       8        0        0                                             
    VEHLBROW      17        0        0                                             
    VEHLBSO      100        0        0                                             
    VEHLBSP      100        0        0                                             
    VEHLMCDV     100        0        0                                             
    VEHLMCPV     100        0        0
  6. Press Enter. The Source Range Compare Facility window is redisplayed:

     Source Range Compare Facility                 
                                Library  Database  File  Dominant 
                                ======== ======== ====== ======== 
     Old library............... MYLIB___  ___196  _____4     X    
     New Library............... SYSCSTDE  ___196  _____4     _    
     Program range............. A*______ thru Z*______            
     Summary only.............. _                                 
     Only report if different.. _                                 
     Ignore comment lines...... _                                 
     Ignore trailing comments.. _                                 
     Ignore leading spaces..... _                                 
     Only compare object types  __________ (ACGHLMNPST)           
     4 members match; 41 members don't match

    The message at the bottom of the window indicates that 4 members match and 41 do not.

Comparing Two Natural Objects

Start of instruction setTo compare the Natural objects in different libraries

  1. Enter "CSGCMPS" at the Next prompt. The Compare Criteria window is displayed:

     Compare Criteria                          
                       Library  Object   Database  File  or Source Area 
                       ======== ======== ======== ======    =========== 
      Old version ===> SYSCSTDE ________   __196  ____4          _      
      New version ===> SYSCSTDE ________   __196  ____4          _      
         Ignore comment lines...... _                                   
         Ignore trailing comments.. _                                   
         Ignore leading spaces..... _                                   
         Summary only.............. _                                   
  2. Specify the following:

    MYLIB Library field for the Old version
    MYBROWSE Object field for the Old version
    MYBROWSE Object field for the New version

    The "Old" and "New" designation is for identification purposes only; it does not indicate older or newer versions of the objects.

  3. Press Enter. The Source Compare Facility window is displayed:

    Library: MYLIB       **** N A T U R A L   C O N S T R U C T *****     CSGCMPS1 
    Object.: MYBROWSE            - SOURCE COMPARE FACILITY -              Dec 04,01
    Page...: 1                                                            08:16 PM 
        Line                        Source Text                                    
        ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     =  10   **SAG GENERATOR: BROWSE                           VERSION: n.n.n      
     -  20   **SAG TITLE: Summary browse Ords                                      
     -  30   **SAG SYSTEM: SACADB                                                  
     -  40   **SAG GDA: NCGDA                                                      
     -  50   **SAG DESCS(1): This program is used to browse the ... Orders         
     -  60   **SAG HEADER1: Order Entry System                                     
     -  70   **SAG HEADER2: Order display by order number                          
     +  20   **SAG TITLE: Summary Browse for Orders                                
     +  30   **SAG SYSTEM: SYSCSTDE                                                
     +  40   **SAG GDA: NCGDA                                                      
     +  50   **SAG DESCS(1): This program will display all the orders in order     
     +  60   **SAG DESCS(2): number sequence.                                      
     +  70   **SAG HEADER1: Order Entry System                                     
     +  80   **SAG HEADER2: Order Display by Order Number                          
     =  80   **SAG DIRECT-COMMAND-PROCESS:                                         
                      quit  print       top                     <     >

    The signs displayed to the left of the line numbers indicate whether the corresponding line is the same in both libraries (=), contains less characters (), or contains more characters (+).

  4. Continue pressing Enter until the last line is displayed. The Comparison Results window is displayed:

     Comparison Results              
      Number of lines in lib MYLIB    ...:    775 
      Number of lines in lib SYSCSTDE ...:    755 
      Number of matching source lines ...:    724

    The results indicate that the MYBROWSE object in MYLIB has 20 more lines than the same object in the demo system, and that 724 source lines match in both objects.

    For more information about the CSGCMPS utility, see CSGCMPS Utility in Natural Construct Administration and Modeling.

Creating Online Reports

Part of your job as a programmer is to create online reports. Did you know you can use the Browse model to quickly create multi-panel reports? Although you can easily write a browse program yourself, it's not always easy to include some of the functions users want, such as:

  • Scrolling up and down through data, as well as left and right

  • Printing the report

  • Using wildcard characters to specify starting points, such as < or >

  • Drilling down to display additional details

When you use the Browse model to create reports, you can provide all these functions. In addition, you can regenerate the report if the database changes (from DB2 to Adabas, for example) and the model will supply the appropriate database code.

If the report produces large volumes of output, use the Batch model. For more information, see Batch Model in Natural Construct Generation.

To build fields for display, Natural Construct defaults the display value to the specified browse key. This functionality is ideal for generating quick browse routines to check the records in a file. For example, you can specify Customer-Name as the key field and the generated program will browse the Customer file by customer name.

If you want to display information about more than one field, you can use the WRITE-FIELDS user exit. The code in this exit defines additional logic to write information to each screen based on the contents of the #PANEL variable.

Another powerful feature of the Browse model is the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit. You can use this exit to specify processing performed on a selected record based on the record's unique key. For more information about the user exits, see WRITE-FIELDS and PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD in Natural Construct Generation.

