Installing Natural on z/VSE

This document describes the steps for installing Natural (product code NAT) on z/VSE.

Related Topic:

For information on how to run Natural in a z/VSE environment, see the relevant section in the Operations documentation.

Notation vrs or vr:

When used in this document, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).


See General Prerequisites and System Support.

Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following data sets required for product installation:

Data Set Name Contents
ICSvrs.LIBR Source modules, macros, phases and object modules for International Components for Unicode for Software AG (ICS)
MLCvrs.LIBJ Sample installation jobs for Software AG's mainframe license check software

The vrs in the library name represents the version of the license check software, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Natural.

For detailed information on the license check software, see Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.

MLCvrs.LIBR Source modules, macros, phases and object modules for Software AG's mainframe license check software including the LICUTIL license utility

The vrs in the library name represents the version of the license check software, which is not necessarily the same as the version of Natural.

For detailed information on the license check software and the LICUTIL utility, see Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.

NATvrs.LICS Product license file

For information on the license file and product licensing, see Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.

NATvrs.SYSF Natural system file definitions
NATvrs.LIBJ Sample installation jobs
NATvrs.LIBR Source modules, macros, phases and object modules
NATvrs.INPL Natural objects
NATvrs.EXPL Natural example objects

The data set type and the space each data set requires on disk is shown in the Software AG Product Delivery Report.

Copying Data Sets to a z/VSE Disk

Copy the data sets from the supplied installation medium to your disk before you perform the individual installation procedure for each component to be installed.

The way you copy the data sets depends on the installation method and the medium used:

  • If you use System Maintenance Aid (SMA), refer to the copy job instructions provided in the System Maintenance Aid documentation.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from CD-ROM, refer to the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM.

  • If you are not using SMA and want to copy the data sets from tape, follow the instructions in this section.

This section explains how to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS (if supplied) from tape to disk. All other data sets can be installed directly from the tape.

Step 1: Copy Data Set COPYTAPE.JOB to Disk

  • Modify the following sample job according to your requirements:

    * $$ JOB JNM=LIBRCAT,CLASS=0,                                          +
    * $$ DISP=D,LDEST=(*,UID),SYSID=1                                      
    * $$ LST CLASS=A,DISP=D                                                
    // JOB LIBRCAT                                                         
    * *****************************************                            
    *     STORE COPYTAPE.JOB IN LIBRARY                                    
    * *****************************************
    // ASSGN SYS004,nnn 
    // MTC REW,SYS004                                                        
    // MTC FSF,SYS004,4                                                      
    ASSGN SYSIPT,SYS004                                                      
    // TLBL IJSYSIN,'COPYTAPE.JOB'                                           
    // EXEC LIBR,PARM='MSHP; ACC S=lib.sublib'
    // MTC REW,SYS004
    ASSGN SYSIPT,FEC                                                         
    * $$ EOJ


    nnn is the tape address, and
    lib.sublib is the library and sublibrary in which the data set COPYTAPE.JOB is to be stored.

  • Execute the job to copy the data set COPYTAPE.JOB to disk.

    COPYTAPE.JOB contains the JCL required to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS from tape to disk.

Step 2: Modify COPYTAPE.JOB on Your Disk

  • Modify COPYTAPE.JOB according to your requirements and set the disk space parameters as appropriate.

Step 3: Submit COPYTAPE.JOB

  • Execute COPYTAPE.JOB to copy the data sets .LIBJ, .LIBR and .LICS to your disk.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features before you start the installation procedure.

Step 1: Prepare, Convert, Assemble and Link the License File

(Job I006, Step 0104 and Job I007, Steps 0101, 0102)

You must install a valid Natural license file.

For detailed information on the license file and product licensing, see Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.

  1. Copy the license file from the supplied installation medium to disk or transfer it from the PC as described in Transferring a License File from PC to a z/VSE Host Using FTP in Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.

  2. Catalog, check, convert, assemble and link the license file:

    Job I006, Step 0104 Catalog license file NATvrs.LICS in the sublibrary.
    Job I007, Step 0101 Check license file NATvrs.LICS. This job runs the CHECK function of the LICUTIL license utility (see below).
    Job I007, Step 0102 Convert license file into an assembler source. This job runs the MAKE function of the LICUTIL license utility (see below). Assemble and link the assembler source to generate load module NATLIC. This module is then linked to the nucleus in Job I060.

