Profile Parameters Grouped by Category

This document is a summary of Natural profile parameters grouped by category.

Batch Mode

The following profile parameters apply if Natural is used in batch mode:

Parameter Brief Description
CC Error processing in batch mode
CPOBJIN Code page of batch input file
CPPRINT Code page of batch output file
CPSYNIN Code page of batch input file for commands
ECHO Control printing of input data
OBJIN Use of CMOBJIN as Natural input file
OSP Parameters for z/OS batch
READER System logical units for input (z/VSE only)
VSEP Parameter macro for z/VSE batch

Character Assignments

The following profile parameters can be used to change default character assignments:

Parameter Brief Description
CVMIN Control variable modified at input
FC Filler character for INPUT statement
FCDP Filler character for dynamically protected input fields
CF Character for terminal commands
DC Decimal character
HI Help character
IA Input assign character
ID Input delimiter character
SOSI Shift-out/shift-in codes for double-byte character set
THSEPCH Thousands separator character

Compiler Options

The following profile parameters can be used to control the Natural compiler:

Parameter Brief Description
CMPO Compilation options
FS Default format/length setting for user-defined variables
SM Programming in structured mode
XREF Creation of XRef data for Natural

Database Management

The following profile parameters can be used to configure databases and control access to databases:

Parameter Brief Description
ADAACBX Use of the Extended Adabas Control Block
ADANAME Name of Adabas link routine
ADAMODE Adabas interface mode
ADAPRM Adabas Review support
ADASBV Adabas security by value
DB Database types and options
DB2 Parameters for SQL database management system interfaces
DBCLOSE Database close at session end
DBOPEN Database open without ETID
DBROLL Database calls before roll-out
DBUPD Database updating
ET Execution of END/BACKOUT TRANSACTION statements
ETDB Database for transaction data
ETEOP Issue END TRANSACTION at end of program
ETID User identification for Adabas
ETIO Issue END TRANSACTION upon terminal I/O
ETSYNC Issue Syncpoint upon END/BACKOUT TRANSACTION statements
LFILE Dynamic specification of logical file
OPRB Database open/close processing for Adabas and VSAM databases
RCFIND Handling of Adabas Response Code 113 for FIND statement
RCGET Handling of Adabas Response Code 113 for GET statement
RI Release of Adabas ISNs
TF Translation of database ID/file number
UDB User database ID
WH Adabas wait for record in hold status

Date and Time Settings

The following profile parameters affect the handling of date and time values by Natural as well as the internal date/time used by Natural:

Parameter Brief Description
DD Day differential
DFOUT Date format for output
DFSTACK Date format for stack
DFTITLE Date format in default page title
DTFORM Date format
STACKD Stack delimiter character
TD Time differential
YD Year differential
YSLW Year sliding window

Debugging and Tracing

The following profile parameters can be used for debugging and/or tracing purposes:

Parameter Brief Description
CANCEL Session cancellation with dump
DBGAT Debug attach server for remote debugging with NaturalONE
DBGERR Automatic start of debugger at runtime error
DU Dump generation
DUE Dump generation for specific errors only
ETRACE External trace function
ITRACE Internal trace function
PECK Control error processing of the ECHECK and PCHECK compilation options of the COMPOPT system command
RDC Configure the Natural Data Collector
RELO Storage thread relocation
TRACE Define components to be traced
UPSI Control of the User Program Switch Indicator (UPSI)

External Subprograms

The following profile parameters affect the dynamic loading and deletion of non-Natural programs:

Parameter Brief Description
CDYNAM Dynamic loading of non-Natural programs
CSTATIC Programs statically linked to Natural
DELETE Deletion of dynamically loaded non-Natural programs
LIBNAM Name of external program load library (BS2000/OSD, z/OS batch and TSO only)
PGP Properties for external subprograms
RCA Resolve addresses of static non-Natural programs
RCALIAS External name definition for non-Natural programs


The following profile parameters can be used to prevent a single program from consuming an excessive amount of internal resources:

Parameter Brief Description
LE Reaction when limit for processing loop exceeded
LT Limit for processing loops
MADIO Maximum database management system interface calls between screen I/O operations
MAXCL Maximum number of program calls
MAXYEAR Maximum year for date/time values
MT Maximum CPU time
OVSIZE Storage thread overflow size
PD Number of pages captured by NATPAGE


The following profile parameters can be used to monitor your applications and resources:

Parameter Brief Description
O4I Collect data for Optimize for Infrastructure (only applies if Optimize for Infrastructure is used)
RDC Configure the Natural Data Collector
RDCEXIT Define Natural Data Collector user exits
RDCSIZE Size of buffer for the Natural Data Collector

Natural System Files

Natural system files are used for the storage of data and programs as described in Natural System Files in the Operations documentation.