The following sections describe how to use the Browse model to create different reports. For more detailed information about the Browse model, see Browse Models in Natural Construct Generation.

Creating a Report for a Key Field

Before beginning the procedure, ensure that the required modules have been copied to the current library. For a list of modules, see Before You Begin.

Start of instruction setTo create a report for a key field

  1. Enter "ncstg" at the Natural prompt. The Generation main menu is displayed.

  2. Specify the following:

    M Function field
    MYBROWSE Module field
    Browse Model field
  3. Press Enter. The Standard Parameters panel is displayed:

    CUSCMA                          BROWSE Program                         CU--MA0 
    Oct 23                       Standard Parameters                        1 of 4 
     Module ............. MYBROWSE                                                 
     System ............. MYLIB___________________________                         
     Global data area ... CDGDA___                                                 
     With block ......... ________________________________                         
     Title .............. Browse ..._______________                                
     Description ........ This program is used to browse the ..._________________  
     First heading ...... ________________________________________________         
     Second heading ..... ______________________________________________________   
     Command ............ _                                                        
     Message numbers .... _                                                        
     Password ........... _                                                        
    right help  retrn quit                                            right main
  4. Specify the following:

    NCGDA Global data area field
    Summary Browse for Orders Title field
    This program will display all the orders in order number sequence Description field
    Order Entry System First header field
    Order Display by Order Number Second header field

    For more information about this panel, see General Model Specifications, Natural Construct Generation.

  5. Press Enter. The Additional Parameters panel is displayed:

    CUSCMB                          BROWSE Program                         CUSCMB0 
    Oct 23                      Additional Parameters                       2 of 4 
      Predict view ............. ________________________________ *                
        Natural (DDM) .......... ________________________________                  
        Program view ........... ________________________________                  
      Primary key .............. ________________________________ *                
      Horizontal panels ........ 1_                                                
      Backward scroll pages .... 10                                                
      Input using map .......... ________ *                                        
      Reserved input lines ..... _                                                 
      Minimum key value ........ ________________________________________________  
      Maximum key value ........ ________________________________________________  
      Single prompt ............ _                                                 
      Multiple prompts ......... _                                                 
      Wildcard support ......... _        Export data support ...... _             
      Hardcopy support ......... _        Window support ........... _             
          help  retrn quit        windw                         left  right main
  6. Select the following:

    • "NCST-ORDER-HEADER" from the Predict view field

    • "ORDER-NUMBER" from the Primary key field

    The report will browse the NCST-ORDER-HEADER file by order number.

  7. Mark the following:

    • Wildcard support field

      Marking this field enables wildcard processing in the generated program. Users can enter wildcard characters, such as < or *, to limit the query.

    • Window support field

      This enables the output to be displayed in a window, instead of on a full screen.

  8. Press Enter. The Window Parameters window is displayed:

     CU--DWM           Natural Construct           CU--DWM0  
     Oct 23            Window Parameters             1 of 1  
               Size .........  Height ....... ___            
                               Width ........ ___            
               Position .....  Line ......... ___            
                               Column ....... ___            
               Frame OFF .... _                              
           help  retrn quit  test

    You can also display this window by pressing PF5 (windw).

  9. Specify the following:

    24 Height field
    10 Line field
    10 Column field
  10. Press Enter twice. The Additional INPUT Parameters panel is displayed.

  11. Press Enter. The Restriction Parameters panel is displayed.

    For more information about these panels, see Additional INPUT Parameters Panel and Restriction Parameters Panel in Natural Construct Generation.

  12. Press Enter. You are returned to the Generation main menu.

  13. Enter "G" in the Function field.

  14. Enter "W" in the Function field. Your browse program is now generated and stowed.

    To see the code generated by the Browse model, enter "E" in the Function field.

    To browse the orders by customer number, you can select Customer-Number as the primary key.

    To see what the window will look like to users, enter "T" in the Function field. The following window is displayed:

     MYBROWSE       ***** Order Entry System *****                 
     Oct 25        - Order Display by Order Number -      9:47 PM  
     Order Number                                                  
     Order Number: ______                                          
           help  retrn quit        flip        bkwrd frwrd

    To display the order numbers, press Enter or PF8 (frwrd).

  15. Press PF2 (retrn). You are returned to the Generation main menu.

    You've successfully created a report, but it only displays details about one field. To add the logic to display details about additional fields, you must select and define the WRITE-FIELDS user exit. The following section describes how to do this.

Creating a Report for Multiple Fields

You can create a report for more than one field by selecting and defining the WRITE-FIELDS user exit. This user exit helps you create the WRITE or DISPLAY statements required to display the additional fields on the report.

If you regenerate the report, the user exit code is not touched. You must select and define the user exit again and re-create the user exit code.

Because this user exit is invoked after each record in the primary file is read, you can also include the code to perform calculations if desired.

