Database Management System Interfaces

This documentation provides an overview of the Natural database management system interfaces and a short summary of their functions.

The following topics are covered:

Natural for Db2 The Natural interface to Db2 enables Natural users to access data in a Db2 database. Natural for Db2 is supported under the TP monitors Com-plete, CICS, IMS TM, in batch mode, and TSO.
Natural for Db2 for zIIP The Natural for Db2 for zIIP interface enables Natural users to run Db2 workloads on IBM System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP).
Natural for VSAM The Natural interface to VSAM enables Natural users to access data stored in VSAM files.
Natural for DL/I The Natural interface to DL/I enables Natural users to access and update data stored in a DL/I database. The Natural user can be executing in batch mode or under the control of the TP monitor CICS or IMS TM.

See also Database Access (in the Programming Guide) on how to access data in Adabas.