SYSEXV Utility

The utility SYSEXV utility provides example programs that demonstrate the use of Natural features introduced in the current or a previous version of Natural.

All example programs are available as source objects. You obtain detailed functionality descriptions when you execute the programs.

This Dokument covers the following topics:

Executing Example Programs

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo execute an example program

  1. Enter the following system command:


    A SYSEXV menu opens with a list of recent Natural version.

  2. Select the required version from the menu.

    A list of functions and corresponding programs is displayed.

  3. Select a function/program by entering any character in the input field next to the required list item.

Viewing Features of Previous Versions

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo list features of previous Natural versions

  1. From the SYSEXV menu, enter the following command:


    Log on to the SYSEXV library and enter the following command:


    The source of the text object A-README is displayed.

    A-README lists and comments example programs for features of previous Natural versions.

    Do not modify the text object A-README.

  2. Choose a program and execute it.

Terminating an Example Program or the SYSEXV Utility

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo terminate an example program

  • Press PF3 (Exit).

Beginn der AnweisungslisteTo terminate the SYSEXV utility

  • In the SYSEXV utility menu, press PF3 or PF12, or

    enter a period (.) in any line, or

    enter EXIT or a period (.) in the command line.

    In an example program, press PF12 (Canc).