Start of instruction setTo create a report for more than one field

  1. Enter "U" in the Function field. The first User Exit panel is displayed:

    CSGSAMPL                      NATURAL CONSTRUCT                         CSGSM0 
    Oct 23                            User Exits                            1 of 1 
                   User Exit              Exists    Sample   Required Conditional  
        -------------------------------- -------- ---------- -------- ------------ 
     _  CHANGE-HISTORY                            Subprogram                       
     _  PARAMETER-DATA                             Example                 X       
     _  HE-PARAMETER-INDEXES                       Example                 X       
     _  BUILD-REPORT-LOCAL-VARS                                                    
     _  LOCAL-DATA                                Subprogram                       
     _  START-OF-PROGRAM                           Example                         
     _  SELECT-STATEMENT                          Subprogram               X       
     _  AFTER-READ                                 Example                         
     _  REJECT-AFTER-MAX-KEY-CHECK                                                 
     _  EXPORT-DATA                               Subprogram               X       
     _  WRITE-FIELDS                              Subprogram                       
     _  TOP-OF-PAGE                                Example                         
     _  BEFORE-INPUT                               Example                         
     _  BEFORE-STANDARD-KEY-CHECK                  Example                         
     _  AFTER-INPUT                                Example                         
     _  HARDCOPY-EDITS                             Example                 X       
    frwrd help  retrn quit                    bkwrd frwrd

    If this panel is not displayed, enter "SAMPLE" on the command line.

  2. Mark the WRITE-FIELDS user exit.

  3. Press Enter twice. The WRITE-FIELDS Data Parameters window is displayed:

     CSUSELFV                  NATURAL CONSTRUCT                   CSUSELF0  
     Oct 23               WRITE-FIELDS Data Parameters               1 of 1  
     Label       Type        PREDICT Views or Data Areas      Select  All    
     -------- ---------- ------------------------------------ ------ ------  
        1     View       NCST-ORDER-HEADER_______________ *     _      _     
        2                ________________________________ *     _      _     
        3                ________________________________ *     _      _     
        4                ________________________________ *     _      _     
        5                ________________________________ *     _      _     
        6                ________________________________ *     _      _     
           help  retrn

    This panel determines whether you want to use all the fields in the file or only a subset. Based on your previous specifications, Natural Construct supplies the name of the file you're using. NCST-ORDER-HEADER is displayed in the first Predict Views or Data Areas field.

  4. Mark the Select field following NCST-ORDER-HEADER. This indicates that you want to select the fields.

  5. Press Enter. The Select NCST-ORDER-HEADER Field window is displayed:

     CSGSELFD                   Natural Construct                    CSGSELF0  
     Oct 23               Select NCST-ORDER-HEADER Field               1 of 1  
        Type  Level             Field name            Format Length  Desc      
       ------ ------ -------------------------------- ------ ------ ------     
                1    _ ORDER-NUMBER                     N      6.0    D        
                1    _ ORDER-AMOUNT                     P     13.2             
                1    _ ORDER-DATE                       N      8.0             
                1    _ ORDER-CUSTOMER-NUMBER            N      5.0    D        
                1    _ ORDER-WAREHOUSE-ID               A      3.0    D        
                1    _ INVOICE-NUMBER                   N      6.0             
                1    _ ORDER-TIMESTAMP                  T                      
         MC     1    _ DELIVERY-INSTRUCTIONS            A     60.0    N        
           help  retrn

    This window shows the fields in the NCST-ORDER-HEADER file.

  6. Mark the following fields:







  7. Press Enter. The first BROWSE Program Build Report panel is displayed:

    CSUBLDRP                      Natural Construct                       CSUBLD10 
    Oct 23                   BROWSE Program Build Report                    1 of 2 
      1_ Panel(*)  Order    Label    Field name                     Format   AL=   
      >> ------- -------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----- 
      1    __      ___      1 *    ORDER-NUMBER__________________  N 6.0__   _____ 
      2    __      ___      1 *    ORDER-AMOUNT__________________  P 13.2_   _____ 
      3    __      ___      1 *    ORDER-DATE____________________  N 8.0__   _____ 
      4    __      ___      1 *    ORDER-CUSTOMER-NUMBER_________  N 5.0__   _____ 
      5    __      ___      1 *    ORDER-WAREHOUSE-ID____________  A 3.0__   _____ 
      6    __      ___      1 *    INVOICE-NUMBER________________  N 6.0__   _____ 
      7    __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      8    __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      9    __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      10   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      11   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      12   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      13   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      14   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
          help  retrn deflt test  gen   selfd frwrd bkwrd reord       right proto

    This panel displays the fields selected for the report and allows you to define where and how the fields are displayed. The second panel (displayed when you press PF11) allows you to change the default values for the selected fields, such as the field prompt name or the field length and format.

    For more information, see the online help or Build Report Panel 1 and Build Report Panel 2 in Natural Construct Generation.

