Dropped Features

Features Dropped with this Natural Version

The following features or Natural add-on products are discontinued and no longer supported in Natural Version 9.2.1:

Discontinued Support for z/VSE and BS2000

Natural version 9.2.1 is no longer delivered for the operating systems BS2000 and z/VSE. The previous version of Natural is supported for BS2000 and z/VSE until the End of Maintenance (EOM) date has been reached.

Discontinued Support for Natural Telex Driver NATTLX

The Natural Telex Diver NATTLX is no longer delivered and supported.

As a result, the following parameter is no longer provided by the %T= terminal command:


Discontinued Support for Natural Swap Pool

The Natural swap pool is no longer delivered and supported. The Natural Roll Server can be used instead.

The corresponding functionality in SYSTP – Natural Swap Maintenance Services, has therefore been removed as well.

Discontinued Support for Natural Net Data Driver NATNETTO

The Natural Net Data Driver NATNETTO is no longer delivered and supported.

As a result, the following parameters are no longer provided by the %T= terminal command:

  • NETF

  • NETT

  • NEF2

Discontinued Support for Optimize for Infrastructure (O4I)

Optimize for Infrastructure (O4I) is no longer delivered and supported..

Discontinued Support for Compiler Option LUWCOMP

The Compiler Option LUWCOMP is no longer delivered and supported.

Discontinued Support for Parameter UPSI

The parameter UPSI is no longer used and has therefore been removed.

The Natural Application Programming Interface USR4002N and the corresponding example program USR4002P in the system library SYSEXT have been adopted as well as the output of the Natural command DUMP SVAR.

Discontinued Support for Special Purpose Zaps for Arabic Shaping

As of Version 9.2, special-purpose Zaps NA95017, NA95018, NA95019, NA95020, NA95021, NA95022, and NA97176 are removed. They are replaced by the profile parameter SHAPED.

Features Dropped with a Future Natural Version

The following features will be discontinued or will no longer be supported in a future version of Natural:

Discontinued Support for Natural for DL/I (NDL)

Natural for DL/I (NDL) will no longer be supported with the next release of Natural (9.2.2 and onwards). Therefore NDL is already indicated as "on demand only".

Please migrate your DL/I data to other databases systems. We recommend Adabas, because Natural programs accessing DL/I can easily be adapted for Adabas access. We may support you with the migration of your data to other databases. Contact your closest Software AG representative for further assistance.