XML - Activate PARSE XML and REQUEST DOCUMENT Statements

This Natural profile parameter is used to activate/deactivate the statements REQUEST DOCUMENT and PARSE XML. It corresponds to the NTXML macro in the Natural parameter module.

Possible settings See XML Parameter Syntax.
Default setting XML=(OFF)  
Dynamic specification yes The parameter XML can only be specified dynamically. In the Natural parameter module, use the macro NTXML.
Specification within session no  


  1. As a prerequisite for using the XML profile parameter, the profile parameter CFICU must be set to CFICU=ON.
  2. See also Statements for Internet and XML Access in the Programming Guide.

The following topics are covered below:

XML Parameter Syntax

The XML parameter is specified as follows:





Syntax Element / Value Explanation
ON Enable XML support according to the keyword subparameter settings.

For the PARSE XML and REQUEST DOCUMENT statement usage, the subparameters RDOC and PARSE must be set to ON as well.

OFF Disable XML support. Any subparameter settings are ignored.

This is the default value.

keyword-subparameter Names and values of possible keyword subparameters; see Keyword Subparameters.

NTXML Macro Syntax

The NTXML macro is specified as follows:

         NTXML ON                                                     *
               PARSE=value,                                           *
               RDCP=value,                                            *
               RDIPV6=value,                                          *
               RDNOP=value,                                           *
               RDP=value,                                             *
               RDOC=value,                                            *
               RDPPORT=value,                                         *
               RDPPOV6=value,                                         *
               RDPS=value,                                            *
               RDPSV6=value,                                          *
               RDPV6=value,                                           *
               RDSPORT=value,                                         *
               RDSPOV6=value,                                         *
               RDTOUT=value,                                          *


         NTXML OFF

For a description of the syntax elements, see XML Parameter Syntax.

Keyword Subparameters


The keyword subparameters RDPS, RDPSV6, RDSPORT and RDSPOV6 are currently for z/OS only.

PARSE - Support of PARSE XML Statement

PARSE=value enables/disables the support of the PARSE XML statement.

Value Explanation
ON Use of the PARSE XML statement is supported.
OFF Use of the PARSE XML statement is not supported.

This is the default value.

RDCP - Name of the Default HTML/XML Code Page

RDCP=value specifies the default code page which is assumed if code-page-in in the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement contains only spaces.

Value Explanation
code-page-name Name of the default code page.
ISO 8859-1:1987 This is the default value.

RDIPV6 - Support for IPv6 for the REQUEST DOCUMENT Statement

RDIPV6=value enables/disables the support for IPv6 for the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement.

Value Explanation
ON Use of the IPv6 protocol is enabled, if available on the local host.
OFF Use of the IPv6 protocol is disabled.

This is the default value.

RDNOP - Name of Local Domain

RDNOP=value specifies local domain(s) which are to be addressed directly, not via the proxy.

Value Explanation
domain-name(s) Name(s) of local domains.


  1. Blanks are not allowed.
  2. Wildcard notation for prefixes can only be used in the form *.xxx and not in the form .xxx.
  3. Multiple name entries must be separated by a semicolon.
OFF RDNOP=OFF means that no URL is defined.

This is the default value.

Specification of IPv6 address or IPv6 address prefixes is possible.

RDOC - Support of REQUEST DOCUMENT Statement

RDOC=value enables/disables the support of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement.

Value Explanation
ON Use of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement is supported.
OFF Use of the REQUEST DOCUMENT statement is not supported.

This is the default value.

RDP - URL of Proxy Server

RDP=value specifies the URL of the proxy server through which all internet (not intranet) HTTP requests have to be routed.

Value Explanation
url URL of the proxy server. Blanks are not allowed.
OFF RDP=OFF means that no URL is defined.

This is the default value.

RDPPORT - Proxy Port Number

RDPPORT=value specifies the port number of the proxy, if any is set.

Value Explanation
0 or 1 - 65535 Port number.
80 This is the default value.

RDPPOV6 - IPv6 Proxy Port Number

RDPPOV6=value specifies the port number of the IPv6 proxy, if any is set.

Value Explanation
0 or 1 - 65535 Port number.
80 This is the default value.