  8. Press PF12 (proto). Natural Construct fills in a panel number and order (sequence) for each field:

    CSUBLDRP                      Natural Construct                       CSUBLD10 
    Oct 25                   BROWSE Program Build Report                    1 of 2 
      1_ Panel(*)  Order    Label    Field name                     Format   AL=   
      >> ------- -------- -------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----- 
      1    01      010      1 *    ORDER-NUMBER__________________  N 6.0__   _____ 
      2    01      020      1 *    ORDER-AMOUNT__________________  P 13.2_   _____ 
      3    01      030      1 *    ORDER-DATE____________________  N 8.0__   _____ 
      4    01      040      1 *    ORDER-CUSTOMER-NUMBER_________  N 5.0__   _____ 
      5    01      050      1 *    ORDER-WAREHOUSE-ID____________  A 3.0__   _____ 
      6    02      010      1 *    INVOICE-NUMBER________________  N 6.0__   _____ 
      7    __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      8    __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      9    __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      10   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      11   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      12   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      13   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
      14   __      ___      _ *    ______________________________  _ _____   _____ 
          help  retrn deflt test  gen   selfd frwrd bkwrd reord       right proto

    When ordering fields on the reports, Natural Construct uses 10, 20, 30, etc., instead of 1, 2, 3, etc. This allows you to easily insert fields later if necessary. For example, to insert a new field in the second position, you can type 15.

  9. Press PF4 (test). The Test Display window is displayed:

    CSGBLDTE                        BROWSE Program               
    Oct 25                           Test Display                
    Panel .. 01 ------------------------------------------------ 
    Order                              Customer Warehouse        
    Number   Order Amount   Order Date  Number     ID            
    ------ ---------------- ---------- -------- ---------        
    999999 9999999999999999  99999999   99999      XXX           
    Panel .. 02 ------------------------------------------------ 
    Invoice Number                                               
          test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test

    Notice that the Invoice Number field is displayed on the second panel by itself. This will make it difficult for a user to determine what order the invoice is associated with. Also, the first panel appears to be crowded so you may want to remove one of the fields from the first panel and place it on the second panel.

  10. Press Enter. You are returned to the Build Report panel.

  11. Specify the following:

    * (asterisk) Panel field preceding ORDER-NUMBER
    2 Panel field preceding ORDER-WAREHOUSE-ID
    30 Order field for ORDER-WAREHOUSE-ID

    The order number will appear as the first field on all panels of the report and the warehouse ID will now appear as the third field on the second panel.

  12. Press PF9 (reord). Natural Construct reorders the fields on the panels.

  13. Press PF4 (test) again. The Test Display window is displayed:

     CSGBLDTE                        BROWSE Program               
     Oct 25                           Test Display                
     Panel .. 01 ------------------------------------------------ 
     Order                              Customer                  
     Number   Order Amount   Order Date  Number                   
     ------ ---------------- ---------- --------                  
     999999 9999999999999999  99999999   99999                    
     Panel .. 02 ------------------------------------------------ 
     Order                 Warehouse                              
     Number Invoice Number    ID                                  
     ------ -------------- ---------                              
     999999     999999        XXX                                 
           test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test  test
  14. Press Enter. You are returned to the Build Report panel.

  15. Press PF5 (gen). The code is generated into the User Exit editor:

    0010 DEFINE EXIT WRITE-FIELDS                                                
    0020 DECIDE ON FIRST VALUE #PANEL                                            
    0030   VALUE 01                                                              
    0040     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0050       NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-NUMBER                                    
    0060       NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-AMOUNT                                    
    0070       2X NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-DATE                                   
    0080       3X NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-CUSTOMER-NUMBER                        
    0090   VALUE 02                                                              
    0100     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0110       NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-NUMBER                                    
    0120       5X NCST-ORDER-HEADER.INVOICE-NUMBER                               
    0130       8X NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-WAREHOUSE-ID                           
    0140   NONE                                                                  
    0150     WRITE(0) 23X 'No fields to display on this panel'                   
    0160 END-DECIDE                                                              
    0170 END-EXIT                                                                
    0180 DEFINE EXIT TOP-OF-PAGE                                                 
    0190 **                                                                      
    0200 DECIDE ON FIRST VALUE #PANEL                                            
    0210   VALUE 01                                                              
    0220     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0230       'Order' (I)                                                       
    0240       30X 'Customer' (I)                                                
    0250     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0260       'Number' (I)                                                      
    0270       3X 'Order' (I)                                                    
    0280       1X 'Amount' (I)                                                   
    0290       3X 'Order' (I)                                                    
    0300       1X 'Date' (I)                                                     
    0310       2X 'Number' (I)                                                   
    0320     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0330       '------' (I)                                                      
    0340       1X '----------------' (I)                                         
    0350       1X '----------' (I)                                               
    0360       1X '--------' (I)                                                 
    0370   VALUE 02                                                              
    0380     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0390       'Order' (I)                                                       
    0400       17X 'Warehouse' (I)                                               
    0410     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0420       'Number' (I)                                                      
    0430       1X 'Invoice' (I)                                                  
    0440       1X 'Number' (I)                                                   
    0450       4X 'ID' (I)                                                       
    0460     WRITE(0)                                                            
    0470       '------' (I)                                                      
    0480       1X '--------------' (I)                                           
    0490       1X '---------' (I)                                                
    0500   NONE                                                                  
    0510     WRITE(0) 23X 'No fields to display on this panel'                   
    0520 END-DECIDE                                                              
    0530 SKIP(0) 1                                                               
    0540 END-EXIT

    If there's more than one panel, Natural Construct automatically generates the required WRITE statements and provides default column headings in the TOP-OF-PAGE user exit (see the example above).

