Set Up a Password File

You can specify password checking for many of the generated modules. Natural Construct builds the mechanism for password checking into your module by including the CCPASSW copycode member. Within this copycode, the CDPASSW subprogram is invoked and passed the module and system names.

To include password checking, you must set up a password file. The file is keyed on the module name used to catalog the module and the system name used to generate the module.

The password file can be a view of any file with Natural-Construct-Password as the data definition module name. The view must contain the following fields:

Field Format
PASSWORD-KEY A40 (32-character system name, plus an 8-character module name)
PASSWORD A8 (8-character password)

When a user attempts to invoke the module, the CDPASSW subprogram reads the password file. If the module/system name combination exists in the file and does not have a password, the user can invoke the module. If the module/system name combination exists and has a password, the user must enter the correct password before the module is invoked. If a user enters five incorrect passwords, execution is aborted.

If you specify password checking, you must modify the CDPASSW subprogram to include a valid password view and any final processing you want to perform and then catalog the modified subprogram. For more specific password checking, you can modify the CCPASSW copycode member (to call a different subprogram) or modify the CDPASSW subprogram (to refine your security standards).