Listing DDMs

This section provides instructions for displaying a list of all DDMs available in an FDIC system file by using either the SYSDDM utility or the Natural system command LIST.

Start of instruction setTo list all DDMs with SYSDDM

  • In the SYSDDM utility menu, specify the following:

    In the Code field, enter an L or X (see also Description of Functions).
    In the Name field, enter an asterisk (*), and, in the DBID and FNR fields, enter the ID and file number of the database to be accessed by the DDMs.
    For details on valid field entries, see DDM Specification.

    The LIST DDMs screen appears with a selection list of all DDMs contained in the specified FDIC system file.

Start of instruction setTo list all DDMs with LIST

  • In the command line, enter the following system command:

    LIST DDM *

    The LIST DDMs screen appears with a selection list of all DDMs contained in the current FDIC system file.

For information on all options available with LIST, see the relevant section in the System Commands documentation.