Issuing Db2 Commands from Natural

The Db2 Command part of the Natural Tools for Db2 enables you to issue Db2 commands from a Natural environment.

A file is maintained for each user on the system file FUSER. This file is stored under the object name DB2$CMD in the Natural library of the current user.

You can select a command and submit it, save the command file and save and/or print the output report.

This section covers the following topics:

Invoking the Db2 Command Part

Start of instruction set To invoke the Interactive SQL function

  • On the Natural Tools for Db2 Main Menu, enter function code D and press ENTER.

    The Execute Db2 Command screen is displayed:

       16:07:56              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****            2009-10-30
                                  - Execute DB2 Command -
                              Code   Function
                                C    Display Commands
                                O    Display Output
                                ?    Help
                                .    Exit
                        Code .. _    Library .. DBA_____
      Command ===>
            Help        Exit                                                  Canc

    The following functions are available:

    Code Description
    C Displays your command file. If you have not saved a command file yet, a default file is displayed.
    O If an output file exists, the output report is displayed.

    The following parameter can be specified:

    Parameter Description
    Library You can enter a user name or library. The default is the currrent user ID.

Displaying the Command File

Start of instruction set To display the command file

  • On the Execute DB2 Command menu, enter function code C and press ENTER.

    The DB2 Commands screen is displayed:

      16:12:11              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****            2009-10-30
                                     - DB2 Commands -
        Mark the line of the command you want to execute with 'S' and press PF4
        Cmd 1    _    -DISPLAY THREAD (*).........................................
        Cmd 2    _    -DISPLAY LOCATION...........................................
        Cmd 3    _    -DISPLAY DATABASE(*) LIMIT(2500)............................
        Cmd 4    _    -DISPLAY PROCEDURE (*)......................................
        Cmd 5    _    -DISPLAY DATABASE(DSNDB04) LIMIT (*)........................
        Cmd 6    _    ............................................................
        Cmd 7    _    ............................................................
        Cmd 8    _    ............................................................
      Command ===>
                        Exit  Subm  Save                                Next  Canc

    Use PF11 (Next) to scroll to the next page.

    You can modify the command file. Save your modifications with PF5 (Save).

Start of instruction set To execute a command

  • Mark the command with an S and press PF4 (Subm).

    The results are displayed on the DB2 Commands Output screen:

      16:13:23              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****           2009-10-30
                                  - DB2 Commands Output -
        Command:           -DISPLAY DATABASE(DSNDB04) LIMIT (*)
        Return Code 1:     00000000          Return Code 2:   00000000
        Length of Output:  00001AFB
        DSNT360I - ***********************************
                   *    GLOBAL
        DSNT360I - ***********************************
        DSNT362I -     DATABASE = DSNDB04  STATUS = RW
                       DBD LENGTH = 72674
        DSNT397I -
        -------- ---- ---- ------------------ -------- -------- -------- -----
        ADRESSE  TS        RW
        ALIASRBY TS        RW
        ALLDATA0 TS        RW
      Command ===>
                        Exit        Save  --    -     +     ++                Canc

Start of instruction setTo save the command file

  1. Press PF5 (Save).

    The output file is stored under the object name DB2$OUT in the Natural library of the current user.

  2. Press PF3 (Exit) to return to the command file.

    You can submit further commands.

Displaying the Output Report

Start of instruction set To display the last output record

  • On the Execute DB2 Command menu, enter function code O and press ENTER.

    The DB2 Commands Output screen is displayed:

      16:13:57              ***** NATURAL TOOLS FOR DB2 *****           2009-10-30
                                  - DB2 Commands Output -
        Command:           -DISPLAY DATABASE(*) LIMIT(2500)
        Return Code 1:     00000000          Return Code 2:   00000000
        Length of Output:  00007468
        DSNT360I - ***********************************
        DSNT361I - *  DISPLAY DATABASE SUMMARY       *
                   *    GLOBAL                       *
        DSNT360I - ***********************************
        DSNT362I -     DATABASE = DSNDB01  STATUS = RW
                       DBD LENGTH = 8000
        DSNT397I -
        -------- ---- ---- ------------------ -------- -------- -------- -----
        DBD01    TS        RW
        SPT01    TS        RW
        SCT02    TS        RW
      Command ===>
                        Exit        Print --    -     +     ++                Canc

    To print the output record, press PF5 (Print).