    The functions and option settings provided by LICUTIL are described in Using the License Utility: LICUTIL in Software AG Mainframe Product Licensing.

Step 2: Load the FNAT System File Definition

(Job I050, Step 0100)

Skip this step if you want to use an existing Natural FNAT system file.

Load the new Natural FNAT system file definition:

  1. Specify the database ID and file number of the Adabas file where to load the new FNAT system file definition by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    In addition, you must specify this database ID and file number in the Natural parameter module as described in Step 10: Build the Natural Parameter Module.

  2. Load the FNAT system file definition contained in the NATvrs.SYSF data set by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    The following ADALOD utility parameter must not be changed:


    The following ADALOD utility parameter setting is recommended:


    If you reorganize an FNAT file or if you unload from or load data to the FNAT file (for example, by using ADAULD/ADALOD), you must specify the parameter USERISN=YES for the ADALOD utility to avoid Natural errors NAT7397 and NAT9988 which require that you re-INPL the Natural FNAT system file.

    If you specify the parameter USERISN=YES when you load a new FNAT system file, and you unload data from this FNAT file, the ADALOD utility assumes USERISN=YES as a default setting when reloading the data into the FNAT file.

Step 3: Load the FUSER System File Definition

(Job I050, Step 0101)

Skip this step if you want to use an existing Natural FUSER system file.

Load the new Natural FUSER system file definition:

  1. Specify the database ID and file number of the Adabas file where to load the new FUSER system file definition by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    In addition, you must specify this database ID and file number in the Natural parameter module as described in Step 10: Build the Natural Parameter Module.

  2. Load the FUSER system file definition contained in the NATvrs.SYSF data set by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    The following ADALOD utility parameter must not be changed:

  3. If you want to use existing Natural applications, copy all user-written objects to the empty FUSER.

  4. If you want to use Natural Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), see Using a Natural API in the SYSEXT Utility documentation for further guidance.

Step 4: Load the Scratch-Pad File Definition

(Job I050, Step 0102)

This step is only required if you want to use read-only system files. See also Natural Scratch-Pad File in the Operations documentation.

You can skip this step if you want to use an existing Natural scratch-pad file.

Load the new Natural scratch-pad system file definition:

  1. Set the System Maintenance Aid (SMA) parameter NAT-SCRF to Y (Yes).

  2. Specify the database ID and file number of the Adabas file where to load the scratch-pad file by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    In addition, you must specify this database ID and file number in the Natural parameter module as described in Step 10: Build the Natural Parameter Module.

  3. Load the scratch-pad system file definition contained in the NATvrs.SYSF data set by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    The following ADALOD utility parameter must not be changed:


Step 5: Load the FREG System File Definition

(Job I050, Step 0104)

This step is only required if registry information must be available to control concurrent user sessions limited with the Natural profile parameter UCONMAX (see the Parameter Reference documentation).

You can skip this step if you want to use an existing Natural FREG system file.

Load the new Natural FREG system file definition:

  1. Set the System Maintenance Aid (SMA) parameter NAT-FREG to Y (Yes).

  2. Specify the database ID and file number of the Adabas file where to load the FREG system file by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    In addition, you must specify this database ID and file number in the Natural parameter module as described in Step 10: Build the Natural Parameter Module.

  3. Load the FREG system file definition contained in the NATvrs.SYSF data set by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    The following ADALOD utility parameter must not be changed:


Step 6: Load the FDIC System File Definition

(Job I050, Step 0103)

Skip this step:

  • if you want to install Predict. In this case, use the corresponding installation step described in the Predict Installation documentation.

  • if you want to use an existing Natural FDIC system file.

Load the new Natural FDIC system file definition:

  1. Specify the database ID and file number of the Adabas file where to load the new FDIC system file definition by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    In addition, you must specify this database ID and file number in the Natural parameter module as described in Step 10: Build the Natural Parameter Module.

  2. Load the FDIC system file definition contained in the NATvrs.SYSF data set by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

    The following ADALOD utility parameter must not be changed:


If you also install Predict, you must refresh the FDIC system file before you initialize Predict. See Step 18: Refresh the FDIC System File for Predict.