The following profile parameters apply to all system files:

Parameter Brief Description
DBID Default database ID of Natural system files
FNR Default file number of Natural system files
SYSPSW Default password for Natural system files
SYSCIP Default cipher key for Natural system files
RFILE File for recordings
ROSY Read-only access to Natural system files (FNAT, FUSER and FSEC only)

With the following parameters, you can override the default values for individual system files:

Parameter Brief Description
FNAT Natural system file for system programs
FUSER Natural system file for user programs
FDIC Predict system file
FSEC Natural Security system file
FSPOOL Natural Advanced Facilities spool file
FPROF Natural system file for parameter profiles
FREG Natural registry system file

Natural with Other Software AG Products

The following profile parameters are used in connection with other Software AG products:

Product Parameter Brief Description
Adabas Text Retrieval TSIZE Size of buffer for Adabas Text Retrieval
Con-nect CSIZE Size of Con-nect/Con-form buffer area
EntireX Broker BSIZE Size of EntireX Broker buffer
Entire DB Engine ZSIZE Size of Entire DB Engine buffer
Entire System Server ASIZE Entire System Server auxiliary buffer
Entire Transaction Propagator ETPSIZE Size of Entire Transaction Propagator buffer
Natural Advanced Facilities NAFSIZE Size of Natural Advanced Facilities buffer
NAFUPF User profile for Natural Advanced Facilities
Natural Connection PC Control of PC access method with Natural Connection

Natural for DB2
Natural for SQL/DS
Natural SQL Gateway

DB2 Parameters for SQL database management system interfaces
DB2SIZE Natural buffer area for DB2 or SQL/DS
Natural for DL/I DLISIZE Size of Natural buffer for DL/I
Natural for VSAM VSAM Parameters for Natural for VSAM
VSIZE Size of buffer for Natural for VSAM
NaturalONE PDPSIZE Size of data buffer for the NaturalONE Profiler
DBGAT Debug attach server for remote debugging with NaturalONE
Natural Optimizer Compiler OPT Control of Natural Optimizer Compiler
Natural RPC RPC Remote procedure call settings for Natural RPC
Optimize for Infrastructure O4I Collect data for Optimize for Infrastructure
Software AG Editor EDBP Software AG Editor buffer pool definitions
EDPSIZE Size of Software AG Editor auxiliary buffer pool
SSIZE Size of buffer for the Software AG Editor
Natural Web I/O Interface WEBIO Web I/O interface screen rendering
zIIP Enabler for Natural ZIIP zIIP (IBM's System z Integrated Information Processor) processing configuration under z/OS

Performance Optimization

The following profile parameters are used to improve the performance:

Parameter Brief Description
OPT Control of Natural Optimizer Compiler (only applies if the Natural Optimizer Compiler is installed)
ZIIP zIIP (IBM's System z Integrated Information Processor) processing configuration under z/OS (only applies if the zIIP Enabler for Natural is installed)

Output Reports and Work Files

The following profile parameters control standard attributes used during the creation of Natural reports:

Parameter Brief Description
DL Display length for output
EJ Page eject
FAMSTD Overwriting of print and work file access method assignments
HCAM Hardcopy access method
HCDEST Hardcopy output destination
INTENS Printing of intensified fields
LS Line size for Natural records
MAINPR Override default output report number
MP Maximum number of report pages
PCNTRL Print control characters
PM Print mode
PRINT Printer assignments
PS Page size for Natural reports
SF Spacing factor
TQ Translate quotation marks
TS Translate output from programs in system libraries
WORK Work file assignments
ZP Zero printing

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Settings

The following profile parameter is used to set up and process remote procedure calls between a client and a server using Natural RPC.

Parameter Brief Description
RPC Remote procedure call settings for Natural RPC.

Session Control

The following profile parameters can be used to control Natural sessions:

Parameter Brief Description
CM Command mode
ETA Error transaction program
FREEGDA Release global data area in utility mode
MENU Menu mode
NC Use of Natural system commands
SORT Control of sort program
STEPLIB Additional steplib library
SYNERR Control of syntax errors
UCONMAX Specify the maximum number of concurrent sessions for a user
ULANG User language
ZD Zero-division check

Session Initialization and Termination

The following profile parameters have an influence on the initialization or termination of a Natural session:

Parameter Brief Description
AUTO Automatic logon
ENDMSG Display of session-end message
IMSG Session initialization error messages
ITERM Session termination upon initialization error
MENU Menu mode
NUCNAME Name of environment-independent nucleus
PROGRAM Program to receive control after session termination
STACK Place data/commands on Natural stack
STEPLIB Additional steplib library

