Reporting ETP Errors

If you find an error that occurs:

  • during execution of the replication task;

  • while using the ETP maintenance utility;

  • while running a Natural application that uses a database defined as an ETP database by an NTDB macro call.

- and it is not possible to determine and correct the error by, for example, following the procedures described in the ETP documentation or by using the information provided in the error messages (if any were issued), you should provide Software AG support personnel with the following information:

  • The operating and TP system on which the error occurred;

  • The ETP, Natural and Adabas release and version;

  • If installed, the Natural Security release and version;

  • Printout of the error information provided by ETP (for example, the report from the replication task, a copy of the screen display);

  • A list of INPLs or zaps applied to ETP;

  • If the error occurred during access to a replicate file's database, the operating system and Adabas release and version of that database.

  • If requested by Software AG, a list of your master and replicate file definitions as obtained by means of the CHECK DEFINITIONS direct command.