NAF - Spool File Properties - Function 30

When you invoke this function, the Spool File Properties window appears.

Time 09:46:48        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +------Spool File Properties 7/411-------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !   1     Format                         !
       10 Reports/Queues              !   2     Reset                          !
       11 Devices                     !   3     Increase                       !
       12 Abstracts                   !   4     Recover Password               !
       13 Applications                !   5     Set Spool Options              !
       14 Change Spool File           !   6     Modify Password                !
                                      !   7     Access Authorization           !
                                      !   8     Display Last Modifications     !
       Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
       31 Objects                     !                                        !
       32 Mass Update                 !   .     Exit                           !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
       34 Transfer Objects            !   Command / _  /                       !
 Enter command, or press a PF-key.                                              
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Forma Reset Incre Recov Set S Modif Acces Displ Canc

This document covers the following topics:

Format - Function 30.1

When you invoke this function, the Format Spool File window appears.

Time 10:34:10        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                     +------- Format  Spool File 7/411 -------+
      Administration                 !                                        !
                                     !       Layout of Report Area            !
      10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
      11 Devices                     !                                        !
      12 Abstracts                   !  Number of groups .......   500___     !
      13 Applications                !                                        !
      14 Change Spool File           !  Number of records/group .. 3_____     !
                                     !                                        !
                                     !                                        !
      Maintenance                    !       Password                         !
                                     !                                        !
      30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
      31 Objects                     !  Password .................            !
      32 Mass Update                 !                                        !
      33 Hardcopy Allocations        !  New password .............            !
      34 Transfer Objects            !                                        !
Modify values.                                                                 
Command ===>                                                                   
Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Forma Reset Incre Recov Set S Modif Acces Displ Canc

In this window, enter the following information:

  • The number of groups to be created.

  • The number of records for each group.

  • An initial password, SYSPOOL.

  • A new password. This new password is required the first time the spool file is formatted; either to change the initial password, or to confirm it. Thereafter, it is only necessary if the password is to be changed.

When formatting the spool file, all existing reports will be deleted. All existing allocations, profile and printer definitions will be kept.

After the spool file has been (re-)formatted, restarting the Natural session is not required .

The following sections provide a general idea as to what values should be taken into account when formatting the spool file. They are not rules which must be followed.

Estimation of Number of Groups

The number of groups and records per group in the spool file affects the number of reports that can be held on the spool file at a time. When allocating space for a report, NATSPOOL acquires a group of records from the spool file even if the output would fit into a single record. Each record of the spool file which is to contain lines of output is 2 KB long.

Therefore, if the average output is small (not greater than 2 KB), it is recommended that only one record per group be defined and as many groups as reports are expected on the spool file at one time.

To calculate the output size, it should be taken into account that each line is compressed by NATSPOOL in such a way that trailing blanks are skipped before the lines are stored on the spool file. Lines which may be considered as blank (that is, which do not contain text) contain a printer control character. The trailing blanks will be skipped, but the printer control character will be stored.

If a report has been printed and deleted (DISP=D in the logical printer), its space is re-used by NATSPOOL. This means that it would be sufficient to define only one group with only one record if small reports (not greater than 2 KB) are created one after the other. However, if such a report is created before the previous one is printed (deleted), a NATSPOOL FILE FULL condition occurs.

In general, the number of groups required depends on the size of each report, the number of records per group, and the number of reports to be held on the spool file at a time.

The number of records per group is:

records per group = average number of characters per report in KB / 2 KB

The number of groups required by a single report is:

number of groups = size of report in KB / number of records per group

The total number of groups required to ensure space for reports which are to be held at one time is approximately:

total number of groups = number of reports × average size of reports in KB / number of records per group

Storage Requirements

When NATSPOOL allocates space for a report, it acquires not one record, but a group of records. After the first group is filled, NATSPOOL acquires another group, and so on. The number of groups and records per group in the spool file affects the amount of storage allocated on the spool file.

storage = (number of groups) × (number of records per group) × 2 KB


There are two groups, each containing three records.