Step 7: Load the FSEC System File Definition

(Job I050, Step 9900)

Skip this step, if you do not use Natural Security.

Step 8: Build the Natural Configuration Module

(Job I055, Step 0110)

This step is only required if you need to change the delivered NATCONFG module, for example, to adapt the NTDVCE macro definition to your requirements.

  1. Change and assemble the source contained in the NATvrs sublibrary.

  2. Link the resulting Natural configuration module (NATCONFG) to the nucleus when you link the nucleus in Step 11: Link the Nucleus.

    For information on the configuration tables in NATCONFG, refer to Natural Configuration Tables in the Operations documentation.

Step 9: Build the Natural-Specific IBM Language Environment Options

(Job I055, Step 0120)

Build the Natural-specific runtime options for the IBM Language Environment (LE).

This step is only required if you need to adapt the LE options at the .VSEDEF label in the delivered NATLEOPT module to your requirements.

  1. Set the System Maintenance Aid (SMA) parameter NAT-LEOPT to Y (Yes); the default setting is N (No).

  2. Change the required LE options in the NATLEOPT source module contained in the NATvrs sublibrary at the .VSEDEF label.

  3. Assemble the NATLEOPT source contained in the NATvrs sublibrary.

  4. Link the resulting NATLEOPT module to the environment-dependent nucleus (see Step 11: Link the Nucleus).

Step 10: Build the Natural Parameter Module

(Job I060, Step 0010)

Build the Natural parameter module for batch mode.

  1. Modify the settings of the Natural profile parameters supplied with this job, if required. The parameters and corresponding macros (if applicable) are described in the Parameter Reference documentation. The most important parameter/macro settings are described below.

    • Configure the z/VSE batch interface: Modify the settings of the parameters supplied with the NTVSEP macro to meet your requirements.

    • Adapt the following parameters:


      where database-id and file-number are either the database ID and file number you specified when loading the new FNAT, FUSER and FSEC system files (see Step 2, Step 3 and Step 6, respectively), or the database ID and file number of your existing Natural system files.

      These parameters are supplied with the NTPRM macro described in the Operations documentation.

    • If you want to to limit the number of concurrent users with the Natural profile parameter UCONMAX, proceed as follows:

      Supply the following parameter with the NTPRM macro:


      where database-id and file-number are either the database ID and file number you specified when loading the new Natural FREG system file (see Step 5), or the database ID and file number of your existing Natural FREG system file.

    • If you want to use read-only system files, proceed as follows:

      Supply the following parameter with the NTPRM macro:


      Specify the NTLFILE macro (see the parameter LFILE):

      NTLFILE 212,database-id,file-number

      where database-id and file-number are the database ID and file number you specified when loading the new Natural scratch-pad file (see Step 4), or the database ID and file number of your existing Natural scratch-pad file.

    • If you want to use a Natural global buffer pool, perform the following steps:

      Specify the NTBPI macro (see the BPI parameter):

      NTBPI TYPE=NAT,NAME=gbp-name

      where gbp-name is the name of the Natural global buffer pool to be used.

      Supply the following parameter with the NTPRM macro:


      where subsystem-name is the name of the Natural subsystem specified when creating the global buffer pool.

      Make sure that the System Maintenance Aid (SMA) parameter NAT-GLOBAL-BP is set to Y (Yes). This is the default setting.

      For detailed information on the Natural global buffer pool, see Natural Global Buffer Pool under z/VSE in the Operations documentation.

  2. Assemble and catalog the Natural parameter module.

Step 11: Link the Nucleus

(Job I060, Steps 0020, 0105)

  1. If you want Natural to run in the IBM Language Environment (LE), set the System Maintenance Aid (SMA) parameter NAT-LE to Y (Yes). The default setting is N (No).

  2. Link the environment-dependent nucleus (Step 0020) for batch Natural.

    The list of modules to be linked for the environment-dependent nucleus is supplied with Step 0020.

    Link the environment-dependent nucleus with the linkage editor option RMODE(24).

    If you want Natural to run in the IBM Language Environment (LE), include the object modules NATVSEL, NATLEOPT and NATVSE, and specify ENTRY LESTART instead of ENTRY CMSTART.

  3. Link the environment-independent nucleus (Step 0105).

    The list of modules to be linked for the environment-independent nucleus is supplied with Step 0105.