Source Management

The following profile parameters can be used to manage Natural sources:

Parameter Brief Description
RECAT Dynamic recataloging
RNCONST Renumbering of line numbers in constants
SL Source-line length
SLOCK Source locking
SYNERR Control of syntax errors

Storage Management

The following profile parameters affect the Natural buffers and buffer pools:

Parameter Brief Description
BP82 Buffer pool placeholder when object not found
BPCSIZE Cache size of Natural buffer pool
BPC64 Cache storage type for Natural buffer pool
BPI Buffer pool initialization
BPLIST Name of preload list for Natural buffer pool
BPMETH Buffer pool space search algorithm
BPNAME Name of Natural global buffer pool
BPPROP Global buffer pool propagation
BPSFI Object search sequence in buffer pool
BPSIZE Size of Natural local buffer pool
BPTEXT Size of text segments in Natural buffer pool
CMPR General default compression optimization algorithm
DATSIZE Size of buffer for local data
DS Size of storage buffer
DSIZE Size of debug buffer
ESIZE Size of user buffer extension
ISIZE Size of initialization buffer
MAXROLL Number of CMROLL calls before roll-out
MONSIZE Size of SYSTP monitor buffer
PDPSIZE Size of data buffer for the NaturalONE Profiler (on NaturalONE servers only)
RDCSIZE Size of buffer for the Natural Data Collector
RJESIZE Initial size of NATRJE buffer
RUNSIZE Size of runtime buffer
THSIZE Thread size
WPSIZE Sizes of Natural work pools

Terminal Communication

The following profile parameters affect the use of Natural on video terminals:

Parameter Brief Description
ATTN Attention key interrupt support
CLEAR Processing of CLEAR key in NEXT mode
DO Display order of output data
DSC Data stream compression (for IBM 3270-type terminals)
EMFM Edit mask free mode
ESCAPE Ignore terminal commands %% and %
IKEY Processing of PA keys and PF keys
IM Input mode
KEY Value assignments to PA, PF and CLEAR keys
LC Lower to upper case translation
ML Position of message line
MSGSF Display system error messages in full
OPF Overwriting of protected fields by helproutines
REINP Issue internal REINPUT statement for invalid data
RM Retransmit modified fields
SA Sound terminal alarm
SOSI Shift-out/shift-in codes for double-byte character set
TMODEL IBM 3270 terminal type
TTYPE Terminal type

Translation Tables

The following profile parameters can be used to overwrite character translation tables used by Natural:

Parameter Brief Description
CCHAR Allow output control characters
CCTAB Printer escape sequence definition
CP Default code page name
SCTAB Scanner character type table
TAB Standard output translation table
TABA1 EBCDIC to ASCII translation table
TABA2 ASCII to EBCDIC translation table
TABL Translation table for output from SYS libraries
TAB1 Alternative output translation table
TAB2 Alternative input translation table
UTAB1 Lower to upper case translation table
UTAB2 Upper to lower case translation table

Unicode and Code Page Support

The following profile parameter can be used for Unicode and code page support:

Parameter Brief Description
CFICU Enables/disables support for Unicode and code pages
CPCVERR Conversion error

Usage Control and Configuration Settings for Profile Parameters

The following profile parameters affect the use and the configuration of Natural profile parameters:

Parameter Brief Description
DYNPARM Control use of dynamic parameters
PARM Alternative parameter module
PLOG Logging of dynamic parameters
PROFILE Activate dynamic parameter profile
SYS Activate set of dynamic profile parameters
USER Restrict use of profile parameters

Support for Internet and XML

The following profile parameters support internet and XML access:

Parameter Brief Description
WEBIO Web I/O interface screen rendering (only applies if the Natural Web I/O Interface is installed)
XML Activate PARSE XML and REQUEST DOCUMENT statements

TP Monitor Interfaces

The following profile parameters apply if Natural is used with a TP monitor interface:

Parameter Brief Description
ASYNNAM Output system ID for asynchronous processing (openUTM only)
COMP Parameters for Com-plete
IMSP General parameters for the Natural IMS TM Interface
IMSPE Environment parameters for the Natural IMS TM Interface
IMSPT Transaction definitions for the Natural IMS TM Interface
OUTDEST Output destination for asynchronous processing under CICS, Com-plete and openUTM
PSEUDO Pseudo-conversational mode (CICS only)
SENDER Screen output destination for asynchronous processing under CICS, Com-plete, IMS TM and openUTM
SKEY Storage protection key
SUBSID Subsystem ID
TSOP Parameters for the Natural TSO Interface