Since each record which is to contain lines of output is 2 KB long, the amount of storage required for output is calculated as follows:

storage = (2 groups) × (3 records per group) × 2 KB

The required amount of storage in this example is 12 KB.

Formatting in Batch Mode

If the spool file is to be formatted in batch mode, the program SPPBATFO can be used. This program requires the following input:

  • the number of groups (N6),

  • the number of records per group (N6),

  • the password (A8).

Example - Execution of SPPBATFO under z/OS:

//CMSYNIN   DD   *

Example - Execution of SPPBATFO under z/VSE:

ADARUN DA=xxx,SVC=xxx,TNAE=999999,TT=99999

Example - Execution of SPPBATFO under BS2000:

/REMARK ***********************************
/REMARK *** Format Spool File with      ***
/REMARK *** 100 Groups, 5 Records       ***
/REMARK ***********************************

xxxxxxxx= current password

Reset - Function 30.2

With the Reset function, the spool file is reset to its original status. All definitions concerning profiles, printers, etc. are deleted, and the spool file is newly formatted.

When you invoke this function, the Reset Spool File window appears.

This window is similar to the Format Spool File window, and the same information has to be entered (see Format - Function 30.1).

Before this function is executed, you are prompted for confirmation (Y/N).

Increase - Function 30.3

During operation, the spool file may be increased by a certain number of new groups. Existing reports are not deleted by this function. The record-to-group assignment remains the same. The execution of this function might be useful after error message NAT1556 (spool file is full).

When you invoke this function, the Increase Spool File window appears.

Time 09:52:49        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +------ Increase  Spool File 7/411 ------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !  Current layout of report data area    !
       10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
       11 Devices                     !  Number of groups ........  500        !
       12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
       13 Applications                !  Number of records/group .. 3          !
       14 Change Spool File           ! -------------------------------------- !
                                      !                                        !
                                      !  New layout of report data area        !
       Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                      !  New number of groups ....  ______     !
       30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
       31 Objects                     !  Number of records/Group .. 3          !
       32 Mass Update                 ! -------------------------------------  !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
       34 Transfer Objects            !  Password .................            !
 Modify values.                                                                 
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Forma Reset Incre Recov Set S Modif Acces Displ Canc

Recover Password - Function 30.4

If you have forgotten your password, you can invoke this function to reset the password to the original default password SYSPOOL.

The password is immediately reset as soon as you invoke this function.

This function can only be executed by the user who last changed the password.

Set Spool Option - Function 30.5

When you invoke this function, the Spool Options window appears.

Time 11:12:12        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2019-11-05 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 19999/1241 
                                     +------- Spool Options 19999/1241 -------+
                                     |                                        |
                                     |   1     Spool File Options             |
                                     |   2     Defaults and Models            |
      Administration                 |   3     General Spool Server Options   |
                                     |   4     BS2000 Options                 |
      10 Reports/Queues              |   5     CICS Options                   |
      11 Devices                     |   6     IMS/TM Options                 |
      12 Abstracts                   |                                        |
      13 Applications                |                                        |
      14 Change Spool File           |                                        |
                                     |                                        |
                                     |                                        |
                                     |                                        |
                                     |   .     Exit                           |
      Maintenance                    |                                        |
                                     |   Command / _  /                       |
      30 Spool File Properties       +----------------------------------------+
      31 Objects                                41 Logging Data                
      32 Mass Update                            42 Create Test Reports         
      33 Hardcopy Allocations                   43 Delete Reports by Date      
      34 Transfer Objects                                                      

Enter command, or press a PF-key.                                              
Command ===>                                                                   
Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Spool Defau Gener BS200 CICS  IMS/T             Canc

Display of the BS2000, CICS and IMS TM options in this window (Options 4 to 6) depends on your specification in the Spool File Options window.

Spool File Options - Option 1

When you select this option, the Spool File Options window appears.

