System Variables

This documentation describes the Natural system variables.

Natural system variables contain information about the current Natural session, such as: the current library, the user and terminal identification; the current status of a loop processing; the current report processing status; the current date and time. They may be referenced at any point within a Natural program.

The documentation for the system variables is grouped by functions:

Application-Related System Variables System variables which are useful in conjunction with a Natural application: name of the library to which the user is logged on, current library ID, information required in the event of an error, type or name of the Natural object which is currently executed, etc.
Date and Time System Variables Date and time system variables that may be specified in the statements COMPUTE, DISPLAY, MOVE, PRINT, WRITE and in logical condition criteria.
Input/Output-Related System Variables System variables which contain input or output related information, such as current cursor position, line number of the current line within the current page, physical line or page size.
Natural Environment-Related System Variables System variables which are relevant in conjunction with the Natural environment: device type/mode from which Natural has been invoked, user ID of the user, user ID as taken from the Natural Security logon, language indicator (language code), Natural version, etc.
System Environment-Related System Variables System variables relating to the operating system or TP monitor environment used: name of the hardware platform, machine or machine class on which Natural is running, name or version number of the operating system, name or version of the TP subsystem under which Natural is running, name or version of the window manager being used, etc.
XML-Related System Variables System variables which are available in conjunction with the PARSE statement.
System Variables in Alphabetical Order Descriptions of all system variables in alphabetical order. The Quick Reference selection box below is provided for quick access to all variables.

See also:

Quick Reference