    If there is only one panel, Natural Construct generates a DISPLAY statement.

  16. Enter "." on the command line. You are returned to the Generation main menu.

  17. Enter "G" in the Function field.

  18. Enter "W" in the Function field. Your browse program is now generated and stowed.

  19. Enter "T" in the Function field. The following panel is displayed:

     MYBROWSE       ***** Order Entry System *****                
     Oct 25        - Order Display by Order Number -     1 more > 
     Order                              Customer                  
     Number   Order Amount   Order Date  Number                   
     ------ ---------------- ---------- --------                  
     Order Number: ______                                         
           help  retrn quit        flip        bkwrd frwrd
  20. Press Enter. The order data is displayed. Use the PF-keys to scroll left and right, up and down.

  21. Press PF11 (right). The next panel of the report is displayed:

     MYBROWSE       ***** Order Entry System *****                 
     < 1 more      - Order Display by Order Number -     10:00 PM  
     Order                 Warehouse                               
     Number Invoice Number    ID                                   
     ------ -------------- ---------                               
     323232     332323        222                                  
     323456        123        544                                  
     332222      10294        111                                  
     333333     231201        111                                  
     422222     190123        111                                  
                      *** End of Data ***                          
     Order Number: ______                                          
           help  retrn quit        flip        bkwrd frwrd
  22. Press PF2 (retrn). You are returned to the Generation main menu.

    You've successfully created an online report with additional fields. If desired, you can also create a drill-down report to display details about a selected record. See the following section, Creating a Drill-Down Report, for information.

    If you have any problems creating the report, see Troubleshooting and Debugging for possible reasons.

Creating a Drill-Down Report

You can create a drill-down report that displays additional details about a record by selecting and defining the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit. The code in this exit calls a browse subprogram when a user selects a record displayed on a report.

Start of instruction setTo create a drill-down report

  1. Enter "U" in the Function field. The User Exit editor is displayed.

  2. Enter "SAMPLE" on the command line. The first User Exit panel for the Browse model is displayed.

  3. Press Enter again. The second User Exit panel is displayed:

    CSGSAMPL                      NATURAL CONSTRUCT                         CSGSM0 
    Oct 25                            User Exits                            1 of 1 
                   User Exit              Exists    Sample   Required Conditional  
        -------------------------------- -------- ---------- -------- ------------ 
     _  HARDCOPY-TERMINATING-PROCESS               Example                 X       
     _  PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD                   Subprogram               X       
     _  END-OF-PROGRAM                             Example                         
     _  ASSIGN-PREFIX-VALUE                       Subprogram               X       
     _  SET-PF-KEYS                                Example                         
     _  MISCELLANEOUS-SUBROUTINES                  Example                         
          help  retrn quit                    bkwrd frwrd
  4. Mark the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit.

  5. Press Enter. The User Exit editor is displayed, showing the default code generated for the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit:

    Module ............. MYBROWSE                                                  
    Title .............. Summary Browse for Orders                                 
    >                                              > + ABS: _ X-Y: _ S   69 L   52 
      Bot  ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7..
      0520 END-DECIDE                                                              
      0530 SKIP(0) 1                                                               
      0540 END-EXIT                                                                
      0550 DEFINE EXIT PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD                                     
      0560 *                                                                       
      0570 * Processing to be performed after a record has been selected.          
      0580     IF *PF-KEY = 'ENTR' THEN                                            
      0590       /*                                                                
      0600       /* Process #SELECTED-KEY record here.                             
      0610       IGNORE                                                            
      0620     ELSE                                                                
      0630       /* PF8 will just reposition the selected value to the top of      
      0640       /* the screen OR you may wish to use PF8 to perform different     
      0650       /* OR you may wish to use PF8 to perform                          
      0660       /* record processing.                                             
      0670       IGNORE                                                            
      0680     END-IF                                                              
      0690 END-EXIT

    The Natural Construct-defined variable, #SELECTED-KEY, identifies the selected record. In this case, the order number is the selected key.

  6. Change the default code as follows:

    Module ............. MYBROWSE                                                  
    Title .............. Summary Browse for Orders                                 
    >                                              > + ABS: _ X-Y: _ S   69 L   52 
      Bot  ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7..
      0520 END-DECIDE                                                              
      0530 SKIP(0) 1                                                               
      0540 END-EXIT                                                                
      0550 DEFINE EXIT PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD                                     
      0560 *                                                                       
      0570 * Processing to be performed after a record has been selected.          
      0580     IF *PF-KEY = 'ENTR' THEN                                            
      0590   CALLNAT 'NCOSODET'                                                    
      0600           #SELECTED-KEY                                                 
      0610           'select fun' /* Note NCOSODET has a 10-character parm         
      0620                        /* field in case a function needs to be passed.  
      0630                        /* In this example we don't need it, but we must 
      0640                        /* pass something.                               
      0650           DIALOG-INFO                                                   
      0660           MSG-INFO                                                      
      0670           PASS                                                          
      0680     END-IF                                                              
      0690 END-EXIT

    Notice that the syntax calls the NCOSODET module, which displays order lines for a selected order.