Time 09:53:52        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +------- Spool File Options 7/411 -------+
       Administration                 !  Operators ....................... N   !
                                      !  -----------------------------------   !
       10 Reports/Queues              !  Type of hardcopy allocation (U/T) T   !
       11 Devices                     !  using mask                 ________   !
       12 Abstracts                   !  for positions              12345678   !
       13 Applications                !  ------------------------------------  !
       14 Change Spool File           !  User statistics       (Y/N)       N   !
                                      !  Clusters              (Y/N)       N   !
                                      !  Logging for objects   (Y/N)       N   !
       Maintenance                    !  Logging for reports   (Y/N)       N   !
                                      !  Sequence of report queues         O   !
       30 Spool File Properties       !  Date/time format      (C/N)       C   !
       31 Objects                     !  Different Op./TP systems    (Y/N) N   !
       32 Mass Update                 !  BS2000: Y CICS: N IMS TM: N (Y/N)     !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !  -----------------------------------   !
       34 Transfer Objects            !  Password                              !
 Modify values, or press a PF-key.                                              
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Spool Defau Gener BS200 CICS  IMS/D             Canc 

In this window, you can define the following settings globally for the spool file (not per user):

  • The type of hardcopy allocation: T=via terminal ID, U=via user ID.

  • The mask for hardcopy allocation. This allows you to specify a hardcopy allocation for a group of terminals/users. To do so, you can mask any position of the name (terminal or user, depending on the type of hardcopy allocation) with any character other than a question mark (?). When the hardcopy allocation is performed, the positions in the name you have masked are not evaluated. For example, all users on the same floor are to use the same printer and the terminal ID is used. The system administrator defines terminal IDs in which the positions 5 and 6 indicate the floor. In this case, the type of hardcopy allocation is T and the mask is ####_ _## (the positions 1-4 and 7-8 will be ignored). The allocation is done via a logical printer with the name - - - -01- - for the first floor. The corresponding definitions can now be allocated to this printer.

  • Whether user statistics are to be activated (Y/N). When activated, the number of reports, pages and lines is output for each user.

  • Whether usage of clusters is to be activated (Y/N). See also Clusters - Function 31.7.

  • Whether logging for objects is to be activated (Y/N). When activated, the last 12 modifications are logged for each object. Using Function 41, you can check the log.

  • Whether logging for reports is to be activated (Y/N). When activated, all report actions are logged. For reasons of performance, this function should only be activated if required.

  • The sequence in which to list the reports (see also Reports/Queues - Function 10):

    J    Job numbers
    D Destination/Form, status, priority, creation date
    U Sending user ID, Destination/Form, status, priority, creation date
    O Best sequence to be decided by the selection criteria defined in the program.

    To modify the default for the current session, use the line command SQ or Function 10.

  • The time format in which to the display date and time fields or to be used for input. All date and/or time specifications (for example, time windows, creation date) are stored in the spool file in CPU (store clock value) format. The value specified controls the display of or the input in a date or time field:

    C    Displays all date/time values in CPU format.

    Input values (for example, in time windows) are also considered store clock values.


    Converts all store clock values into the Natural time format considering the settings of the Natural parameter DD, TD and/or YD. The conversion also includes input values.

    Example of TD=-2:

    Input 21.01.2002 18:00 will be converted into CPU format 21.01.2002 20:00 and stored as such.

    Creation date of report 04.05.2002 09:30 will be displayed as 04.05.2002 07:30.

  • Whether the current spool file is to be used by different operating systems / TP monitors (Y/N).

  • When different operating systems / TP monitors are to be used, you have to specify which ones are to be used: BS2000, CICS and/or IMS TM (Y/N).

You have to enter a password to execute this function.

Defaults and Models - Option 2

In certain environments (such as a test environment or Entire Output Management), it is not required to define different logical printers. In this case, you can define a logical printer as default printer. This default printer will always be used when no value or an invalid value is specified.

When you have many objects with the same values, it may be helpful to predefine these recurring values by using models.

When you select this option, the Defaults and Models window appears.

