Installing Natural for DL/I on z/VSE

This document describes the steps for installing Natural for DL/I (product code NDL) on z/VSE.

Related Topic:

For information on how to operate Natural in a DL/I environment, see Natural for DL/I in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.

Notation vrs or vr:

When used in this document, the notation vrs or vr represents the relevant product version (see also Version in the Glossary).


See General Prerequisites and System Support in the section Overview of the Installation Process.

Installation Medium

The installation medium contains the following data sets required for product installation:

Data Set Name Contents
NDLvrs.LIBJ Sample installation jobs
NDLvrs.LIBR Source modules, macros, phases and object modules

Copy the data sets into your environment as described in Copying Data Sets to a z/VSE Disk in the section Installing Natural.

Installation Procedure

Be sure to read Installation Process and Major Natural Features before you start the installation procedure.

The installation procedure comprises the following:

Common Installation Steps

This section described the installation steps that apply to all Natural environments where Natural for DL/I can be installed. The steps additionally required for a particular TP monitor are described in the following sections.

Step 1: Build the Natural for DL/I Parameter Module

(Job I055, Step 1500)

  1. Modify the Natural for DL/I parameter module NDLPARM as described in the section Natural Parameter Modifications for DL/I in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation.

  2. Assemble and catalog NDLPARM.

Step 2: Build the Natural Parameter Module

(Job I060, Steps 0010, 0015)

Build the Natural parameter module for batch mode:

  1. Add the Natural profile parameter DLISIZE and specify DLISIZE=27. This value applies if the default values of the parameters contained in the NDLPARM module are used. DLISIZE is described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

  2. Add an NTDB macro (see the Parameter Reference documentation) to the Natural parameter module specifying the database IDs (DBIDs) that relate to DL/I segment types. The numbers specified in this DBID list must be in the range from 1 to 254. They indicate which DBIDs are reserved for DL/I segment types. Up to 254 entries can be specified. All Natural DDMs that refer to a DL/I segment type are cataloged with a DBID from this list. The number with the lowest value in this list is the default DBID for DL/I segment types.


    NTDB DLI,(250,253,252)
    NTDB DLI,250

    Values for DL/I DBIDs above 255 are not possible.

  3. Assemble and link the parameter module.

Step 3: Link the Nucleus

(Job I060, Steps 0020, 0105)

  1. Link the environment-dependent nucleus (Step 0020) for batch Natural.

    Add the following INCLUDE statements and the corresponding sublibraries to the search chain for the linkage editor:

  2. Link the environment-independent nucleus (Step 0105).

    Add the following INCLUDE statement and the corresponding sublibrary to the search chain for the linkage editor:


Step 4: Build the Natural for DL/I Sample Database

(Jobs I008, I053, I075)

Build a Natural for DL/I environment with a sample database:

  1. Allocate VSAM spaces for the sample database (Job I008, Steps 1500 and 1501).

  2. Create the DBDs, PSBs and ACB, and perform the initial load (Job I053, Steps 1500, 1501, 1520, 1521, 1530, 1531, 1550 and 1560).

  3. Execute the procedures NATPSB and NATDBD for the sample database (Job I075, Steps 1500, 1501, 1510 and 1511).

    Additional data must be added to the FDIC system file to enable Natural to access DL/I databases. To do so, the procedures NATPSB and NATDBD (see the relevant sections in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation) must be executed for each PSB/DBD to be used.

Installation Steps Specific to CICS

This section describes the additional steps required to install Natural for DL/I in a CICS environment.

Step 1: Build the Natural Parameter Module for the Natural CICS Interface

(Job I080, Steps 2210, 2220)

Build the Natural Parameter Module for the Natural CICS Interface:

  1. Add the Natural profile parameter DLISIZE and specify DLISIZE=27. This value applies if the default values of the parameters contained in the NDLPARM module are used. DLISIZE is described in the Parameter Reference documentation.

  2. Add an NTDB macro (see the Parameter Reference documentation) to the Natural parameter module specifying the database IDs (DBIDs) that relate to DL/I segment types. The numbers specified in this DBID list must be in the range from 1 to 254. They indicate which DBIDs are reserved for DL/I segment types. Up to 254 entries can be specified. All Natural DDMs that refer to a DL/I segment type are cataloged with a DBID from this list. The number with the lowest value in this list is the default DBID for DL/I segment types.


    NTDB DLI,(250,253,252)
    NTDB DLI,250

    Values for DL/I DBIDs above 255 are not possible.

  3. Assemble and link the parameter module.

Step 2: Link the Nucleus for the Natural CICS Interface

(Job I080, Step 2230)

  • Link the environment-dependent nucleus for the Natural CICS Interface.

    Add the following INCLUDE statements and the corresponding sublibraries to the search chain for the linkage editor:


Alternative Link-Edit Options

Instead of the standard link-edit options, you can also use one of the following link-edit methods:

  • Link-edit all Natural for DL/I modules (NDLNUC, NDLPARM and NDLSIOCX), the DL/I module ASMTDLI and an alternate Natural parameter module as a separate module with the mandatory entry name CMPRMTB. The name of the resulting module is optional. This way of link-editing only applies if an alternate parameter module (PARM=) is used. If so, under CICS, an additional CICS PPT entry with PROGRAM=name is required.

  • Link-edit all Natural for DL/I modules (NDLNUC, NDLPARM and NDLSIOCX) and the DL/I module ASMTDLI as a separate module with the mandatory entry name NATGWDLI. The name of the resulting module is optional. However, if it is different from NATGWDLI, it must be specified as an alias name in an NTALIAS macro entry of the Natural parameter module. This way of link-editing only applies if the Natural Resolve CSTATIC Addresses feature (RCA) is used. If so, under CICS, an additional CICS PPT entry with PROGRAM=name is required.

Installation Verification

You can verify the successful installation of Natural for DL/I online by using the DL/I Services function (described in the Database Management System Interfaces documentation) of the Natural SYSDDM utility:

  1. Invoke online Natural.

  2. Invoke the SYSDDM utility.

  3. In the SYSDDM main menu, enter function code D to invoke the DL/I Services function.

  4. On the resulting screen, enter function code D to invoke the NDB Maintenance function.

  5. On the resulting screen, enter function code S to select the NDB which was created in Step 4: Build the Natural for DL/I Sample Database.

    On the resulting screen, enter function code L to list the NDB segments.

    On the resulting screen, enter function code A to assign DBID and FNR to the segments.

  6. On the same screen, enter function code G to generate a DDM from the segment description.

  7. Catalog the generated DDM.

  8. Only if running under CICS:

    Enter NATPSB ON NATSYSF in the command line where NATSYSF refers to the name used for DBD and PSB in Step 4: Build the Natural for DL/I Sample Database.

  9. Edit and run the following program:

      02 COURSEN
      02 TITLE
      02 DESCRIPN

    where NATEXPL-COURSE refers to the name used for DBD and PSB in Step 4: Build the Natural for DL/I Sample Database .