  7. Enter "." on the command line. You are returned to the Generation main menu.

  8. Enter "G" in the Function field.

  9. Enter "W" in the Function field. Your browse program is now generated and stowed.

  10. Enter "T" in the Function field. The following panel is displayed:

     MYBROWSE       ***** Order Entry System *****                 
     Oct 25        - Order Display by Order Number -     1 more >  
     Order                              Customer                   
     Number   Order Amount   Order Date  Number                    
     ------ ---------------- ---------- --------                   
     Order Number: ______                                          
           help  retrn quit        flip        bkwrd frwrd
  11. Press Enter to display the orders.

  12. Select an order. The order lines for the selected order are displayed in a window:

     NCOSODET    ***** ORDER SUBSYSTEM *****             
     Oct 25            - ORDER DETAIL -         1 more > 
     Ln Prod Id Quantity  Unit Cost   Total Cost         
     -- ------- --------- ---------- ------------        
      1 654070         40     100.00      4000.00        
      2 222222        100      50.00      5000.00        
                  *** End of Data ***                    
     Line Order Number: 234234 Line Number: __           
     Direct command...: ________________________________ 
           help  retrn quit        flip        bkwrd frw
  13. Press PF2 (retrn) twice. You are returned to the Generation main menu.

    You've successfully created a drill-down report.

    The following section describes the NCOSODET subprogram used in this example.

    If you have any problems creating the report, see Troubleshooting and Debugging for possible reasons.

NCOSODET Subprogram

NCOSODET is a subprogram that displays additional details about a selected record. To learn more about the module, look at the information specified on the specification panels and in the user exits.

Start of instruction setTo see the specifications and user exits for NCOSODET

  1. Enter "ncstg" at the Natural Next prompt. The Generation main menu is displayed.

  2. Specify the following:

    R Function field
    NCOSODET Module field
  3. Press Enter. Natural Construct reads the module into the edit buffer and displays a confirmation message.

  4. Enter "M" in the Function field. The Standard Parameters panel is displayed:

    CUSCMA                      BROWSE-SUBP Subprogram                     CU--MA0 
    Oct 23                       Standard Parameters                        1 of 5 
     Module ............. NCOSODET                                                 
     System ............. MYLIB___________________________                         
     Global data area ... ________                                                 
     With block ......... ________________________________                         
     Title .............. Order Header Detail______                                
     Description ........ This subprogram will display all the lines associated__  
                          with the selected order entry._________________________  
     First heading ...... ORDER SUBSYSTEM_________________________________         
     Second heading ..... ORDER DETAIL__________________________________________   
     Command ............ X                                                        
     Message numbers .... _                                                        
     Password ........... _                                                        
    right help  retrn quit                                            right main

    As indicated by the title, the NCOSODET module is a browse subprogram. Because it is a subprogram, and not a program, a GDA is not required.

  5. Press Enter. The Additional Parameters panel is displayed.

  6. Press Enter again. The Additional INPUT Parameters panel is displayed. These two panels are similar to the panels for a browse program.

  7. Press Enter again. The Specific Parameters panel for a browse subprogram is displayed:

    CUSCMF                      BROWSE-SUBP Subprogram                     CUSCMF0 
    Oct 23                       Specific Parameters                        4 of 5 
        Parameter Override                                                         
        Note: Format and Length defaults to ORDER-LINE-KEY key                     
        Field Name ......... #PDA-KEY                                              
        Natural format ..... N 6.0__ *                                             
    right help  retrn quit                                      left  right main

    When the key for the browse subprogram differs from the key for the calling program, you specify the format and length of the passed key (#SELECTED-KEY) on this panel. Since the format and length defaults to the ORDER-LINE-KEY key, which contains the order number and order line sequence number, the format and length has been changed to that of the ORDER-NUMBER key (N6).

    If the key for the browse subprogram is the same size as that of the calling program, you do not need to specify the format and length on this panel.

  8. Press Enter. The Restriction Parameters panel is displayed:

    CUSCMG                      BROWSE-SUBP Subprogram                     CUSCMG0 
    Oct 23                      Restriction Parameters                      5 of 5 
      Prefix Options                                                               
      Restrict browse with prefix .. X                                             
      Number of characters (bytes) . 6__                                           
      Number of components ......... __                                            
      Protect prefix ............... X                                             
      Suppress prefix .............. _                                             
      Field Name ............... ________________________________________________  
      Prefix Helproutine Specifications                                            
         Component       Helproutine    Parameter Name                             
            1             ________ *    ________________________________           
            2             ________ *    ________________________________           
    main  help  retrn quit                                      left  userX main

    Because the default key contains the order number and the line sequence number, the first 6 digits (which represent the order number) must be protected. This allows the calling program to determine which order is browsed; the user cannot change the order number.

  9. Press Enter. You are returned to the Generation main menu.

    At this point, you can read the MYBROWSE module back into the editor and re-test your report. Drill down to the order lines and see if you can change the order number.

    The following section describes how to create a drill-down report when the calling program and the subprogram use different keys.

Creating a Drill-Down Report Using Different Keys

This section describes the NCOSCSTO module, which browses the NCST-ORDER-HEADER file by customer date. When a user selects a customer, details about the customer's orders are displayed.