Time 12:21:16        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +------ Defaults and Models 7/411 -------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !  Define  logical printer               !
       10 Reports/Queues              !  to be used as default (Y/N) N         !
       11 Devices                     !  -----------------------------------   !
       12 Abstracts                   !            Models                      !
       13 Applications                !                                        !
       14 Change Spool File           !  Mark object types                     !
                                      !                                        !
                                      !  _ User Profile                        !
       Maintenance                    !  _ Logical Printer                     !
                                      !  _ Allocation Table                    !
       30 Spool File Properties       !  _ Printer                             !
       31 Objects                     !  _ NTCC Table                          !
       32 Mass Update                 !  _ Calendar                            !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        ! -------------------------------------- !
       34 Transfer Objects            ! Password                               !
 Modify values, or press a PF-key.                                              
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Spool Defau Gener BS200 CICS  IMS/D             Canc

In this window, you can specify the following:

  • Whether a logical printer is to be used as default (Y/N),

  • The object types for which you want to define models.

You have to enter a password to execute this function.

When you specify that a logical printer is to be used as default printer, the following window appears in which you can define/modify all information on the logical printer:

Time 12:21:16        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +-------DEFAULT LOG.PRINTER 7/411--------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !  Name ............... ________         !
       10 Reports/Queues              !  Type ..............  ________         !
       11 Devices                     !  Destination/Form ... ________ / _     !
       12 Abstracts                   !  Physical printer ..  ________         !
       13 Applications                !                                        !
       14 Change Spool File           !  Duplicates ......... 0__              !
                                      !  Disposition .......  _                !
                                      !  Priority ........... 0__              !
       Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                      !  Protection ........  N                !
       30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
       31 Objects                     !  Retention period ... 0___             !
       32 Mass Update                 !  for Dispositions  D N H N K N L N     !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
       34 Transfer Objects            !  Calendar ..........  ________         !
 Name of logical printer missing, reenter.                                      
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Spool Defau Gener BS200 CICS  IMS/D             Canc   

When a default printer has already been defined, an additional Delete field appears in the window. If you specify Y, all values that have previously been defined are reset to zero or blank.

See Maintaining a Logical Printer for more information on the fields in this window.

When you define a model, for example, for user profiles, the following window appears. You can now define/modify all required information.

Time 12:21:16        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
   +-------------------------Model for user profile--------------------------+ +
   !   Add                   Default                                         ! !
   !   -------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   !   Select existing logical printers from the spool file ............ _   ! !
   !   - -----------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   !   No. LPF Name      No. LPF Name      No. LPF Name       No. LPF Name   ! !
   !   1   ________      2   ________      3   ________       4   ________   ! !
   !   5   ________      6   ________      7   ________       8   ________   ! !
   !   9   ________      10  ________      11  ________       12  ________   ! !
   !   13  ________      14  ________      15  ________       16  ________   ! !
   !   17  ________      18  ________      19  ________       20  ________   ! !
   !   21  ________      22  ________      23  ________       24  ________   ! !
   !   25  ________      26  ________      27  ________       28  ________   ! !
   !   29  ________      30  ________      31  ________       HC  ________   ! !
   !   -------------------------------------------------------------------   ! !
   !   Notes                                                                 ! !
   !   ________________________________________________________________      ! !
   +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +
 Enter a name, or mark a logical printer.                                       
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit  User  Logic Alloc Print Heade Appli       NTCC  Canc   

When you define models for object types, see the descriptions of the functions listed below for information on the fields in the resulting window.

Object Type See
User Profile Function 31.1.
Logical Printer Function 31.2.
Allocation Table Function 31.3.
Printer Function 31.4.
NTCC Table Function 31.8.
Calendar Function 31.9.

General Spool Server Options - Option 3

When you select this option, the General Spool Server Options window appears.

