This section covers the following topics:
If a Natural error occurs and the default ON ERROR block is specified, W3ERROR will be called and a predefined error page will be generated.
If you want to change this error page, change the Subroutine W3ERROR-TEMPLATE (SYSWEB3/W3ERRTMP).
This program generates a complete HTML page.
If a Natural error occurs and the default ON ERROR block is specified, W3ERROR will be called and a predefined error page will be generated.
If you want to change this error page to an XML-conform HTML, proceed as follows:
Uncatalog the subroutine (SYSWEB3/W3ERRTMP).
Open the subroutine SYSWEB3/W3ERXTMP).
Stow the program.
This program now generates a complete XML-conform HTML page.
For a conversion to HTML, special characters have to be replaced by the correct HTML representation.
The subroutine W3-ASCII-HTML-TABLE (SYSWEBP/W3AS2HT) contains the settings for the replacement of characters.
It is possible to save up to 128 replacements.
If HEX values are used for the definition (e.g. quote), a value for the ASCII and one for the EBCDIC character set has to be defined. Otherwise the file is not portable.
For URL decoding, some special characters have to be replaced by the correct URL-conform representations.
The subroutine H3-ASCII-URL-TABLE (SYSWEB3/H3AS3URL) contains the settings for the replacement of characters.
H3-ASCII-URL-TABLE will be called by H3-TEXT-TO-URL.
It is possible to save up to 128 replacements.
If HEX values are used for the definition (e.g. quote), a value for the ASCII and one for the EBCDIC character set has to be defined. Otherwise the file is not portable.