To see how this is done, read the NCOSCSTO module into the editor and display the user exits:

0010 DEFINE EXIT LOCAL-DATA                                                  
0020   LOCAL                                                                 
0030   01 ORDER-DETAIL VIEW OF NCST-ORDER-HEADER                             
0040     02 ORDER-NUMBER                                                     
0050 END-EXIT /* LOCAL-DATA                                                  
0060 DEFINE EXIT WRITE-FIELDS                                                
0070     DISPLAY                                                             
0080       1X 'Order Date'(I) NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-DATE                   
0090          (AD=I EM=9999/99/99)                                           
0100       'Order No'(I) NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-NUMBER                      
0110         (LC=^)                                                          
0120       'Invoice No'(I) NCST-ORDER-HEADER.INVOICE-NUMBER                  
0130         (LC=^^)                                                         
0140       'WH ID'(I) NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-WAREHOUSE-ID                   
0150         (LC=^)                                                          
0160       'Order Amount'(I) NCST-ORDER-HEADER.ORDER-AMOUNT                  
0170 END-EXIT                                                                
0180 DEFINE EXIT BEFORE-INPUT                                                
0190 *                                                                       
0200 * Processing to be performed just before the input statement.           
0210   /* Change standard message to indicate that selection can be done     
0220   /* ONLY by positioning the cursor (not entering key value since       
0230   /* input is protected.                                                
0240   ASSIGN MSG-INFO.##MSG = 'Position cursor to select.'                  
0250 END-EXIT                                                                
0260 DEFINE EXIT PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD                                     
0270 *                                                                       
0280 * Processing to be performed after a record has been selected.          
0290 IF *PF-KEY = 'ENTR' THEN                                                
0300   GET ORDER-DETAIL #SELECTED-ISN                                        
0310   RESET MSG-INFO                                                        
0320   CALLNAT 'NCOSODET'                                                    
0330           ORDER-DETAIL.ORDER-NUMBER                                     
0340           CDSELPDA.SELECTED-FUNCTION                                    
0350           DIALOG-INFO                                                   
0360           MSG-INFO                                                      
0370           PASS                                                          
0380 END-IF                                                                  

Notice that the LOCAL-DATA user exit has been defined. Because the NCOSCSTO module browses by customer date, the customer date is available in the #SELECTED-KEY variable.

When a user drills down to display additional details, the module must have access to the NCST-ORDER-HEADER file to display the order details. To do this with Adabas, you can use the #SELECTED-ISN variable to retrieve the order header file and find the order number.

Also notice the GET statement in the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit. When a user selects a record, the order header file is retrieved and the order number is passed to the NCOSODET module.

Writing Natural Statements

Another way Natural Construct can save you time and effort is by using the statement models. These models generate individual Natural statements or functions (blocks of code). Some of the benefits of using the statement models are:

  • Reduces your dependency on the Natural documentation to recall syntax

  • Reduces the number of keystrokes required to code Natural statements, since keywords are generated automatically

  • Produces statement code that:

    • has a consistent indentation scheme

    • programmatically performs tedious calculations

    • accesses your system files to retrieve Predict views, etc.

The following sections describe some of the ways you can use the statement models to save time and effort.

For more information, see Statement Models in Natural Construct Generation.


  1. Each statement model has a two-character alias you can use to invoke the model. For example, the alias for the View model is VW. The model alias is used in the statement model examples.
  2. Before beginning the procedures, ensure that the required modules have been copied to the current library. For a list of modules, see Before You Begin.

Generating a Predict View

You can use the View statement model to generate a Predict view. The following sample procedure generates a view for the NCST-CUSTOMER file.

Start of instruction setTo generate a Predict view for the NCST-CUSTOMER file

  1. Enter "e p" at the Next prompt. The Natural editor is displayed.

  2. Press the Tab key twice. The cursor should be in the first position of the first line in the editor. This is where you enter the .g line command.

  3. Enter ".g". Because you didn't specify a model name, the Select Model window is displayed:

     CSGDLIST             Natural Construct              CSGDLST0  
     Oct 25                  Select Model                  1 of 1  
                    Model                          Type            
              -------------------------------- ------------        
              ADD                              Statement           
              ARBITRARY-FIELD-PROCESSING       Statement           
              AT-TOP-OF-PAGE                   Statement           
              CALLNAT                          Statement           
              CLOSE                            Statement           
              COMPRESS                         Statement           
              DECIDE-FOR                       Statement           
              DECIDE-ON                        Statement           
              DEFINE-PRINTER                   Statement           
              DEFINE-SUBROUTINE                Statement           
              DEFINE-VARIABLE                  Statement           
           help  retrn                         bkwrd frwrd         
     Model .. ________________________________ All models ... _
  4. Enter "V" in the Model field. The list of models is repositioned to model names beginning with "V".

  5. Select the View model. The VIEW Function window is displayed:

                             VIEW Function                          
      Predict view ............. ________________________________ * 
      Program view ............. ________________________________   
        C* variables ................... X                          
        Redefined components ........... X                          
        Superdescriptor fields ......... _                          
        Natural format specifications .. _
  6. Select "NCST-CUSTOMER" from the Predict view name field.