Time 12:25:33        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
        +----------------- General Spool Server Options 7/411 -----------------+
        !  Reprint Options for reports                                         !
        !  with status LOST (Y/N)          N                                   !
        !  with status RECO (Y/N)          N                                   !
        ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
        !  Protocol Options                                                    !
        !  Messages to console             Y                                   !
        !  Messages to protocol file (Y/N) Y                                   !
        !  ------------------------------------------------------------------- !
        !  Delete Options for reports                                          !
        !  by retention period (Y/N) N    Time interval for check (Min.) 0___  !
        !  ------------------------------------------------------------------- !
        !  Start Option for reports                                            !
        !  with status WAIT (Y/N)    N    Time interval for check (Min.) 0___  !
        !  ------------------------------------------------------------------- !
        !                                                                      !
        !  Password                                                            !
 Modify values.                                                                 
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Spool Defau Gener BS200 CICS  IMS/D             Canc   

The options in this window apply for all platforms.

You can define the following:

  • Whether there will be a reprint for reports with status LOST and/or RECO (Y/N).

  • Whether messages will be written to the console and/or a protocol file (Y/N).

  • Whether there will be a delete by retention period (Y/N).

  • The time interval in minutes between two checks when a delete by retention period is to occur.

  • Whether there will be an automatic start of the spool-out for reports with status WAIT (Y/N).

  • The time interval in minutes between two checks when a start of the spool-out for reports with status WAIT is to occur.

You have to enter a password to execute this function.

BS2000 Options

This option is only available if usage of BS2000 has been specified in the Spool File Options window.

When you select this option, the BS2000 Options window appears.

Time 12:29:35        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +--------- BS2000 Options 7/411 ---------+
       Administration                 !  Parameters for the Spool Server       !
                                      !  ------------------------------------- !
       10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
       11 Devices                     !  Restart option (Y/N)        N         !
       12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
       13 Applications                !  Max. No. of restarts        0__       !
       14 Change Spool File           !  Min. time interval (minutes) 10__     !
                                      !  ------------------------------------- !
                                      !                                        !
       Maintenance                    !  Time function  (Y/N)        Y         !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !  Max. No. of starts          0__       !
       31 Objects                     !  Min. time interval (minutes) 10__     !
       32 Mass Update                 !  ------------------------------------- !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !                                        !
       34 Transfer Objects            !  Password                              !
 Modify values.                                                                 
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Spool Defau Gener BS200 CICS  IMS/D             Canc   

The specifications in this window are only validated by spool servers running under BS2000.

You can define the following for the Restart option:

  • Whether printers with status INOP are to be restarted (Y/N).

  • The maximum number of printers that are to be restarted at the same time. The value 0 indicates an unlimited number of print jobs. The value 999 means that all printers are set to status FREE and that print jobs are not generated.

  • The minimum amount of minutes between two actions.

You can define the following for the Time function:

  • Whether reports are to be started (Y/N) according to the time interval specified for the corresponding allocation (see Function 31.3).

  • The maximum number of starts that can be generated at the same time. The value 0 indicates an unlimited number of print jobs.

  • The minimum amount of minutes between two actions.

You have to enter a password to execute this function.

CICS Options

This option is only available if usage of CICS has been specified in the Spool File Options window.

When you select this option, the CICS Options window appears.

Time 12:40:01        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG               NAF Parameter for CICS environment      File 7/411      
 Values taken from NAF parameter module                                        
 CICS Transaction ID NA41     CICS System ID --      Terminate task (Y/N) -    
 INIT function (Y/N)  .......... Y      CICS System ID for INIT function. FCT4 
 INIT messages to console (Y/N)  -      INIT messages to log file (Y/N) . N    
 Values taken from Spool File if not defined in NAF parameter module           
 CICS Transaction ID ____     CICS System ID ____    Terminate task (Y/N) _    
 INIT function (Y/N)  .......... _      CICS System ID for INIT function  ____ 
 INIT messages to console (Y/N)  _      INIT messages to log file (Y/N) . _    
Modify values.                                                                 
Command ===>                                                                   
      Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc   

The specifications in this window are only validated by spool servers running under CICS.

You can define the following parameters:

  • The CICS Transaction ID of the Natural session used for the spool server.

  • The CICS System ID of the Natural session used for the spool server (optional).

