Installing Natural Advanced Facilities under IMS TM on z/OS

This document describes the steps for installing Natural Advanced Facilities under IMS TM on z/OS.


A supported version of the following product must be installed before you can install Natural Advanced Facilities:

See also General Prerequisites and System Support in the section Overview of the Installation Process.

Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following data sets required for product installation:

Data Set Name Contents
NAFvrs.LOAD Load modules
NAFvrs.SRCE Source modules and macros
NAFvrs.SYSF Natural FSPOOL system file definition
NAFvrs.INPL Natural objects
NAFvrs.ERRN Natural error messages

Copy the data sets into your environment as described in Copying Files to a z/OS Disk in the section Installing Natural.

Sample Jobs

Sample installation jobs are contained in the NATvrs.JOBS data set and are prefixed with the product code. The data set is provided on the installation medium supplied for base Natural.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features before you start the installation procedure.

Step 1: Load the FSPOOL System File Definition

(Job I050, Step 0300)

Skip this step if you want to use an existing spool file of Natural Advanced Facilities.

Load the new Natural FSPOOL system file definition contained in the NAFvrs.SYSF data set by using the Adabas ADALOD utility.

Step 2: Build the NAFPARMI Parameter Module

(Job I055, Step 0305)

The use of the NAFPARMI parameter module is optional. Alternatively, to set the server options, you can use Function 30 (see the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation) of the SYSPOOL application:

  • Modify, assemble and link the NAFPARMI module.

Step 3: Build the Natural Parameter Module for the BMP Environment

(Job I060)

  1. Modify the parameters FSPOOL, NTPRINT, NAFUPF and NAFSIZE in the Natural parameter module according to your site requirements. For more information on these parameters, see Natural Profile Parameters for NATSPOOL in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

    The Natural parameter module for Natural in a BMP environment must contain a valid FSPOOL=(dbid,fnr) entry where dbid is a valid database ID and fnr a valid file number. The specified values must be identical to those of Natural in an MPP environment (see Step 5: Build the Natural Parameter Module for the MPP Environment).

  2. Assemble and link the Natural parameter module.

Step 4: Link the Environment-Dependent Nucleus for the BMP Environment

(Job I060)

  • Link your BMP front-end with the Natural parameter module created in the previous step.

Step 5: Build the Natural Parameter Module for the MPP Environment

(Job I060)

  1. Modify the parameters FSPOOL, NTPRINT, NAFUPF and NAFSIZE in the Natural parameter module according to your site requirements. For more information on these parameters, see Natural Profile Parameters for NATSPOOL in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

    The Natural parameter module for Natural in an MPP environment must contain a valid FSPOOL=(dbid,fnr) entry and the values specified must be identical to those of Natural in a BMP environment (see also Step 3: Build the Natural Parameter Module for the BMP Environment).

  2. Assemble and link the Natural parameter module.

Step 6: Load the Natural Objects

(Job I061, Step 0300)

  • Load the Natural objects specific to Natural Advanced Facilities from the NAFvrs.INPL data set into the Natural system files SYSPOOL and SYSPRINT by using the Natural INPL utility.

    Ensure that the INPL load function finishes with the message:

    Natural Advanced Facilities initialized by INPL

    If this initialization fails, various problems will be encountered at execution time.

The maps contained on the data set are provided in source form so that you can modify them according to your requirements (for example, translate the maps from English into another language). If you modify these maps, ensure that all fields have the same format/length/relative position in the map. Failure to abide by this restriction will result in an invalid system.

Step 7: Load the Natural Error Messages

(Job I061, Step 0304)

  • Load the Natural error messages specific to Natural Advanced Facilities from the NAFvrs.ERRN data set into the Natural FDIC system file by using the ERRLODUS program of the Natural SYSERR utility (described in the Utilities documentation).

Step 8: Link the Environment-Dependent Nucleus for the MPP Environment

(Job I080)

  • Include all modules of Natural Advanced Facilities by adding the following INCLUDE statements to the link steps for Natural and link-edit the executable module:


    If an environment-independent nucleus is created, the modules can be included in the environment-independent nucleus.

Step 9: Define Natural Advanced Facilities for Natural Security

This step must be performed only if Natural Advanced Facilities is being installed in a Natural Security environment.

  • Define SYSPOOL to Natural Security with the startup program MENU.

Step 10: Start Natural

  • Start Natural and add the user profile, as defined in the NAFUPF parameter of the Natural parameter module, to the SYSPOOL file by using Function 31.1 (see the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation).

    A NAT7201 message is issued at the start of the session indicating that the profile has not yet been added to the SYSPOOL file.

Step 11: Create the MPP Region

(Job I200, Steps 2502)

  • Create the MPP region according to the NAFJOB sample member contained on the NATvrs.JOBS data set.

Step 12: Adapt the IMS TM Environment

Adapt the IMS TM environment considering the following requirements:

  • The JCL for the BMP printer job must be stored in the appropriate IMS library with the member name specified in the BMP JCL Member field of the IMS TM Options of Function 30.5 (see the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation).

  • The BMP must use the input transaction code specified in the BMP Transaction ID field of the IMS TM Options.

  • The BMP must use a PSB with at least two modifiable TP PCBs.

  • The input transaction code for the BMP must be defined in the NTIMSPT macro of the Natural parameter module with at least one additional TP PCB specified with the WRKPCBS keyword subparameter. The keyword subparameters contained in NTIMSPT are described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

  • If the input transaction code for the BMP is generated as WFI, the Wait for input field of the IMS TM Options must be set to Y (Yes). If the input transaction code for the BMP is not generated as WFI, the Wait for input field must be set to N (No). For further information, see also Wait for Input WFI in the Natural Advanced Facilities documentation.

    If the input transaction code for the BMP is not generated as WFI, the MPP transaction code must be authorized to issue the /STA REG command. Otherwise, IMS TM will issue the status code CD when trying to start the BMP.