CCTAB - Printer Escape Sequence Definition

This Natural profile parameter is used to set up a table of printer-control sequences, which is used for printing additional reports and hardcopies. It corresponds to the NTCCTAB macro in the Natural parameter module.

  • It is possible to either translate Natural field attributes into escape sequences or specify special characters to be translated into escape sequences.

  • In addition, strings can be specified which are always sent as the first output record after an open operation or as the last output record before a close operation.

  • This means that by using the right profile name, you can activate your printout either in portrait mode or in landscape. Then you can use all print features of this device by using simple attributes in Natural. This makes even bar-code printing or double-height printing possible.

  • CCTAB defines tables which are used to recognize special characters in output fields and replace them with the defined control sequences. The parameter also defines the Natural attributes which are used to insert the defined control sequences.

Possible settings See CCTAB Parameter Syntax.
Default setting As specified within the macro NTCCTAB in NATCONFG.
Dynamic specification yes This parameter can only be specified dynamically. In the Natural parameter module, the macro NTCCTAB is used instead.
Specification within session no  

The following topics are covered below:

CCTAB Parameter Syntax

For each profile, a separate CCTAB parameter must be specified. The CCTAB parameter can be specified in three variants:

1st Variant



name is the name of the profile form; that is, the DEFINE PRINTER (n) OUTPUT 'nnnnn' PROFILE 'name', which is required and which has a maximum length of 8 bytes.
OPN='xxxxx' is optional and defines a data string (up to 250 bytes) which is sent to the printer with each open operation.
CLS='yyyyy' is optional and defines a data string (up to 250 bytes) which is sent to the printer before each close operation.

OPN and CLS can be specified in any sequence.

2nd Variant



CODE='n' is a character which is recognized by Natural once it appears in the output string.
CS='xxxx' is the string to replace the CODE character.

The CS subparameter must follow the CODE subparameter.

3rd Variant



ATR='nnnn' is the Natural internal field attribute. The name is defined by the macro NAMATR.
CSS='xxxx' is the string (up to 20 bytes) which is inserted before the field. CSS is mandatory.
CSE='yyyy' is the string (up to 20 bytes) which is inserted after the field. CSE is mandatory.

The CSS and CSE subparameters must follow the ATR subparameter.

NTCCTAB Macro Syntax

The NTCCTAB macro can be specified in three variants:

1st Variant

         NTCCTAB name,                                                 *
               OPN='xxxxx',                                            *

For details, refer to the CCTAB parameter syntax, 1st Variant.

2nd Variant

         NTCCTAB name,                                                 *
               CODE='n',                                               *

For details, refer to the CCTAB parameter syntax, 2nd Variant.

3rd Variant

         NTCCTAB name,                                                 *
               ATR=nnnn,                                               *
               CSS='xxxx',                                             *

For details, refer to the CCTAB parameter syntax, 3rd Variant.

String Syntax for OPN, CLS, CODE, CS, CSS or CSE

You specify character strings either as characters (enclosed in apostrophes) or as the corresponding hexadecimal representation of the characters (without apostrophes).

Proportional Fonts

If you use proportional fonts, be sure to return to a fixed-spacing font before using tables where you need correct positioning.

Examples of CCTAB Parameter

CCTAB=(OPN=27C5274DA2F1F188275093F0D6,CLS='LAST LINE')

Examples of NTCCTAB Macros

         NTCCTAB CODE=OE,CS=400E
         NTCCTAB CODE=OF,CS=0F40<
         NTCCTAB TEST,OPN=27C5274DA2F1F188275093F0D6,CLS='LAST LINE'
         NTCCTAB CODE='<',CS=' B(SOB'
         NTCCTAB CODE='>',CS='B(S3B '
         NTCCTAB CODE='(',CS=' B(S1S'
         NTCCTAB CODE=')',CS='B(SOS '
         NTCCTAB ATR=P2UL,CSS=' B&&DD',CSE='B&&D§'
         NTCCTAB ATR=P2UL,CSS=405FF1C25084C4,CSE=5FF1C250847C