  • Whether a new CICS task is to be invoked for each report (Y) or whether all reports of a queue are to be printed by the same CICS task (N).

  • Whether a scan of the spool file is to occur at Natural initialization (Y/N) and the corresponding CICS SYSTEM ID.

  • Whether messages of the Init function are to be written to the console and/or log file (Y/N).

The parameter values described above will only be considered if no NAF parameter module has been defined or if the corresponding values have not been defined in a NAF parameter module.

If no NAF parameter module exists, the following output is generated:

Time 12:33:22        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG               NAF Parameter for CICS environment      File 7/411      
                  NAF parameter module not linked or not available              
  Values taken from spool file if not defined in NAF parameter module           
  CICS Transaction ID ____     CICS System ID ____    Terminate task (Y/N) _    
  INIT function (Y/N)  .......... _      CICS System ID for INIT function  ____ 
  INIT messages to console (Y/N)  _      INIT messages to log file (Y/N) . _    
 Modify values.                                                                 
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

You have to enter a password to execute this function.

IMS TM Options

This option is only available if usage of IMS TM has been specified in the Spool File Options window.

When you select this option, the IMS TM Options window appears.

Time 12:51:00        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                     +--------- IMS TM Options 7/411 ---------+
      Administration                 !  Values from NAF parameter module      !
                                     !                                        !
      10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
      11 Devices                     !  BMP Transaction ID ........ --        !
      12 Abstracts                   !  BMP JCL Member ............ --        !
      13 Applications                !  Wait for input (Y/N)  ..... -         !
      14 Change Spool File           ! -------------------------------------  !
                                     !                                        !
                                     !  Values used if NAF parameter module   !
      Maintenance                    !  is not linked                         !
                                     !                                        !
      30 Spool File Properties       !  BMP Transaction ID ........ ________  !
      31 Objects                     !  BMP JCL Member ............ ________  !
      32 Mass Update                 !  Wait for input (Y/N)  ..... _         !
      33 Hardcopy Allocations        !  ------------------------------------- !
      34 Transfer Objects            !  Password                              !
Modify values.                                                                 
Command ===>                                                                   

The specifications in this window are only validated by spool servers running under IMS TM.

You can define the following parameters:

  • The BMP ID and JCL Member,

  • Whether the BMP is to wait for input (Y/N).

The parameter values described above will only be considered if no NAF parameter module has been defined or if the corresponding values have not been defined in a NAF parameter module.

If no NAF parameter module exists, the following output is generated:

Time 12:50:49        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +--------- IMS TM Options 7/411 ---------+
       Administration                 !                                        !
                                      !          NAF parameter module          !
       10 Reports/Queues              !                                        !
       11 Devices                     !      not linked or not available       !
       12 Abstracts                   !                                        !
       13 Applications                !                                        !
       14 Change Spool File           ! -------------------------------------  !
                                      !                                        !
                                      !  Values used if NAF parameter module   !
       Maintenance                    !  is not linked                         !
                                      !                                        !
       30 Spool File Properties       !  BMP Transaction ID ........ ________  !
       31 Objects                     !  BMP JCL Member ............ ________  !
       32 Mass Update                 !  Wait for input (Y/N)  ..... _         !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !  ------------------------------------- !
       34 Transfer Objects            !  Password                              !
 Modify values.                                                                 
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr  Help  Menu  Exit  Spool Defau Gener BS200 CICS  IMS/D             Canc

You have to enter a password to execute this function.

Modify Password - Function 30.6

When you invoke this function, you can modify your password.

Time 12:53:09        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
       Administration                            Information                    
       10 Reports/Queues                         20 Cross-Reference             
       11 Devices                                21 Statistics                  
       12 Abstracts                              22 Look at Spool File          
       13 Applications                           23 CALLNAT Handling            
       14 Change Spool File                                                     
                                      +----- Spool File 7/411 :  Password -----+
       Maintenance                    !                                        !
                                      !  Current password ...........          !
       30 Spool File Properties       !                                        !
       31 Objects                     !  New password ...............          !
       32 Mass Update                 +----------------------------------------+
       33 Hardcopy Allocations                   43 Delete Reports by Date      
       34 Transfer Objects                                                      
 Enter password.                                                                
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr        Menu  Exit  Forma Reset Incre Recov Set S Modif Acces Displ Canc 

In the resulting window, enter your current password and the new password. Press Enter and confirm the new password by entering it once more.