RDPS - URL of SSL Proxy Server

RDPS=value specifies the URL of the SSL proxy server through which all internet (not intranet) HTTPS requests have to be routed.

Value Explanation
url URL of the SSL proxy server. Blanks are not allowed.
OFF RDPS=OFF means that no URL is defined.

This is the default value.

This keyword subparameter is currently for z/OS only.

RDPSV6 - URL of IPv6 SSL Proxy Server

RDPSV6=value specifies the URL of the IPv6 SSL proxy server through which all internet (not intranet) HTTPS requests have to be routed.

Value Explanation
url URL of the IPv6 SSL proxy server. Blanks are not allowed.
OFF RDPSV6=OFF means that no URL is defined.

This is the default value.


  1. This keyword subparameter is currently for z/OS only.
  2. Specification of an IPv6 address is possible.

RDPV6 - URL of IPv6 Proxy Server

RDPV6=value specifies the URL of the IPv6 proxy server through which all internet (not intranet) HTTP requests have to be routed.

Value Explanation
url URL of the IPv6 proxy server. Blanks are not allowed.
OFF RDPV6=OFF means that no URL is defined.

This is the default value.

Specification of an IPv6 address is possible.

RDSPORT – SSL Proxy Port Number

RDSPORT=value specifies the port number of the SSL proxy, if any is set.

Value Explanation
0 or 1 - 65535 Port number of the SSL proxy.
443 This is the default value.

This keyword subparameter is currently for z/OS only.

RDSPOV6 – IPv6 SSL Proxy Port Number

RDSPOV6=value specifies the port number of the IPv6 SSL proxy, if any is set.

Value Explanation
0 or 1 - 65535 Port number of the IPv6 SSL proxy.
443 This is the default value.

This keyword subparameter is currently for z/OS only.

RDTOUT - Timeout Value for Ongoing HTTP Requests

RDTOUT=value specifies the timeout (in seconds) for HTTP requests that are in progress.

This keyword subparameter is not supported by the IPv4-only load modules NAT2TCP4 (z/OS) and NCFIP482 (BS2000/OSD).

Value Explanation
0 No timeout control provided by Natural, the default settings apply.

This is the default value.

1-32767 Time in seconds after which a timeout error is issued if one of the following socket functions cannot be completed within the specified interval: connect, send or receive.

RDV4MAP - Support for IPv4-Mapped Addresses under IPv6

RDV4MAP=value enables or disables the use of IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses for URLs in symbolic notation. Numeric IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are always enabled in IPv6 mode.

This keyword subparameter is not supported by the IPv4-only load modules NAT2TCP4 (z/OS) and NCFIP482 (BS2000/OSD).

Value Explanation
ON Enabled: IPv4-mapped addresses are allowed within the IPv6 protocol.
OFF Disabled: IPv4-mapped addresses are not allowed within the IPv6 protocol.

This is the default value.

For Security Reasons:

Use IPv4-mapped addresses only in IPv6 environments where no IPv4 TCP/IP stack (or dual stacking mode) is available to access IPv4-based HTTP servers. For detailed information on IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, refer to the appropriate IPv6 documentation.

Examples of XML Parameter


The keyword subparameters RDSPORT, RDSPOV6, RDPSV6 and RDPS are currently for z/OS only.

Examples of NTXML Macro

         NTXML ON,RDP=HTTPPROXY.MYCOMPANY.COM,                         *
               RDPPORT=8080,                                           *
               RDPS=SSLPROXY.MYCOMPANY.COM,                            *
               RDSPORT=443,                                            *
               RDNOP=*.MYCOMPANY.COM,                                  *
               RDOC=ON,                                                *
         NTXML ON,RDP=HTTPPROXY.MYCOMPANY.COM,                         *
               RDPPORT=8080,                                           *
               RDPS=SSLPROXY.MYCOMPANY.COM,                            *
               RDSPORT=443,                                            *
               RDNOP=*.MYCOMPANY.COM,                                  *
               RDOC=ON,                                                *
               RDIPV6=ON,                                              *
               RDPV6=V6HTTPPROXY.MYCOMPANY.COM,                        *
               RDPSV6=V6SSLPROXY.MYCOMPANY.COM,                        *

The keyword subparameters RDSPORT, RDSPOV6, RDPSV6 and RDPS are currently for z/OS only.