  7. Press Enter. The following view is generated:

    0010 /*                                                                      
    0020 /*                                                                      
    0030 01 NCST-CUSTOMER VIEW OF NCST-CUSTOMER                                  
    0040   02 CUSTOMER-NUMBER                                                    
    0050   02 BUSINESS-NAME                                                      
    0060   02 PHONE-NUMBER                                                       
    0070   02 MAILING-ADDRESS                                                    
    0080     03 M-STREET                                                         
    0090     03 M-CITY                                                           
    0100     03 M-PROVINCE                                                       
    0110     03 M-POSTAL-CODE                                                    
    0120   02 SHIPPING-ADDRESS                                                   
    0130     03 S-STREET                                                         
    0140     03 S-CITY                                                           
    0150     03 S-PROVINCE                                                       
    0160     03 S-POSTAL-CODE                                                    
    0170   02 CONTACT                                                            
    0180   02 CREDIT-RATING                                                      
    0190   02 CREDIT-LIMIT                                                       
    0200   02 DISCOUNT-PERCENTAGE                                                
    0210   02 CUSTOMER-WAREHOUSE-ID                                              

Generating a DECIDE-ON Statement

When you use the statement models to generate Natural statements, you don't need to remember the statement syntax.

Start of instruction setTo generate a DECIDE-ON statement

  1. Enter ".g(do)" at the beginning of a line in the Natural editor. The following window is displayed:

        DECIDE ON FIRST X EVERY _  VALUE OF #NUMBER_______________________  
       >> 1 VALUE 1_______________________________________________________  
              ASSIGN ...__________________________________________________  
            ANY VALUE                                                       
            ALL VALUE                                                       
            NONE VALUE                                                      
  2. Specify the following:

    *PF-KEY VALUE OF field
    'PF1' 1 VALUE field
  3. Press Enter. The following code is generated:

    0010 /*                                                                      
    0020 /*                                                                      
    0030 DECIDE ON FIRST *PF-KEY                                                 
    0040   VALUE 'PF1'                                                           
    0050     PERFORM ROUTINE-UPD                                                 
    0060   NONE                                                                  
    0070     IGNORE                                                              
    0080 END-DECIDE

Generating a CALLNAT Statement

When using subprograms, you may want to generate a CALLNAT statement to supply the parameters. You can do this easily using the Callnat statement model. For example, you can generate a CALLNAT statement in the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit to pass the selected key to an object PDA. This PDA then passes the data to an object maintenance subprogram for processing.

The following example shows how to use the CALLNAT statement within the PROCESS-SELECTED-RECORD user exit to supply the parameters for MYORDSUB (described in Generating the Object Maintenance Subprogram).

The source code for the specified subprogram must exist in the current library or steplib.

Start of instruction setTo generate a CALLNAT statement for the MYORDSUB subprogram

  1. Enter ".g(cn)" at the beginning of a line in the Natural editor. The following window is displayed:

      CALLNAT ________ * 

    For more information, see Using the Callnat Statement Window in Natural Construct Generation.

  2. Select "MYORDSUB" from the Callnat field.

  3. Press Enter. The following code is generated:

    0010 /*                                                                      
    0020 CALLNAT 'MYORDSUB'                                                      
    0030            ORDER                                                        
    0040            MYORMSA-ID                                                   
    0050            MYORMSR                                                      
    0060            CDAOBJ2                                                      
    0070            MSG-INFO

    Notice that all the parameters from the subprogram are added to the CALLNAT statement. Although you may need to change the names to correspond with the program names, this list helps you determine which parameters are required.

Repeating a Sequence With Variations

Not all statement models generate Natural statements. The Sequence model generates a block of code that repeats a given line, with some variations, as many times as specified. The changes are applied to each variation.

Start of instruction setTo generate a repeating sequence with variations

  1. Enter ".g(sq)" at the beginning of a line in the Natural editor. The following window is displayed:

     Repeat 3__                                                                
    > Assign initial-value = my-array(&1&:&2&)________________________________  
    > ________________________________________________________________________  
    > ________________________________________________________________________  
    > ________________________________________________________________________  
    > ________________________________________________________________________  
                           &n& FROM STEP                                        
                           &1& 001  1__                                         
                           &2& 001  1__                                         
                           &3& ___  ___                                         
                           &4& ___  ___                                         
                           &5& ___  ___                                         
                           &6& ___  ___                                         
                           &7& ___  ___                                         
                           &8& ___  ___                                         
                           &9& ___  ___
  2. Specify the following:

    7 Repeat field
    WRITE '&1&' Over "Assign initial-value ..."
    002 FROM field for &1&
    003 STEP field for &1&
  3. Press Enter. The following code is generated:

    0010 /*                                                                      
    0020 /*                                                                      
    0030 WRITE 'LINE 2'                                                          
    0040 WRITE 'LINE 5'                                                          
    0050 WRITE 'LINE 8'                                                          
    0060 WRITE 'LINE 11'                                                         
    0070 WRITE 'LINE 14'                                                         
    0080 WRITE 'LINE 17'                                                         
    0090 WRITE 'LINE 20'