Access Authorization - Function 30.7

When you invoke this function, you are first prompted for a password.

If the password is correct, the Access Authorization window appears in which you enter a user ID, or an asterisk (*) to select the user ID from a list.

When access authorizations have not yet been defined for the specified user, you can now add them for this user.

When access authorizations have already been defined for the specified user, you can now modify them. An additional Delete field is provided, in case you want to delete all access authorizations for this user.

Time 12:54:08        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
                                      +--------- Access Authorization ---------+
       Administration                 !  Add                  KOL              !
                                      !                       _                !
       10 Reports/Queues              !  ------------------------------------- !
       11 Devices                     !                    Op.  Owner  Priv.   !
       12 Abstracts                   !                    --   -----  -----   !
       13 Applications                !  Spool File        N  I      I      I  !
       14 Change Spool File           !  User Profile         I  N   I      I  !
                                      !  Logical Printer      I  N   I      I  !
                                      !  Allocation           I  N   I      I  !
       Maintenance                    !  Printer              I  N   I  N   I  !
                                      !  Header Page          I  N   I      I  !
       30 Spool File Properties       !  Application          I  N   I  N   I  !
       31 Objects                     !  Cluster              I  N   I      I  !
       32 Mass Update                 !  NTCC Table           I  N   I      I  !
       33 Hardcopy Allocations        !  Calendar             I  N   I      I  !
       34 Transfer Objects            !  Message Header       I  N   I      I  !
 Modify values, or press a PF-key.                                              
 Command ===>                                                                   
       Help  Menu  Exit                                                  Canc

There are three types of authorization:


A user can be defined as spool file operator. However, the defined user is only allowed to use Function 10 (Reports/Queues) and Function 11 (Devices).


A user can be defined as an owner of an object. An owner is allowed to modify or delete an object.


Usage of some objects (printers and application) can be restricted to specific users.

You can specify the following in the access authorization window:

Code Description
Y Can only be specified for the spool file to define the user as operator. In all other cases, Y indicates that access authorization was granted by using S.
N The user has no access authorization.
* Access authorization is granted for all objects of this type. This code cannot be specified for the spool file.
S Access authorization is granted for selected objects of this type. In the resulting window, you specify Y next to each desired object. This code cannot be specified for the spool file.

Display Last Modification - Function 30.8

When you invoke this function, the Last Modification window appears.

Time 12:55:35        *** Natural Spool Administration ***      Date 2002-10-18 
User SAG                            M e n u                    File 7/411      
 +------------------ Spool File 7/411 :  Last Modifications ------------------+ 
 !                                                                            ! 
 !   Date / Time  2002-10-18  12:33:17  CPU time                              ! 
 !                2002-10-18  12:33:17  Natural time                          ! 
 !                                                                            ! 
 !   User ID      SAG                                                         ! 
 !                                                                            ! 
 !   Last executed function: Set/modify the spool file options.               ! 
 !   -------------------------------------------------------------            ! 
 !                                                                            ! 
 !   Date / Time  2002-10-18  12:55:31  CPU time                              ! 
 !                2002-10-18  12:55:31  Natural time                          ! 
 !                                                                            ! 
 !   User ID      SAG                                                         ! 
 !                                                                            ! 
 !   Last executed function: Password modified                                ! 
 !                                                                            ! 
 Press Enter to continue.                                                       
 Command ===>                                                                   
 Entr        Menu  Exit  Forma Reset Incre Recov Set S Modif Acces Displ Canc

This window provides information on the last modification of the spool file properties and the last modification of the password. The date and time are displayed in internal CPU format (store clock value) and, additionally, in the equivalent Natural time format as defined with the parameters DD, TD and/or YD.