    Ensure that the Natural profile parameter NUCNAME (see the Parameter Reference documentation) specified in the Natural parameter module contains the name of the module resulting from this link step.

Step 12: Link the Global Buffer Pool and Catalog the Start and Stop Jobs

(Job I060, Steps 0120, 0126, 0127, 0128, 0129)

These steps are only required if you want to use a global buffer pool. For further information on the global buffer pool, see Global Buffer Pool under z/VSE in the Operations documentation.

  • Create and catalog the jobs NGBPSTRT, NGBPSTOP, EGBPSTRT and EGPSTOP:


Step 13: Link the Editor Buffer Pool Program

(Job I060, Step 1900)

Link the NATEDFMV program to initialize the editor buffer pool work file.

Step 14: Load New Natural Objects and Natural Error Messages

(Job I061, Step 0100)

  • Load the Natural objects and Natural error messages from the NATvrs.INPL data set into the Natural system files by using the Natural INPL utility.

    The Natural error messages comprise short and long message texts and the German (ULANG=2) short message texts. You can use the ERRUPPER program of the Natural SYSERR utility to convert the message texts to upper case.

    For details on the ULANG profile parameter and ERRUPPER, see the Parameter Reference and the Utilities documentation, respectively.

Step 15: Load the Japanese Messages

(Job I061, Step 8300, 8302)

This step is optional and only required if you want to replace the English long message texts by their Japanese equivalents or if you want to load the Japanese short message texts. The Japanese message texts are contained in the Natural Japanese Language Pack (product code NCJ), a separate product that can be loaded optionally. If you do not load the Japanese message texts, the English message texts are used instead.

  1. Replace the English long message texts (Step 8300) by loading the Japanese long message texts from the NCJvrs.INPL data set into the Natural system file with the Natural INPL utility.

  2. Load the Japanese (ULANG=59) short message texts (Step 8302) from the NCJvrs.ERRN data set into the Natural system file by using the ERRLODUS program of the Natural SYSERR utility (described in the Utilities documentation).

    For details on the ULANG profile parameter and ERRLODUS, see the Parameter Reference and the Utilities documentation, respectively.

Step 16: Load the Natural Example Objects

(Job I061, Step 0103)

  • Load the Natural example objects from the NATvrs.EXPL data set into the Natural system file by using the Natural INPL utility.

Step 17: Link and Start the Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool

(Job I009, Step 1230 and Job I200, Step 0105)

These steps are only required if you want to use the Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool described in Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool in the Operations documentation.

  1. Link the NATO4I91 program for the Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool (Job I009).

  2. Create and start the job SAGEOI (supplied with Job I200) before using Natural. See Starting the Optimize Monitor Buffer Pool in the Operations documentation.

Step 18: Refresh the FDIC System File for Predict

(Job I200, Step 0500)

This step is only required if you install Predict on a new FDIC dictionary system file.

  • Refresh the FDIC system file to allow Predict access.

Installation Verification

This section provides instructions for verifying the successful installation of Natural.

Test Batch Natural

You can use the following sample JCL to invoke Natural in batch mode and check whether the Natural system files are available:

ADARUN DB=001,DE=3390,SVC=045,MODE=MULTI                                
* $$ EOJ

This job executes a log on to the Natural library SYSTEM, creates the example program TESTBAT, and executes the program with the system command RUN.

Test Online Natural

You can use the following verification procedure to test Natural system functions in online mode and check whether the Natural system files are available.

  1. Enter the following Natural system command to check the Natural system files:

  2. Enter the following Natural system command:

  3. In the SYSDDM utility menu, enter the following:

    R in the Code field and
    EMPLOYEES in the DDM Name field.

  4. After pressing ENTER, enter the following:

    C in the Code field,
    the appropriate Natural system file number in the FNR field,
    the appropriate database ID in the DBID field, and
    Y in the Replace field.

    The specified DDM has been adapted to your environment.

  5. Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for the VEHICLES DDM.

  6. Check whether the EMPLOYEES and VEHICLES DDMs are now available in your environment:

    • Enter the following Natural system command to logon to the Natural library SYSEXSYN:

    • Execute an example program that uses EMPLOYEES and VEHICLES, for example, IFEX1S, by entering the following Natural system command:

      RUN IFEX1S